#!/usr/bin/env python '''gets a latex2html file and returns the file with a css tag and stuff''' import string import sys import re def writeFile(data, filename): """ write data to the given filename @param filename String : name of file to write to """ try: f = open(filename,"w")#oeffnen und schliessen => f.close() #datei ist jetzt genullt f = open(filename,"a") #anhaengend oeffnen f.write(data) f.close() return "" except: print "(WW)[%s]: \"%s\" is not writeable!"%(__name__, filename) return filename ### start of code try: f=open(sys.argv[1],"r") content=f.read() f.close() #zu_manipulierende_variable=string.replace(zu_manipulierende_variable,alter_string,neuer_string) content=string.replace(content,'Table of Contents','Inhalt') #recently switched to latex2html, now cutting of headers # dieser abschnitt muss ueberarbeitet werden! startoffset=string.find(content,"