#!/usr/bin/perl -T #=========================================================================== # ezmlm-web.cgi - version 2.2 - 26/01/02005 # $Id: ezmlm-web.cgi,v 1.3 2000/09/25 19:58:07 guy Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 1999/2000, Guy Antony Halse, All Rights Reserved. # Please send bug reports and comments to guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither name Guy Antony Halse nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS # IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # ========================================================================== # All user configuration happens in the config file ``ezmlmwebrc'' # POD documentation is at the end of this file # ========================================================================== # Modules to include use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Mail::Ezmlm; use Mail::Address; use DB_File; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message); # These two are actually included later and are put here so we remember them. #use File::Find if ($UNSAFE_RM == 1); #use File::Copy if ($UNSAFE_RM == 0); my $q = new CGI; $q->import_names('Q'); use vars qw[$opt_c $opt_d $opt_C]; getopts('cd:C:'); # Suid stuff requires a secure path. $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin'; # We run suid so we can't use $ENV{'HOME'} and $ENV{'USER'} to determine the # user. :( Don't alter this line unless you are _sure_ you have to. my @tmp = getpwuid($>); my $USER=$tmp[0]; # use strict is a good thing++ use vars qw[$HOME_DIR]; $HOME_DIR=$tmp[7]; use vars qw[$DEFAULT_OPTIONS %EZMLM_LABELS $UNSAFE_RM $ALIAS_USER $LIST_DIR]; use vars qw[$QMAIL_BASE $EZMLM_CGI_RC $EZMLM_CGI_URL $HTML_BGCOLOR $PRETTY_NAMES]; use vars qw[%HELPER $HELP_ICON_URL $HTML_HEADER $HTML_FOOTER $HTML_TEXT $HTML_LINK]; use vars qw[%BUTTON %LANGUAGE $HTML_VLINK $HTML_TITLE $FILE_UPLOAD $WEBUSERS_FILE]; # Get user configuration stuff if(defined($opt_C)) { require "$opt_C"; # Command Line } elsif(-e "$HOME_DIR/.ezmlmwebrc") { require "$HOME_DIR/.ezmlmwebrc"; # User } elsif(-e "/etc/ezmlm/ezmlmwebrc") { require "/etc/ezmlm/ezmlmwebrc"; # System } elsif(-e "./ezmlmwebrc") { require "./ezmlmwebrc"; # Install } else { die "Unable to read config file"; } # Allow suid wrapper to over-ride default list directory ... if(defined($opt_d)) { $LIST_DIR = $1 if ($opt_d =~ /^([-\@\w.\/]+)$/); } # If WEBUSERS_FILE is not defined in ezmlmwebrc (as before version 2.2), then use former default value for compatibility if (!defined($WEBUSERS_FILE)) { $WEBUSERS_FILE = $LIST_DIR . '/webusers' } # Work out default domain name from qmail (for David Summers) my($DEFAULT_HOST); open (GETHOST, "<$QMAIL_BASE/me") || open (GETHOST, "<$QMAIL_BASE/defaultdomain") || die "Unable to read $QMAIL_BASE/me: $!"; chomp($DEFAULT_HOST = <GETHOST>); close GETHOST; # Untaint form input ... &untaint; # redirect must come before headers are printed if(defined($Q::action) && $Q::action eq '[Web Archive]') { print $q->redirect(&ezmlmcgirc); exit; } # Print header on every page ... print $q->header(-pragma=>'no-cache', '-cache-control'=>'no-cache', -expires=>'-1d', '-Content-Type'=>'text/html; charset=utf-8'); print $q->start_html(-title=>$HTML_TITLE, -author=>'guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za', -BGCOLOR=>$HTML_BGCOLOR, -LINK=>$HTML_LINK, -VLINK=>$HTML_VLINK, -TEXT=>$HTML_TEXT, -expires=>'-1d'); print $HTML_HEADER; # check permissions &check_permission_for_action == 0 || die 'Error: you are not allowed to do this!'; # This is where we decide what to do, depending on the form state and the # users chosen course of action ... unless (defined($q->param('state'))) { # Default action. Present a list of available lists to the user ... &select_list; } elsif ($Q::state eq 'select') { # User selects an action to perform on a list ... if ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'create'}]") { # Create a new list ... &allow_create_list; } elsif (defined($Q::list)) { if ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'edit'}]") { # Edit an existing list ... &display_list; } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'delete'}]") { # Delete a list ... &confirm_delete; } } else { &select_list; # NOP - Blank input ... } } elsif ($Q::state eq 'edit') { # User chooses to edit a list my($list); $list = $LIST_DIR . '/' . $q->param('list'); if ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'deleteaddress'}]") { # Delete a subscriber ... &delete_address($list); &display_list; } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]") { # Add a subscriber ... &add_address($list); &display_list; } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'moderators'}]") { # Edit the moderators ... &part_subscribers('mod'); } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'denylist'}]") { # Edit the deny list ... &part_subscribers('deny'); } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'allowlist'}]") { # edit the allow list ... &part_subscribers('allow'); } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'digestsubscribers'}]") { # Edit the digest subscribers ... &part_subscribers('digest'); } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'configuration'}]") { # Edit the config ... &list_config; } else { # Cancel - Return a screen ... &select_list; } } elsif ($Q::state eq 'allow' || $Q::state eq 'mod' || $Q::state eq 'deny' || $q->param('state') eq 'digest') { # User edits moderators || deny || digest ... my($part); # Which list directory are we using ... if($Q::state eq 'mod') { $part = 'mod'; } elsif($Q::state eq 'deny' ) { $part = 'deny'; } elsif($Q::state eq 'allow') { $part = 'allow'; } else { $part = 'digest'; } if ($Q::action eq '[Delete Address]') { # Delete a subscriber ... &delete_address("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list", $part); &part_subscribers($part); } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]") { # Add a subscriber ... &add_address("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list", $part); &part_subscribers($part); } else { # Cancel - Return to the list ... &display_list; } } elsif ($Q::state eq 'confirm_delete') { # User wants to delete a list ... &delete_list if($q->param('confirm') eq "[$BUTTON{'yes'}]"); # Do it ... $q->delete_all; &select_list; } elsif ($Q::state eq 'create') { # User wants to create a list ... if ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'createlist'}]") { if (&create_list) { # Return if list creation is unsuccessful ... &allow_create_list; } else { &select_list; # Else choose a list ... } } else { # Cancel ... &select_list; } } elsif ($Q::state eq 'configuration') { # User updates configuration ... if ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'updateconfiguration'}]") { # Save current settings ... &update_config; &display_list; } elsif ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'edittexts'}]") { # Edit DIR/text ... &list_text; } else { # Cancel - Return to list editing screen ... &display_list; } } elsif ($Q::state eq 'list_text') { # User wants to edit texts associated with the list ... if ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'editfile'}]") { &edit_text; } else { &list_config; # Cancel ... } } elsif ($Q::state eq 'edit_text') { # User wants to save a new version of something in DIR/text ... &save_text if ($Q::action eq "[$BUTTON{'savefile'}]"); &list_text; } else { print "<h1 align=center>$Q::action</h1><h2 align=center>$LANGUAGE{'nop'}</h2><hr align=\"center\" width=25%>"; } # Print HTML footer and exit :) ... print $HTML_FOOTER, $q->end_html; exit; # ========================================================================= sub select_list { # List all mailing lists (sub directories) in the list directory. # Allow the user to choose a course of action; either editing an existing # list, creating a new one, or deleting an old one. my (@lists, @files, $i, $scrollsize); # Read the list directory for mailing lists. opendir DIR, $LIST_DIR || die "Unable to read $LIST_DIR: $!"; @files = grep !/^\./, readdir DIR; closedir DIR; # Check that they actually are lists ... foreach $i (0 .. $#files) { if (-e "$LIST_DIR/$files[$i]/lock") { $lists[$#lists + 1] = $files[$i] if (&webauth($files[$i]) == 0); } } # Keep selection box a resonable size - suggested by Sebastian Andersson $scrollsize = 25 if(($scrollsize = $#lists + 1) > 25); # Print a form $q->delete_all; print $q->startform; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'select'); print '<center><table border="0" cellpadding="10"><tr><td align="center" valign="top" rowspan="2">'; print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'list', -size=>$scrollsize, -values=>\@lists) if defined(@lists); print '</td><td align="left" valign="top">', $LANGUAGE{'chooselistinfo'}; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'create'}]"), ' ' if ((&webauth_create_allowed == 0) || (!defined($opt_c))); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'edit'}]"), ' ' if(defined(@lists)); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'delete'}]") if(defined(@lists)); print '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>'; print $q->endform; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub confirm_delete { # Make sure that the user really does want to delete the list! # Print a form ... $q->delete('state'); print $q->startform; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'confirm_delete'); print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$q->param('list')); print '<h2 align="center">', $LANGUAGE{'confirmdelete'}, ' ', $q->param('list'), '</h3><br><center>'; print $q->submit(-name=>'confirm', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'no'}]"), ' '; print $q->submit(-name=>'confirm', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'yes'}]"), '</center>'; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub display_list { # Show a list of subscribers to the user ... my ($i, $list, $listaddress, $moderated, @subscribers, $scrollsize); # Work out the address of this list ... $list = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); $listaddress = &this_listaddress; # Get a list of subscribers from ezmlm ... @subscribers = $list->subscribers; # Keep selection box a resonable size - suggested by Sebastian Andersson $scrollsize = 25 if(($scrollsize = $#subscribers + 1) > 25); # Print out a form of options ... $q->delete('state'); print "<h2 align=\"center\">$LANGUAGE{'subscribersto'} $Q::list ($listaddress)</h2><hr align=\"center\" width=\"25%\">"; print $q->start_multipart_form; print '<center><table align="center" cellpadding="10"><tr><td rowspan="2" valign="top" align="center">'; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'edit'); print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$Q::list); print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'delsubscriber', -size=>$scrollsize, -values=>\@subscribers, -labels=>&pretty_names, -multiple=>'true') if defined(@subscribers); print '</td><td valign="top" align="left">'; print ' ', ($#subscribers + 1), ' ', $LANGUAGE{'subscribers'}, '<BR>' if defined(@subscribers); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'deleteaddress'}]"), '<p>' if defined(@subscribers); print $q->textfield(-name=>'addsubscriber', -size=>'40'), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'addaddress'}, '"><BR>'; print $q->filefield(-name=>'addfile', -size=>20, -maxlength=>100), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'addaddressfile'}, '"><br>' if ($FILE_UPLOAD); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]"), '<p>'; print '<strong>', $LANGUAGE{'additionalparts'}, ':</strong><br>' if($list->ismodpost || $list->ismodsub || $list->isremote || $list->isdeny || $list->isallow || $list->isdigest); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'moderators'}]"), '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'moderator'}, '"> ' if ($list->ismodpost || $list->ismodsub || $list->isremote); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'denylist'}]"), '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'deny'}, '"> ' if ($list->isdeny); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'allowlist'}]"), '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'allow'}, '"> ' if ($list->isallow); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'digestsubscribers'}]"), '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'digest'}, '"> ' if ($list->isdigest); print '<p>'; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'webarchive'}]"), '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'webarch'}, '"> ' if(&ezmlmcgirc); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'configuration'}]"), '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'config'}, '"> '; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'selectlist'}]"); print '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>'; print $q->endform; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub delete_list { # Delete a list ... # Fixes a bug from the previous version ... when the .qmail file has a # different name to the list. We use outlocal to handle vhosts ... my ($list, $listaddress, $listadd); $list = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); if ($listadd = $list->getpart('outlocal')) { chomp($listadd); } else { $listadd = $q->param('list'); } $listaddress = $1 if ($listadd =~ /-?(\w+)$/); if ($UNSAFE_RM == 0) { # This doesn't actually delete anything ... It just moves them so that # they don't show up. That way they can always be recovered by a helpful # sysadmin should he be in the mood :) use File::Copy; my ($oldfile); $oldfile = "$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"; my ($newfile); $newfile = "$LIST_DIR/.$Q::list"; move($oldfile, $newfile) or die "Unable to rename list: $!"; mkdir "$HOME_DIR/deleted.qmail", 0700 if(!-e "$HOME_DIR/deleted.qmail"); opendir(DIR, "$HOME_DIR") or die "Unable to get directory listing: $!"; my @files = map { "$HOME_DIR/$1" if m{^(\.qmail.+)$} } grep { /^\.qmail-$listaddress/ } readdir DIR; closedir DIR; foreach (@files) { unless (move($_, "$HOME_DIR/deleted.qmail/")) { die "Unable to move .qmail files: $!"; } } warn "List '$oldfile' moved (deleted)"; } else { # This, however, does DELETE the list. I don't like the idea, but I was # asked to include support for it so ... if (!rmtree("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list")) { die "Unable to delete list: $!"; } opendir(DIR, "$HOME_DIR") or die "Unable to get directory listing: $!"; my @files = map { "$HOME_DIR/$1" if m{^(\.qmail.+)$} } grep { /^\.qmail-$listaddress/ } readdir DIR; closedir DIR; if (unlink(@files) <= 0) { die "Unable to delete .qmail files: $!"; } warn "List '$list->thislist()' deleted"; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub untaint { $DEFAULT_HOST = $1 if $DEFAULT_HOST =~ /^([\w\d\.-]+)$/; # Go through all the CGI input and make sure it is not tainted. Log any # tainted data that we come accross ... See the perlsec(1) man page ... my (@params, $i, $param); @params = $q->param; foreach $i (0 .. $#params) { my(@values); next if($params[$i] eq 'addfile'); foreach $param ($q->param($params[$i])) { next if $param eq ''; if ($param =~ /^([#-\@\w\.\/\[\]\:\n\r\>\< ]+)$/) { push @values, $1; } else { warn "Tainted input in '$params[$i]': " . $q->param($params[$i]); } $q->param(-name=>$params[$i], -values=>\@values); } } $q->import_names('Q'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_permission_for_action { # test if the user is allowed to modify the choosen list or to create an new one # the user would still be allowed to fill out the create-form (however he got there), # but the final creation is omitted my $ret; if ($Q::state eq 'create') { $ret = &webauth_create_allowed(); } elsif (defined($Q::list)) { $ret = &webauth($Q::list); } else { $ret = 0; } return $ret; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub add_address { # Add an address to a list .. my ($address, $list, @addresses, $count); my ($listname, $part) = @_; $list = new Mail::Ezmlm($listname); if($q->param('addfile')) { # Sanity check die "File upload must be of type text/*" unless($q->uploadInfo($q->param('addfile'))->{'Content-Type'} =~ m{^text/}); # Handle file uploads of addresses my($fh) = $q->upload('addfile'); return unless (defined($fh)); while (<$fh>) { next if (/^\s*$/ or /^#/); # blank, comments next unless (/\@/); # email address ... chomp(); push @addresses, $_; } } else { # User typed in an address return if ($q->param('addsubscriber') eq ''); $address = $q->param('addsubscriber'); $address .= $DEFAULT_HOST if ($q->param('addsubscriber') =~ /\@$/); push @addresses, $address; } foreach $address (@addresses) { my($add) = Mail::Address->parse($address); if(defined($add->name()) && $PRETTY_NAMES) { my(%pretty); tie %pretty, "DB_File", "$LIST_DIR/$Q::list/webnames"; $pretty{$add->address()} = $add->name(); untie %pretty; } if ($list->sub($add->address(), $part) != 1) { die "Unable to subscribe to list: $!"; } $count++; } $q->delete('addsubscriber'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub delete_address { # Delete an address from a list ... my ($list, @address); my($listname, $part) = @_; $list = new Mail::Ezmlm($listname); return if ($q->param('delsubscriber') eq ''); @address = $q->param('delsubscriber'); if ($list->unsub(@address, $part) != 1) { die "Unable to unsubscribe from list $list: $!"; } if($PRETTY_NAMES) { my(%pretty, $add); tie %pretty, "DB_File", "$LIST_DIR/$Q::list/webnames"; foreach $add (@address) { delete $pretty{$add}; } untie %pretty; } $q->delete('delsubscriber'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub part_subscribers { my($part) = @_; # Deal with list parts .... my ($i, $list, $listaddress, @subscribers, $moderated, $scrollsize, $type); # Work out the address of this list ... $list = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); $listaddress = &this_listaddress; if($part eq 'mod') { # Lets know what is moderated :) # do we store things in different directories? my $config = $list->getconfig; my($postpath) = $config =~ m{7\s*'([^']+)'}; my($subpath) = $config =~ m{8\s*'([^']+)'}; my($remotepath) = $config =~ m{9\s*'([^']+)'}; $moderated = '<blink><font color="#ff0000">' if ($postpath); $moderated .= "[$LANGUAGE{'posting'}]" if ($list->ismodpost); $moderated .= '</font><img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" title="Posting Moderators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $postpath . '). You will have to edit them manually."></blink>' if ($postpath); $moderated .= '<blink><font color="#ff0000">' if ($subpath); $moderated .= " [$LANGUAGE{'subscription'}]" if($list->ismodsub); $moderated .= '</font><img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" title="Subscriber Moderators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $subpath . '). You will have to edit them manually"></blink>' if ($subpath); $moderated .= '<blink><font color="#ff0000">' if ($remotepath); $moderated .= " [$LANGUAGE{'remoteadmin'}]" if($list->isremote); $moderated .= '</font><img src="' . $HELP_ICON_URL . '" title="Remote Administrators are stored in a non-standard location (' . $remotepath . '). You will have to edit them manually"></blink>' if ($remotepath); } # What type of sublist is this? ($type) = $Q::action =~ m/^\[(.+)\]$/; # Get a list of moderators from ezmlm ... @subscribers = $list->subscribers($part); # Keep selection box a resonable size - suggested by Sebastian Andersson $scrollsize = 25 if(($scrollsize = $#subscribers + 1) > 25); # Print out a form of options ... $q->delete('state'); print "<h2 align=\"center\">$type $LANGUAGE{'for'} $listaddress</h2><hr align=\"center\" width=\"25%\">"; print "<center>$moderated</center><p>" if(defined($moderated)); print $q->start_multipart_form; print '<center><table align="center" cellpadding="10"><tr><td rowspan="2" valign="top" align="center">'; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>$part); print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$Q::list), "\n"; print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'delsubscriber', -size=>$scrollsize, -values=>\@subscribers, -multiple=>'true', -labels=>&pretty_names) if defined(@subscribers); print '</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" align="left">'; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'deleteaddress'}]"), '<p>' if defined(@subscribers); print $q->textfield(-name=>'addsubscriber', -size=>'40'), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'addaddress'}, '"><br>'; print $q->filefield(-name=>'addfile', -size=>20, -maxlength=>100), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'addaddressfile'}, '"><br>' if ($FILE_UPLOAD); print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'addaddress'}]"), '<p>'; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'subscribers'}]"); print '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>'; print $q->endform; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub allow_create_list { # Let the user select options for list creation ... my($username, $hostname, %labels, $j); # Work out if this user has a virtual host and set input accordingly ... if(-e "$QMAIL_BASE/virtualdomains") { open(VD, "<$QMAIL_BASE/virtualdomains") || warn "Can't read virtual domains file: $!"; while(<VD>) { last if(($hostname) = /(.+?):$USER/); } close VD; } if(!defined($hostname)) { $username = "$USER-" if ($USER ne $ALIAS_USER); $hostname = $DEFAULT_HOST; } # Print a form of options ... $q->delete_all; print '<h2 align="center">', $LANGUAGE{'createnew'}, '</h2><hr align="center" width="25%">'; print $q->startform; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -value=>'create'); print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listname'}, ': </strong></big>', $q->textfield(-name=>'list', -size=>'20'), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'listname'}, '"><p>'; print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listaddress'}, ': </strong></big>'; print $q->textfield(-name=>'inlocal', -default=>$username, -size=>'10'); print ' <big><strong>@</strong></big> ', $q->textfield(-name=>'inhost', -default=>$hostname, -size=>'30'), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'listadd'}, '"><p>'; print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listoptions'}, ':</strong></big>'; &display_options($DEFAULT_OPTIONS); # Allow creation of mysql table if the module allows it if($Mail::Ezmlm::MYSQL_BASE) { print '<p> ', $q->checkbox(-name=>'sql', -label=>$LANGUAGE{'mysqlcreate'}, -on=>1); print ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'mysqlcreate'}, '">'; } print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'allowedtoedit'}, ': </strong></big>', $q->textfield(-name=>'webusers', -value=>$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}||'ALL', -size=>'30'), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'webusers'}, '">', '<br><font size="-1">', $HELPER{'allowedit'}, '</font>' if(-e "$WEBUSERS_FILE"); print '<p>', $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'createlist'}]"), ' '; print $q->reset(-value=>"[$BUTTON{'resetform'}]"), ' '; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'cancel'}]"); print $q->endform; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_list { # Create a list acording to user selections ... # Check the list directory exists and create if necessary ... if(!-e $LIST_DIR) { die "Unable to create directory ($LIST_DIR): $!" unless mkdir $LIST_DIR, 0700; } my ($qmail, $listname, $options, $i); # Some taint checking ... $qmail = $1 if $q->param('inlocal') =~ /(?:$USER-)?([^\<\>\\\/\s]+)$/; $listname = $q->param('list'); $listname =~ s/ /_/g; # In case some git tries to put a space in the file name # Sanity Checks ... return 1 if ($listname eq '' || $qmail eq ''); if(-e ("$LIST_DIR/$listname/lock") || -e ("$HOME_DIR/.qmail-$qmail")) { print "<h1 align=\"center\">List '$listname' already exists :(</h1>"; return 1; } # Work out the command line options foreach $i (grep {/\D/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) { if (defined($q->param($i))) { $options .= $i; } else { $options .= uc($i); } } foreach $i (grep {/\d/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) { if (defined($q->param($i))) { $options .= " -$i '" . $q->param("$i-value") . "'"; } } my($list) = new Mail::Ezmlm; unless ($list->make(-dir=>"$LIST_DIR/$listname", -qmail=>"$HOME_DIR/.qmail-$qmail", -name=>$q->param('inlocal'), -host=>$q->param('inhost'), -switches=>$options, -user=>$USER) ) { die 'List creation failed', $list->errmsg(); } # handle MySQL stuff if($q->param('sql') && $options =~ m/-6\s+/) { unless($list->createsql()) { die 'SQL table creation failed: ', $list->errmsg(); } } &update_webusers(); return 0; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub list_config { # Allow user to alter the list configuration ... my ($list, $listaddress, $listname, $options); my ($headeradd, $headerremove, $mimeremove, $prefix, $j); # Store some variables before we delete them ... $list = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); $listname = $q->param('list'); $listaddress = &this_listaddress; # Print a form of options ... $q->delete_all; print '<h2 align="center">', $LANGUAGE{'editconfiguration'}, '</h2><hr align="center" width="25%">'; print $q->startform; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -value=>'configuration'); print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -value=>$listname); print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listname'}, ": <em>$listname</em><br>"; print "$LANGUAGE{'listaddress'}: <em>$listaddress</em></strong></big><p>"; print '<big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'listoptions'}, ':</big></strong><br>'; # Print a list of options, selecting the ones that apply to this list ... &display_options($list->getconfig); # Get the contents of the headeradd, headerremove, mimeremove and prefix files $headeradd = $list->getpart('headeradd'); $headerremove = $list->getpart('headerremove'); $mimeremove = $list->getpart('mimeremove'); $prefix = $list->getpart('prefix'); print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'prefix'}, ': </strong></big>', $q->textfield(-name=>'prefix', -default=>$prefix, -size=>12), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'prefix'}, '">' if defined($prefix); print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'headerremove'}, ':</big></strong> <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'headerremove'}, '"><br>', $q->textarea(-name=>'headerremove', -default=>$headerremove, -rows=>5, -columns=>70); print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'headeradd'}, ':</big></strong> <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'headeradd'}, '"><br>', $q->textarea(-name=>'headeradd', -default=>$headeradd, -rows=>5, -columns=>70); print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'mimeremove'}, ':</big></strong> <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'mimeremove'}, '"><br>', $q->textarea(-name=>'mimeremove', -default=>$mimeremove, -rows=>5, -columns=>70) if defined($mimeremove); if(open(WEBUSER, "<$WEBUSERS_FILE")) { my($webusers); while(<WEBUSER>) { last if (($webusers) = m{^$listname\s*\:\s*(.+)$}); } close WEBUSER; $webusers ||= $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} || 'ALL'; print '<p><big><strong>', $LANGUAGE{'allowedtoedit'}, ': </strong></big>', $q->textfield(-name=>'webusers', -value=>$webusers, -size=>'30'), ' <img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" title="', $HELPER{'webusers'}, '">', '<br><font size="-1">', $HELPER{'allowedit'}, '</font>'; } print '<p>', $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'updateconfiguration'}]"), ' '; print $q->reset(-value=>"[$BUTTON{'resetform'}]"), ' '; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'cancel'}]"), ' '; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'edittexts'}]"); print $q->endform; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub update_config { # Save the new user entered config ... my ($list, $options, $i, @inlocal, @inhost); $list = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); # Work out the command line options ... foreach $i (grep {/\D/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) { if (defined($q->param($i))) { $options .= $i; } else { $options .= uc($i); } } foreach $i (grep {/\d/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) { if (defined($q->param($i))) { $options .= " -$i '" . $q->param("$i-value") . "'"; } } # Actually update the list ... unless($list->update($options)) { die "List update failed"; } # Update headeradd, headerremove, mimeremove and prefix ... $list->setpart('headeradd', $q->param('headeradd')); $list->setpart('headerremove', $q->param('headerremove')); $list->setpart('mimeremove', $q->param('mimeremove')) if defined($q->param('mimeremove')); $list->setpart('prefix', $q->param('prefix')) if defined($q->param('prefix')); &update_webusers(); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub update_webusers { # replace existing webusers-line or add a new one if($Q::webusers) { # Back up web users file open(TMP, ">/tmp/ezmlm-web.$$"); open(WU, "<$WEBUSERS_FILE"); while(<WU>) { print TMP; } close TMP; close WU; open(TMP, "</tmp/ezmlm-web.$$"); open(WU, ">$WEBUSERS_FILE"); while(<TMP>) { if(/^$Q::list\s*:/) { print WU "$Q::list\: $Q::webusers\n"; } else { print WU; } } close TMP; close WU; unlink "/tmp/ezmlm-web.$$"; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub this_listaddress { # Work out the address of this list ... Used often so put in its own subroutine ... my ($list, $listaddress); $list = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); chomp($listaddress = $list->getpart('outlocal')); $listaddress .= '@'; chomp($listaddress .= $list->getpart('outhost')); return $listaddress; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub list_text { # Show a listing of what is in DIR/text ... my(@files, $list); $list = $LIST_DIR . '/' . $q->param('list'); # Read the list directory for text ... opendir DIR, "$list/text" || die "Unable to read DIR/text: $!"; @files = grep !/^\./, readdir DIR; closedir DIR; # Print a form ... $q->delete('state'); print $q->startform; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'list_text'); print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$q->param('list')); print '<center><table border="0" cellpadding="10" align="center"><tr><td align="center" valign="top" rowspan="2">'; print $q->scrolling_list(-name=>'file', -values=>\@files); print '</td><td align="center" valign="top">'; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'editfile'}]"), ' '; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'cancel'}]"); print '<p>', $LANGUAGE{'edittextinfo'}, '</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table></center>'; print $q->endform; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub edit_text { # Allow user to edit the contents of DIR/text ... my ($content); my($list) = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); $content = $list->getpart("text/$Q::file"); # Print a form ... $q->delete('state'); print '<h2 ALIGN="center">', $LANGUAGE{'editingfile'}, ': ', $Q::file, '</h2>'; print '<center><table align="center" cellpadding="5"><tr><td valign="top" rowspan="2">'; print $q->startform; print $q->hidden(-name=>'state', -default=>'edit_text'); print $q->hidden(-name=>'list', -default=>$q->param('list')); print $q->hidden(-name=>'file', -default=>$q->param('file')); print $q->textarea(-name=>'content', -default=>$content, -rows=>'25', -columns=>'72'); print '</td><td valign="top" align="left">'; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'savefile'}]"), ' '; print $q->reset(-value=>"[$BUTTON{'resetform'}]"), ' '; print $q->submit(-name=>'action', -value=>"[$BUTTON{'cancel'}]"); print '<p>', $LANGUAGE{'editfileinfo'}; print $q->endform; print '</td></tr><tr><td> <td></tr></table><center>' } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub save_text { # Save new text in DIR/text ... my ($list) = new Mail::Ezmlm("$LIST_DIR/$Q::list"); $list->setpart("text/$Q::file", $q->param('content')); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub webauth { # Check if webusers file exists - if not, then access is granted return 0 if (! -e "$WEBUSERS_FILE"); # Read authentication level from webusers file. Format of this file is # somewhat similar to the unix groups file my($listname) = @_; open (USERS, "<$WEBUSERS_FILE") || die "Unable to read webusers file ($WEBUSERS_FILE): $!"; while(<USERS>) { if (/^($listname|ALL)\:/i) { if (/(\:\s*|,\s+)((?:$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'})|(?:ALL))\s*(,|$)/) { close USERS; return 0; } } } close USERS; return 1; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub webauth_create_allowed { # Check if webusers file exists - if not, then access is granted return 0 if (! -e "$WEBUSERS_FILE"); # Read create-permission from webusers file. # the special listname "ALLOW_CREATE" controls, who is allowed to do it open (USERS, "<$WEBUSERS_FILE") || die "Unable to read webusers file ($WEBUSERS_FILE): $!"; while(<USERS>) { if (/^ALLOW_CREATE:/i) { if (/(\:\s*|,\s+)((?:$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'})|(?:ALL))\s*(,|$)/) { close USERS; return 0; } } } close USERS; return 1; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub display_options { my($opts) = shift; my($i, $j); print "<!-- $opts -->"; print '<table border="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td>'; foreach $i (grep {/\D/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) { if ($opts =~ /^\w*$i\w*\s*/) { print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0], -on=>'1'); } else { print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0]); } print '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" border="0" title="', $EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[1] , '">'; print '</td>'; $j++; if ($j >= 3) { $j = 0; print '</tr><tr>'; } print '<td>'; } print '</td></tr></table>'; print '<table border="0" celpadding="3">'; foreach $i (grep {/\d/} keys %EZMLM_LABELS) { print '<tr><td>'; if ($opts =~ /$i (?:'(.+?)')/) { print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0], -on=>'1'); } else { print $q->checkbox(-name=>$i, -value=>$i, -label=>$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[0]); } print '<img src="', $HELP_ICON_URL, '" border="0" title="', $EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[1] , '">'; print '</td><td>'; print $q->textfield(-name=>"$i-value", -value=>$1||$EZMLM_LABELS{$i}[2], -size=>30); print '</td></tr>'; } print '</table>'; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ezmlmcgirc { my($listno); if(open(WWW, "<$EZMLM_CGI_RC")) { while(<WWW>) { last if (($listno) = m{(\d+)(\D)\d+\2$LIST_DIR/$Q::list\2}); } close WWW; return "$EZMLM_CGI_URL/$listno" if(defined($listno)); } return undef; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub pretty_names { return undef unless($PRETTY_NAMES); my (%pretty, %prettymem); tie %pretty, "DB_File", "$LIST_DIR/$Q::list/webnames"; %prettymem = %pretty; untie %pretty; return \%prettymem; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub rmtree { # A subroutine to recursively delete a directory (like rm -f). # Based on the one in the perl cookbook :) use File::Find qw(finddepth); File::Find::finddepth sub { # assume that File::Find::name is secure since it only uses data we pass it my($name) = $File::Find::name =~ m{^(.+)$}; if (!-l && -d _) { rmdir($name) or warn "couldn't rmdir $name: $!"; } else { unlink($name) or warn "couldn't unlink $name: $!"; } }, @_; 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN { sub handle_errors { my $msg = shift; print << "EOM"; </table><table width="99%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" align="center"><tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#e0e0ff"> <h2><font color="red">A fatal error has occoured</font></h2> Something you did caused this script to bail out. The error message we got was<p> <tt>$msg</tt><p> Please try what you were doing again, checking everything you entered.<br> If you still find yourself getting this error, please contact the <a href="mailto:webmaster\@$DEFAULT_HOST">site administrator</a> quoting the error message above. </td></tr></table> EOM } set_message(\&handle_errors); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End of ezmlm-web.cgi v2.2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ __END__ =head1 NAME ezmlm-web - A web configuration interface to ezmlm mailing lists =head1 SYNOPSIS ezmlm-web [B<-c>] [B<-C> E<lt>F<config file>E<gt>] [B<-d> E<lt>F<list directory>E<gt>] =head1 DESCRIPTION =over 4 =item B<-C> Specify an alternate configuration file given as F<config file> If not specified, ezmlm-web checks first in the users home directory, then in F</etc/ezmlm> and then the current directory =item B<-d> Specify an alternate directory where lists live. This is now depreciated in favour of using a custom ezmlmwebrc, but is left for backward compatibility. =back =head1 SUID WRAPPER C<#include stdio.h> C<void main (void) {> C</* call ezmlm-web */> C<system("/path/to/ezmlm-web.cgi");> C<}> =head1 DOCUMENTATION/CONFIGURATION Please refer to the example ezmlmwebrc which is well commented, and to the README file in this distribution. =head1 FILES F<~/.ezmlmwebrc> F</etc/ezmlm/ezmlmwebrc> F<./ezmlmwebrc> =head1 AUTHOR Guy Antony Halse <guy-ezmlm@rucus.ru.ac.za> =head1 BUGS None known yet. Please report bugs to the author. =head1 S<SEE ALSO> ezmlm(5), ezmlm-cgi(1), Mail::Ezmlm(3) https://systemausfall.org/toolforge/ezmlm-web http://rucus.ru.ac.za/~guy/ezmlm/ http://www.ezmlm.org/ http://www.qmail.org/