$CSS_URL = '/admin/ql-web/css/default.css';

$HTML_TITLE = 'QL-Web - Entwicklung';

$QL_WEB_DIR = '/data/ql-web';
$TEMPLATE_DIR = "$QL_WEB_DIR/template";


$LDAP_HOST = 'ldap.sao';

# the string '_USERNAME_' will be replaced by the real username
$LDAP_USER_DN = "cn=_USERNAME_,sc=mailAccount,ou=People,o=neofaxe,dc=systemausfall,dc=org";

# DNs for passwords (more than one is allowed)
# _USERNAME_ will be substituted (see LDAP_USER_DN)
# do not use the reserved name 'all'!
# every entry must contain the following elements: 'dn'. 'attr' and 'hash'
	"Mail"	=> {	dn => $LDAP_USER_DN,
			attr => 'userPassword',
			hash => 'MD5' },
	"Web"	=> {	dn => "cn=_USERNAME_,sc=webAccount,ou=People,o=neofaxe,dc=systemausfall,dc=org",
			attr => 'userPassword',
			hash => 'MD5' } );

# spam filtering disables forwarding (for spam) and local delivery (done by spam_filter.sh)
$LDAP_SPAM_MOVE = [	"deliveryProgramPath" => "/data/scripts/spam_filter.sh move",
			"deliveryMode" => "nolocal" ];

# spam marking disables local delivery (done by spam_filter.sh)
$LDAP_SPAM_MARK = [	"deliveryProgramPath" => "/data/scripts/spam_filter.sh mark_only",
			"deliveryMode" => "nolocal" ];

# some spamassassin options
# syntax: "OPTION" => "DEFAULT"
# (look into /etc/spamassassin/local.cf for examples)
# you have to change the code of ql-web.pl to use more options
$LDAP_SPAM_OPTIONS = [	"required_score" => "5.0",
			"report_safe" => 2,
			"rewrite_header Subject" => "*** SPAM-Verdacht ***",
			"use_bayes" => 1,
			"whitelist_from" => "" ];