<?XML Version="1.0">
<nifamily familyname="LabVIEW" displayname="LabVIEW">
<nierror code="-2147467263">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x80004001) Not implemented.
<nierror code="-2147467260">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x80004004) Operation aborted.
<nierror code="-2147467259">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x80004005) Unspecified error.
<nierror code="-2147024809">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x80070057) One or more arguments are invalid.
<nierror code="-1967390712">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0008) Cannot resolve name to a network address.
<nierror code="-1967390711">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0009) Network operation timed out.
<nierror code="-1967390703">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0011) Could not resolve service to a port address.
<nierror code="-1967390702">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0012) Timed out while trying to connect to peer.
<nierror code="-1967390686">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0022) Computer name is not present in the URL.
<nierror code="-1967390685">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0023) Computer name starts with a non-alphabetic character.
<nierror code="-1967390684">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0024) Computer name contains an invalid character.
<nierror code="-1967390683">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0025) Process name is not present in the URL.
<nierror code="-1967390682">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0026) Process name contains an invalid character.
<nierror code="-1967390681">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0027) Point or tag name is not present in the URL.
<nierror code="-1967390680">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0028) Point or tag name contains an invalid character.
<nierror code="-1967390672">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0030) Empty component in point or tag name.
<nierror code="-1967390668">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0034) Thread initiation failed.
<nierror code="-1967390464">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0100) URL does not start with two slashes.
<nierror code="-1967390463">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0101) URL starts with more than two slashes.
<nierror code="-1967390462">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0102) URL contains two consecutive delimiters.
<nierror code="-1967390460">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABC0104) Unbalanced quotation marks in URL.
<nierror code="-1967345152">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABCB200) Invalid refnum.
<nierror code="-1967345151">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABCB201) Invalid property code.
<nierror code="-1967345150">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABCB202) Invalid privilege ID.
<nierror code="-1967345149">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABCB203) Invalid access type.
<nierror code="-1967345148">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABCB204) Invalid argument.
<nierror code="-1967345147">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8ABCB205) Entry not found.
<nierror code="-1950679040">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0000) The value from this shared variable might not be the most current value from the data source.
<nierror code="-1950679039">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0001) Sensor failure
<nierror code="-1950679038">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0002) General device error response.
<nierror code="-1950679037">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0003) Server failure.
<nierror code="-1950679036">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0004) General communications failure.
<nierror code="-1950679035">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0005) The shared variable does not exist.
<nierror code="-1950679034">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0006) The shared variable has no value.
<nierror code="-1950679033">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0007) The shared variable is inactive.
<nierror code="-1950679032">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0008) Sensor inaccurate
<nierror code="-1950679031">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0009) Engineering unit limits exceeded.
<nierror code="-1950679030">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB000A) Unspecified error
<nierror code="-1950679029">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB000B) Math error
<nierror code="-1950679028">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB000C) Communications link failure
<nierror code="-1950679027">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB000D) NI-PSP has not connected to the server yet
<nierror code="-1950679026">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB000E) DNS lookup failed for the server.
<nierror code="-1950679025">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB000F) The server is not reachable.
<nierror code="-1950679024">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0010) Service lookup failed for the server.
<nierror code="-1950679023">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0011) The connection to the server was disconnected.
<nierror code="-1950679022">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0012) The process was not found or is not responding.
<nierror code="-1950679021">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0013) Failed to resolve URL for this shared variable.
<nierror code="-1950679020">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0014) Read access is denied to the shared variable.
<nierror code="-1950679019">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0015) Subscribe failed.
<nierror code="-1950679018">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0016) Invalid URL for this shared variable.
<nierror code="-1950679017">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0017) Invalid combination of feature packs
<nierror code="-1950679016">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0018) Invalid float value.
<nierror code="-1950679015">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0019) Invalid Boolean value.
<nierror code="-1950679014">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB001A) Value attribute not found.
<nierror code="-1950679013">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB001B) Invalid access type.
<nierror code="-1950679012">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB001C) Missing access type.
<nierror code="-1950679011">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB001D) Invalid URL syntax.
<nierror code="-1950679010">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB001E) Shared variable is bound but the path or URL is not specified.
<nierror code="-1950679009">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB001F) A path and URL are both specified.
<nierror code="-1950679008">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0020) Invalid value for the Bind to Source option.
<nierror code="-1950679007">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0021) A value is missing for the Bind to Source option.
<nierror code="-1950679006">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0022) Invalid value for Single Writer option.
<nierror code="-1950679005">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0023) You must select a name for the shared variable.
<nierror code="-1950679004">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0024) Two var type feature packs are selected
<nierror code="-1950679003">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0025) No var type feature pack is selected
<nierror code="-1950679002">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0026) Var type feature packs must be required
<nierror code="-1950679001">
LabVIEW:  Buffer size must be greater than 1.
<nierror code="-1950679000">
LabVIEW:  Array length must be greater than or equal to 2.
<nierror code="-1950678999">
LabVIEW:  Data points in waveform must be greater than or equal to 1.
<nierror code="-1950678998">
LabVIEW:  Global variables can only be accessed from the local machine.
<nierror code="-1950678997">
LabVIEW:  You cannot use a Variable Node of this type on this target.
<nierror code="-1950678996">
LabVIEW:  The variable configuration is invalid.  Edit the variable properties to correct the configuration.
<nierror code="-1950678995">
LabVIEW:  Variable has undefined data type.
<nierror code="-1950678994">
LabVIEW:  Variable has invalid data type.
<nierror code="-1950678993">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB002F) The Raw Full Scale value must be greater than the Raw Zero Scale value.
<nierror code="-1950678992">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0030) The Raw Scale and/or Engineering Scale is invalid.
<nierror code="-1950678991">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0031) The Engineering Full Scale value should not be equal to Engineering Zero Scale value.
<nierror code="-1950678990">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0032) Scaling type attribute not specified.
<nierror code="-1950678989">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0033) Scaling ranges not fully specified.
<nierror code="-1950678988">
LabVIEW:  BuffSize, ElemSize, and PointsPerWaveform must be greater than or equal to 1.
<nierror code="-1950678987">
LabVIEW:  This piece of configuration does not exist for this type of variable.
<nierror code="-1074003967">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0001) Parameter 1 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003966">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0002) Parameter 2 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003965">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0003) Parameter 3 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003964">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0004) Parameter 4 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003963">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0005) Parameter 5 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003962">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0006) Parameter 6 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003961">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0007) Parameter 7 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003960">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0008) Parameter 8 is out of range.
<nierror code="-1074003952">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0010) Error interpreting instrument response
<nierror code="-1074003951">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0011) Identification query failed.
<nierror code="-1074003950">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xBFFC0012) Error interpreting the instrument's response.
<nierror code="-1074000001">
LabVIEW:  Instrument self-test failure.
<nierror code="-1074000000">
LabVIEW:  Instrument error query failure.
<nierror code="-900000">
LabVIEW:  just an example
<nierror code="-90164">
LabVIEW:  An unidentified error occurred in the parser.
<nierror code="-90163">
LabVIEW:  The parser aborted recognition of a token.
<nierror code="-90162">
LabVIEW:  A recognition error occurred while generating a stream of tokens.
<nierror code="-90161">
LabVIEW:  An I/O error occurred while generating a stream of tokens.
<nierror code="-90160">
LabVIEW:  An unidentified error occurred while generating a stream of tokens.
<nierror code="-90159">
LabVIEW:  A semantic error occurred while parsing.
<nierror code="-90158">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW found an unexpected character while parsing.
<nierror code="-90157">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW found an unexpected token while parsing.
<nierror code="-90156">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW found a mismatched token while parsing.
<nierror code="-90155">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW found a mismatched character while parsing.
<nierror code="-90154">
LabVIEW:  An unidentified error occurred while attempting to recognize a character or token.
<nierror code="-90153">
LabVIEW:  An I/O error occurred while generating a stream of characters.
<nierror code="-90152">
LabVIEW:  An unidentified error occurred while generating a stream of characters.
<nierror code="-90151">
LabVIEW:  A parser error occurred.
<nierror code="-90149">
LabVIEW:  You do not have the appropriate license to access this item. Contact National Instruments for more information.
<nierror code="-90090">
LabVIEW:  The output is complex.
<nierror code="-90089">
LabVIEW:  MathScript strings only supports ASCII characters in the range of 32-126.
<nierror code="-90088">
LabVIEW:  Only scalar elements and strings are supported in a switch statement.
<nierror code="-90087">
LabVIEW:  The given function name does not correspond to a known function.
<nierror code="-90086">
LabVIEW:  The current MathScript could not be executed.  Please contact National Instruments with the script.
<nierror code="-90085">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW evaluated the integrand more than 20,000 times.
<nierror code="-90084">
LabVIEW:  The integration interval is approaching machine epsilon.
<nierror code="-90083">
LabVIEW:  Two consecutive iterations of this function produce the same result.
<nierror code="-90082">
LabVIEW:  This function exceeded the maximum number of iterations without converging.
<nierror code="-90081">
LabVIEW:  A divide-by-zero error occurred.
<nierror code="-90080">
LabVIEW:  You specified an invalid time.
<nierror code="-90079">
LabVIEW:  You specified an invalid format specifier.
<nierror code="-90078">
LabVIEW:  The sizes of the input matrices are incompatible.
<nierror code="-90077">
LabVIEW:  Some eigenvalues of the input matrix are ill-conditioned.
<nierror code="-90076">
LabVIEW:  The precondition matrices are ill-conditioned.
<nierror code="-90075">
LabVIEW:  The upper triangular part of the input matrix is not a valid Cholesky factor.
<nierror code="-90074">
LabVIEW:  The downdated matrix is not positive definite.
<nierror code="-90073">
LabVIEW:  The input matrix is not positive definite.
<nierror code="-90072">
LabVIEW:  You specified an empty matrix.
<nierror code="-90071">
LabVIEW:  The degree of the polynomial is greater than the number of data points.
<nierror code="-90070">
LabVIEW:  The lengths of the two input vectors are not compatible.
<nierror code="-90069">
LabVIEW:  The length of the input vector must be greater than 2.
<nierror code="-90068">
LabVIEW:  The length of the input vector must be greater than 2*l.
<nierror code="-90067">
LabVIEW:  The elements of the input vector must be in increasing order.
<nierror code="-90066">
LabVIEW:  The elements of the input vector must be distinct.
<nierror code="-90065">
LabVIEW:  The values of the input vectors are not compatible.
<nierror code="-90064">
LabVIEW:  All elements of the input vector must be positive.
<nierror code="-90063">
LabVIEW:  All real elements of the input vector must be greater than or equal to 0.
<nierror code="-90062">
LabVIEW:  All input elements must be in the interval [-1, 1].
<nierror code="-90061">
LabVIEW:  You specified an empty vector.
<nierror code="-90060">
LabVIEW:  This function is not defined for vector data types.
<nierror code="-90059">
LabVIEW:  The input parameter must be a vector.
<nierror code="-90058">
LabVIEW:  The input scalar must be greater than 0 and not equal to 2.
<nierror code="-90057">
LabVIEW:  The input scalar must be in the interval [0, 1].
<nierror code="-90056">
LabVIEW:  The input scalar cannot be 0.
<nierror code="-90055">
LabVIEW:  The input scalar must be positive.
<nierror code="-90054">
LabVIEW:  The input scalar must be greater than or equal to 0.
<nierror code="-90053">
LabVIEW:  You specified input parameters for a function that takes no inputs.
<nierror code="-90052">
LabVIEW:  You specified an invalid number of output parameters for this function.
<nierror code="-90051">
LabVIEW:  You specified an invalid number of input parameters for this function.
<nierror code="-90050">
LabVIEW:  You cannot specify a step size of zero for a range.
<nierror code="-90049">
LabVIEW:  The input parameters must be real, positive numbers.
<nierror code="-90048">
LabVIEW:  You must call the tic function before calling the toc function.
<nierror code="-90047">
LabVIEW:  You must use a square matrix.
<nierror code="-90046">
LabVIEW:  The input parameters are not in the required format.
<nierror code="-90045">
LabVIEW:  The base of the number conversion must be an integer between 2 and 36.
<nierror code="-90044">
LabVIEW:  You must operate on the first or second dimension.
<nierror code="-90043">
LabVIEW:  The matrix sizes are not valid.
<nierror code="-90042">
LabVIEW:  The data types you specified are incompatible. This error can occur when you build a matrix with both complex and character elements.
<nierror code="-90041">
LabVIEW:  All rows of a matrix must have the same number of columns.
<nierror code="-90040">
LabVIEW:  You cannot convert a complex number to a character.  This error can occur when you replace a character matrix element with a complex element or when you explicitly convert a complex number to a character.
<nierror code="-90039">
LabVIEW:  You cannot convert a Boolean to a character.  This error can occur when you replace a character matrix element with a Boolean or when you explicitly convert a Boolean to a character.
<nierror code="-90038">
LabVIEW:  You cannot convert a uint64 number to a Boolean.  This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with a uint64 element or when you explicitly convert a uint64 number to a Boolean.
<nierror code="-90037">
LabVIEW:  You cannot convert an int64 number to a Boolean.  This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with an int64 element or when you explicitly convert an int64 number to a Boolean.
<nierror code="-90036">
LabVIEW:  You cannot convert a character to a Boolean.  This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with a character or when you explicitly convert a character to a Boolean.
<nierror code="-90035">
LabVIEW:  You cannot convert a complex number to a Boolean.  This error can occur when you replace a Boolean matrix element with a complex element or when you explicitly convert a complex number to a Boolean.
<nierror code="-90034">
LabVIEW:  The number of rows and columns that the indexes specify must equal the number of rows and columns of values you want to set.
<nierror code="-90033">
LabVIEW:  You cannot use an empty matrix to delete a single element in a 2D matrix.
<nierror code="-90032">
LabVIEW:  The indexes are out of bounds for the variable you specified.
<nierror code="-90031">
LabVIEW:  The given name does not correspond to a known function, variable, or symbol.
<nierror code="-90030">
LabVIEW:  You cannot resize a 2D matrix by indexing the matrix with a linear index that is out of the bounds of the matrix.
<nierror code="-90029">
LabVIEW:  You cannot replace elements of a matrix with non-matrix data types.
<nierror code="-90028">
LabVIEW:  The number of indexes must match the number of values you want to assign to a matrix.
<nierror code="-90027">
LabVIEW:  The variable is not a matrix data type.  This error can occur when you attempt to index a non-matrix data type.
<nierror code="-90026">
LabVIEW:  The indexes for a matrix indexing operation must be real, positive integers.
<nierror code="-90025">
LabVIEW:  An internal error occurred while processing this MathScript.  Contact National Instruments with the MathScript you used.
<nierror code="-90024">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW does not understand the optional parameter you passed to this function. Verify that you spelled the parameter correctly and that the option is valid for this function.
<nierror code="-90023">
LabVIEW:  The data type of the input parameters is not valid for this operation.
<nierror code="-90022">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW does not understand the parameters you passed to this function.
<nierror code="-90021">
LabVIEW:  This function does not operate on matrices of 3 or more dimensions.
<nierror code="-90020">
LabVIEW:  This function does not operate on function handles.
<nierror code="-90019">
LabVIEW:  This operation requires at least one parameter to be a scalar.
<nierror code="-90018">
LabVIEW:  The input parameters for this function must be real.
<nierror code="-90017">
LabVIEW:  The bit you want to set is outside the range of the current floating-point representation.
<nierror code="-90016">
LabVIEW:  The bit you want to get is outside the range of the current floating-point representation.
<nierror code="-90015">
LabVIEW:  If you perform a bitwise complement and treat the result as an N-bit number, the original number cannot be greater than 2^N.
<nierror code="-90014">
LabVIEW:  The input parameters must be nonnegative integers less than bitmax.
<nierror code="-90013">
LabVIEW:  Elements of the input matrices must be nonnegative integers of the same data type.
<nierror code="-90012">
LabVIEW:  The data types of the input matrices must be the same when you perform a bitwise operation.
<nierror code="-90011">
LabVIEW:  The sizes of the input matrices are incompatible.  Verify that the matrices have the same size or that one is a scalar.
<nierror code="-90010">
LabVIEW:  The inputs to this function must be scalar.
<nierror code="-90009">
LabVIEW:  The operator you want to use is not defined. If the operator is correct, contact National Instruments.
<nierror code="-90008">
LabVIEW:  This function is not defined to operate on complex data. This error can occur when you perform a logical operation with invalid data types.
<nierror code="-90007">
LabVIEW:  This function is not defined to operate on Boolean, character, or single-precision data. This error can occur when you perform a bitwise operation with invalid data types.
<nierror code="-90006">
LabVIEW:  This function is defined to operate only on characters.
<nierror code="-90005">
LabVIEW:  This function is not defined for sized integer matrix data types (e.g. int8, uint32, etc.).
<nierror code="-90004">
LabVIEW:  This function is not defined for non-matrix data types.
<nierror code="-90003">
LabVIEW:  This function is not defined for the number of parameters you supplied.
<nierror code="-90002">
LabVIEW:  The supplied parameter is incompatible with the data type that this function requires. For example, you cannot add two int8 numbers.
<nierror code="-90001">
LabVIEW:  A problem occurred in a subVI call.
<nierror code="-40635">
LabVIEW:  Configured network speed does not match the actual one.  This can happen if network adapter is slower than the specified network speed or the network speed has been downgraded by another adapter, hub, or switch.
<nierror code="-40634">
LabVIEW:  "Data Received" timing source can not be used by the node owning the associated variable or "Data Sent" timing source can only be used on the node owning the associated variable
<nierror code="-40633">
LabVIEW:  Requested error can not be ignored because a full or partial shutdown of the node and/or network has been initiated.
<nierror code="-40632">
LabVIEW:  A valid packet that does not follow to NI's deterministic protocol has been detected on the network.  The node/network will be shut down.
<nierror code="-40631">
LabVIEW:  An already deployed configuration for one or more network nodes does not match this node's configuration.
<nierror code="-40630">
LabVIEW:  Network transmission violated requested timing.  See documentation for more information about what might have caused the error and how can it be avoided
<nierror code="-40629">
LabVIEW:  Resource allocation/creation/configuration failed because the existing resource has already been configured with different parameters.  This error is generated if a particular resource such as a channel is being recreated with, for example, a different buffer size.
<nierror code="-40627">
LabVIEW:  Read failed after three retries due to new data being placed into the buffer
<nierror code="-40626">
LabVIEW:  Clock synchronization algorithm failed because enough cycle start packets have been missed - no more write network transactions will be allowed until the deterministic communication engine is restarted.

<nierror code="-40618">
LabVIEW:  Invalid reference
<nierror code="-40616">
LabVIEW:  Deterministic communciation engine found no devices with specified MAC address
<nierror code="-40615">
LabVIEW:  Requested device can not be instantiated in a specified mode because of one of the following reasons: there is already device initialized in determinsistic mode
<nierror code="-40613">
LabVIEW:  Specified subchannel is out of range.  Please see documentation about supported range for channel sub-channels.
<nierror code="-40612">
LabVIEW:  One of the following illegal operations has been attempted: allocation of a write terminal on a channel owned by another node; allocation of a shared memory variable on a non shared memory channel; creation of a read or write terminal on a shared memory channel
<nierror code="-40611">
LabVIEW:  An item with specified index has already been configured
<nierror code="-40609">
LabVIEW:  Item offset is out of range specified during channel initialization time
<nierror code="-40608">
LabVIEW:  Message being written to the deterministic communication engine exceeds maximum size configured during channel or terminal creation time or the buffer allocated for reading is smaller than the message size
<nierror code="-40606">
LabVIEW:  Deterministic communication engine timing source with the same name already exists
<nierror code="-40603">
LabVIEW:  Deterministic communication engine files have not been properly installed
<nierror code="-40602">
LabVIEW:  Deterministic communication engine run out of allocated resources
<nierror code="-40601">
LabVIEW:  The deterministic communication engine failed to initialize hardware.
<nierror code="-40600">
LabVIEW:  Deterministic communciation engine failed to allocate enough memory while performing requested operation
<nierror code="-20339">
LabVIEW:  There must be a signal wired to each input signal terminal.
<nierror code="-4824">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFED28) Clipped Floating-point data to fit the range [-1.0, 1.0].
<nierror code="-4820">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFED2C) Potential glitch during write.
<nierror code="-4644">
LabVIEW:  An invalid UTF-8 string was used in a regular expression or input string.
<nierror code="-4643">
LabVIEW:  Two named groups have the same name.
<nierror code="-4642">
LabVIEW:  There is a syntax error after (?P.
<nierror code="-4641">
LabVIEW:  An unrecognized character was encounted after (?P.
<nierror code="-4640">
LabVIEW:  A recursive call could loop indefinitely.
<nierror code="-4639">
LabVIEW:  Closing ) for (?C expected.
<nierror code="-4638">
LabVIEW:  Number after (?C is > 255.
<nierror code="-4637">
LabVIEW:  PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N, \P, \p, \U, \u, or \X escape sequences.
<nierror code="-4636">
LabVIEW:  The \C expression is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion.
<nierror code="-4635">
LabVIEW:  Invalid condition (?(0).
<nierror code="-4634">
LabVIEW:  The character value in the \x{...} sequence is too large.
<nierror code="-4632">
LabVIEW:  UTF-8 is not supported.
<nierror code="-4631">
LabVIEW:  POSIX collating elements are not supported.
<nierror code="-4630">
LabVIEW:  Unknown POSIX class name.
<nierror code="-4629">
LabVIEW:  A (?R or (?digits expression must be followed by ).
<nierror code="-4628">
LabVIEW:  An assertion is expected after (?(.
<nierror code="-4627">
LabVIEW:  A conditional group contains more than two branches.
<nierror code="-4626">
LabVIEW:  There is a malformed number after (?(.
<nierror code="-4625">
LabVIEW:  A lookbehind assertion is not a fixed length.
<nierror code="-4624">
LabVIEW:  There is an unrecognized character after (?<.
<nierror code="-4623">
LabVIEW:  Internal error: code overflow.
<nierror code="-4622">
LabVIEW:  There is an unmatched parenthesis in a regular expression.
<nierror code="-4621">
LabVIEW:  Failed to get the memory for regular expression matching.
<nierror code="-4620">
LabVIEW:  The regular expression is too large.
<nierror code="-4619">
LabVIEW:  Parentheses are nested too deeply.
<nierror code="-4618">
LabVIEW:  A ) is missing after a comment.
<nierror code="-4617">
LabVIEW:  Internal Error: Unknown option bit(s) set.
<nierror code="-4616">
LabVIEW:  Internal Error: Erroffset passed as NULL.
<nierror code="-4615">
LabVIEW:  There is a reference to non-existent subpattern.
<nierror code="-4614">
LabVIEW:  A   ) is missing.
<nierror code="-4613">
LabVIEW:  POSIX named classes are supported only within a class.
<nierror code="-4612">
LabVIEW:  There is an unrecognized character after (?.
<nierror code="-4611">
LabVIEW:  Internal error: unexpected repeat.
<nierror code="-4609">
LabVIEW:  There is nothing to repeat.
<nierror code="-4608">
LabVIEW:  A range is out of order in a character class.
<nierror code="-4607">
LabVIEW:  A character class contains an invalid escape sequence.
<nierror code="-4606">
LabVIEW:  A character class is missing a ']' terminator. 
<nierror code="-4605">
LabVIEW:  A number in the {} quantifier is too large.
<nierror code="-4604">
LabVIEW:  Numbers out of order in {} quantifier.
<nierror code="-4603">
LabVIEW:  An unrecognized character follows a '\'.
<nierror code="-4602">
LabVIEW:  A regular expression must not end with '\c'.
<nierror code="-4601">
LabVIEW:  A regular expression must not end with '\'.
<nierror code="-4600">
LabVIEW:  An unknown error occurred during the regular expression match.
<nierror code="-2983">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW could not access the source control provider. The LabVIEW source control configuration settings are not valid for this session or a timeout occurred. Select <b>Tools>>Source Control>>Configure Source Control</b> to reconfigure source control. 
<nierror code="-2982">
LabVIEW:  The specified file is not a valid LabVIEW file type. Enter a path to an existing LabVIEW file, such as a VI or control.
<nierror code="-2981">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while comparing the specified file. The local file is not the latest version in source control.
<nierror code="-2980">
LabVIEW:  The value of an input parameter is out of range.
<nierror code="-2979">
LabVIEW:  The source control configuration data is invalid, corrupted, or missing. Verify that the data is valid for the source control provider you selected during configuration.
<nierror code="-2978">
LabVIEW:  The number of files input does not match the version information input. Make sure the two inputs contain the same number of elements.
<nierror code="-2977">
LabVIEW:  The input file type is not compatible with the file retrieval method.
<nierror code="-2976">
LabVIEW:  Invalid source control reference.
<nierror code="-2975">
LabVIEW:  No valid file paths were specified. You must enter at least one valid file path.
<nierror code="-2974">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while uninitializing the source control provider.
<nierror code="-2973">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while loading the source control DLL. The source control provider might have been moved or removed without a registry update. You might need to reinstall the source control provider.
<nierror code="-2972">
LabVIEW:  An internal error occurred during the source control operation.
<nierror code="-2971">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while accessing the source control provider. The specified provider was not found.
<nierror code="-2970">
LabVIEW:  You cannot perform source control operations until you configure source control in LabVIEW. Select <b>Tools>>Source Control>>Configure Source Control</b> to configure source control.
<nierror code="-2964">
LabVIEW:  You cannot perform the specified source control operation on files marked as Open for Add or Open for Delete. Submit these files to the source control provider before you attempt the operation.
<nierror code="-2963">
LabVIEW:  The changelist does not include a valid description. Verify that the description is not empty and does not contain the default text.
<nierror code="-2962">
LabVIEW:  Unable to locate or run the administration tool from the source control provider.
<nierror code="-2961">
LabVIEW:  All files in a single submit operation must be the latest version, checked out to the user, not locked by another user, and under source control.
<nierror code="-2960">
LabVIEW:  The specified files are not in the same changelist. All files in a single submit operation must be in the same changelist.
<nierror code="-2955">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred during the specified source control operation.
<nierror code="-2954">
LabVIEW:  A connection with the source control provider already exists. Disconnect from the current source control provider before you open a new connection.
<nierror code="-2953">
LabVIEW:  The specified source control provider is not compatible with LabVIEW. The source control provider does not support required LabVIEW functionality.
<nierror code="-2952">
LabVIEW:  The length of an input parameter exceeds the maximum allowed value.
<nierror code="-2951">
LabVIEW:  The specified source control operation cannot run because the source control provider is not initialized.
<nierror code="-2950">
LabVIEW:  The specified option is invalid.
<nierror code="-2929">
LabVIEW:  A failure occurred in the connection with the source control provider.
<nierror code="-2928">
LabVIEW:  Unable to locate the local copy of the specified file.
<nierror code="-2927">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while opening a source control project or accessing a file. An input value uses invalid file syntax.
<nierror code="-2926">
LabVIEW:  The user is not allowed to perform this operation.
<nierror code="-2925">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while performing the specified operation. No source control project is open.
<nierror code="-2924">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while opening a source control project or accessing a file. The specified path is invalid.
<nierror code="-2923">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while opening the specified source control project. An input value uses invalid syntax for the source control project syntax.
<nierror code="-2922">
LabVIEW:  The specified source control project is already open.
<nierror code="-2921">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while logging into the source code provider. The specified user login is invalid. Verify the login information you entered.
<nierror code="-2920">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred within the source control provider program, such as shell failure.
<nierror code="-2919">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred during file check-in. The specified file was automatically merged but was not checked in because you must resolve a merge conflict manually.
<nierror code="-2918">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred during file check-in. The specified file was automatically merged but was not checked in, pending user verification.
<nierror code="-2917">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while adding a file to source control. The source control provider does not support the file type (binary or text).
<nierror code="-2916">
LabVIEW:  The source control provider did not perform the specified operation.
<nierror code="-2915">
LabVIEW:  The source control provider returned a non-specific error. The specified operation was not performed.
<nierror code="-2914">
LabVIEW:  The source control provider does not support the specified operation.
<nierror code="-2913">
LabVIEW:  The version of the file you specified does not exist or was not specified correctly. Specify a valid version or date and time.
<nierror code="-2912">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while retrieving or removing the specified file. The file is currently checked out, so the provider is unable to retrieve or remove it.
<nierror code="-2911">
LabVIEW:  The specified file is not under source control.
<nierror code="-2910">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while adding a file to source control. The specified file is in source control already.
<nierror code="-2909">
LabVIEW:  File check-in did not occur because of a conflict error. Another user has checked in the file.
<nierror code="-2908">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while accessing source control. Check for network or contention problems.
<nierror code="-2907">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while checking out a file. The specified file is exclusively checked out by another user. 
<nierror code="-2906">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while checking out a file. The specified file is locked.
<nierror code="-2905">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while checking out a file. The specified file already is checked out.
<nierror code="-2904">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while checking in or undoing the check out of a file. The specified file is not checked out to the current user.
<nierror code="-2903">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while opening the specified source control project. The source control provider could not create the source control project.
<nierror code="-2902">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred while opening the specified source control project. The source control provider does not recognize the project name. Verify that the project name and location are correct. 
<nierror code="-2901">
LabVIEW:  An error occurred during source control provider initialization.
<nierror code="-2584">
LabVIEW:  DIAdem could not be started. You must have DIAdem 9.1 Service Pack 2 or later installed to use the NI DIAdem Report Express VI.
<nierror code="-2583">
LabVIEW:  Cannot append data to the existing file because the value of the X Value Columns option of the Write to Measurement File Express VI changed.
<nierror code="-2582">
LabVIEW:  The Write to Measurement File Express VI cannot append new data to the file because the time information of the signals stored in the file does not match the signals you are trying to append.
<nierror code="-2581">
LabVIEW:  The Write to Measurement File Express VI cannot append new data to the file because the signals stored in the file don't match the signals you are trying to append.
<nierror code="-2580">
LabVIEW:  The Write to Measurement File Express VI cannot append new data to frequency domain waveforms.
<nierror code="-2578">
LabVIEW:  After deleting data from a file, you must close the file and reopen it before you can perform a read operation.
<nierror code="-2575">
LabVIEW:  Storage VIs version conflict.
<nierror code="-2574">
LabVIEW:  The string you wired to this VI contains binary characters that are not valid entries for string values in a .tdm file. To store binary data, use data channels with a data type of 8-bit unsigned integer.
<nierror code="-2572">
LabVIEW:  This property is not part of the Storage VI data structure.
<nierror code="-2571">
LabVIEW:  This object type is not part of the Storage VI data structure.
<nierror code="-2570">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW could not write the file back to disk.
<nierror code="-2569">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW cannot convert the object ID into a valid refnum. An object with this ID does not exist in the data storage file.
<nierror code="-2568">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW failed to allocate memory from the operating system of your computer.
<nierror code="-2566">
LabVIEW:  An input parameter to this VI is invalid.
<nierror code="-2565">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW could not load the data channel you specified from the data storage file. The channel either is empty or the properties that describe the channel, such as length or data type, are incomplete.
<nierror code="-2564">
LabVIEW:  The software installed on this computer does not support the file format you requested. The Storage VIs access files through plug-in libraries LabVIEW and DIAdem install. Visit ni.com to download the library you need.
<nierror code="-2563">
LabVIEW:  This property does not exist.
<nierror code="-2562">
LabVIEW:  The data type of a property or channel could not  automatically be coerced when writing to or reading from a data storage file.
<nierror code="-2561">
LabVIEW:  Data storage is write-protected.
<nierror code="-2560">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW cannot load the USI components the Storage VIs require. These components are installed by LabVIEW and DIAdem. Visit ni.com to download the components you need. You may need to reinstall LabVIEW or DIAdem.
<nierror code="-2559">
LabVIEW:  The data storage file is already open.
<nierror code="-2558">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW cannot open the data storage file.
<nierror code="-2557">
LabVIEW:  There is an error in the query expression.
<nierror code="-2556">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW cannot find the object type.
<nierror code="-2555">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW cannot write to a read-only data storage file.
<nierror code="-2554">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW does not support the data type of this property.
<nierror code="-2553">
LabVIEW:  The object refnum is invalid. The node that returned this refnum might have encountered an error and did not return a valid refnum. The storage this refnum refers to might have closed before the call executed.
<nierror code="-2551">
LabVIEW:  The property data type does not match.
<nierror code="-2550">
LabVIEW:  This property does not exist.
<nierror code="-2500">
LabVIEW:  Storage VIs internal error.
<nierror code="-2223">
LabVIEW:  A DLL required by this variable is missing or is the wrong version.  
<nierror code="-2222">
LabVIEW:  A value has never been written to this variable.
<nierror code="-2221">
LabVIEW:  The variable write buffer was full.
<nierror code="-2220">
LabVIEW:  The variable read buffer was empty.
<nierror code="-2208">
LabVIEW:  This version of LabVIEW does not support waveforms in an RT FIFO.
<nierror code="-2207">
LabVIEW:  Invalid waveform passed to the RT FIFO.
<nierror code="-2206">
LabVIEW:  RT FIFO does not exist.
<nierror code="-2205">
LabVIEW:  RT FIFO must contain at least 2 elements.
<nierror code="-2204">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF764) Type mismatch. Named RT FIFO type does not match that of existing RT FIFO with same name.
<nierror code="-2203">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF765) Cannot match an empty name.
<nierror code="-2202">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF766) The specified name does not exist.
<nierror code="-2201">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF767) The specified name already exists and is of a different size or type.
<nierror code="-2200">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF768) Unknown internal error.
<nierror code="-1821">
LabVIEW:  Waveform data type file datalog type conflict.  Refer to the National Instruments Web site at ni.com/info and enter the info code exd9zq for more information about migrating waveform data from LabVIEW 6.x to LabVIEW 7.x.
<nierror code="-1820">
LabVIEW:  The t0 does not align with the end of the previous signal.
<nierror code="-1817">
LabVIEW:  Specified start position or signal index is out of range.
<nierror code="-1816">
LabVIEW:  Full Scale Range cannot be less than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="-1815">
LabVIEW:  An invalid character was present in the spreadsheet string. Use only 0, 1, L, H, X, Z, V, or T.
<nierror code="-1813">
LabVIEW:  Too many signals to convert into the specified data type.
<nierror code="-1812">
LabVIEW:  Specified start position or duration is out of range.
<nierror code="-1811">
LabVIEW:  Both waveforms must contain the same number of signals.
<nierror code="-1810">
LabVIEW:  The number of samples to compare exceeds the number of samples after the start sample.
<nierror code="-1809">
LabVIEW:  Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52.
<nierror code="-1808">
LabVIEW:  Values other than 0, 1, L, H are present in the digital data.
<nierror code="-1807">
LabVIEW:  Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals.
<nierror code="-1806">
LabVIEW:  Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data.
<nierror code="-1805">
LabVIEW:  Start index out of range
<nierror code="-1804">
LabVIEW:  Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN
<nierror code="-1803">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF8F5) Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range.
<nierror code="-1802">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF8F6) Waveforms have different dt values.
<nierror code="-1801">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF8F7) Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
<nierror code="-1800">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFFF8F8) Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
<nierror code="-1719">
LabVIEW:  Index is out of range in a put operation.
<nierror code="-1718">
LabVIEW:  The contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet.
<nierror code="-1717">
LabVIEW:  No handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler.
<nierror code="-1716">
LabVIEW:  Unknown Apple Event address type.
<nierror code="-1715">
LabVIEW:  Handler did not get all required parameters.
<nierror code="-1714">
LabVIEW:  Wrong keyword for a special function.
<nierror code="-1713">
LabVIEW:  No user interaction allowed.
<nierror code="-1712">
LabVIEW:  Apple Event timed out.
<nierror code="-1711">
LabVIEW:  User canceled out of wait loop for reply or receipt.
<nierror code="-1710">
LabVIEW:  Invalid sending mode was passed.
<nierror code="-1709">
LabVIEW:  AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter.
<nierror code="-1708">
LabVIEW:  AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter.
<nierror code="-1707">
LabVIEW:  The event is not an Apple Event.
<nierror code="-1706">
LabVIEW:  Need a newer version of Apple Event Manager.
<nierror code="-1705">
LabVIEW:  Operation involving a list item failed.
<nierror code="-1704">
LabVIEW:  Not a valid descriptor record.
<nierror code="-1703">
LabVIEW:  Wrong descriptor type.
<nierror code="-1702">
LabVIEW:  Data in an Apple Event could not be read.
<nierror code="-1701">
LabVIEW:  Descriptor record was not found.
<nierror code="-1700">
LabVIEW:  Data could not be coerced to the requested descriptor type.
<nierror code="-1300">
LabVIEW:  Instrument-specific error.
<nierror code="-1236">
LabVIEW:  Error interpreting instrument response.
<nierror code="-1223">
LabVIEW:  Instrument identification query failed.
<nierror code="-1210">
LabVIEW:  Parameter out of range.
<nierror code="-932">
LabVIEW:  Destination port requires authentication.
<nierror code="-931">
LabVIEW:  Location name is invalid.
<nierror code="-930">
LabVIEW:  Service method is other than ppcServiceRealTime.
<nierror code="-928">
LabVIEW:  Invalid user reference number.
<nierror code="-927">
LabVIEW:  User's password is wrong.
<nierror code="-926">
LabVIEW:  PPCStart failed because destination did not have an inform pending.
<nierror code="-925">
LabVIEW:  An error has occurred in the network.
<nierror code="-924">
LabVIEW:  Unable to create a new userRefNum.
<nierror code="-923">
LabVIEW:  The default userRefNum does not yet exist.
<nierror code="-922">
LabVIEW:  User has not specified owner name in Sharing Setup Control Panel.
<nierror code="-919">
LabVIEW:  PPCPortRec is invalid.
<nierror code="-917">
LabVIEW:  The session has closed.
<nierror code="-916">
LabVIEW:  The port was closed.
<nierror code="-915">
LabVIEW:  Unable to contact destination application.
<nierror code="-914">
LabVIEW:  A system resource is missing.
<nierror code="-913">
LabVIEW:  User has not named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel.
<nierror code="-912">
LabVIEW:  Destination rejected the session request.
<nierror code="-911">
LabVIEW:  User name unknown on destination machine.
<nierror code="-910">
LabVIEW:  Another port is already open with this name (perhaps in another application).
<nierror code="-909">
LabVIEW:  Bad parameter or invalid state for this operation.
<nierror code="-908">
LabVIEW:  Invalid session reference number.
<nierror code="-907">
LabVIEW:  PPC Toolbox is unable to create a session.
<nierror code="-906">
LabVIEW:  Port does not exist at destination.
<nierror code="-905">
LabVIEW:  Network activity is currently disabled.
<nierror code="-904">
LabVIEW:  The system is unable to allocate memory. This is a critical error, and you should restart.
<nierror code="-903">
LabVIEW:  Invalid port name. Unable to open port or bad portRefNum.
<nierror code="-902">
LabVIEW:  Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName.
<nierror code="-900">
LabVIEW:  PPC Toolbox has not been initialized.
<nierror code="-823">
LabVIEW:  Cannot load scheduler library on the target.
<nierror code="-822">
LabVIEW:  The timed structure feature or type is not supported on the current platform for the following timing source.
<nierror code="-821">
LabVIEW:  The following timed structures timed out while waiting for the synchronization group to synchronize all timed structures in the group.
<nierror code="-820">
LabVIEW:  The following timed structure has been initialized with illegal parameters.
<nierror code="-819">
LabVIEW:  An illegal mode has been specified for the following given Timed Loop.
<nierror code="-818">
LabVIEW:  An illegal period, deadline, offset, or start has been specified for the following timed structure.
<nierror code="-817">
LabVIEW:  Timing Source error or attempted to execute another iteration of a Timed Loop that was already aborted due to an error of the following timing source.
<nierror code="-816">
LabVIEW:  Timed structure aborted or attempted to execute another iteration of the following aborted Timed Loop.
<nierror code="-815">
LabVIEW:  Cannot add timing source to the following active timing source hierarchy.
<nierror code="-814">
LabVIEW:  Cannot add timed structure to the active timed structure synchronization group.
<nierror code="-813">
LabVIEW:  The following timing source can be assigned to only one timing source hierarchy at a time.
<nierror code="-812">
LabVIEW:  The following timed structure can only be assigned to one timed structure synchronization group at a time.
<nierror code="-811">
LabVIEW:  The given name is already being used by another timing source hierarchy:
<nierror code="-810">
LabVIEW:  The given name is already being used by another timed structure synchronization group:
<nierror code="-809">
LabVIEW:  The given name is already being used by the following timing source.
<nierror code="-808">
LabVIEW:  The given name is already being used by the following timed structure.
<nierror code="-807">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW:  The following timing source hierarchy does not exist possibly because the timing source hierarchy has never been created, has been cleared, or an illegal action was attempted.
<nierror code="-806">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW:  The following synchronization group does not exist possibly because the synchronization group has never been created, has been cleared, or an illegal action was attempted.
<nierror code="-805">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW:  The following timing source does not exist possibly because the timing source was never created, has been cleared, or an illegal action was attempted. 
<nierror code="-804">
LabVIEW:  The timed structure does not exist, possibly because the timed structure has not been created, the timed structure has been cleared, or an illegal operation was attempted.
<nierror code="-803">
LabVIEW:  Creating a new timing source hierarchy exceeds the maximum allowed number of simultaneously active timing source hierarchies.  
<nierror code="-802">
LabVIEW:  Creating another timed structure synchronization group exceeds the maximum allowed number of simultaneously active synchronization groups. 
<nierror code="-801">
LabVIEW:  Creating another timing source exceeds the maximum allowed number of simultaneously active timing sources. 
<nierror code="-800">
LabVIEW:  Creating another timed structure exceeds the maximum allowed number of simultaneously active timed structures.
<nierror code="-722">
LabVIEW:  The TEDS bitstream is invalid or corrupt.
<nierror code="-721">
LabVIEW:  The specified index is outside the bounds of the TEDS data array.
<nierror code="-720">
LabVIEW:  The specified value is outside of the acceptable range for this property.
<nierror code="-719">
LabVIEW:  The Basic TEDS was not found in the TEDS data.
<nierror code="-718">
LabVIEW:  The specified selectcase or structarray was not found.
<nierror code="-717">
LabVIEW:  The specified VTEDS file was written with an incompatible version of the TEDS library.
<nierror code="-716">
LabVIEW:  The EEPROM is too small for data.
<nierror code="-715">
LabVIEW:  EEPROM Write Failure
<nierror code="-714">
<nierror code="-713">
LabVIEW:  No EEPROM is detected.
<nierror code="-712">
LabVIEW:  This property cannot be edited because it is a constant in the template for this sensor.
<nierror code="-711">
LabVIEW:  The enumeration for this property does not correspond to the data type specified by the template.
<nierror code="-710">
LabVIEW:  This TEDS sensor requires a manufacturer defined template.
<nierror code="-709">
LabVIEW:  The specified property is a floating-point data type according to the template. Casting this property to an unsigned integer will result in a loss of precision.
<nierror code="-708">
LabVIEW:  The specified property is specified by the TEDS template as a string data type and cannot be converted to a numeric.
<nierror code="-707">
LabVIEW:  The TEDS user data does not contain 7-bit ASCII code.
<nierror code="-706">
LabVIEW:  The requested property cannot be found in the current TEDS data.
<nierror code="-705">
LabVIEW:  The template to decode the remainder of the TEDS bitstream cannot be found in the specified template directory.
<nierror code="-704">
LabVIEW:  The header selector in the legacy Basic TEDS is outside the acceptable range.
<nierror code="-703">
LabVIEW:  The TEDS data checksum is invalid.
<nierror code="-702">
LabVIEW:  This VI does not support the data type for this property.
<nierror code="-701">
LabVIEW:  The number of bits required for the requested action is not divisible by five.
<nierror code="-700">
LabVIEW:  The number of bits required is not divisible by seven.
<nierror code="-620">
LabVIEW:  Networked machine was not found.
<nierror code="-619">
LabVIEW:  Remote registry services not available or remote administration not enabled.
<nierror code="-618">
LabVIEW:  Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent key.
<nierror code="-617">
LabVIEW:  Cannot create a symbolic link in a registry key that already has subkeys or values.
<nierror code="-616">
LabVIEW:  System could not allocate the required space in a registry log.
<nierror code="-615">
LabVIEW:  Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion.
<nierror code="-614">
LabVIEW:  The system has attempted to load or restore a file into the registry, but the specified file is not in a registry file format.
<nierror code="-613">
LabVIEW:  An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed irrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry.
<nierror code="-612">
LabVIEW:  The registry is corrupted. The structure of one of the files that contains registry data is corrupted, the system's image of the file in memory is corrupted, or the file could not be recovered because the alternate copy or log was absent or corrupted.
<nierror code="-611">
LabVIEW:  One of the files in the registry database had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful.
<nierror code="-610">
LabVIEW:  The configuration registry key could not be written.
<nierror code="-609">
LabVIEW:  The configuration registry key could not be read.
<nierror code="-608">
LabVIEW:  The configuration registry key could not be opened.
<nierror code="-607">
LabVIEW:  The configuration registry key is invalid.
<nierror code="-606">
LabVIEW:  The configuration registry database is corrupt.
<nierror code="-605">
LabVIEW:  Attempted to read beyond last key or value.
<nierror code="-604">
LabVIEW:  Remote registry access denied.
<nierror code="-603">
LabVIEW:  Specified key or value does not exist.
<nierror code="-602">
LabVIEW:  Invalid registry refnum.
<nierror code="-601">
LabVIEW:  Incorrect data type specified.
<nierror code="-600">
LabVIEW:  Undetermined Windows registry error.
<nierror code="1">
LabVIEW:  An input parameter is invalid.
<nierror code="2">
LabVIEW:  Memory is full.
<nierror code="3">
LabVIEW:  Internal error. Wrong memory zone accessed.
<nierror code="4">
LabVIEW:  End of file encountered.
<nierror code="5">
LabVIEW:  File already open.
<nierror code="6">
LabVIEW:  Generic file I/O error.
<nierror code="7">
LabVIEW:  File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted, or the file path might be incorrectly formatted for the operating system. For example, use \ as path separators on Windows, : on Mac OS, and / on Linux.
<nierror code="8">
LabVIEW:  File permission error.
<nierror code="9">
LabVIEW:  Disk full.
<nierror code="10">
LabVIEW:  Duplicate path.
<nierror code="11">
LabVIEW:  Too many files open.
<nierror code="12">
LabVIEW:  Some system capacity necessary for operation is not enabled.
<nierror code="13">
LabVIEW:  Resource file not found.
<nierror code="14">
LabVIEW:  Cannot add resource.
<nierror code="15">
LabVIEW:  Resource not found.
<nierror code="16">
LabVIEW:  Image not found.
<nierror code="17">
LabVIEW:  Not enough memory to manipulate image.
<nierror code="18">
LabVIEW:  Pen does not exist.
<nierror code="19">
LabVIEW:  Configuration type invalid.
<nierror code="20">
LabVIEW:  Configuration token not found.
<nierror code="21">
LabVIEW:  Error occurred parsing configuration string.
<nierror code="22">
LabVIEW:  Configuration memory error.
<nierror code="23">
LabVIEW:  Bad external code format.
<nierror code="24">
LabVIEW:  External subroutine not supported.
<nierror code="25">
LabVIEW:  External code not present.
<nierror code="26">
LabVIEW:  Null window.
<nierror code="27">
LabVIEW:  Destroy window error.
<nierror code="28">
LabVIEW:  Null menu.
<nierror code="29">
LabVIEW:  Print aborted.
<nierror code="30">
LabVIEW:  Bad print record.
<nierror code="31">
LabVIEW:  Print driver error.
<nierror code="32">
LabVIEW:  Operating system error during print.
<nierror code="33">
LabVIEW:  Memory error during print.
<nierror code="34">
LabVIEW:  Print dialog error.
<nierror code="35">
LabVIEW:  Generic print error.
<nierror code="36">
LabVIEW:  Invalid device refnum.
<nierror code="37">
LabVIEW:  Device not found.
<nierror code="38">
LabVIEW:  Device parameter error.
<nierror code="39">
LabVIEW:  Device unit error.
<nierror code="40">
LabVIEW:  Cannot open device.
<nierror code="41">
LabVIEW:  Device call aborted.
<nierror code="42">
LabVIEW:  Generic error.
<nierror code="43">
LabVIEW:  Operation canceled by user.
<nierror code="44">
LabVIEW:  Object ID too low.
<nierror code="45">
LabVIEW:  Object ID too high.
<nierror code="46">
LabVIEW:  Object not in heap.
<nierror code="47">
LabVIEW:  Unknown heap.
<nierror code="48">
LabVIEW:  Unknown object (invalid DefProc).
<nierror code="49">
LabVIEW:  Unknown object (DefProc not in table).
<nierror code="50">
LabVIEW:  Message out of range.
<nierror code="51">
LabVIEW:  Null method.
<nierror code="52">
LabVIEW:  Unknown message.
<nierror code="53">
LabVIEW:  Manager call not supported.
<nierror code="54">
LabVIEW:  The network address is ill-formed.
<nierror code="55">
LabVIEW:  The network operation is in progress.
<nierror code="56">
LabVIEW:  The network operation exceeded the user-specified or system time limit.
<nierror code="57">
LabVIEW:  The network connection is busy.
<nierror code="58">
LabVIEW:  The network function is not supported by the system.
<nierror code="59">
LabVIEW:  The network is down, unreachable, or has been reset.
<nierror code="60">
LabVIEW:  The specified network address is currently in use.
<nierror code="61">
LabVIEW:  Serial port parity error.
<nierror code="61">
LabVIEW:  The system could not allocate the necessary memory.
<nierror code="62">
LabVIEW:  Serial port overrun error.
<nierror code="62">
LabVIEW:  The system caused the network connection to be aborted.
<nierror code="63">
LabVIEW:  Serial port receive buffer overflow.
<nierror code="63">
LabVIEW:  The network connection was refused by the server.
<nierror code="64">
LabVIEW:  Serial port framing error.
<nierror code="64">
LabVIEW:  The network connection is not yet established.
<nierror code="65">
LabVIEW:  Serial port timeout; bytes not received at serial port.
<nierror code="65">
LabVIEW:  The network connection is already established.
<nierror code="66">
LabVIEW:  The network connection was closed by the peer.
<nierror code="67">
LabVIEW:  Interapplication Manager initialization error.
<nierror code="68">
LabVIEW:  Bad occurrence.
<nierror code="69">
LabVIEW:  Handler does not know what occurrence to wait for.
<nierror code="70">
LabVIEW:  Occurrence queue overflow.
<nierror code="71">
LabVIEW:  File datalog type conflict.
<nierror code="72">
LabVIEW:  Semaphore not signaled.
<nierror code="73">
LabVIEW:  Interapplication Manager unrecognized type error.
<nierror code="74">
LabVIEW:  Memory or data structure corrupt.
<nierror code="75">
LabVIEW:  Failed to make temporary DLL.
<nierror code="76">
LabVIEW:  Old CIN version.
<nierror code="81">
LabVIEW:  Format specifier type mismatch.
<nierror code="82">
LabVIEW:  Unknown format specifier.
<nierror code="83">
LabVIEW:  Too few format specifiers.
<nierror code="84">
LabVIEW:  Too many format specifiers.
<nierror code="85">
LabVIEW:  Scan failed.
<nierror code="87">
LabVIEW:  Error converting to variant.
<nierror code="88">
LabVIEW:  Run-time menu error.
<nierror code="89">
LabVIEW:  Another user tampered with the VI password.
<nierror code="90">
LabVIEW:  Variant attribute not found.
<nierror code="91">
LabVIEW:  The data type of the variant is not compatible with the data type wired to the type input.
<nierror code="92">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x5C) The ActiveX event data was not available on the queue.
<nierror code="93">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x5D) ActiveX event information was not available.
<nierror code="94">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x5E) The occurrence associated with the ActiveX event was not found.
<nierror code="95">
LabVIEW:  The ActiveX event queue could not be created.
<nierror code="96">
LabVIEW:  ActiveX event information was not available in the type library.
<nierror code="97">
LabVIEW:  Null Refnum was passed in as input.
<nierror code="98">
LabVIEW:  Incorrect file type. Attempted to read from or write to a file of a type incompatible with the operation. Normally for user data files.
<nierror code="99">
LabVIEW:  Incorrect file version. Attempted to read from or write to a file of a version incompatible with the write/read function version. This file is normally a user data files.
<nierror code="100">
LabVIEW:  File contains erroneous data. Normally for user data files.
<nierror code="102">
LabVIEW:  IVI invalid downcast.
<nierror code="103">
LabVIEW:  No IVI class session opened.  You must call the class driver Initialize VI before you can call a specific driver VI.  This error can also occur if the IVI Logical Name control is set to the wrong IVI Class.
<nierror code="108">
LabVIEW:  Singlecast connections cannot send to multicast addresses.
<nierror code="109">
LabVIEW:  Multicast connections cannot send to singlecast addresses.
<nierror code="110">
LabVIEW:  Specified IP address is not in multicast address range.
<nierror code="111">
LabVIEW:  Cannot write to read-only multicast connection.
<nierror code="112">
LabVIEW:  Cannot read from write-only multicast connection.
<nierror code="113">
LabVIEW:  A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram was smaller than the datagram itself.
<nierror code="116">
LabVIEW:  Unflatten or byte stream read operation failed due to corrupt, unexpected, or truncated data.
<nierror code="117">
LabVIEW:  Directory path supplied where a file path is required.
<nierror code="118">
LabVIEW:  The supplied folder path does not exist.
<nierror code="119">
LabVIEW:  Illegal combination of Bluetooth discoverable and non-connectable modes.
<nierror code="120">
LabVIEW:  Error setting Bluetooth mode.
<nierror code="121">
LabVIEW:  Invalid GUID string.
<nierror code="122">
LabVIEW:  The resource you are attempting to open was created in a more recent version of LabVIEW and is incompatible with this version.
<nierror code="824">
LabVIEW:  You must  supply a mode to change the offset of the Timed Loop.
<nierror code="1000">
LabVIEW:  The VI is not in a state compatible with this operation.
<nierror code="1001">
LabVIEW:  The VI front panel is not open.
<nierror code="1002">
LabVIEW:  The VI cannot run because it has a front panel control in an error state.
<nierror code="1003">
LabVIEW:  The VI is not executable.
<nierror code="1004">
LabVIEW:  The VI is not in memory.
<nierror code="1005">
LabVIEW:  VI execution has been disabled in the VI Properties dialog box.
<nierror code="1006">
LabVIEW:  FPDCO on connector pane thinks it is constant.
<nierror code="1007">
LabVIEW:  No IP record in summary.
<nierror code="1008">
LabVIEW:  Cannot load connector pane.
<nierror code="1009">
LabVIEW:  Variant tag out of range.
<nierror code="1010">
LabVIEW:  No default or operate data.
<nierror code="1011">
LabVIEW:  VI Creation failed.
<nierror code="1012">
LabVIEW:  Cannot load block diagram.
<nierror code="1013">
LabVIEW:  Cannot load front panel.
<nierror code="1014">
LabVIEW:  Linker error.
<nierror code="1015">
LabVIEW:  Printer is not responding. Check printer configuration.
<nierror code="1016">
LabVIEW:  Cannot load History.
<nierror code="1017">
LabVIEW:  VI has been modified on disk since it was last loaded or saved.
<nierror code="1018">
LabVIEW:  Unspecified error occurred.
<nierror code="1019">
LabVIEW:  Untitled SubVIs exist.
<nierror code="1020">
LabVIEW:  This CIN can only be invoked from a registered wizard.
<nierror code="1021">
LabVIEW:  Illegal Object Id passed to wizard CIN.
<nierror code="1022">
LabVIEW:  Wizard Template not found.
<nierror code="1023">
LabVIEW:  Wizard template does not have a diagram.
<nierror code="1024">
LabVIEW:  Call Instrument aborted.
<nierror code="1025">
LabVIEW:  Application Reference is invalid.
<nierror code="1026">
LabVIEW:  VI Reference is invalid.
<nierror code="1027">
LabVIEW:  For the requested operation, the reference cannot be reserved as requested, is in an improper reservation mode, or the execution state must be set to running or reserved.
<nierror code="1028">
LabVIEW:  Attribute selector is invalid.
<nierror code="1029">
LabVIEW:  VI Server property is read-only.
<nierror code="1030">
LabVIEW:  VI Reference is already reserved for editing.
<nierror code="1031">
LabVIEW:  VI Reference type does not match VI connector pane.
<nierror code="1032">
LabVIEW:  VI Server access denied.
<nierror code="1033">
LabVIEW:  Bad run-time menu file version.
<nierror code="1034">
LabVIEW:  Bad run-time menu file.
<nierror code="1035">
LabVIEW:  Operation is invalid for this type of VI.
<nierror code="1036">
LabVIEW:  Method selector is invalid.
<nierror code="1037">
LabVIEW:  Incompatible VI Server protocol version.
<nierror code="1038">
LabVIEW:  Required parameter missing.
<nierror code="1039">
LabVIEW:  VI was aborted.
<nierror code="1040">
LabVIEW:  VI is password protected.
<nierror code="1041">
LabVIEW:  Incorrect password.
<nierror code="1042">
LabVIEW:  Attempted recursive call.
<nierror code="1043">
LabVIEW:  The property or method is not supported in this version of LabVIEW.
<nierror code="1044">
LabVIEW:  VI is locked.
<nierror code="1045">
LabVIEW:  Null Refnum passed to Close Reference.
<nierror code="1046">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW cannot initialize the script server.
<nierror code="1047">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW failed to send variable to the script server.
<nierror code="1048">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW failed to get variable from the script server.
<nierror code="1049">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW failed to send script text to the script server.
<nierror code="1050">
LabVIEW:  Error occurred while executing script.
<nierror code="1051">
LabVIEW:  A LabVIEW file of that name already exists in memory.
<nierror code="1052">
LabVIEW:  The LabVIEW filename is invalid.
<nierror code="1053">
LabVIEW:  At run time, LabVIEW cannot find script support DLL.
<nierror code="1054">
LabVIEW:  The specified object was not found.
<nierror code="1055">
LabVIEW:  Object reference is invalid.
<nierror code="1056">
LabVIEW:  Specified object is not scriptable in this version.
<nierror code="1057">
LabVIEW:  Type mismatch: Object cannot be type casted to the specified type.
<nierror code="1058">
LabVIEW:  Specified property not found.
<nierror code="1059">
LabVIEW:  Unexpected file type.
<nierror code="1060">
LabVIEW:  Object cannot contain (own) the specified object.
<nierror code="1061">
LabVIEW:  Unable to create new object.
<nierror code="1062">
LabVIEW:  Specified objects cannot be wired together.
<nierror code="1063">
LabVIEW:  Specified terminal not found in the object.
<nierror code="1064">
LabVIEW:  The specified VI may not be saved for previous because it resides in the vi.lib directory.
<nierror code="1065">
LabVIEW:  The path to the VI to save is an empty or relative path.  It must be an absolute path.
<nierror code="1066">
LabVIEW:  Hardware open error.
<nierror code="1067">
LabVIEW:  Hardware close error.
<nierror code="1068">
LabVIEW:  Hardware transact error.
<nierror code="1069">
LabVIEW:  Hardware DLL missing.
<nierror code="1070">
LabVIEW:  Hardware no session error.
<nierror code="1071">
LabVIEW:  Specified method not found.
<nierror code="1072">
LabVIEW:  This property or method is not yet implemented.
<nierror code="1073">
LabVIEW:  This property is writable only when the VI is in edit mode, or this method is available only when the VI is in edit mode.
<nierror code="1074">
LabVIEW:  Cannot create a control/indicator for the specified terminal.
<nierror code="1075">
LabVIEW:  Cannot create a constant for the specified terminal.
<nierror code="1076">
LabVIEW:  VI is not debuggable.
<nierror code="1077">
LabVIEW:  Invalid property value.
<nierror code="1078">
LabVIEW:  Failed to load shared library %s on RT target device.
<nierror code="1079">
LabVIEW:  RT target startup application missing.
<nierror code="1080">
LabVIEW:  RT target startup application is corrupt.
<nierror code="1081">
LabVIEW:  Exception caused by loading of library %s on RT target device.
<nierror code="1082">
LabVIEW:  Operation not valid for strict type definition instance.
<nierror code="1083">
LabVIEW:  Invalid connector pane pattern.
<nierror code="1084">
LabVIEW:  Specified control or indicator cannot be hooked up to the connector pane.
<nierror code="1085">
LabVIEW:  Invalid connector terminal.
<nierror code="1086">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x43E) Wrong control type.
<nierror code="1087">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x43F) There is no DataSocket information available for the object.
<nierror code="1088">
LabVIEW:  Bad value for parameter.
<nierror code="1089">
LabVIEW:  Error occurred while executing script. Error message from server: %s.
<nierror code="1090">
LabVIEW:  Specified object cannot be moved.
<nierror code="1091">
LabVIEW:  The VI Server or client received an unrecognized message.
<nierror code="1092">
LabVIEW:  Invalid Class Operator VI.
<nierror code="1093">
LabVIEW:  Specified object is not deletable.
<nierror code="1094">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x446) Queue and notifier references of the same name must be obtained using the same data type.
<nierror code="1095">
LabVIEW:  This container cannot be left without a subtype. Right-click the container border and select Replace or drag new subtype.
<nierror code="1096">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x448) The Open VI Reference function cannot prepare non-reentrant VI for reentrant run.
<nierror code="1097">
LabVIEW:  An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Function Node. This might have corrupted LabVIEW's memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.
<nierror code="1098">
LabVIEW:  Cannot disconnect type definitions or polymorphic VIs if the block diagram is not available.
<nierror code="1099">
LabVIEW:  Scripting: SubVI is not loaded.
<nierror code="1100">
LabVIEW:  No object of that name was found. No reference could be returned.
<nierror code="1101">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x44D) Insufficient privileges to read, write, or create an item in the DataSocket Server. Use the DataSocket Server Manager to configure these privileges.
<nierror code="1102">
LabVIEW:  The string input terminal is unwired.
<nierror code="1103">
LabVIEW:  The XML tag describing the type of data is not recognized.
<nierror code="1104">
LabVIEW:  No end tag was found for an XML start/end tag pair.
<nierror code="1105">
LabVIEW:  An unknown or unexpected XML tag was discovered.
<nierror code="1106">
LabVIEW:  The XML tag describing the type of data does not match the wired type.
<nierror code="1107">
LabVIEW:  The XML enumerated type choice(s) does not match the wired type.
<nierror code="1108">
LabVIEW:  XML value text is illegal or out of range for type and/or format.
<nierror code="1109">
LabVIEW:  Unsupported data type.
<nierror code="1110">
LabVIEW:  No longer used.
<nierror code="1111">
LabVIEW:  Release Semaphore called on a semaphore that was not currently acquired.
<nierror code="1112">
LabVIEW:  Internal Error. No class manager found for the type requested.
<nierror code="1113">
LabVIEW:  Internal Error. The external object class was not found.
<nierror code="1114">
LabVIEW:  This item is read-only. You must connect in read mode.
<nierror code="1115">
LabVIEW:  This item is write-only. You must connect in write mode.
<nierror code="1116">
LabVIEW:  RTTarget.DiskCache.SizeInKB config token must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="1117">
LabVIEW:  RTTarget.DiskCache.Thread.Priority config token must be between -2 and 2.
<nierror code="1118">
LabVIEW:  RTTarget.DiskCache.Thread.IntervalInSecs config token must be greater than zero.
<nierror code="1119">
LabVIEW:  RTTarget.DiskCache.Thread.LinePerWakeup config token must be greater than or equal to zero.
<nierror code="1120">
LabVIEW:  Not enough memory to create disk cache.
<nierror code="1121">
LabVIEW:  Cannot create disk cache flush thread.
<nierror code="1122">
LabVIEW:  Refnum became invalid while node waited for it.
<nierror code="1123">
LabVIEW:  You cannot create an object (such as control caption) in built applications. You must create these objects in the LabVIEW development system.
<nierror code="1124">
LabVIEW:  VI is not loadable.

In a built application, this might be because the VI being loaded:
  o was last compiled for a different OS, in which case you need to save the VI on the current platform. 
  o is a polymorphic VI, which can not be loaded in the Run-Time Engine. You should load an instance of the polymorphic VI instead of the polymorphic VI itself.
<nierror code="1125">
LabVIEW:  VI version is later than the current LabVIEW version.
<nierror code="1126">
LabVIEW:  VI version is too early to convert to the current LabVIEW version.
<nierror code="1127">
LabVIEW:  Cannot instantiate template VI because it is already in memory.
<nierror code="1128">
LabVIEW:  Input unit is not compatible with the current unit.
<nierror code="1129">
LabVIEW:  You cannot assign the same value to two or more strings in a ring or combo box control.
<nierror code="1130">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x46A) The VI Server connection peer is unresponsive. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about connection polling.
<nierror code="1131">
LabVIEW:  You cannot use this property with this system control.
<nierror code="1132">
LabVIEW:  Busy with another operation.
<nierror code="1133">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW is busy connecting.
<nierror code="1134">
LabVIEW:  A different read operation is in progress.
<nierror code="1135">
LabVIEW:  The tree control's active item is not valid for this property.
<nierror code="1136">
LabVIEW:  You wired an invalid item tag to a tree control property or method.
<nierror code="1137">
LabVIEW:  Tree control's internal data is corrupt.
<nierror code="1138">
LabVIEW:  An exception occurred within external code called by LabVIEW. This might have corrupted LabVIEW's memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.
<nierror code="1139">
LabVIEW:  A DataSocket item name cannot contain certain characters.
<nierror code="1140">
LabVIEW:  Exceeded maximum DataSocket item count. Use the DataSocket Server Manager to change the maximum number of dynamically created items the data server will allow.
<nierror code="1141">
LabVIEW:  Exceeded maximum data item connection count. Use the DataSocket Server Manager to change the maximum number of connections the data server will allow.
<nierror code="1142">
LabVIEW:  Multiple writers are not allowed.
<nierror code="1143">
LabVIEW:  Cannot load dataskt.llb.
<nierror code="1144">
LabVIEW:  Cannot insert VI in a subpanel control because VI is already open.
<nierror code="1145">
LabVIEW:  Cannot open VI because it is already in a subpanel control.
<nierror code="1146">
LabVIEW:  You attempted an operation that would change a child-only item into a parent item.
<nierror code="1147">
LabVIEW:  Cannot insert a remote VI in a subpanel control.
<nierror code="1148">
LabVIEW:  This property is read only while the VI is in a subpanel.
<nierror code="1149">
LabVIEW:  Cannot close or set the state of a closed front panel. The front panel must already be open before you close it or set its state.
<nierror code="1150">
LabVIEW:  Cannot open a front panel that is already open. To set the state of the open front panel, use the Front Panel Window:State property.
<nierror code="1151">
LabVIEW:  Invalid input for front panel state.
<nierror code="1152">
LabVIEW:  Cannot replace a locked object.
<nierror code="1153">
LabVIEW:  Cannot replace object inside a group.
<nierror code="1154">
LabVIEW:  Cannot replace this object with the type specified.
<nierror code="1155">
LabVIEW:  Cannot insert the object of specified type into the wire.
<nierror code="1156">
LabVIEW:  Memory full error, possibly due to a data format not matching expected data type.
<nierror code="1157">
LabVIEW:  You cannot use this property with a numeric indicator.
<nierror code="1158">
LabVIEW:  One or more application items already exist.
<nierror code="1159">
LabVIEW:  Cannot find one or more application items.
<nierror code="1160">
LabVIEW:  Illegal menu.
<nierror code="1161">
LabVIEW:  Cannot find the menu because the front panel is not open.
<nierror code="1162">
LabVIEW:  Cannot find one or more tags.
<nierror code="1163">
LabVIEW:  Illegal shortcut.
<nierror code="1164">
LabVIEW:  Cannot modify an application menu item.
<nierror code="1165">
LabVIEW:  Cannot find the menu.
<nierror code="1166">
LabVIEW:  One or more illegal menu item indexes.
<nierror code="1167">
LabVIEW:  Cannot insert a group item as a menu bar item.
<nierror code="1168">
LabVIEW:  Exceeded the maximum number of menus for this platform. The VI will use the default run-time menu.
<nierror code="1169">
LabVIEW:  Cannot select the menu item because it is disabled or has a submenu attached to it.
<nierror code="1170">
LabVIEW:  INTERNAL TO LABVIEW ONLY. DO NOT DOCUMENT TO USERS. Used by Queues and Notifiers to signal a condition in which they do not need to wait on data.
<nierror code="1171">
LabVIEW:  You are attempting to start a new transaction when a transaction is currently underway. Please finish the current transaction before starting a new one.
<nierror code="1172">
LabVIEW:  A .NET exception occurred.
<nierror code="1173">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW data type does not match the .NET type.
<nierror code="1174">
LabVIEW:  Invalid return parameter for Call Library Function Node. The return type must be Void, Numeric, or String. Numeric return types are passed by value. Strings return types are passed as a C String Pointer or a Pascal String Pointer.
<nierror code="1175">
LabVIEW:  Invalid array dimension in Call Library Function Node configuration. An array must have 1 or more dimensions.
<nierror code="1176">
LabVIEW:  Invalid waveform dimension in Call Library Function Node configuration. A waveform must have 0 or 1 dimensions.
<nierror code="1177">
LabVIEW:  Invalid data type for Call Library Function Node parameter. Void can be used only as return type of function.
<nierror code="1178">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW reached end of file.
<nierror code="1179">
LabVIEW:  Access mode not supported for operation.
<nierror code="1180">
LabVIEW:  Pending operation in progress.
<nierror code="1181">
LabVIEW:  Protocol not recognized by LabVIEW.
<nierror code="1182">
LabVIEW:  Error parsing URL.
<nierror code="1183">
LabVIEW:  Synchronous operation not supported for protocol.
<nierror code="1184">
LabVIEW:  Path not found, FTP login incorrect, or no FTP write permission.
<nierror code="1185">
LabVIEW:  OPC item not found.
<nierror code="1186">
LabVIEW:  Cannot show or hide the label on its own. Label visibility is controlled by the label owner.
<nierror code="1187">
LabVIEW:  Internet Explorer is required for this operation but it is not installed.
<nierror code="1188">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4A4) The static VI reference is not configured.
<nierror code="1189">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4A5) You cannot register the same event on an object multiple times.
<nierror code="1190">
LabVIEW:  The operation is not allowed when the control has key focus.
<nierror code="1191">
LabVIEW:  The wire already has a probe on it. 
<nierror code="1192">
LabVIEW:  No data range set for digital displays.
<nierror code="1193">
LabVIEW:  When a Boolean control has a latch mechanical action, you cannot use the Value property to read or write its value.
<nierror code="1194">
LabVIEW:  This Express VI requires DIAdem 8.1 or later and the LabVIEW DIAdem Connectivity VIs version 2.1 or later. The Connectivity VIs are available for free download from ni.com.
<nierror code="1195">
LabVIEW:  You must install the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 or later for this operation.
<nierror code="1196">
LabVIEW:  Cannot list the same terminal more than once in the grown region of the expandable subVI.
<nierror code="1197">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4AD) This operation is not valid for static VI references. To run a VI using a static VI reference, use an Invoke Node to call the Run VI method.
<nierror code="1198">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4AE) The VI is not in a state compatible with this operation. Change the execution mode of the referenced VI to reentrant for this operation.
<nierror code="1199">
LabVIEW:  Cannot convert the specified LabVIEW type to  .NET object.
<nierror code="1301">
LabVIEW:  The dimension of the array passed in does not match the expected dimension for the operation.
<nierror code="1302">
LabVIEW:  The size of the array passed in does not match the expected size of the array for the operation.
<nierror code="1303">
LabVIEW:  The elements of the array are not unique. There are duplicated items in the array.
<nierror code="1304">
LabVIEW:  The array index is outside of the array bounds.
<nierror code="1305">
LabVIEW:  The required page cannot be found.
<nierror code="1306">
LabVIEW:  Unable to load new code resource to the node. Code resource already loaded.
<nierror code="1307">
LabVIEW:  Subpanel control could not open the VI window.
<nierror code="1308">
LabVIEW:  The Property or Invoke Node is not linked to a front panel control.
<nierror code="1309">
LabVIEW:  The Property or Invoke Node reference input terminal is already wired.
<nierror code="1310">
LabVIEW:  The object is not in the same VI as the Property or Invoke Node.
<nierror code="1311">
LabVIEW:  The input for class name is not correct or is in the wrong format.
<nierror code="1312">
LabVIEW:  Structure frame index is out of range.
<nierror code="1313">
LabVIEW:  You cannot use this property on a control in a radio buttons control.
<nierror code="1314">
LabVIEW:  You cannot use this property on an instance of a type definition set to update automatically from the master copy of the type definition.
<nierror code="1315">
LabVIEW:  You have attempted to create a data type with a descriptor that is too large.
<nierror code="1316">
LabVIEW:  Specified method not found.
<nierror code="1317">
LabVIEW:  Cannot load Facade VI.
<nierror code="1318">
LabVIEW:  Run-time menu shortcuts are not supported for this kind of menu.
<nierror code="1319">
LabVIEW:  Cannot insert a VI into a subpanel that is not in a running state.
<nierror code="1320">
LabVIEW:  In edit mode, LabVIEW cannot return a property for a control part that you have not yet created.
<nierror code="1321">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x529) NI License Manager is not initialized.
<nierror code="1322">
LabVIEW:  Invalid project build reference.
<nierror code="1323">
LabVIEW:  Invalid project source item reference.
<nierror code="1324">
LabVIEW:  The specified key is invalid.
<nierror code="1325">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x52D) LabVIEW cannot find the specified event.
<nierror code="1326">
LabVIEW:  The specified project item is invalid.
<nierror code="1327">
LabVIEW:  The specified NIIM is invalid for the current project.
<nierror code="1328">
LabVIEW:  The instance of MAX associated with the project is invalid.
<nierror code="1329">
LabVIEW:  The server site associated with the project is invalid.
<nierror code="1330">
LabVIEW:  A provider associated with the project is invalid.
<nierror code="1331">
LabVIEW:  A service provider associated with the project is invalid.
<nierror code="1332">
LabVIEW:  The project site associated with the project is invalid.
<nierror code="1333">
LabVIEW:  The project reference does not refer to a valid project.
<nierror code="1334">
LabVIEW:  Unable to bind to the specified project item.
<nierror code="1335">
LabVIEW:  Unable to update the specified item UI.
<nierror code="1336">
LabVIEW:  The specified property is invalid.
<nierror code="1337">
LabVIEW:  Not enough memory to complete this remote panel operation.
<nierror code="1338">
LabVIEW:  Network type not supported by remote panel protocol.
<nierror code="1339">
LabVIEW:  Remote panel connection is closed.
<nierror code="1340">
LabVIEW:  Invalid server IP address.
<nierror code="1341">
LabVIEW:  Remote panel connection refused by the specified server.
<nierror code="1342">
LabVIEW:  Remote panel connection exceeds maximum number of licenses.
<nierror code="1343">
LabVIEW:  Client does not have access to remote panel server.
<nierror code="1344">
LabVIEW:  The remote panel protocol version is incompatible.
<nierror code="1345">
LabVIEW:  The LabVIEW client version is incompatible with the LabVIEW server version.
<nierror code="1346">
LabVIEW:  Server does not support remote panels.
<nierror code="1347">
LabVIEW:  You cannot connect to the local LabVIEW application.
<nierror code="1348">
LabVIEW:  Remote panel server failed to send the requested VI.
<nierror code="1349">
LabVIEW:  Client does not have access to specified VI.
<nierror code="1350">
LabVIEW:  Requested VI is broken and cannot be viewed or controlled.
<nierror code="1351">
LabVIEW:  Requested VI is not a standard VI. You cannot view or control a  polymorphic VI, custom control, or global variable VI remotely.
<nierror code="1352">
LabVIEW:  Requested VI is not loaded into memory on the server computer.
<nierror code="1353">
LabVIEW:  Requested VI is not in run mode.
<nierror code="1354">
LabVIEW:  VI name required.
<nierror code="1355">
LabVIEW:  Fatal error occurred during operation, closing connection.
<nierror code="1356">
LabVIEW:  A remote panel connection does not exist for the specified VI.
<nierror code="1357">
LabVIEW:  A LabVIEW file from that path already exists in memory.
<nierror code="1358">
LabVIEW:  The splitter bar cannot be moved to this position because it violates the minimum or maximum size of a descendant pane.
<nierror code="1359">
LabVIEW:  A drag cannot start because a previous drag transaction is still pending.
<nierror code="1360">
LabVIEW:  Cannot provide the type of data requested for this drag and drop operation.
<nierror code="1361">
LabVIEW:  The name or data type of a drag data element conflicts with the built-in LabVIEW drag data types. 
<nierror code="1362">
LabVIEW:  Cannot use this property with this string display mode or if word wrapping is enabled.
<nierror code="1363">
LabVIEW:  The specified name or GUID is invalid.
<nierror code="1364">
LabVIEW:  The provider plug-in is not installed or somehow corrupt.
<nierror code="1365">
LabVIEW:  Failed to generate a valid GUID.
<nierror code="1366">
LabVIEW:  You cannot hide or show the scroll bars of a subpanel control when a VI containing multiple panels is inserted.
<nierror code="1367">
LabVIEW:  Unable to authenticate because the NI Security library failed to load.
<nierror code="1368">
LabVIEW:  Unable to authenticate because LabVIEW failed to load an NI Security library that is required to authenticate access.
<nierror code="1369">
LabVIEW:  Removing data connection from this control.
<nierror code="1370">
LabVIEW:  The selected build failed to complete.
<nierror code="1371">
LabVIEW:  Class library could not be loaded.
<nierror code="1372">
LabVIEW:  Class private data control could not be loaded.
<nierror code="1373">
LabVIEW:  Class could not be loaded.
<nierror code="1374">
LabVIEW:  ScriptingLanguageError
<nierror code="1375">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x55F) The Microsoft .NET Framework SDK 1.1 or later is not  installed on this machine.
<nierror code="1376">
LabVIEW:  A Diagram Disable structure cannot have a default frame.
<nierror code="1377">
LabVIEW:  A Diagram Disable Structure cannot have conditions.
<nierror code="1378">
LabVIEW:  Cannot set the Active Frame property on a Conditional Disable structure.
<nierror code="1379">
LabVIEW:  The user failed a security authentication check.
<nierror code="1380">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x564) License checkout failure.  Unable to checkout the requested license feature because the license is invalid or does not exist.
<nierror code="1381">
LabVIEW:  Cannot create semaphores with a size less than one.
<nierror code="1382">
LabVIEW:  The Start Drag method failed because the control is configured to not allow dragging.
<nierror code="1383">
LabVIEW:  The data type of the data read does not match the data type of the type input.
<nierror code="1384">
LabVIEW:  Cannot start dragging because duplicate names for drag data types were passed to the Start Drag method or Drag Starting? event.
<nierror code="1385">
LabVIEW:  Cannot start a drag and drop operation because the data provided is invalid.
<nierror code="1386">
LabVIEW:  The specified .NET class is not available in LabVIEW.
<nierror code="1387">
LabVIEW:  The specified .NET assembly is not available in LabVIEW.
<nierror code="1388">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x56C) The block diagram you are attempting to access belongs to a VI that is either in evaluation mode or has an invalid license.
<nierror code="1389">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x56D) You are attempting to save or copy a VI that is either in evaluation mode or has an invalid license.
<nierror code="1390">
LabVIEW:  You attempted to open a VI Server reference to an out-of-scope VI. A VI can open VI Server references only to other VIs that it could call as subVIs. After the reference is opened, that VI can return the reference to other VIs that could not normally open the reference.
<nierror code="1391">
LabVIEW:  Cannot set breakpoint on a Conditional Disable Structure that resides on a Simulation Diagram.
<nierror code="1392">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW classes do not support Revert if the library version has been bumped. There is insufficient information to undo a change to the live data in controls and indicators. To revert current changes, you must unload the class and all VIs that reference the class without saving any changes and then reload from disk.
<nierror code="1393">
LabVIEW:  The LabVIEW Class is not in memory. This dynamic subVI cannot execute. Probe the wire going into the dynamic terminal to see the data type. Then open that LabVIEW class.
<nierror code="1394">
LabVIEW:  This dynamic subVI cannot execute because the needed member VI cannot be found.
<nierror code="1395">
LabVIEW:  The opening angle bracket was found in the open tag, but the closing angle bracket is missing from the open tag.
<nierror code="1396">
LabVIEW:  Cannot convert text from the source character set to the destination character set.
<nierror code="1397">
LabVIEW:  You have not wired a required input on this subVI. 
<nierror code="1398">
LabVIEW:  The subVI cannot be inlined because there is a local variable in the block diagram.
<nierror code="1399">
LabVIEW:  The subVI cannot be inlined because a front panel terminal is not on the root diagram.
<nierror code="1400">
LabVIEW:  Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The flat data could not be converted to the requested type because the flat data was not the same as the requested type nor was it any child class of the requested type.
<nierror code="1401">
LabVIEW:  Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The version of the class currently in memory is older than the version of the data. You must find a newer version of the class to load this data.
<nierror code="1402">
LabVIEW:  Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The data was written by an old version of the class, and the class no longer supports loading and mutating data from that version. 
<nierror code="1403">
LabVIEW:  Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The data is corrupt. It could not be interpreted as any valid flattened LabVIEW class.
<nierror code="1404">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x57C) Cannot insert or delete menu items while LabVIEW is tracking this menu. This error occurs when you use the Insert Menu Items or Delete Menu Items function to add or remove a menu item while a user is interacting with the menu.
<nierror code="1405">
LabVIEW:  Operator Overloading info for a datatype has unsupported version number.
<nierror code="1406">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x57E) Target file name to be searched is empty
<nierror code="1407">
LabVIEW:  Specified path to LV Targets Folder is not a Path
<nierror code="1408">
LabVIEW:  Specified Target Folder path for the given LabVIEW Target is not valid
<nierror code="1409">
LabVIEW:  Specified path for the given LabVIEW Target's directory is not a folder
<nierror code="1410">
LabVIEW:  Specified LibDir in TargetDir chain has invalid path
<nierror code="1411">
LabVIEW:  Specified LibDir in Target information file is not folder
<nierror code="1412">
LabVIEW:  Specified path to Target's parent is not valid
<nierror code="1413">
LabVIEW:  Specified path to Target's parent is not a folder
<nierror code="1414">
LabVIEW:  Parent of a given target should not be contained within the target folder.
<nierror code="1415">
LabVIEW:  Given Target Class Name is already registered with different Target Path
<nierror code="1416">
LabVIEW:  This Target Class Name is already registered with different device class
<nierror code="1417">
LabVIEW:  This Target Class name has not been instantiated
<nierror code="1418">
LabVIEW:  Specified LabVIEW Target Name is empty
<nierror code="1419">
LabVIEW:  LabVIEW Target URL is empty
<nierror code="1420">
LabVIEW:  Application Instance Name or Target Alias is empty
<nierror code="1421">
LabVIEW:  Empty TargetClass name
<nierror code="1422">
LabVIEW:  Target is offline.
<nierror code="1423">
LabVIEW:  Specified target syntax file for the given target could not be found
<nierror code="1424">
LabVIEW:  Bad Application Reference
<nierror code="1425">
LabVIEW:  Specified Application Instance not found
<nierror code="1426">
LabVIEW:  Application Instance Name already in use under a given Target
<nierror code="1427">
LabVIEW:  Application Instance of the given name exists but one or more properties do not match
<nierror code="1428">
LabVIEW:  Application Instance has VIs running which need to be stopped and closed before executing the desired operations
<nierror code="1429">
LabVIEW:  Command not supported by Target
<nierror code="1430">
LabVIEW:  The path is empty or relative. You must use an absolute path.
<nierror code="1431">
LabVIEW:  This property cannot be used on a front panel with splitters.
<nierror code="1432">
LabVIEW:  The specified format may not be used with floating point data.  For example, hexidecimal notation is not a valid format for floating point numbers.
<nierror code="1433">
LabVIEW:  Absolute and Relative time formats may not be used with complex numbers.
<nierror code="1434">
LabVIEW:  The precision is greater than the maximum allowed value for this format.
<nierror code="1435">
LabVIEW:  Valid format values are from 0 to 8.
<nierror code="1436">
LabVIEW:  Numeric precision can not be negative.
<nierror code="1437">
LabVIEW:  This application menu item has been removed. Menu item tags that existed in previous versions of LabVIEW as LabVIEW application item tags cannot be used.
<nierror code="1438">
LabVIEW:  Archive version is later than the current LabVIEW version.
<nierror code="1439">
LabVIEW:  A project library cannot be copied to the same folder as the original library because the new library files would conflict with the original library files on disk. You must specify a different location on disk when copying a project library.
<nierror code="1440">
LabVIEW:  The filename does not match the expected name.
<nierror code="1441">
LabVIEW:  An error has occurred in the build. Rebuild from the Project Explorer window to generate a more detailed error message.
<nierror code="1442">
LabVIEW:  The minimum pane size cannot be set to a value less than one.
<nierror code="1443">
LabVIEW:  Debug connection refused by specified server: Only one debug connection is allowed per application or shared library.
<nierror code="1444">
LabVIEW:  No VIs to download from application, connection closed.
<nierror code="1445">
LabVIEW:  Open VI Reference will no longer match VIs in memory by file name. A VIs full name now includes any owning libraries so a filename is no longer sufficient. You can use strip path to wire the filename as a string, but this will not work for VIs in libraries.
<nierror code="1446">
LabVIEW:  The description and tip strip of a control cannot be changed if in a reentrant VI with multiple instances.
<nierror code="1800">
LabVIEW:  Start time input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
<nierror code="1801">
LabVIEW:  Duration input is not an integer multiple of dt. Value was coerced to nearest integer multiple of dt.
<nierror code="1802">
LabVIEW:  Waveforms have different dt values.
<nierror code="1803">
LabVIEW:  Waveform x-axis value requested is out of range.
<nierror code="1804">
LabVIEW:  Start index, value, or tolerance is NaN.
<nierror code="1805">
LabVIEW:  Start index is out of range.
<nierror code="1806">
LabVIEW:  Signal value input is outside the range of the digital data.
<nierror code="1807">
LabVIEW:  Appending data with mismatched numbers of digital samples or signals.
<nierror code="1808">
LabVIEW:  Values other than 0, 1, L, H are present in the digital data.
<nierror code="1809">
LabVIEW:  Highest resolution supported for conversion is 52.
<nierror code="1814">
LabVIEW:  Values other than 0, 1, L, and H are present in the digital data and were coerced to 0.
<nierror code="2552">
LabVIEW:  This property does not contain data.
<nierror code="2901">
LabVIEW:  The source control operation was cancelled before completion.
<nierror code="2902">
LabVIEW:  A change occurred to the specified file while the operation was running. Reload the file.
<nierror code="4800">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12C0) Selected Device is Invalid
<nierror code="4801">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12C1) Invalid sound task refnum.
<nierror code="4802">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12C2) The sound device is busy.
<nierror code="4803">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12C3) The sound driver or card does not support the desired operation.
<nierror code="4804">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12C4) Cannot write in file playback.
<nierror code="4805">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12C5) Could not find the sound file.
<nierror code="4806">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12C6) DirectX 8.0 or higher is required to run. 
<nierror code="4810">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12CA) Cannot recognize sound format.
<nierror code="4811">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12CB) Cannot support sound format.
<nierror code="4820">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12D4) A buffer underflow has occurred.
<nierror code="4821">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12D5) Overwrite error.
<nierror code="4822">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12D6) A timeout occurred before the operation finished.
<nierror code="4823">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x12D7) A task must be running to perform this operation.
<nierror code="14001">
LabVIEW:  Invalid refnum.
<nierror code="14002">
LabVIEW:  Invalid string.
<nierror code="14003">
LabVIEW:  A request for a synchronous advise transaction has timed out.
<nierror code="14004">
LabVIEW:  The response to the transaction caused the DDE_FBUSY bit to be set.
<nierror code="14005">
LabVIEW:  A request for a synchronous data transaction has timed out.
<nierror code="14006">
LabVIEW:  The DDEML function was called without first calling the DdeInitialize function or an invalid instance identifier was pass to a DDEML function.
<nierror code="14007">
LabVIEW:  An application initialized as APPCLASS_MONITOR has attempted to perform a DDE transaction, or an application initialized as APPCMD_CLIENTONLY has attempted to perform server transactions.
<nierror code="14008">
LabVIEW:  A request for a synchronous execute transaction has timed out.
<nierror code="14009">
LabVIEW:  A parameter failed to be validated by the DDEML:  e.g., the data handle is initialized with a different name-item  or different clipboard data format than that required; the application used a client-side conversation handle with a server-side function, or vice-versa; the application used a freed data or string handle; or more than one instance of the application used the same object.
<nierror code="14010">
LabVIEW:  A DDEML application has created a prolonged race condition (where the server application outruns the client), causing large amounts of memory to be consumed.
<nierror code="14011">
LabVIEW:  A memory allocation failed.
<nierror code="14012">
LabVIEW:  A transaction failed.
<nierror code="14013">
LabVIEW:  A client's attempt to establish a conversation has failed.
<nierror code="14014">
LabVIEW:  A request for a synchronous poke transaction has timed out.
<nierror code="14015">
LabVIEW:  An internal call to the PostMessage function has failed.
<nierror code="14016">
LabVIEW:  An application instance with a synchronous transaction already in progress attempted to initiate another synchronous transaction, or the DdeEnableCallback function was called from within a DDEML call function.
<nierror code="14017">
LabVIEW:  A server-side transaction was attempted on a conversation that was terminated by the client, or the server terminated before completing a transaction.
<nierror code="14018">
LabVIEW:  An internal error has occurred in the DDEML.
<nierror code="14019">
LabVIEW:  A request to end an advise transaction has timed out.
<nierror code="14020">
LabVIEW:  An invalid transaction identifier was passed to a DDEML function.  After the application has returned from an XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE callback, the transaction identifier for that callback is no longer valid.
<nierror code="14021">
LabVIEW:  Invalid command code.
<nierror code="14022">
LabVIEW:  Occurrence timeout; the transaction timed out before it completed.
<nierror code="14050">
LabVIEW:  ActiveX Event data was not available.
<nierror code="14051">
LabVIEW:  ActiveX Event Information was not available.
<nierror code="14052">
LabVIEW:  The occurrence associated with the ActiveX Event was not found.
<nierror code="14053">
LabVIEW:  The ActiveX Event queue could not be created.
<nierror code="16211">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3F53) 211 System status or system help reply.
<nierror code="16214">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3F56) 214 Help message.
<nierror code="16220">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3F5C) 220 "domain" Service ready.
<nierror code="16221">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3F5D) 221 domain service closing transmission channel.
<nierror code="16250">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3F7A) 250 Requested mail action okay, completed.
<nierror code="16251">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3F7B) 251 User not local; will forward to "forward-path."
<nierror code="16354">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3FE2) 354 Start mail input; end with two carriage-return/line-feed characters.
<nierror code="16421">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4025) 421 "domain" service not available, closing transmission channel. This might be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down.
<nierror code="16450">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4042) 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable. For example, the mailbox might be busy.
<nierror code="16451">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4043) 451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing.
<nierror code="16452">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4044) 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage.
<nierror code="16500">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4074) 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. For example, the command line might be too long.
<nierror code="16501">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4075) 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
<nierror code="16502">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4076) 502 Command not implemented.
<nierror code="16503">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4077) 503 Bad sequence of commands.
<nierror code="16504">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x4078) 504 Command parameter not implemented.
<nierror code="16550">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x40A6) 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. For example, the mailbox was not found or there is no access.
<nierror code="16551">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x40A7) 551 User not local; try "forward-path."
<nierror code="16552">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x40A8) 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation.
<nierror code="16553">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x40A9) 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed. For example, the mailbox syntax might be incorrect.
<nierror code="16554">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x40AA) 554 Transaction failed.
<nierror code="20338">
LabVIEW:  The number of signals in Input Signal A does not match the number of signals in Input Signal B. Unmatched signals will be ignored.
<nierror code="40620">
LabVIEW:  This slot-based variable has already been read within this network cycle or this shared-memory-based variable has never been instantiated by the owner.
<nierror code="40621">
LabVIEW:  No new data has been received for more than one network cycle because no new data has been written to the channel on the source node.  The source node is still on-line.
<nierror code="40622">
LabVIEW:  No new data has been received for more than one network cycle because the source node is off-line
<nierror code="40623">
LabVIEW:  One of the values received form the source node has not been read and has been overwritten
<nierror code="40624">
LabVIEW:  One of the values has been overwritten before it has been sent.  This warning is reported for non-shared-memory variables that have been written for more than once in a single network cycle.
<nierror code="40625">
LabVIEW:  No data has been sent from this channel in the previous network cycle because write operation has been delayed beyond a preconfigured threshold.  The delay was probably caused by an interrupt.
<nierror code="40626">
LabVIEW:  Clock synchronization algorithm failed because enough cycle start packets have been missed - no more write network transactions will be allowed until the deterministic communication engine is restarted.

<nierror code="40628">
LabVIEW:  Read had to be retried at least once before it succeeded due to new data being placed into the buffer
<nierror code="40630">
LabVIEW:  Network transmission violated requested timing.  See documentation for more information about what might have caused the error and how can it be avoided
<nierror code="40631">
LabVIEW:  An already deployed configuration for one or more network nodes does not match this node's configuration.
<nierror code="40632">
LabVIEW:  A valid packet that does not follow to NI's deterministic protocol has been detected on the network.  The node/network will be shut down.
<nierror code="56000">
LabVIEW:  Generic project error.
<nierror code="56001">
LabVIEW:  An item with this name already exists in the project.
<nierror code="56002">
LabVIEW:  An item with this path already exists in the project.
<nierror code="56003">
LabVIEW:  Adding this item would cause a conflict with an item already in memory.
<nierror code="56004">
LabVIEW:  The project Item could not be found.
<nierror code="56005">
LabVIEW:  The item type is not compatible with the target type.
<nierror code="1073479937">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3FFC0101) ID Query not supported.
<nierror code="1073479938">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3FFC0102) Reset not supported.
<nierror code="1073479939">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3FFC0103) Self-test not supported.
<nierror code="1073479940">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3FFC0104) Error Query not supported.
<nierror code="1073479941">
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x3FFC0105) Revision Query not supported