#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## this versions hasa some minor changes by age@systemausfall.org
# Edwin Huffstutler <edwinh@computer.org>
# John Reynolds <johnjen@reynoldsnet.org>
# perl script for: web page index/thumbnails of photos.
# orginally started life as a menu selector for fvwm2 backgrounds...
#  imageindex [options] <directory>
#  <directory> is assumed to be "." if not given
#  Options: (can be abbreviated if unique)
#    -title <string>  title for this page (saved for susbsequent runs)
#    -destdir <dir>   export image/html tree to dir (will be created if needed)
#    -[no]recurse     enable/disable recursion into subdirectories
#    -[no]medium      enable/disable medium size images/links
#    -[no]slide       enable/disable slideshow files
#    -[no]detail      enable/disable detail file
#    -[no]dirs        enable/disable directory entries
#    -[no]montage     enable/disable directory montages
#    -forceregen      force regeneration of thumbnails
#    -columns <num>   number of columns in html table (saved for susbsequent runs)
#    -exclude <file>  Exclude <file> from processing. Can be used multiple times
#    -includeall      Nullifies excluded file list (saved from previous run)
#    -skipmont <file> Exclude <file> from being included in a directory montage.
#    -reverse         Order timestamps with newest first
#    -x <num>         override thumbnail x size
#    -y <num>         override thumbnail y size
#    -help            show this text
#    -version         show the current version
#    -d 'var=val'     force override of global variable
#  See also the configuration section at the top of the program itself,
#  or in ~/.imageindexrc
# (non-html-generating, utility options)
#    -lowercase               Lowercase all image files in a directory
#    -caption <file> <string> Store comment in image
#    -rotate <file> [cw|ccw]  Rotate an image clockwise or counterclockwise
#    -showexcluded            Show which files were excluded in a prior run

# Configuration options

# sizes / dirs
$thumbnail_dir = 'thumbnail';
$default_thumbnail_x = 200;
$default_thumbnail_y = 200;

# If both dimensions of the original are within this much of the thumb
# dimensions we will skip the thumbnail and just use the original
$thumbnail_threshold = 1.0;

$med_x = 512;
$med_y = 384;
$med_dir = 'medium';

# If both dimensions of the original are within this much of the "medium"
# dimensions we will skip creating the medium-size format and just use the
# original
$med_threshold = 1.6;

# Enable/disable features, set default for various flags
$do_recurse = 0;                                  # Recurse into subdirs?
$do_medium = 1;                                   # Generate medium-format?
$do_slide = 1;                                    # Generate slides/frame view?
$do_detail = 1;                                   # Generate details page?
$do_dirs = 1;                                     # Create directory entries?
$do_montage = 1;                                  # Create directory montages?
$do_emoticons = 1;                                # Replace ASCII smiley's with images?
$do_reverse = 0;                                  # Sort timestamps in reverse order?

# What the various image links point to - can be 'index', 'fullsize',
# 'medium', 'thumbnail', 'slide', or 'details'
$index_linkto = 'slide';
$details_linkto = 'index';
$slide_linkto = 'fullsize';

# Default number of columns to use
$default_columns = 3;

# Orientation of slide frame - 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
$frame_orient = 'vertical';

# Location of items in slide pages; 'top', 'bottom', or 'none'
$slide_caption = 'top';
$slide_date = 'bottom';

# Details index uses thumbs reduced by this amount
$detailshrink = 2;

# Quality for generated images
$thumb_quality = 50;
$med_quality = 80;

# Minimum and maximum number of tiles in directory montage images
$montage_min = 4;
$montage_max = 36;

# Space between montage images
$montage_whitespace = 2;

# What to do with leftover montage tiles; can be
# 'blank' or 'repeat'
$montage_fill = 'blank';

# Stylesheet specs
# Set element font, etc. properties here
$stylesheet = '
body { color: black; background: white; }

/* Fonts in the title */
h1.title { font-family: "Comic Sans MS",Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 200%; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; }
h2.daterange { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 125%; text-align: center; }
h3 { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 90%; text-align: center; }

/* Photo captions & Directory titles */
div.caption { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold; margin: 1em; }

/* Overall fonts on the index and details page */
div.index { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 80%; }
div.detail { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 80%; }
div.credits { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 80%; text-align: right; margin: 10px }

/* Table attributes */
table.index { background: #ffffff; border: none; border-spacing: 8px; }
td.index { border: none; padding: 3px }
table.frame { background: #ffffff; border: none }
td.frame { border: none; padding: 0px }

/* Image attributes */
img.index { border: none; }
img.slide { border: none; }
img.frame { border: none; }

/* Link attributes */
a:link { color: blue; }
a:visited { color: green; }
a:hover { color: red; }
a:active { color: red; }


# Text
$emptycell          = "<I>empty</I>";
$updirtext          = "up one directory";
$framelinktext      = "slideshow view (frames)";
$detaillinktext     = "details index";
$indexlinktext      = "main index";
$default_titletext  = "Image directory";

# These five variables control the TITLE attribute on anchor constructs in the
# index and frame views. When TITLE attributes are given they are usually
# rendered as "tooltip" bubbles that show text when a cursor hovers and stops
# over the active link. We use them here to give a visual cue about the image.
# These variables work much like printf(1) strings.
#   %f => replaced with the filename of the image
#   %d => replaced with the date/time of the image (or mtime of the file)
#   %s => replaced with the size of the file (in Kb)
#   %r => replaced with the resolution (XxY) of the original image
#   %c => replaced with the image's caption (if stored with one)
#   %% => replaced with a literal '%' character
# The following are used when directories are processed and a montage of
# that directory is used as the thumbnail of the dir.
#   %n => replaced with number of images in a directory
#   %b => replaced with the "begin" date from a directory of images
#   %e => replaced with the "end" date from a directory of images
#   %t => replaced with the "title" from a directory of images
# Other characters (including spaces) are literal. "undef" these in
# your ~/.imageindexrc file if you don't want them to show up. The "date/time"
# related constructs are interpolated using the date/time format variables
# defined below.
$framethumbtitle  = "%f - %d";
$indexthumbtitle  = "%f (%s)";
$slidethumbtitle  = "%f (%s)";
$detailthumbtitle = "%c";
$montagetitle     = "%n images %b through %e";

# Date/Time format strings. These strings are formatted much like the above
# variables and the definitions of the escape sequences come from the POSIX
# strftime(3) definitions. NOT ALL of strftime(3) are supported for obvious
# reasons.
#    %S    is replaced by the second as a decimal number (00-60).
#    %M    is replaced by the minute as a decimal number (00-59).
#    %I    is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (01-12).
#    %H    is replaced by the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23).
#    %p    is replaced by national representation of either "ante meridiem" or
#          "post meridiem" as appropriate (currently only U.S. "am" or "pm")
#    %R    is equivalent to "%H:%M" (in *timeformat variables only).
#    %r    is equivalent to "%I:%M:%S %p" (in *timeformat variables only).
#    %Y    is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number.
#    %y    is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number (00-99).
#    %m    is replaced by the month as a decimal number (01-12).
#    %d    is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31).
#    %F    is equivalent to "%Y-%m-%d" (in *dateformat variables only).
#    %D    is equivalent to "%m/%d/%y" (in *dateformat variables only).
#    %%    is replaced by a literal "%".

$framedateformat = "%m/%d/%Y";
$frametimeformat = "%r";

$indexdateformat = "%m/%d/%Y";
$indextimeformat = "%r";

$slidedateformat = "%m/%d/%Y";
$slidetimeformat = "%r";

$detaildateformat = "%m/%d/%Y";
$detailtimeformat = "%I:%M %p";

# Pathnames
$indexfile = 'index.html';
$detailfile = 'details.html';
$framefile = 'frame.html';
$slidefile =  'slides.html';
$slide_dir = 'slides';
$stylefile = 'style.css';
$montagefile = 'montage.jpg';
$emoticonprefix = 'ii_';
$emoticonsmile = $emoticonprefix . 'smile.png';
$emoticonwink  = $emoticonprefix . 'wink.png';
$emoticonfrown = $emoticonprefix . 'frown.png';

# File exclusion customization (regex)
# (Anything non-image and non-dir will be skipped automatically, this just
#  makes it silent)
@exclude = qw(

# Metatags
$columnsmetatag   = 'Columns';
$titlemetatag     = 'Title';
$begindatemetatag = 'DateBegin';
$enddatemetatag   = 'DateEnd';
$excludemetatag   = 'ExcludedFiles';
$skipmetatag      = 'SkipMontageFiles';
$numimagesmetatag = 'NumImages';
$reversemetatag   = 'Reverse';
$thumbxmetatag    = 'ThumbnailX';
$thumbymetatag    = 'ThumbnailY';

# Any of the above can be overridden in an rc file in the user's home dir
$rcfile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.imageindexrc";

# $Id: imageindex,v 1.164 2003/12/30 23:12:00 jjreynold Exp $
#  imageindex is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
#  any later version.
#  imageindex is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with imageindex; see the file COPYING.

use Image::Magick;                                # comes with ImageMagick

# from CPAN - optional
eval('use Image::Info qw(image_info)');

# Shipped with perl
use POSIX;
use Getopt::Long;
use FileHandle;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use English;
use Carp;
require 'flush.pl';

# to shut up -w
use vars qw($opt_recurse);
use vars qw($opt_slide);
use vars qw($opt_dirs);
use vars qw($opt_detail);
use vars qw($opt_lowercase);
use vars qw($opt_help);
use vars qw($opt_debug);
use vars qw($opt_showexcluded);
use vars qw($opt_version);

	    ) or die ("Invalid flag\n");

# Find out which platform we're on so we don't give incorrect options to needed
# commands
$uname = `uname -s`;
chomp ($uname);

# Override config variables
foreach my $var (keys %opt_d) {
    $value = $opt_d{$var};
    print "(override) $var = $value\n";


# Read RC file
if (-e $rcfile) {
    print "Using settings in $rcfile...\n" if ! defined ($opt_version);
    require $rcfile;

# Rotate or caption image (then exit)
if (defined ($opt_rotate)) {
    exit (0);
} elsif (defined ($opt_caption)) {
    exit (0);
} elsif (defined ($opt_showexcluded)) {
    exit (0);
} elsif (defined ($opt_version)) {
    printf ("imageindex version: %s\n", &versionstring);
    exit (0);

# The directory to search is the first argument
if (defined($ARGV[0])) {
    $srcdir = $ARGV[0];
    $srcdir =~ s:/$::;
} else {
    $srcdir = ".";

# Give usage message
if (defined($opt_help)) {

# Show backtrace if debug given
if (defined($opt_debug)) {
    $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;

# Where to generate files
$destdir = $srcdir;
if (defined($opt_destdir)) {
    $destdir = $opt_destdir;
    $destdir =~ s:/$::;
    print "Exporting to $destdir\n";
    unless (-d $destdir) {
	printf ("Creating destination directory '$destdir'.\n");
	mkdir ($destdir, 0755);

unless (-w $destdir) {
    printf ("No write permission for $destdir\n");
    exit (1);

if (defined($opt_medium)) {
    $do_medium = $opt_medium

if (defined($opt_slide)) {
    $do_slide = $opt_slide;

if (defined($opt_detail)) {
    $do_detail = $opt_detail;

if (defined($opt_dirs)) {
    $do_dirs = $opt_dirs;

if (defined($opt_montage)) {
    $do_montage = $opt_montage;

if (defined($opt_recurse)) {
    $do_recurse = $opt_recurse;

# no montages if we aren't doing dirs anyway
if ($do_dirs == 0) {
    $do_montage = 0;


if (!defined(&image_info)) {
    print "Image::Info not found, not extracting EXIF data\n";

opendir(DIR, "$srcdir") || die "Can't open dir $srcdir: ($!)\n";
@files = readdir DIR;
@files = grep (!/^\.?\.$/, @files);

# Skip the files/dirs we use or generate. Any other patterns go in the
# config section (@exclude) or in exclude file
my @generated_files = ($thumbnail_dir, $med_dir, $slide_dir,
		       $indexfile, $detailfile, $stylefile,

foreach my $pattern (@generated_files, @exclude) {
    @files = grep (!/$pattern/, @files);

@files = &exclude_files(@files);

# Change all the names of image files to lowercase.
if (defined ($opt_lowercase)) {
    exit (0);

# Keep track of which column to be in
my $col_counter = 1;

# Count how many files we create
my $object_counter = 0;
my $dir_counter = 0;
my $image_counter = 0;
my $thumbnail_counter = 0;
my $med_counter = 0;
my $slide_counter = 0;
my $modified_thumb = 0;

# Keep track of max thumb sizes to use for slide frame width
my $max_thumb_x = 0;
my $max_thumb_y = 0;

# Keep track of max thumb sizes to use for montage creation
my $max_mont_thumb_x = 0;
my $max_mont_thumb_y = 0;

# Extract info
print "Extracting image info";
flush (STDOUT);

foreach my $file (@files) {

    # If directory, grab the timestamp
    if (-d "$srcdir/$file") {

	my $ts;

	# Grab timestamp from meta tag
	if (-e "$srcdir/$file/$indexfile") {

	    my $begin = &extract_meta_tag($begindatemetatag,"$srcdir/$file/$indexfile");
	    if (defined($begin)) {
		if (!defined($firstdate) or ($begin < $firstdate)) {
		    $firstdate = $begin;
		$ts = $begin;

	    my $end = &extract_meta_tag($enddatemetatag,"$srcdir/$file/$indexfile");
	    if (defined($end)) {
		if (!defined($lastdate) or ($end > $lastdate)) {
		    $lastdate = $end;
		$ts = $end if (!defined($ts));


	# Fallback on dir mtime
	if (!defined($ts)) {
	    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
		$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$srcdir/$file");
	    $ts = POSIX::strftime ("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S",localtime($mtime));

	push(@{$dir_timestamp{$ts}}, $file);

    } else {

	# Collect info from the image

print "\n";

# Do dirs first
if ($do_dirs) {
    foreach my $ts (sort bynumber keys %dir_timestamp) {
	foreach my $dir (sort @{$dir_timestamp{$ts}}) {
	} # foreach dir that has this timestamp
    }  # foreach timestamp

# Bail if nothing here
if ($object_counter == 0) {
    print "Nothing to do!\n";
    unlink("$destdir/$indexfile") if (-e "$destdir/$indexfile");
    unlink("$destdir/$detailfile") if (-e "$destdir/$detailfile");
    unlink("$destdir/$stylefile") if (-e "$destdir/$stylefile");

# Make thumb dirs if needed
foreach my $checkdir ($thumbnail_dir, $med_dir, $slide_dir) {
    unless (-d "$destdir/$checkdir") {

# Nuke old thumbnails if original image gone

# Iterate over the files based on timestamp
# This is just to get back/forward links
undef $prev;
foreach (sort bynumber keys %timestamp) {

    foreach my $pathname (sort @{$timestamp{$_}}) {

	if (defined($prev)) {
	    my ($name,$path,$suffix);

	    ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($prev,'\.\S+');
	    $back{$pathname} = "$name.html";

	    ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($pathname,'\.\S+');
	    $forward{$prev} = "$name.html";
	$prev = $pathname;

    } # foreach image that has this timestamp

} # foreach timestamp

# Iterate over the files based on timestamp
# This will do the real work
foreach (sort bynumber keys %timestamp) {

    foreach my $pathname (sort @{$timestamp{$_}}) {

	my $filename = $info{$pathname}{'file'};
	my $thumbnail = $info{$pathname}{'thumb'};
	my $medium = $info{$pathname}{'medium'};
	my $slide = $info{$pathname}{'slide'};

	if (!defined($firstdate) or ($info{$pathname}{'date'} < $firstdate)) {
	    $firstdate = $info{$pathname}{'date'};

	if (!defined($lastdate) or ($info{$pathname}{'date'} > $lastdate)) {
	    $lastdate = $info{$pathname}{'date'};

	# First, deal with medium format of the image since we can save time shrinking
	# the medium down to the thumbnail rather than fullsize->thumbnail

	# Skip if we want no medium images at all
	if ($do_medium == 0) {
	    $skipmedium{$pathname} = 1;
	    unlink("$destdir/$medium") if (-e "$destdir/$medium");

	} elsif (($info{$pathname}{'x'} <= ($med_x * $med_threshold)) and
		 ($info{$pathname}{'y'} <= ($med_y * $med_threshold))) {

	    # Skip if we are below the threshold size
	    $skipmedium{$pathname} = 1;
	    unlink("$destdir/$medium") if (-e "$destdir/$medium");

	} else {

	    my $image = new Image::Magick;
	    my $retval;

	    # Create medium sized pic if it is not there,
	    # or is out of date with respect to original image
	    if ((! -e "$destdir/$medium") or
		( -M $pathname < -M "$destdir/$medium") or
		defined($opt_forceregen)) {

		my $newgeom = $med_x . "x" . $med_y;

		print "Creating $destdir/$medium\n";

		$retval = $image->Read(filename=>$pathname);
		warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		$retval = $image->Resize(geometry=>$newgeom);
		warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		$retval = $image->Set(interlace=>Line);
		warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		$retval = $image->Set(quality=>$med_quality);
		warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		$retval = $image->Write(filename=>"$destdir/$medium");
		warn "$retval" if "$retval";

		$image_cache{$pathname} = $image;

	    } else {

		# Up to date, existing medium, grab dimensions
		# Get the right hsize/vsize tags for the medium slides. Simply do a "Read" of
		# the file here and the code below will set the med_x/y properties.
		$retval = $image->Read("$destdir/$medium");
		warn "$retval" if "$retval";

	    $info{$pathname}{'med_size'} = &convert_to_kb($image->Get('filesize'));
	    $info{$pathname}{'med_x'} = $image->Get('width');
	    $info{$pathname}{'med_y'} = $image->Get('height');


	# Next, deal with the thumbnail for this image. If we have just created a medium
	# version of the image, then an open image "handle" will exist for it. We simply
	# shrink that down to thumbnail size (if appropriate) rather than reading in the
	# original file again just to shrink it (saves processing time).

	# Skip thumb if we are below the threshold size
	if (($info{$pathname}{'x'} <= ($current_thumbnail_x * $thumbnail_threshold)) and
	    ($info{$pathname}{'y'} <= ($current_thumbnail_y * $thumbnail_threshold))) {

	    $info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'} = $info{$pathname}{'x'};
	    $info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'} = $info{$pathname}{'y'};

	    $skipthumb{$pathname} = 1;
	    if (-e "$destdir/$thumbnail") {


	} else {

	    my $image = new Image::Magick;
	    my $retval;

	    # Create thumbnail if it is not there,
	    # or is out of date with respect to original image
	    if ((! -e "$destdir/$thumbnail") or
		( -M $pathname < -M "$destdir/$thumbnail") or
		defined($opt_forceregen)) {

		my $newgeom = $current_thumbnail_x . "x" . $current_thumbnail_y;

		print "Creating $destdir/$thumbnail\n";

		if (defined ($image_cache{$pathname})) {
		    $image = $image_cache{$pathname};

		    $retval = $image->Resize(geometry=>$newgeom);
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		    $retval = $image->Set(quality=>$thumb_quality);
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		    $retval = $image->Write(filename=>"$destdir/$thumbnail");
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		else {
		    $retval = $image->Read(filename=>$pathname);
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		    $retval = $image->Resize(geometry=>$newgeom);
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		    $retval = $image->Set(interlace=>Line);
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		    $retval = $image->Set(quality=>$thumb_quality);
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
		    $retval = $image->Write(filename=>"$destdir/$thumbnail");
		    warn "$retval" if "$retval";


	    } else {

		# Up to date, existing thumb
		# Get the right hsize/vsize tags for the inline thumbs. Simply do a "Read" of
		# the file here and the code below will set the thumb_x/y properties.
		$retval = $image->Read("$destdir/$thumbnail");
		warn "$retval" if "$retval";



	    $info{$pathname}{'thumb_size'} = &convert_to_kb($image->Get('filesize'));
	    $info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'} = $image->Get('width');
	    $info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'} = $image->Get('height');


	# Set the max thumb sizes, to be used for slide frame width
	if ($info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'} > $max_thumb_x) {
	    $max_thumb_x = $info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'};
	if ($info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'} > $max_thumb_y) {
	    $max_thumb_y = $info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'};

	# Set the max montage thumb sizes, to be used when creating montage images
	$bn = basename ($thumbnail);
	unless (defined ($skipmont{$bn})) {
	    if ($info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'} > $max_mont_thumb_x) {
		$max_mont_thumb_x = $info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'};
	    if ($info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'} > $max_mont_thumb_y) {
		$max_mont_thumb_y = $info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'};

	# Finally, create html for this image


    } # foreach image that has this timestamp

} # foreach timestamp

# Finish up the columns if needed
if (($col_counter != 1) and
    ($col_counter <= $current_columns) and
    ($object_counter > $current_columns)) {
    foreach ($col_counter..$current_columns) {
	push(@index, "    <TD CLASS=\"index\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">$emptycell</TD>\n");
	push(@details, "    <TD CLASS=\"index\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">$emptycell</TD>\n");
    push(@index, "  </TR>\n");
    push(@details, "  </TR>\n");

# Nuke generated dirs if no contents
system("rm -rf $destdir/$thumbnail_dir") if ($thumbnail_counter == 0);
system("rm -rf $destdir/$slide_dir") if ($slide_counter == 0);
system("rm -rf $destdir/$med_dir") if ($med_counter == 0);

# Create montage if we had more than just dir entries here
if (($dir_counter != $object_counter)) {

# Create stylesheet

# Write index web page
open(INDEX,">$destdir/$indexfile") or die ("Can't open $destdir/$indexfile: $!\n");
&page_header('index', $index_linkto);
foreach (@index) {
    print INDEX;

# Write photo details file
if ($do_detail == 1) {
    open(INDEX,">$destdir/$detailfile") or die ("Can't open $destdir/$indexfile: $!\n");
    &page_header('detail', $details_linkto);
    foreach (@details) {
	print INDEX;
} else {
    unlink("$destdir/$detailfile") if (-e "$destdir/$detailfile");

# Write slide/frame files
if (($do_slide == 1) and ($slide_counter > 1)) {
} else {
    system("rm -rf $destdir/$slide_dir") if (-d "$destdir/$slide_dir");

# Optionally export images somewhere else
if ($opt_destdir) {
    printf ("Copying image files from '$srcdir' to '$destdir'.\n");
    foreach my $image (keys %info) {
	# BSD's default 'cp' cannot preserve links like GNU fileutils cp can
	if ($uname =~ /BSD/) {
	    system("cp -pv $image $destdir");
	else {
	    system("cp -dpuv $image $destdir");

if (defined ($do_emoticons) && $do_emoticons) {
    foreach $icon ('wink', 'smile', 'frown') {
	if ($emoticon{$icon}) {
	    &write_emoticon_png ($icon);
	} else {
	    unlink ($destdir . '/' . $thumbnail_dir . "/$emoticonprefix${icon}.png");

# Write the various HTML parts for this image
sub image_entry {

    my $pathname = shift(@_);
    my $filename = $info{$pathname}{'file'};
    my $link;


    if ($do_detail == 1) {

    if (($do_slide == 1) and ($image_counter > 1)) {
    } else {
	my $file = $info{$pathname}{slide};
	unlink($file) if (-e $file);

    # Increment for next time
    $col_counter = 1 if ($col_counter > $current_columns);


# Generate HTML for index page entry

sub index_html {

    my $pathname = shift(@_);
    my $filename = $info{$pathname}{'file'};
    my $link;
    my $anchortext;

    # At beginning of row?
    if ($col_counter == 1) {
	push(@index, "  <TR>\n");

    # Image
    push(@index, "    <TD CLASS=\"index\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">\n");
    push(@index, "      <DIV CLASS=\"index\">");
    push(@index, &format_date($info{$pathname}{'date'}, 'index'));

    if (($index_linkto eq 'details') and ($do_detail == 1)) {
	$link = "$detailfile#$filename";
    } elsif (($index_linkto eq 'medium') and !defined($skipmedium{$pathname})) {
	$link = $info{$pathname}{'medium'};
    } elsif (($index_linkto eq 'thumbnail') and !defined($skipthumb{$pathname})) {
	$link = $info{$pathname}{'thumb'};
    } elsif (($index_linkto eq 'slide') and ($do_slide == 1) and ($image_counter > 1)) {
	$link = $info{$pathname}{'slide'};
    } else {
	$link = $filename;

    $anchortext = "      <A HREF=\"$link\" ";

    if (defined ($indexthumbtitle) && $indexthumbtitle ne '') {
	my ($str);
	$str = &interpolate_title_string ($indexthumbtitle, $pathname, 'index');
	if ($str ne '') {
	    $anchortext .= sprintf ("TITLE=\"%s\" ", $str);

    $anchortext .= "NAME=\"$filename\">";

    push(@index, $anchortext);

    if (defined($skipthumb{$pathname})) {
	push(@index,"<IMG SRC=\"$filename\"");
    } else {
	push(@index,"<IMG SRC=\"$info{$pathname}{thumb}\"");
    push(@index," WIDTH=\"$info{$pathname}{thumb_x}\" HEIGHT=\"$info{$pathname}{thumb_y}\"");
    push(@index," ALT=\" $filename \"");
    push(@index," CLASS=\"index\"");

    push(@index, "      <DIV CLASS=\"index\">");

    # Full size link
    push(@index,"<A HREF=\"$filename\">full size</A>");

    # Medium size link if within the threshold
    unless (defined($skipmedium{$pathname})) {
	push(@index,"&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF=\"$info{$pathname}{medium}\">medium</A>");

    # Detail list link
    if ($do_detail == 1) {
	push(@index,"&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF=\"$detailfile#$filename\">details</A>");


    # Caption if any (jpeg comment field)
    if (defined($info{$pathname}{'comment'})) {
	my ($tmp);
	push(@index, "      <DIV CLASS=\"caption\">");
	# Hack: if a comment has an ellipsis at the very end, make the HTML use a
	# non-breakable space before it so that the ellipsis doesn't "wrap" inside
	# the table field. It just looks better for those cases where the comment
	# is just long enough to wrap when rendered in the space given
	$tmp = $info{$pathname}{'comment'};
	$tmp = &htmlize_caption ($tmp);
	if ($tmp =~ /(\s+)\.\.\.\s*$/) {
	    $tmp =~ s/(\s+)\.\.\.\s*$/&nbsp;.../;
	push(@index, $tmp);

    push(@index, "    </TD>\n\n");

    # At end of row?
    if ($col_counter == $current_columns) {
	push(@index, "  </TR>\n");


# Generate HTML for slide/frame pages
sub slide_html {

    my $pathname = shift(@_);
    my $filename = $info{$pathname}{'file'};
    my $link;
    my $anchortext;

    # First the index frame info
    if ($frame_orient eq 'horizontal') {
	push(@frame,"    <TD CLASS=\"frame\" ALIGN=\"center\" VALIGN=\"middle\">\n");
    } else {
	push(@frame,"  <TR>\n    <TD CLASS=\"frame\" ALIGN=\"center\" VALIGN=\"middle\">\n");

    $anchortext = "      <A HREF=\"../$info{$pathname}{slide}\" ";
    if (defined ($framethumbtitle) && $framethumbtitle ne '') {
	my ($str);
	$str = &interpolate_title_string ($framethumbtitle, $pathname, 'frame');
	if ($str ne '') {
	    $anchortext .= sprintf ("TITLE=\"%s\" ", $str);

    $anchortext .= "TARGET=\"view\">";
    push(@frame, $anchortext);

    if (defined($skipthumb{$pathname})) {
	push(@frame,"<IMG SRC=\"../$filename\"");
    } else {
	push(@frame,"<IMG SRC=\"../$info{$pathname}{thumb}\"");
    push(@frame," WIDTH=\"$info{$pathname}{thumb_x}\" HEIGHT=\"$info{$pathname}{thumb_y}\"");
    push(@frame," ALT=\" $filename \"");
    push(@frame," CLASS=\"frame\"");
    if ($frame_orient eq 'horizontal') {
	push(@frame,"    </TD>");
    } else {
	push(@frame,"    </TD>\n  </TR>");

    # Then the individual slides
    my $slide = new FileHandle "> $destdir/$info{$pathname}{slide}";
    if (!defined($slide)) {
	die("$destdir/$info{$pathname}{slide}: $!");

    print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n";
    print "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/strict.dtd\">\n";
    print "<HTML>\n";
    print "<HEAD>\n";
    $verstring = &versionstring();
    printf ("<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" CONTENT=\"imageindex %s\">\n", $verstring);
    printf ("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");
    print "<TITLE>$current_titletext - $filename</TITLE>\n";
    print "<LINK TYPE=\"text/css\" REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"../$stylefile\">\n";
    print "</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n";


    # Caption if any
    if (($slide_caption eq 'top') and defined($info{$pathname}{'comment'})) {
	print "<DIV CLASS=\"caption\">";
	my $tmp = &htmlize_caption ($info{$pathname}{'comment'}, 'slide');
	print $tmp;
	print "</DIV>\n";

    # Date, filename
    if ($slide_date eq 'top') {
	print "<DIV CLASS=\"index\">";
	print &format_date($info{$pathname}{'date'}, 'slide');
	print " $filename";
	print "</DIV>\n";

    if ($slide_linkto eq 'index') {
	$link = "../$indexfile#$filename";
    } elsif (($slide_linkto eq 'details') and ($do_detail == 1)) {
	$link = "../$detailfile#$filename";
    } elsif (($slide_linkto eq 'medium') and !defined($skipmedium{$pathname})) {
	$link = "../$info{$pathname}{medium}";
    } elsif (($slide_linkto eq 'thumbnail') and !defined($skipthumb{$pathname})) {
	$link = "../$info{$pathname}{thumb}";
    } else {
	$link = "../$filename";

    print "\n<P>\n";

    $anchortext = "<A HREF=\"$link\"";
    if (defined ($slidethumbtitle) && $slidethumbtitle ne '') {
	my ($str);
	$str = &interpolate_title_string ($slidethumbtitle, $pathname, 'slide');
	if ($str ne '') {
	    $anchortext .= sprintf (" TITLE=\"%s\"", $str);

    $anchortext .= ">";
    print $anchortext;

    if (defined($skipmedium{$pathname})) {
	print "<IMG SRC=\"../$filename\"";
	print " WIDTH=\"$info{$pathname}{x}\" HEIGHT=\"$info{$pathname}{y}\"";
    } else {
	print "<IMG SRC=\"../$info{$pathname}{medium}\"";
	print " WIDTH=\"$info{$pathname}{med_x}\" HEIGHT=\"$info{$pathname}{med_y}\"";
    print " ALT=\" $filename \"";
    print " CLASS=\"slide\">";
    print "</A>\n";

    print "</P>\n";

    # Caption if any
    if (($slide_caption eq 'bottom') and defined($info{$pathname}{'comment'})) {
	print "<DIV CLASS=\"caption\">";
	my $tmp = &htmlize_caption ($info{$pathname}{'comment'}, 'slide');
	print $tmp;
	print "</DIV>\n";

    # Date, filename
    if ($slide_date eq 'bottom') {
	print "<DIV CLASS=\"index\">";
	print &format_date($info{$pathname}{'date'}, 'slide');
	print " $filename";
	print "</DIV>\n";

    print "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";


    unless(defined($first_slide)) {
	$first_slide = $info{$pathname}{'slide'};

# Generate HTML for details page
sub details_html {

    my $pathname = shift(@_);
    my $filename = $info{$pathname}{'file'};
    my ($link, $anchortext);

    # At beginning of row?
    if ($col_counter == 1) {
	push(@details, "  <TR>\n");

    if ($details_linkto eq 'index') {
	$link = "$indexfile#$filename";
    } elsif (($details_linkto eq 'medium') and !defined($skipmedium{$pathname})) {
	$link = "$info{$pathname}{medium}";
    } elsif (($details_linkto eq 'thumbnail') and !defined($skipthumb{$pathname})) {
	$link = "$info{$pathname}{thumb}";
    } elsif (($details_linkto eq 'slide') and ($do_slide == 1) and ($image_counter > 1)) {
	$link = $info{$pathname}{'slide'};
    } else {
	$link = $filename;

    push(@details,"    <TD CLASS=\"index\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">\n");
    push(@details,"      <TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=\"100%\">\n");
    push(@details,"        <TR>\n");
    push(@details,"          <TD VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">\n");
    push(@details,"            <DIV CLASS=\"detail\">\n");
    push(@details,"            <A NAME=\"$filename\">");
    push(@details, &format_date($info{$pathname}{'date'}, 'detail'));

    $anchortext = "<A HREF=\"$link\"";
    if (defined ($detailthumbtitle) && $detailthumbtitle ne '') {
	my ($str);
	$str = &interpolate_title_string ($detailthumbtitle, $pathname, 'detail');
	if ($str ne '') {
	    $anchortext .= sprintf (" TITLE=\"%s\"", $str);

    $anchortext .= ">";
    push(@details, $anchortext);

    if (defined($skipthumb{$pathname})) {
	push(@details,"<IMG SRC=\"$filename\"");
    } else {
	push(@details,"<IMG SRC=\"$info{$pathname}{thumb}\"");
    my $x = $info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'} / $detailshrink ;
    my $y = $info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'} / $detailshrink ;
    push(@details, sprintf(" WIDTH=\"%d\" HEIGHT=\"%d\"", $x, $y));
    push(@details," ALT=\" $filename \"");
    push(@details," CLASS=\"index\"");
    push(@details,"          </TD>\n\n");
    push(@details,"          <TD VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"left\">\n");
    push(@details,"            <DIV CLASS=\"detail\">");
    push(@details,"Original:&nbsp;<A HREF=\"$filename\">$info{$pathname}{geometry}</A>");
    unless (defined($skipmedium{$pathname})) {
	push(@details,"Medium:&nbsp;<A HREF=\"$info{$pathname}{medium}\">");
	push(@details,$info{$pathname}{'med_x'} . 'x' . $info{$pathname}{'med_y'} . "</A>");
    unless (defined($skipthumb{$pathname})) {
	push(@details,"Thumbnail:&nbsp;<A HREF=\"$info{$pathname}{thumb}\">");
	push(@details,$info{$pathname}{'thumb_x'} . 'x' . $info{$pathname}{'thumb_y'} . "</A>");

    # EXIF data
    if (defined($info{$pathname}{'flash'})) {
    if (defined($info{$pathname}{'exposure_time'})) {
	push(@details,"Exposure time:&nbsp;$info{$pathname}{exposure_time}<BR>");
    if (defined($info{$pathname}{'focus_dist'})) {
	push(@details,"Focus distance:&nbsp;$info{$pathname}{focus_dist}<BR>");
    if (defined($info{$pathname}{'focal_length'})) {
	push(@details,"Focal length:&nbsp;$info{$pathname}{focal_length}<BR>");
    if (defined($info{$pathname}{'aperture'})) {

    push(@details,"            </DIV>\n");
    push(@details,"          </TD>\n");
    push(@details,"        </TR>\n");
    push(@details,"      </TABLE>\n");
    push(@details,"    </TD>\n");

    # At end of row?
    if ($col_counter == $current_columns) {
	push(@details, "  </TR>\n");


# Extract info from image
sub fill_image_info {

    my $filename = shift (@_);
    my $pathname = "$srcdir/$filename";
    my $image = new Image::Magick;
    my $retval;

    print ".";
    flush (STDOUT);
    $retval = $image->Read($pathname);

    if ($retval ne "") {
	print "\nSkipping $pathname";
	flush (STDOUT);
    } else {

    $info{$pathname}{'file'} = $filename;

    # Use mtime as a fallback date in case we don't have exif data
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
	$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($pathname);

    $info{$pathname}{'date'} = POSIX::strftime ("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S",localtime($mtime));
    $info{$pathname}{'x'} = $image->Get('width');
    $info{$pathname}{'y'} = $image->Get('height');
    $info{$pathname}{'geometry'} = $info{$pathname}{'x'} . "x" . $info{$pathname}{'y'};

    $info{$pathname}{'size'} = &convert_to_kb($image->Get('filesize'));

    $info{$pathname}{'format'} = $image->Get('format');

    $info{$pathname}{'comment'} = $image->Get('comment');

    my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($filename,'\.\S+');

    if ($info{$pathname}{'format'} =~ /JFIF/i) {

	$info{$pathname}{'thumb'} = "$thumbnail_dir/$filename";
	$thumb_backref{"$thumbnail_dir/$filename"} = $pathname;

	$info{$pathname}{'medium'} = "$med_dir/$filename";
	$med_backref{"$med_dir/$filename"} = $pathname;

	if (defined(&image_info)) {

	    my $exif = image_info("$pathname");

	    if (my $error = $exif->{error}) {
		warn "Can't parse image info: $error\n";

	    if (defined($opt_debug)) {
		print "EXIF data for $pathname:\n";
		foreach (keys %$exif) {
		    print "   $_ = $exif->{$_}\n";
		print "\n";

	    if (defined($exif->{DateTimeOriginal})) {
		$exif->{DateTimeOriginal} =~ /\s*([\d:]+)\s+([\d:]+)/;
		my $dt = $1;
		my $tm = $2;
		$tm =~ s/://;
		$tm =~ s/:/\./;
		$dt =~ s/://g;
		$info{$pathname}{'date'} = $dt . $tm;

	    if (defined($exif->{Flash})) {
		$info{$pathname}{'flash'} = $exif->{'Flash'};
		$info{$pathname}{'flash'} =~ s/0/no/;
		$info{$pathname}{'flash'} =~ s/1/yes/;

	    if (defined($exif->{FocalLength})) {
		$info{$pathname}{'focal_length'} = sprintf("%4.1fmm", eval("$exif->{FocalLength}"));

	    if (defined($exif->{SubjectDistance})) {
		$info{$pathname}{'focus_dist'} = sprintf("%4.1fm", eval("$exif->{SubjectDistance}"));

	    if (defined($exif->{ExposureTime})) {
		$info{$pathname}{'exposure_time'} = $exif->{ExposureTime} . 's';

	    if (defined($exif->{FNumber})) {
		$info{$pathname}{'aperture'} =  "f/" . eval ("$exif->{FNumber}");


    } else {

	$info{$pathname}{'thumb'} = "$thumbnail_dir/$name.jpg";
	$thumb_backref{"$thumbnail_dir/$name.jpg"} = $pathname;

	$info{$pathname}{'medium'} = "$med_dir/$name.jpg";
	$med_backref{"$med_dir/$name.jpg"} = $pathname;


    $info{$pathname}{'slide'} = "$slide_dir/$name.html";
    $slide_backref{"$slide_dir/$name.html"} = $pathname;

    push(@{$timestamp{"$info{$pathname}{date}"}}, $pathname);


# Write HTML for directory entries
sub dir_entry {

    my $dir = shift(@_);
    my $destdirname = "$destdir/$dir";
    my $srcdirname = "$srcdir/$dir";
    my $anchortext;

    print "Processing directory $srcdirname\n";

    # Recurse first
    if ($do_recurse == 1) {
	my $flags = "";
	$flags .= "-medium " if ($do_medium == 1);
	$flags .= "-nomedium " if ($do_medium == 0);
	$flags .= "-slide " if ($do_slide == 1);
	$flags .= "-noslide " if ($do_slide == 0);
	$flags .= "-dirs " if ($do_dirs == 1);
	$flags .= "-nodirs " if ($do_dirs == 0);
	$flags .= "-montage " if ($do_montage == 1);
	$flags .= "-nomontage " if ($do_montage == 0);
	$flags .= "-detail " if ($do_detail == 1);
	$flags .= "-nodetail " if ($do_detail == 0);
	$flags .= "-reverse " if ($do_reverse == 1);
	$flags .= "-noreverse " if ($do_reverse == 0);
	$flags .= "-forceregen " if (defined($opt_forceregen));
	$flags .= "-includeall " if (defined($opt_includeall));
	$flags .= "-columns $current_columns " if (defined($opt_columns));
	$flags .= "-x $opt_x " if (defined($opt_x));
	$flags .= "-y $opt_y " if (defined($opt_y));
	$flags .= "-destdir $destdirname " if ($destdir ne $srcdir);
	foreach my $var (keys %opt_d) {
	    $flags .= " -d $var=$opt_d{$var}";
	system("cd $srcdirname ;$0 $flags -recurse");

    my $dirtitle = "";
    my $first;
    my $last;
    my $montage;
    my $montage_x;
    my $montage_y;

    # Only add entry if this dir has an index file
    if (-r "$destdirname/$indexfile") {

	# Go fetch the title and dates from the HTML
	my $tmp1 = &extract_meta_tag ($titlemetatag,"$destdirname/$indexfile");
	my $tmp2 = &extract_meta_tag ($begindatemetatag,"$destdirname/$indexfile");
	my $tmp3 = &extract_meta_tag ($enddatemetatag,"$destdirname/$indexfile");
	if (defined($tmp1)) {
	    $dirtitle = $tmp1;
	if (defined($tmp2)) {
	    $first = $tmp2;
	if (defined($tmp3)) {
	    $last = $tmp3;

	# If we found generated files in this dir, flag that we found something
	# valid to index

	# Set montage file if we found it
	if (($do_montage == 1) and ( -r "$destdirname/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile")) {

	    print "Found montage in $destdirname\n" if defined($opt_debug);
	    $montage = "$destdirname/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile";

	    my $image = new Image::Magick;
	    my $retval;

	    $retval = $image->Read(filename=>$montage);
	    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

	    $montage_x = $image->Get('width');
	    $montage_y = $image->Get('height');


	# At beginning of row?
	if ($col_counter == 1) {
	    push(@index, "<TR>\n");
	    push(@details, "<TR>\n");

	# Entry for this directory in main & details file
	push(@index, "<TD CLASS=\"index\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">\n");
	push(@details, "<TD CLASS=\"index\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">\n");

	push(@details, "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n");

	if (defined($montage)) {
	    push(@details, "<TR><TD VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">\n");
	} else {
	    push(@details, "<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"2\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"center\">\n");

	if (defined($first)) {

	    my ($tmp_first, $tmp_last);

	    push(@index, "<DIV CLASS=\"index\">");
	    push(@details, "<DIV CLASS=\"detail\">");

	    $tmp_first = &format_date ($first, 'index', 'dayonly');
	    $tmp_last = &format_date ($last, 'index', 'dayonly');

	    if ($first ne $last) {
		push(@index, "$tmp_first - $tmp_last");
	    } else {
		push(@index, "$tmp_first");

	    $tmp_first = &format_date ($first, 'detail', 'dayonly');
	    $tmp_last = &format_date ($last, 'detail', 'dayonly');

	    if ($first ne $last) {
		push(@details, "$tmp_first - $tmp_last");
	    } else {
		push(@details, "$tmp_first");

	    push(@index, "</DIV>\n");
	    push(@details, "</DIV>\n");

	if (defined($montage)) {

	    $anchortext = "<A HREF=\"$dir/$indexfile\"";
	    if (defined ($montagetitle) && $montagetitle ne '') {
		my ($str);
		$str = &interpolate_title_string_dir ($montagetitle, $dir, 'index');
		if ($str ne '') {
		    $anchortext .= sprintf (" TITLE=\"%s\"", $str);
	    $anchortext .= ">";
	    push(@index, $anchortext);

	    push(@index, "<IMG CLASS=\"index\" SRC=\"$dir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile\"");
	    push(@index, " WIDTH=\"$montage_x\" HEIGHT=\"$montage_y\"");
	    push(@index, " ALT=\"\"");
	    push(@index, ">");
	    push(@index, "</A>\n");

	    push(@index,"<DIV CLASS=\"index\">");
	    push(@index, "<A HREF=\"$dir/$indexfile\">$dir</A>");

	    $anchortext = "<A HREF=\"$dir/$detailfile\"";
	    if (defined ($montagetitle) && $montagetitle ne '') {
		my ($str);
		$str = &interpolate_title_string_dir ($montagetitle, $dir, 'index');
		if ($str ne '') {
		    $anchortext .= sprintf (" TITLE=\"%s\"", $str);
	    $anchortext .= ">";
	    push(@details, $anchortext);

	    push(@details, "<IMG CLASS=\"index\" SRC=\"$dir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile\"");
	    my $x = $montage_x / $detailshrink ;
	    my $y = $montage_y / $detailshrink ;
	    push(@details, sprintf(" WIDTH=\"%d\" HEIGHT=\"%d\"", $x, $y));
	    push(@details, " ALT=\"\"");
	    push(@details, ">");
	    push(@details, "</A>");

	    push(@details, "</TD><TD VALIGN=\"middle\" ALIGN=\"left\">\n");

	} else {

	    push(@index,"<DIV CLASS=\"index\">");
	    push(@index, "<A HREF=\"$dir/$indexfile\">$dir</A>");


	push(@index, "<DIV CLASS=\"caption\">");
	push(@details, "<DIV CLASS=\"detail\">");

	if ($dirtitle ne "") {
	    push(@index, "$dirtitle");
	    push(@details, "$dirtitle");

	push(@details, "<BR><A HREF=\"$dir/$detailfile\">$dir</A>");

	push(@index, "</DIV>\n");
	push(@details, "</DIV>\n");


	push(@index, "</TD>\n");
	push(@details, "</TD>\n");

	# At end of row?
	if ($col_counter == $current_columns) {
	    push(@index, "</TR>\n");
	    push(@details, "</TR>\n");

	# Increment for next item
	$col_counter = 1 if ($col_counter > $current_columns);

    } # if dir had index file


# Top of HTML index/detail files
sub page_header {

    my $this = shift(@_);
    my $linkto = shift(@_);
    my $numlink = 0;
    my $verstring;

    print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n";
    print "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/strict.dtd\">\n";
    print "<HTML>\n";
    print "<HEAD>\n";
    $verstring = &versionstring();
    printf ("<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" CONTENT=\"imageindex %s\">\n", $verstring);
    printf ("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");
    if (defined ($write_meta_tag{$titlemetatag})) {
	print "<META NAME=\"$titlemetatag\" CONTENT=\"$current_titletext\">\n";
    if (defined ($write_meta_tag{$columnsmetatag})) {
	print "<META NAME=\"$columnsmetatag\" CONTENT=\"$current_columns\">\n";
    if (defined ($write_meta_tag{$thumbxmetatag})) {
	print "<META NAME=\"$thumbxmetatag\" CONTENT=\"$current_thumbnail_x\">\n";
    if (defined ($write_meta_tag{$thumbymetatag})) {
	print "<META NAME=\"$thumbymetatag\" CONTENT=\"$current_thumbnail_y\">\n";
    if (defined ($write_meta_tag{$reversemetatag})) {
	print "<META NAME=\"$reversemetatag\" CONTENT=\"$current_reverse\">\n";
    if (defined($firstdate)) {
	print "<META NAME=\"$begindatemetatag\" CONTENT=\"$firstdate\">\n";
    if (defined($lastdate)) {
	print "<META NAME=\"$enddatemetatag\" CONTENT=\"$lastdate\">\n";
    if (!defined ($opt_includeall) && defined (@opt_exclude) && scalar (@opt_exclude)) {
	my $tmp = join (',', @opt_exclude);
	my $etmp;

	# We need to "encode" this string in the HTML so that raw filenames
	# (that people should not try to access) are not exposed to the
	# outside world.
	$etmp = &encodestring ($tmp);
	printf ("<META NAME=\"$excludemetatag\" CONTENT=\"%s\">\n", $etmp);
    printf ("<META NAME=\"$numimagesmetatag\" CONTENT=\"%d\">\n", $image_counter);

    if (defined (@opt_skipmont) && scalar (@opt_skipmont)) {
	my $tmp = join (',', @opt_skipmont);
	printf ("<META NAME=\"$skipmetatag\" CONTENT=\"%s\">\n", $tmp);
    print "<TITLE>$current_titletext</TITLE>\n";
    print "<LINK TYPE=\"text/css\" REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"$stylefile\">\n";
    print "</HEAD>\n";
    print "<BODY>\n";

    # Break out of frames
    print "<SCRIPT TYPE=\"text/javascript\">\n";
    print "if (parent.frames.length > 0) {\n";
    print "   parent.location.href = self.document.location\n";
    print "}\n";
    print "</SCRIPT>\n";

    print "<H1 CLASS=\"title\">$current_titletext</H1>\n";

    print "<H3>";

    # On all these links, check to see if the variable is also defined. If
    # not (done in a .imageindexrc file perhaps) then skip the link

    if ((-e "$destdir/../$indexfile") and
	($do_dirs == 1) and defined($updirtext)) {
	print "<A HREF=\"../$indexfile\">$updirtext</A>";

    if (($do_detail == 1) and ($this eq 'index') and defined($detaillinktext)) {
	print "&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;" if ($numlink != 0);
	print "<A HREF=\"$detailfile\">$detaillinktext</A>";

    if (($this eq 'detail') and	defined($indexlinktext)) {
	print "&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;" if ($numlink != 0);
	print "<A HREF=\"$indexfile\">$indexlinktext</A>";

    if (($do_slide == 1) and ($slide_counter > 1) and
	defined($framelinktext)) {
	print "&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;" if ($numlink != 0);
	print "<A HREF=\"$slide_dir/$framefile\">$framelinktext</A>";

	 #age test:
	print "&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;" if ($numlink != 0);
	print "<A HREF=\"../\">$updirtext</A>";
	 #age ende

    print "\n<BR>\n" if ($numlink != 0);

    print "</H3>\n";

    if (defined($firstdate) and defined($lastdate)) {

	my $tmp1 = &format_date($firstdate, $this, 'dayonly');
	my $tmp2 = &format_date($lastdate, $this, 'dayonly');

	if ($tmp1 ne $tmp2) {
	    if ($current_reverse == 0) {
		print "<H2 CLASS=\"daterange\">$tmp1 - $tmp2</H2>\n";
	    } else {
		print "<H2 CLASS=\"daterange\">$tmp2 - $tmp1</H2>\n";
	} else {
	    print "<H2 CLASS=\"daterange\">$tmp1</H2>\n";

    print "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" CLASS=\"index\">\n";



# Bottom of HTML file
sub page_footer {

    my $time = localtime(time);

    my $progurl = 'http://www.edwinh.org/imageindex/';


    print "</TABLE>\n";

    print "<DIV CLASS=\"credits\">";
    print "<BR>\n";
    print "<BR>\n";
    print "<I>..erstellt mit <A HREF=\"$progurl\">imageindex</A>..</I>";
    print "</DIV>\n";
    print "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";


# A "quickie" routine to show which files were excluded in a prior run

sub showexcluded {
    my ($file) = @_;
    my ($rfile, $tmp, $utmp, @files, $str);

    if (! defined ($file)) {
	if (-r $indexfile) {
	    $rfile = $indexfile;
    else {
	$rfile = $file;
    $tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($excludemetatag, $rfile);
    if (defined($tmp)) {
	# We need to "decode" this string as it has been encoded for storage
	# in the HTML so that raw filenames (that people should not try to
	# access) are not exposed to the outside world.
	$utmp = &decodestring ($tmp);
	(@files) = split (/,/, $utmp);
	$str = join (',', @files);
	printf ("File '$rfile' shows the following record of excluded files:\n");
	printf ("%s\n", $str);
    else {
	printf ("File '$rfile' shows no record of excluded files.\n");

# Ignore certain files via META data stored in the index.html file
# Exports global variable %skipmont used later during montage
# generation.
sub exclude_files {

    my @files = @_;
    my (@filelist, $f, %exclude, $token, @tokens);

    undef %exclude;

    # -skipmont flags override any META data found. Else, look for the META tag
    # then process. Check to see if any of the -skipmont options were given as
    # strings of filenames concatenated with ',' characters. If so, support it.
    if (defined (@opt_skipmont)) {
	foreach (@opt_skipmont) {
	    (@tokens) = split (/,/, $_);
	    foreach $token (@tokens) {
    elsif (-r "$destdir/$indexfile") {
	my $tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($skipmetatag, "$destdir/$indexfile");
	if (defined($tmp)) {
	    (@opt_skipmont) = split (/,/, $tmp);
	    my $str = join (',', @opt_skipmont);
	    printf ("Using saved skip-montage files: %s\n", $str);
	    foreach (@opt_skipmont) {

    # -exclude flags override any META data found. Else, look for the META tag
    # then process. Check to see if any of the -exclude options were given as
    # strings of filenames concatenated with ',' characters. If so, support it.
    if (defined (@opt_exclude)) {
	# -includeall takes priority over -exclude on the commandline if they are
	# used together (wierd, but ...)
	unless (defined ($opt_includeall)) {
	    foreach (@opt_exclude) {
		(@tokens) = split (/,/, $_);
		foreach $token (@tokens) {
    elsif (-r "$destdir/$indexfile") {
	my $tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($excludemetatag, "$destdir/$indexfile");
	my $utmp;
	if (defined($tmp) && !defined ($opt_includeall)) {
	    # We need to "decode" this string as it has been encoded for storage
	    # in the HTML so that raw filenames (that people should not try to
	    # access) are not exposed to the outside world.
	    $utmp = &decodestring ($tmp);
	    (@opt_exclude) = split (/,/, $utmp);
	    my $str = join (',', @opt_exclude);
	    printf ("Using saved excluded files: %s\n", $str);
	    foreach (@opt_exclude) {

    foreach $f (@files) {
	if (! $exclude{$f}) {
	    push (@filelist, $f);
	} else {
	    print "Excluding '$f'\n";
	    if (-d $f) {
		chmod (0700, $f);
	    else {
		chmod (0600, $f);
    return (@filelist);

# Nuke generated files if original image gone
sub nuke_out_of_date {
    foreach my $checkdir ($thumbnail_dir, $med_dir, $slide_dir) {
	opendir(THUMBS,"$destdir/$checkdir") || die "Can't open dir $checkdir: ($!)\n";
	foreach (readdir(THUMBS)) {
	    next if (m/^\.?\.$/);
	    next if (m/$framefile/);
	    next if (m/$slidefile/);
	    next if (m/$montagefile/);
	    next if (m/$emoticonsmile/);
	    next if (m/$emoticonwink/);
	    next if (m/$emoticonfrown/);
	    if (!defined($thumb_backref{"$checkdir/$_"}) and
		!defined($slide_backref{"$checkdir/$_"}) and
		!defined($med_backref{"$checkdir/$_"})) {
		print "Removing stale $destdir/$checkdir/$_\n";
		unlink("$destdir/$checkdir/$_") || warn "Can't unlink $destdir/$checkdir/$_: ($!)\n";



# Convert bytes to kb string
sub convert_to_kb {

    my $bytes = shift(@_);
    $bytes = sprintf("%dk", $bytes / 1024);

# Sortq by integer date stamp
sub bynumber {
    if ($current_reverse == 0) {
	$a <=> $b;
    } else {
	$b <=> $a;

# Write frameset file for slideshows
sub write_frameset {

    # This is impossible to get rid of
    my $framefudge = 35;
    my $verstring;

    open(FRAME,">$destdir/$slide_dir/$framefile") or die ("Can't open $destdir/$slide_dir/$framefile: $!\n");


    print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\"\n";
    print "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/frameset.dtd\">\n";
    print "<HTML>\n";
    print "<HEAD>\n";
    $verstring = &versionstring();
    printf ("<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" CONTENT=\"imageindex %s\">\n", $verstring);
    printf ("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");
    print "<LINK TYPE=\"text/css\" REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"../$stylefile\">";
    print "<TITLE>$current_titletext</TITLE>\n";
    print "<LINK TYPE=\"text/css\" REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"../$stylefile\">\n";
    print "</HEAD>\n";
    if ($frame_orient eq 'horizontal') {
	printf("<FRAMESET ROWS=\"%d, *\">\n", $max_thumb_y + $framefudge);
    } else {
	printf("<FRAMESET COLS=\"%d, *\">\n", $max_thumb_x + $framefudge);
    print "<FRAME NAME=\"thumb\" SRC=\"$slidefile\">\n";
    print "<FRAME NAME=\"view\" SRC=\"../$first_slide\">\n";
    print "<NOFRAMES>No frames in this browser...go back</NOFRAMES>\n";
    print "</FRAMESET>\n";
    print "</HTML>\n";

    close (FRAME);

    open(FRAME,">$destdir/$slide_dir/$slidefile") or die ("Can't open $destdir/$slide_dir/$slidefile: $!\n");

    print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n";
    print "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/strict.dtd\">\n";
    print "<HTML>\n";
    print "<HEAD>\n";
    $verstring = &versionstring();
    printf ("<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" CONTENT=\"imageindex %s\">\n", $verstring);
    printf ("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");
    print "<LINK TYPE=\"text/css\" REL=\"stylesheet\" HREF=\"../$stylefile\">\n";
    print "<TITLE>$current_titletext</TITLE>\n";
    print "</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n";
    print "<TABLE CLASS=\"frame\"\n";
    print "  <TR>\n" if ($frame_orient eq 'horizontal');
    foreach (@frame) {
    print "  </TR>\n" if ($frame_orient eq 'horizontal');
    print "</TABLE>\n";
    print "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";



# Do next/index/prev links on slide pages
sub next_prev_links {

    my $pathname = shift(@_);

    print "<DIV CLASS=\"index\">";

    if (defined($back{$pathname})) {
	print "<A HREF=\"$back{$pathname}\">&lt;&nbsp;previous</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;";
    } else {
	print "&lt;&nbsp;previous&nbsp;|&nbsp;";
    print "<A HREF=\"../$indexfile\" TARGET=\"_parent\">index</A>";
    if (defined($forward{$pathname})) {
	print "&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF=\"$forward{$pathname}\">next&nbsp;&gt;</A>";
    } else {
	print "&nbsp;|&nbsp;next&nbsp;&gt;";

    print "</DIV>\n";


# Lower-case all the filenames. I hate the uppercase filenames that come
# from my camera's default software (and Windud software). Plus I didn't
# want this "utility" in another script, so just place it here.
sub lower_case_files {
    my (@files) = @_;
    my ($newfile, $lowername);

    foreach $name (@files) {
	($lowername = $name) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
	if ($name =~ /[A-Z]/) {
	    print "Moving '$name' to '$lowername'\n";

# extract the NAME tag from an HTML file
sub extract_meta_tag {
    my ($tag, $filename) = @_;
    my ($name, $content, $retval);

    if (! (open (FILE, $filename))) {
	print STDERR "Cannot open '$filename' for reading - $!\n";
	return (0);
    # <META NAME="Columns" CONTENT="3">
    while (<FILE>) {
	if (/<META\s+NAME=\"(.*?)\"\s+CONTENT=\"(.*)\">/) {
	    $name = $1;
	    $content = $2;
	    if ($name eq $tag) {
		$retval = $content;
    close (FILE);
    return ($retval);

# Rotate given image 90 degrees
sub rotate_image {

    my $file = shift(@_);
    my $argv = shift(@_);

    if ($file =~ m/^(cw|ccw)$/) {
	# If file is cw or ccw,
	# assume the args were given backwards
	my $tmp = $file;
	$file = $$argv[0];
	$$argv[0] = $tmp;

    -r "$file" || die("$file: ", $!);
    -w "$file" || die("$file: ", $!);

    # grab the mtime of the file so we can reset it after we update it
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,
	$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
    my $posix_mtime = POSIX::strftime ("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S",localtime($mtime));

    my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($file,'\.\S+');
    my $thumb;
    my $medium;

    my $image = new Image::Magick;

    my $retval = $image->Read("$file");
    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

    if (!defined($$argv[0]) or
	($$argv[0] !~ m/^cc?w$/i)) {
	print "Need 'cw' or 'ccw' argument to rotate image clockwise/counterclockwise\n";

    if ($$argv[0] =~ /^ccw$/i) {
	$deg = -90;
    } else {
	$deg = 90;

    print "Rotating $file $deg degrees\n";
    $retval = $image->Rotate($deg);
    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

    $retval = $image->Write(filename=>"$file");
    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

    system ("touch -t $posix_mtime $file");

    # Nuke the generated images if they exist
    # (touching the timestamp above breaks automatic regeneration logic)
    if ($image->Get('format') =~ /JFIF/i) {
	$thumb = $path . "$thumbnail_dir/$name" . $suffix;
	$medium = $path . "$med_dir/$name" . $suffix;
    } else {
	$thumb = $path . "$thumbnail_dir/$name.jpg";
	$medium = $path . "$med_dir/$name.jpg";
    unlink($thumb) if (-e "$thumb");
    unlink($medium) if (-e "$medium");


# Set or display caption for a particular image
sub caption_image {

    my $file = shift(@_);
    my $argv = shift(@_);
    my ($esc_comment, $tmpfile);

    -r "$file" || die("$file: ", $!);

    # grab the mtime of the file so we can reset it after we update it
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,
	$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
    my $posix_mtime = POSIX::strftime ("%Y%m%d%H%M.%S",localtime($mtime));

    my $image = new Image::Magick;

    my $retval = $image->Read("$file");
    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

    my $format = $image->Get('format');
    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

    # Set caption if another arg is present, or just display it
    if (defined($$argv[0])) {

	-w "$file" || die("$file: ", $!);

	# Try to find wrjpgcom so we can use it for adding captions to JPG images
	my $wrjpgcom_prog = &find_in_path ('wrjpgcom');
	my $quote_file = quotemeta ($file);

	# If a jpeg file and we found a wrjpgcom program in our path, use
	# it! It simply puts the comment in the JPEG header without reading
	# (uncompressing) and writing (re-compressing) the file out so
	# there is no chance for data loss.
	if (($format =~ /JFIF/i) and defined($wrjpgcom_prog)) {

	    $tmpfile = "$file.$$";
	    my $tmpfile_quote = "$quote_file.$$";
	    $esc_comment = quotemeta ($$argv[0]);
	    # FIXME
	    # check to see how '?' and other punctuation is escaped and fix
	    # it seems things are not correct.
	    system ("$wrjpgcom_prog -replace -comment $esc_comment $quote_file > $tmpfile_quote");
	    if (($? >> 8) != 0) {
		printf(STDERR "Error in creating JPEG comment with 'wrjpgcom'. Leaving existing file intact.\n");
	    } else {
		move($tmpfile, $file);

	} else {
	    # Fall back to PerlMagick's routines.
	    $retval = $image->Comment("$$argv[0]");
	    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

	    $retval = $image->Write(filename=>"$file", quality=>"95",
	    warn "$retval" if "$retval";

	system ("touch -t $posix_mtime $quote_file");

    } else {

	my $text = $image->Get('comment');

	if (defined($text)) {
	    print "$file: \"$text\"\n";
	} else {
	    print "$file: (no caption)\n";



# Print usage info from top of file
sub usage {

    open(FILE,"$0") or die "Can't open $0: $OS_ERROR";
    while(<FILE>) {
	last if (m/^\#\s+USAGE:/);
    while(<FILE>) {
	last if (m/^\#\#\#\#\#\#\#/);
	s/^\# ?//;


# Format timestamp for HTML pages. This routine assumes that the date
# given to it is in YYYYMMDDHHMM.SS format that we've created from the
# EXIF/mtime date using strftime().
sub format_date {
    my ($date, $context, $dayonly) = @_;
    my ($timeformat, $dateformat);

    if ($context eq 'frame') {
	$timeformat = $frametimeformat;
	$dateformat = $framedateformat;
    elsif ($context eq 'index') {
	$timeformat = $indextimeformat;
	$dateformat = $indexdateformat;
    elsif ($context eq 'slide') {
	$timeformat = $slidetimeformat;
	$dateformat = $slidedateformat;
    else {
	$timeformat = $detailtimeformat;
	$dateformat = $detaildateformat;

    # Replace "macro" patterns in the format string first
    $timeformat =~ s/\%R/\%H:\%M/g;
    $timeformat =~ s/\%r/\%I:\%M:\%S \%p/g;
    $dateformat =~ s/\%F/\%Y-\%m-\%d/g;
    $dateformat =~ s/\%D/\%m\/\%d\/\%y/g;

    $date =~ /(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)?(\d\d)?\.?(\d\d)?/;
    my $year = $1;
    my $month = $2;
    my $day = $3;
    my $hour = $4;
    my $min = $5;
    my $sec = $6;
    my ($ampm, $two_digit_year, $twelve_hour);

    if ($year =~ /^\d\d(\d\d)$/) {
	$two_digit_year = $1;
    else {
	$two_digit_year = '??'; # shouldn't ever been seen

    # If we're told to, only format a date with no time
    if (defined ($dayonly)) {
	$dateformat =~ s/\%Y/$year/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%y/$two_digit_year/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%m/$month/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%d/$day/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%\%/\%/g;
	return ($dateformat);
    else {
	if (defined($hour)) {
	    $twelve_hour = $hour;
	    $ampm = 'AM';
	    if ($hour > 12) {
		$twelve_hour -= 12;
		$ampm = 'PM';
	else {
	    $hour = '??';
	    $twelve_hour = '??';
	    $ampm = '??'; #again, should never be seen
	if (! defined ($min)) {
	    $min = '??';
	if (! defined ($sec)) {
	    $sec = '??';

	$dateformat =~ s/\%Y/$year/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%y/$two_digit_year/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%m/$month/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%d/$day/g;
	$dateformat =~ s/\%\%/\%/g;

	$timeformat =~ s/\%S/$sec/g;
	$timeformat =~ s/\%M/$min/g;
	$timeformat =~ s/\%I/$twelve_hour/g;
	$timeformat =~ s/\%H/$hour/g;
	$timeformat =~ s/\%p/$ampm/g;
	$timeformat =~ s/\%\%/\%/g;

	return("$dateformat $timeformat");


# Return version string from CVS tag
sub versionstring {

    my $ver = ' $Name: v1_0_7 $ ';
    $ver =~ s/Name//g;
    $ver =~ s/[:\$]//g;
    $ver =~ s/\s+//g;
    $ver =~ s/^v//g;
    $ver =~ s/_/\./g;
    if ($ver eq '') {
	$ver = "cvs devel - " . '$Revision: 1.164 $ ';
	# Nuke the $ signs -- what if somebody is keeping pages under RCS
	# or CVS control?
	$ver =~ s/\$//g;
	$ver =~ s/\s*$//;


#  Create CSS file that is shared among the HTML pages
sub write_css {

    open(CSS,">$destdir/$stylefile") or die ("Can't open $destdir/$stylefile: $!\n");

    print $stylesheet;



# "Interpolate" %? escapes found in our printf-like strings defined for the
# TITLE attributes. See the beginning of this file for their definition

sub interpolate_title_string {
    my ($formatstring, $pathname, $context) = @_;
    my ($filename, $date, $size, $resolution, $caption);
    my ($tmp);

    $filename = $info{$pathname}{'file'};
    $date = &format_date ($info{$pathname}{'date'}, $context);
    $size = $info{$pathname}{'size'};
    $resolution = $info{$pathname}{'geometry'};
    $caption = $info{$pathname}{'comment'};
    if (! defined ($caption)) {
	$caption = '';
    $tmp = $formatstring;

    $tmp =~ s/\%f/$filename/g if $filename;
    $tmp =~ s/\%d/$date/g if $date;
    $tmp =~ s/\%s/$size/g if $size;
    $tmp =~ s/\%r/$resolution/g if $resolution;
    $tmp =~ s/\%c/$caption/g;
    $tmp =~ s/\%\%/%/g;

    # In case the format string has " marks in it, change all those to '.
    # The " marks are needed to mark the argument to the TITLE attribute.
    $tmp =~ s/\"/\'/g;
    return ($tmp);


# "Interpolate" %? escapes found in our printf-like strings defined for the
# TITLE attributes. However, the %? escapes for this function are based on what
# you could conceivably need when processing a directory.
# See the beginning of this file for their definition

sub interpolate_title_string_dir {
    my ($formatstring, $dir, $context) = @_;
    my ($tmp, $num, $date, $metadate, $metatitle);

    $tmp = $formatstring;
    $num = &extract_meta_tag($numimagesmetatag, "$srcdir/$dir/$indexfile");

    # If we plucked out the number of images from the metadata of a directory's
    # index.html file, replace it. Else, give a warning if we didn't find it but
    # somebody still used %n
    if (defined ($num)) {
	$tmp =~ s/\%n/$num/g if $num;
    else {
	if ($tmp =~ /\%n/) {
	    if (!defined ($remember_warning{$dir})) {
		printf (STDERR "Warning: %%n escape used in format string and %s META tag not found in %s. Re-run imageindex in '$dir'.\n", $numimagesmetatag, "$srcdir/$dir/$indexfile");

    $metadate = &extract_meta_tag($begindatemetatag, "$srcdir/$dir/$indexfile");
    $date = &format_date ($metadate, $context, 'dayonly');
    $tmp =~ s/\%b/$date/g if $date;

    $metadate = &extract_meta_tag($enddatemetatag, "$srcdir/$dir/$indexfile");
    $date = &format_date ($metadate, $context, 'dayonly');
    $tmp =~ s/\%e/$date/g if $date;

    $metatitle = &extract_meta_tag($titlemetatag, "$srcdir/$dir/$indexfile");
    $tmp =~ s/\%t/$metatitle/g if $metatitle;

    # In case the format string has " marks in it, change all those to '.
    # The " marks are needed to mark the argument to the TITLE attribute.
    $tmp =~ s/\"/\'/g;
    return ($tmp);


#  Look for external programs we depend on in the $PATH. It just finds the first
#  occurence of $prog in $PATH.
sub find_in_path {
    my ($prog) = @_;
    my ($retval);

    undef $retval;
    foreach $dir (split (/:/, $ENV{'PATH'})) {
	if (-r "$dir/$prog" && -x "$dir/$prog") {
	    $retval = "$dir/$prog";
    return ($retval);

# Encode/decode routines for exclude filenames when stuffed in a meta tag
sub encodestring {
    my ($tmp) = @_;
    my $etmp;
    $etmp = pack ("u*", $tmp);
    # Hack the string to get rid of \n chars so we can store it on 1 line
    $etmp =~ s/\n/..1xn!_ltr../g;

    # Get rid of ampersands
    $etmp =~ s/\&/..xn!_ltr1../g;

    # Get rid of double-quotes
    $etmp =~ s/\"/..sb!_lho1../g;
    return ($etmp);

sub decodestring {
    my ($tmp) = @_;
    my $utmp;

    # Unhack the string to bring back & characters
    $tmp =~ s/\.\.sb\!_lho1\.\./\"/g;
    $tmp =~ s/\.\.xn\!_ltr1\.\./\&/g;

    # Unhack the string to bring back & characters
    $tmp =~ s/\.\.xn\!_ltr1\.\./\&/g;

    # Unhack the string to bring back \n characters
    $tmp =~ s/\.\.1xn\!_ltr\.\./\n/g;
    $utmp = unpack ("u*", $tmp);
    return ($utmp);

#  This routine samples linearly (as possible) across the available files in
#  a directory. The first pass at sampling is a simple modulo function based
#  upon the ratio of files to the number of tiles we can use in the montage.
#  If that first pass sample did not produce enough files, then we go back
#  iteratively through the list and as evenly-as-possible select unused
#  files from those left in the pool.
sub sample_files_for_montage {
    my (@files) = @_;
    my ($numdiv, $numchosen, $chunksize, $numfiles, $numleft);
    my ($i, $index, $f, @ret);

    $numfiles = scalar (@files);
    $numdiv = sprintf ("%d", $numfiles / $montage_max);

    for ($i = 0; $i < $numfiles; $i++) {
	if (($i % $numdiv) == 0) {

    $numchosen = scalar (keys %chosen);

    $numleft = $montage_max - $numchosen;

    if ($numleft) {
	$chunksize = sprintf ("%d", $numfiles / $numleft);
	$index = 0;
	for ($i = 0; $i < $numleft; $i++) {
	    &mark_next_file_for_montage ($index + 1, $numfiles, @files);
	    $index = $index + $chunksize;

    foreach $f (@files) {
	if ($chosen{$f}) {
	    push (@ret, $f);

    return (@ret);

# cycle through the given list of files. If the list[$index] is already marked
# (via the global hash %chosen) then move onto the next one, etc.
sub mark_next_file_for_montage {
    my ($index, $numfiles, @files) = @_;
    my ($i);

    for ($i = $index; $i < $numfiles; $i++) {
	if (! $chosen{$files[$i]}) {

# Exclude certain filenames from the list of thumbnails to be used in the
# montage image.
sub exclude_montage_files {
    my (@files) = @_;
    my (@tmp, $file);

    foreach (@files) {
	$file = basename ($_);
	unless (defined ($skipmont{$file})) {
	    push (@tmp, $_);
    return (@tmp);

# "html-ize" a caption found in an image. Just in case there are certain
# characters used which we want to "escape."
sub htmlize_caption {
    my ($caption, $slide) = @_;

    $caption =~ s/\&/\&amp;/g;
    $caption =~ s/\</\&lt;/g;
    $caption =~ s/\>/\&gt;/g;
    $caption =~ s/\"/\&quot;/g;

    # Help smiley's render in a "mo-better" way when they are at the end of a
    # caption and enclosed in parens
    if ($caption =~ /(:\-?[\(\)])\s*\)\s*$/) {
	my $tmp = $1;
	$caption =~ s/:\-?[\(\)]\s*\)\s*$/$tmp\&nbsp;\)/;

    $caption = &emoticonify ($caption, $slide);

    return ($caption);


# Translate ASCII smiley's embedded into image captions into emoticons
sub emoticonify {
    my ($caption, $slide) = @_;
    my ($thumbdir, $attr);

    return ($caption) if (! defined ($do_emoticons) || $do_emoticons == 0);

    # This is a hack, please ignore and move on ... nothing to see here.
    $caption =~ s/\&nbsp;/NoNBrEaKaBleSpacE/g;

    $thumbdir = $thumbnail_dir;
    if ($slide) {
	$thumbdir = '../' . $thumbdir;
    $attr = 'STYLE="vertical-align: middle;" WIDTH="19" HEIGHT="19"';

    if ($caption =~ s/:\-?\)/\<IMG SRC=\"$thumbdir\/$emoticonsmile\" $attr ALT=\" \[smiley icon\] \"\>/g) {
    if ($caption =~ s/;\-?\)/\<IMG SRC=\"$thumbdir\/$emoticonwink\" $attr ALT=\" \[smiley icon\] \"\>/g) {
    if ($caption =~ s/:\-?\(/\<IMG SRC=\"$thumbdir\/$emoticonfrown\" $attr ALT=\" \[frown icon\] \"\>/g) {

    # Undo the hack
    $caption =~ s/NoNBrEaKaBleSpacE/\&nbsp;/g;
    return ($caption);


# Write out PNG files representing the emoticons
sub write_emoticon_png {
    my ($type) = @_;
    my ($img);

    if (! open (IMG, '>' . $destdir . '/' . $thumbnail_dir . "/$emoticonprefix" . $icon . ".png")) {
	printf (STDERR "Could not open emoticon file for '$icon' for writine - $!\n");
    # UUDecode the small PNG files that represent the emoticons and dump them to
    # the appropriate files in $thumbnail_dir
    $img = unpack ("u*", $png{$type});
    print IMG $img;
    close (IMG);

# Create a montage of images in the current directory. This image will be
# pointed to by the parent directory's index.html file to show a sort of
# "thumbnail preview" of the contents of this directory.

sub create_montage {

    my @files = @_;
    my (@modfiles);

    @files = &exclude_montage_files (@files);

    foreach (@files) {
	push (@modfiles, quotemeta ($_));

    # If we have defined that a lesser number of "tiles" can be used in the
    # montage vs. the # of files in this directory, then we'll "sample" the
    # files as evenly as possible to avoid clustering of shots that might be
    # similar to each other.
    if (scalar (@modfiles) > $montage_max) {
	@modfiles = &sample_files_for_montage (@modfiles);

    if ($do_montage == 1) {

	if (($modified_thumb != 0) or (! -e "$destdir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile")) {

	    my $number = $#modfiles + 1;
	    my $tile_x = 1;;
	    my $tile_y = 1;

	    # FIXME these both blindly expand x before expanding y
	    # Should this depend on some aspect ratio?
	    while(($tile_x * $tile_y) < $montage_min) {
		$tile_y++ if (($tile_x * $tile_y) < $montage_min);
	    while(($tile_x * $tile_y) < $number) {
		$tile_y++ if (($tile_x * $tile_y) < $number);

	    my $index = 0;
	    while (($#modfiles + 1) < ($tile_x * $tile_y)) {
		if ($montage_fill eq 'blank') {
		    push(@modfiles, "NULL:");
		} else {
		    push(@modfiles, $modfiles[$index]);
		    $index = ($index+1) % $number;


	    my $tile = sprintf("%dx%d", $tile_x, $tile_y);
	    my $geom = sprintf("%dx%d", $max_mont_thumb_x, $max_mont_thumb_y);
	    my $newgeom = sprintf("%dx%d", $current_thumbnail_x, $current_thumbnail_y);

	    print "Picked $tile array of $geom for montage\n" if ($opt_debug);

	    print "Creating $destdir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile\n";

	    system("montage -quality $thumb_quality -bordercolor white -transparent white -borderwidth $montage_whitespace -geometry $geom -tile $tile @modfiles $destdir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile");
	    if (($? >> 8) != 0) {
		printf(STDERR "Error in creating montage file\n");

	    # Resize to std. thumbnail
	    my $image = new Image::Magick;
	    my $retval;

	    $retval = $image->Read(filename=>"$destdir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile");
	    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
	    $retval = $image->Resize(geometry=>$newgeom);
	    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
	    $retval = $image->Set(interlace=>Line);
	    warn "$retval" if "$retval";
	    $retval = $image->Write(filename=>"$destdir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile");
	    warn "$retval" if "$retval";


    } else {

	    if (-e "$destdir/$thumbnail_dir/$montagefile");



sub read_stored_meta_data {
    my ($tmp);

    if (-r "$destdir/$indexfile") {
	$tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($columnsmetatag, "$destdir/$indexfile");
	# If we found data, check it against program defaults
	if (defined ($tmp)) {
	    $current_columns = $tmp;
	    print "Using saved number of columns: $current_columns\n" if ! defined ($opt_columns);

	$tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($titlemetatag, "$destdir/$indexfile");
	# If we found data, check it against program defaults
	if (defined ($tmp)) {
	    $current_titletext = $tmp;
	    print "Using saved title: $current_titletext\n" if ! defined ($opt_title);

	$tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($thumbxmetatag, "$destdir/$indexfile");
	# If we found data, check it against program defaults
	if (defined ($tmp)) {
	    $current_thumbnail_x = $tmp;
	    print "Using saved thumbnail X size: $current_thumbnail_x\n" if ! defined ($opt_x);

	$tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($thumbymetatag, "$destdir/$indexfile");
	# If we found data, check it against program defaults
	if (defined ($tmp)) {
	    $current_thumbnail_y = $tmp;
	    print "Using saved thumbnail Y size: $current_thumbnail_y\n" if ! defined ($opt_y);

	$tmp = &extract_meta_tag ($reversemetatag, "$destdir/$indexfile");
	# If we found data, check it against program defaults
	if (defined ($tmp)) {
	    $current_reverse = $tmp;
	    print "Using saved reverse: $current_reverse\n" if ! defined ($opt_reverse);


sub override_by_commandline {
    if (defined($opt_columns)) {
	$current_columns = $opt_columns;
    if (defined($opt_title)) {
	$current_titletext = $opt_title;
    if (defined($opt_reverse)) {
	$current_reverse = $opt_reverse;
    if (defined($opt_x)) {
	$current_thumbnail_x = $opt_x;
	if ($current_thumbnail_x != $default_thumbnail_x) {
	    $opt_forceregen = 1;
    if (defined($opt_y)) {
	$current_thumbnail_y = $opt_y;
	if ($current_thumbnail_y != $default_thumbnail_y) {
	    $opt_forceregen = 1;

sub decide_which_md_to_store {
    if ($current_columns != $default_columns) {
    else {
	undef $write_meta_tag{$columnsmetatag};

    if ($current_thumbnail_x != $default_thumbnail_x) {
    else {
	undef $write_meta_tag{$thumbxmetatag};

    if ($current_thumbnail_y != $default_thumbnail_y) {
    else {
	undef $write_meta_tag{$thumbymetatag};

    if ($current_titletext ne $default_titletext) {
    else {
	undef $write_meta_tag{$titlemetatag};

    if ($current_reverse ne $do_reverse) {
    else {
	undef $write_meta_tag{$reversemetatag};

sub initialize_current_vars {
    $current_columns = $default_columns;
    $current_titletext = $default_titletext;
    $current_thumbnail_x = $default_thumbnail_x;
    $current_thumbnail_y = $default_thumbnail_y;
    $current_reverse = $do_reverse;

# Just initialize the 'png' array with UUENCODED PNG files for emoticons. This
# was placed down here so as not to clutter up the top of the file where the
# other globals are initialized.
sub init_png_array {

$png{'wink'} = <<'EOF';

$png{'smile'} = <<'EOF';

$png{'frown'} = <<'EOF';
