IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7001) Installed library is the wrong version. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7002) Client attempted to call a function on an unregistered library. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7003) Operation timed out. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7004) Syntax error. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7005) Stack overflowed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7006) Unable to start service. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7007) Out of range. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7008) Object not found. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7009) Object already exists. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700A) Not found. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700B) Object or collection is not empty. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700C) Client attempted to call a registration function more than once. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700D) Invalid result type. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700E) Invalid operation. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC700F) Invalid argument(s). IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7010) Initialization failed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7011) Write file operation failed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7012) Read file operation failed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7013) End of file. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7014) Failed to de-serialize. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7015) Unable to complete request. Connection failed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7016) Operation cancelled. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7017) Buffer overflowed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7018) Attempt to advertise service to Logos Classified Ads failed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7019) Access denied. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701A) Buffer underflowed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701B) File already exists. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701C) The provided refnum is invalid. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC701D) A null refnum was provided as input. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7020) Unexpected OS exception occurred. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7021) Failed to load library. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7022) Class not found. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7023) No known value. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7024) Invalid locale. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7030) Invalid UTF8 encoding sequence. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7031) Citadel ran out of shared memory. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7032) Badly formatted GUID string. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABC7033) Bad Type IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB001) Generic security error. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB002) Version is not supported by peer. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB003) Account is locked. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB004) Logos session timed out or is locked out by other users. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB005) The specified user does not exist. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB006) The specified group does not exist. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB007) Duplicate name. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB008) Message is corrupted. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB009) The domain server failed to complete a function. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00A) Cannot delete built-in principals. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00B) Invalid password. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00C) Not a local computer. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00D) Not an administrator. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00E) Domain is not defined. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB00F) Domain already exists. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB010) Password is too short or too long. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB011) Machine is denied access. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB012) Requested data denied. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB020) Cannot lock account. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB021) Network connection timed out. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB022) File corrupted. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB023) Network is disconnected. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB024) Requested data not found. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB025) Operation cancelled by user. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB026) Attempt to advertise service to Logos Classified Ads failed. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB030) Message size less than one block. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB031) Failed to generate random number. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB032) Passwords do not match. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB034) Password too short. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB035) Password too long. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB036) Domain already added. IAK_SHARED: (Hex 0x8ABCB037) No more principals.