#!/usr/bin/env python # # This script requies OsmApi (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PythonOsmApi) # # download: # wget http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/python_lib/OsmApi/OsmApi.py # run this script: # PYTHONPATH=. python THIS_SCRIPT_NAME = 0) and (value.endswith("0") or value.endswith(".")): value = value[:-1] return value def process_input_line(line): try: id, value = line.split() # convert the id string into a number id = int(id) # remove trailing zeros from input number value = remove_trailing_zeros(value) # all values are in meter value += " m" except ValueError: return None return (id, value) def read_id_value_file(filename): result = [] try: if type(filename) is types.FileType: handle = filename else: handle = file(filename) for line in handle.readlines(): item = process_input_line(line) if item is None: sys.stderr.write("Ignored invalid input line: %s\n" % str(line)) else: result.append(item) handle.close() except IOError, err_msg: sys.stderr.write("Failed to open input file (%s): %s\n" % (filename, err_msg)) return result def validate_way(way, height, api): """check if the given way is safe to be updated returns an error description string or an empty string (-> way is ok) """ # check for forbidden tags for forbid_tag in forbidden_tags: if way[u"tag"].has_key(forbid_tag): if forbid_tag == value_key: if height == way[u"tag"][forbid_tag]: return "tag already set correctly" else: return "tag already contains different value" else: return "contains forbidden tag '%s'" % forbid_tag # check for required tags for required_tag in required_tags: if not way[u"tag"].has_key(required_tag): return "missing required tag '%s'" % required_tag # check if all the nodes are within the bounding box for node_id in way[u"nd"]: node = api.NodeGet(node_id) if (node[u"lat"] < bounding_box["min_lat"]) or (node[u"lat"] > bounding_box["max_lat"]): return "latitude of node %d out of range" % node_id if (node[u"lon"] < bounding_box["min_lon"]) or (node[u"lon"] > bounding_box["max_lon"]): return "longitude of node %d out of range" % node_id return "" def update_way(way, height): way[u"tag"][value_key] = height return way def send_changeset(api, changes): api.ChangesetCreate({u"note": u"Importing heights of houses from KVL Rostock"}) for change in changes: api.WayUpdate(change) api.ChangesetClose() if __name__ == "__main__": # read the input file content input = read_id_value_file(sys.stdin) api = OsmApi.OsmApi(username=username, password=password) changes = [] for item in input: way = api.WayGet(item[0]) warning = validate_way(way, item[1], api) if not warning: changes.append(update_way(way, item[1])) print "Accepting valid way (%d/%s): %s" % (item[0], item[1], str(way)) else: print "Ignoring invalid way (%d/%s): %s (%s)" % (item[0], item[1], warning, str(way)) if len(changes) > 0: send_changeset(api, changes)