package Prelogic; # #Deprecated module, please use # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # #should be refactored # use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI ':standard'; use Date::Calc qw(:all); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Pg; use Data::Dumper; use Lib::Config; use Mod::Buttons; use Mod::Libenz; use Mod::Libenzdb; use Mod::DBtank; use Mod::Payment; use Mod::Pricing; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless($self,$class); return $self; } #Template sub preinit(){ my $self = shift; my $q = shift; my $node_meta = shift; my $users_dms = shift; $q->import_names('R'); my @keywords = $q->param; my $cf = new Config; my $lb = new Libenz; my $db = new Libenzdb; my $dbt = new DBtank; my $but = new Buttons; my $payone = new Payment; my $pri = new Pricing; my %ib = $but->ibuttons(); my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); my $script = $q->script_name(); my $path_info = $q->path_info(); my $path = $path_info; #with meta_host, if("$varenv{metahost}"){ $path = "$script" . "$path_info"; $script=""; } my $lang = "de"; my $c_id = $R::c_id || "0";#c_id aus content my $time = time(); my $now_date = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime; my $today = strftime("%d.%m.%Y",localtime(time)); my $today4db = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",localtime(time)); my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; my $day = strftime "%d", localtime; my $mon = strftime "%m", localtime; my $year = strftime "%Y", localtime; my $i_rows=0; my $u_rows=0; my $d_rows=0; my $dbh = ""; my $api_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/apikeys.cfg"; my $aconf = Config::General->new($api_file); my %apikeyconf = $aconf->getall; open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/Prelogic.log"); print FILE "\n*--> $now_dt| u_id: $users_dms->{u_id}" . Dumper($q) . "\n"; if(!$users_dms->{u_id}){ return "failure::Fehler
Die Sitzung wurde unterbrochen."; } if((!looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) || !looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans)) && ($R::ct_trans !~ /delete_trans|new_trans/) && !$R::v_abschluss){ print FILE Dumper($q); return "failure::Fehler
Daten ID's nicht vollständig (if((!looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans) || !looks_like_number($R::tpl_id4trans)) && ($R::ct_trans !~ /delete_trans|new_trans/) && !$R::v_abschluss))"; } #international buttons my ($key,$val,$ib_key); while (($key,$val) = each(%ib)) { $ib_key = $key if($R::ct_trans eq $val); } $ib_key = $R::ct_trans if(!$ib_key); my ($ct_last,$c_idnew); my $table = "contenttrans"; my $ctt = $db->get_content1($table,$R::c_id4trans); my $buchen_mtime = $lb->time4de($ctt->{mtime}); my $mandant_main_id = 100002; my $parent_trans = $db->get_node3("$mandant_main_id","Faktura","$lang") if($mandant_main_id); if(!$parent_trans->{main_id}){ return "failure::Fehler
keine eindeutige Modulzuweisung vorhanden."; } my $rel = $db->get_rel4tpl4nd($parent_trans->{main_id},$lang,$R::c_id4trans); $rel = $db->get_rel4tpl4nd("",$lang,$R::c_id4trans,$rel->{template_id}) if($R::c_id4trans > "0"); my $ct_name = $q->escapeHTML("$R::ct_name"); my $barcode=0; my $s_owner_id=0; if($R::s_start_date_time && $varenv{dataflow} =~ /wiki/){ $db->users_up("cal_start","$R::s_start_date_time",$users_dms->{u_id}); } if($R::s_end_date_time && $varenv{dataflow} =~ /wiki/){ $db->users_up("cal_end","$R::s_end_date_time",$users_dms->{u_id}); } if($R::view_list && $varenv{dataflow} =~ /wiki/){ $db->users_up("view_list","$R::view_list",$users_dms->{u_id}); } #OPEN/CLOSE if($R::ct_trans eq "open"){ $db->update_users4trans($R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans,"",$users_dms->{u_id}); $users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id}); }elsif($R::ct_trans eq "close"){ $db->update_users4trans("0","0","",$users_dms->{u_id}); $users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id}); } #NEW contenttrans if($ib_key =~ /^new_/){ $ct_name = "----" if(!$ct_name); my $foreign_key; my $sort; my $main_id = $R::main_id; if($ib_key =~ /new_trans/){ $table = "contenttrans"; $foreign_key="ct_id"; $main_id = $parent_trans->{main_id} if(!$R::main_id); } my $node = $db->get_node4multi($main_id,$lang); if($table && $main_id){ my $rel = $db->get_rel4tpl($main_id,$lang); $c_idnew = $db->insert_content2($table,$ct_name,$users_dms->{u_id},""); $i_rows += 1 if($c_idnew > 0); my $rel_id = $db->insert_relationlist($table,$rel->{main_id},$lang,$c_idnew,$rel->{tpl_id},$foreign_key); $rel->{content_id} = $c_idnew; #notwendig bei prozeduralem $R::select_part $db->update_content4change($table,$c_idnew,"",$parent_trans->{parent_id},"int09");#mandant_main_id $db->update_content4change($table,$c_idnew,"",$node->{main_id},"int12");#zusätzl. Formtyp $db->update_content4change($table,$c_idnew,"",$node->{node_name},"txt00");#node_name $db->update_users4trans($c_idnew,$R::tpl_id4trans,"",$users_dms->{u_id}); }else{ return "failure::Fehler, Datensatz kann nicht angelegt werden weil folgende Informationen fehlen: ($main_id)"; } } ###ADD PARTS/DATE TO Transactions #FIXME, refactorit if((($ib_key =~ /add_transpos|add_transdate/) || ($R::select_part && ($R::spart_ct_name || $R::json_select))) && (!$ctt->{close_time})){ $table = "contenttranspos"; my $zcolumn = "barcode"; my $zcontent = "$R::spart_ct_name" || "$R::json_select"; #get part for adding and get from_main_id my $ct_name = "$R::spart_ct_name" || "$R::json_select" || "";#turn-around!§$ my $c_id = "$R::c_id" || ""; my $ct = { c_id => 0 }; $ct = $db->get_ctrel2("content","$ct_name","","$lang","","$c_id","224,229","$zcolumn","$zcontent",""); $ct_name = $ct->{ct_name} if($ct->{ct_name}); if($ct->{main_id}){ $users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id}) if($ib_key =~ /new_/);#nur bei new_ mit save_ if(!$R::c_id4trans && $ib_key !~ /new_transdate/){ return "failure::Zu welchem Vorgang soll die Aktion verknüpft werden? Bitte erst den entsprechenden Vorgang öffnen."; } } if($ct->{barcode} && $ct->{barcode} > 0 && $rel->{content_id}){ $ct->{int02} = $ct->{int02} * -1 if($ct->{template_id} == 224 && $ct->{int02} > 0);#Gutscheine #Add Parts from content to contenttranspos################# my $pos_id = 0; my $ctt = { c_id => 0 }; if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans)){ my $pref_ctt = { table => "contenttrans", fetch => "one", c_id => $R::c_id4trans, }; $ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_ctt); } my $ctadr = { c_id => $ctt->{int10} }; $pos_id = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh,$ctt->{c_id},$ct,"",$ctadr,"","","","0",$users_dms->{u_id},""); $i_rows += 1 if($pos_id > 0); $dbt->update_content4comp($dbh,$ct->{c_id},"-","1"); return "pos_id=$pos_id";#new return-code to get opened Part-Position in Transposition }else{ return "failure::Die Artikelnummer konnte nicht gefunden werden.
::$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Waren::Waren verwalten"; } } ##### #UPDATE CONTENT #print "@keywords "; if($ib_key =~ /save/){ $c_id = $R::c_id if($ib_key eq "save");#only in journal edit my $table = "contenttrans"; if($ib_key eq "save_adr" || $ib_key =~ /save_text/){ $table = "contenttrans"; $c_id = "$R::c_id4trans"; }elsif($ib_key eq "save_pos"){ $table = "contenttranspos"; $c_id = $R::c_idpos || $R::pos_id; } #Miet- bzw. BaseVA- Zeitraum if($ib_key =~ /save_pos/ && $R::c_idpos && $R::start_date =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}/ && $R::end_date =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{4}/){ my $pos_id = $R::c_idpos; my $start_date = "$3-$2-$1" if($R::start_date =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/); my $end_date = "$3-$2-$1" if($R::end_date =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/); my $s_hh = $q->escapeHTML("$R::s_hh") || "0"; my $s_mi = $q->escapeHTML("$R::s_mi") || "0"; my $e_hh = $q->escapeHTML("$R::e_hh") || "0"; my $e_mi = $q->escapeHTML("$R::e_mi") || "0"; $s_hh = "24" if($s_hh > "24"); $e_hh = "24" if($e_hh > "24"); $s_mi = "59" if($s_mi > "59"); $e_mi = "59" if($e_mi > "59"); $s_hh = sprintf('%.2d',$s_hh); $e_hh = sprintf('%.2d',$e_hh); $s_mi = sprintf('%.2d',$s_mi); $e_mi = sprintf('%.2d',$e_mi); my $start_time=""; my $end_time=""; $start_time = "$start_date $s_hh:$s_mi:00" if("$start_date $s_hh:$s_mi" =~ /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/); $end_time = "$end_date $e_hh:$e_mi:00" if("$end_date $e_hh:$e_mi" =~ /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/); if($start_time && $end_time){ my $dtnow = DateTime->now( time_zone => "Europe/Berlin" ); my $dt0 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($start_time); my $dt1 = DateTime::Format::Pg->parse_datetime($end_time); if($dt0 < $dtnow && $dt1 < $dtnow){ my $pref = { table => "contenttrans", table_pos => "contenttranspos", fetch => "one", template_id => "218",#Mietjournal tpl_id c_id => $pos_id, "ct.close_time" => "is::null", }; my $record_pos = {}; my $pricing = {}; my $counting = {}; $record_pos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref); my $update_pos = { table => "contenttranspos", start_time => "$start_time", end_time => "$end_time", owner_end => $users_dms->{u_id}, mtime => "now()", }; my $rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$record_pos); #again to get setted date-times $record_pos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh,$pref); ($pricing,$counting) = $pri->counting_rental(\%varenv,$record_pos); #int03 only used for tarif counting backwards compatibility #$update_pos->{int03} = "$pricing->{computed_hours}" if(looks_like_number($pricing->{computed_hours})); $update_pos->{int38} = "$counting->{int38}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int38})); $update_pos->{int39} = "$counting->{int39}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int39})); $update_pos->{int40} = "$counting->{int40}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int40})); $update_pos->{int41} = "$counting->{int41}" if(looks_like_number($counting->{int41})); $update_pos->{int10} = 1; $update_pos->{int04} = $R::int04 if(looks_like_number($R::int04)); if($R::cc_id =~/^\d+$/){ my $ctpref = { table => "content", fetch => "one", c_id => $R::cc_id, }; my $ctbike = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$ctpref); if($ctbike->{int10} && ($ctbike->{int10} == 2 || $ctbike->{int10} == 3)){ $db->updater("content","c_id",$R::cc_id,"int10","1",$users_dms->{u_id}); if($R::int04 =~/^\d+$/){ $db->updater("content","c_id",$R::cc_id,"int04","$R::int04",$users_dms->{u_id}); } } } $rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$record_pos); $db->updater("contenttrans","c_id",$ctt->{c_id},"start_time","$start_time",$users_dms->{u_id}); $db->updater("contenttrans","c_id",$ctt->{c_id},"end_time","$end_time",$users_dms->{u_id}); } } } #hidden select keys to delete first, marked with off_ ( foreach(@keywords){ if($_ =~ /off_(txt\d+)/){ $db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,"$1",""); } } my $ct_exist2; $ct_exist2 = $db->get_content2($table,$ct_name) if($ct_name); $ct_exist2 = $db->get_content1($table,$c_id) if($c_id); if($ct_exist2->{ct_name} && ($ct_exist2->{c_id} ne $c_id)){ return "failure::$ct_exist2->{ct_name} - $ct_exist2->{c_id} - $c_id
content name exists"; }elsif($c_id){ $users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id});#to get new cal_start my $j=0; foreach(@keywords){ $j++; my $val = $q->param($_); my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val"); my @val = $q->param($_); $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("@val"); $_ =~ s/col_//; $ct_exist2->{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $ct_exist2->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//; $valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//; $valxx .= ".00" if($valxx =~ /^\d+$/ && $_ =~ /int\d+/); #print "|$_:$ct_exist2->{$_} -- $valxx|
"; if("$ct_exist2->{$_}" ne "$valxx"){ if($_ eq "ct_name" && $valxx && $table){ $u_rows +=$db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,"$_","$valxx"); } if($_ =~ /txt21|txt6/ && $table){ $db->update_content4change2($table,$c_id,"$R::txt61,$R::txt62,$R::txt63,$R::txt64,$R::txt65,$R::txt66,$R::txt67,$R::txt68,$R::txt69","txt21") }elsif($_ =~ /txt(\d+)$/ && $table){ $valxx = "null" if(!$valxx);#for empty my $txtxx = $valxx; $u_rows +=$db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,"$_","$valxx"); } if($_ =~ /mtime|warn_time/ && $table){ my $timexx = $valxx; $u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$timexx,$_,$users_dms->{u_id}) if($timexx =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{2,4}\s\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}/ || $timexx =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{2,4}$/); } if($_ =~ /state/ && $table){ my $state = $valxx; $u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$state,$_,$users_dms->{u_id}); } if($_ =~ /(xml_export)/ && $table){#boolean my $key = $1; my $value = $valxx || "f"; $u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$value,$key,$users_dms->{u_id}); } if($_ =~ /int(\d+)/ && $table){ $valxx =~ s/,/./; $valxx =~ s/\.00//; $valxx = "null" if(!$valxx);#for empty my $intxx = $valxx; #Ausgaben trigger if($ib_key eq "save_pos" && $_ eq "int02" && $intxx =~ /-\d/){ $u_rows += $db->update_content4change($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$intxx,"int02",$users_dms->{u_id}); }elsif($ib_key eq "save_pos" && $_ eq "int03"){ #Warenbestands trigger my $op="+"; $op = $1 if($intxx =~ s/(-|\+)//); if($op =~ /-/){ return "failure::Bitte einen fiktiven Artikel unter \"Ausgaben\" verwenden."; } my $add_menge="0"; #differenz, es wird nur der zuwachs verwendet $ct_exist2->{$_} = 0 if(!$ct_exist2->{$_}); $add_menge = - $ct_exist2->{$_} + $intxx if($op eq "+"); my $rows = $db->update_content4comp("contenttranspos",$R::ct_name,$R::c_idpos,"$op","$add_menge",""); if($rows){ $u_rows += $db->update_content4comp("content",$R::ct_name,"$R::cc_id","-","$add_menge","",""); } }else{ $u_rows +=$db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_id,"$_","$valxx"); } } } } } } #delete ask if("$ib_key" eq "remove_chk4rel" && $R::main_id && $R::c_id && $R::template_id && $R::rel_id){ my $node_names; my $i=0; return "failure::Datensatz wirklich löschen. ::?ct_trans=delete_trans\&exit_box2=1\&c_id=$R::c_id\&rel_id=$R::rel_id ::löschen" } #delete Only relation ... without content if("$ib_key" eq "delete_rel4ct" && $R::main_id && $R::rel_id){ $d_rows += $db->delete_relation($R::main_id,$lang,$R::rel_id); $db->cleanup_users($users_dms->{u_id}) if($users_dms->{u_id}); } #DELETE abschluss if($ib_key eq "delete" || $ib_key =~ /delete_tver/){ $table = "contenttrans"; $table = "contenttver" if($ib_key =~ /delete_tver/); $d_rows += $db->delete_content("$table","$R::c_id"); $db->update_users4trans("0","0","",$users_dms->{u_id}); } #DELETE if($ib_key =~ /delete_trans/){ my $c_id4del = $R::c_id4trans || $R::c_id; $table = "contenttrans" if($ib_key =~ /delete_trans/); my $ctt = $db->get_content1("$table","$c_id4del"); $d_rows += $db->delete_content($table,$ctt->{c_id}); $db->update_users4trans("0","0","",$users_dms->{u_id}); print $q->div({-class=>'elementwhite'},"2... redirecting to ... or CLICK ", $q->a({href=>"$varenv{wwwhost}$script$path"},"$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura")); print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura?redirected=1\&return=0-0-0|$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows"); exit 0; } my $pos_id = $R::c_idpos || $R::pos_id; #DELETE pos if($ib_key =~ /delete_pos/ && $pos_id){ $table = "contenttranspos"; my $cttpos = $db->get_content1($table,$pos_id); $d_rows += $db->delete_content("$table","$pos_id"); $ct_name = $1 if($R::ct_name =~ /^(\d+)/); $u_rows += $db->update_content4comp("content",$ct_name,"$cttpos->{cc_id}","+","$cttpos->{int03}","",""); } ### #Auftragsstatus if($R::order_state && $R::c_id4trans){ my $table = "contenttrans"; $u_rows += $db->updater($table,"c_id",$R::c_id4trans,"txt22","$R::txt22",$users_dms->{u_id}); } if($R::warning_state && $R::c_id4trans){ my $table = "contenttrans"; $u_rows += $db->updater($table,"c_id",$R::c_id4trans,"txt19","$R::txt19",$users_dms->{u_id}); } ###SET Relation (like move doc-type) #executed by Terminal submit-buttons #2. counter for WaWi and ReNr if((!$R::close_time && $R::set_main_id) && ($R::set_relation || $R::set_state || $R::open_set_main_id > 300000 || $R::ct_trans =~ /print_pdf/i)){ if($R::open_set_main_id){ $R::set_main_id = $R::open_set_main_id; $users_dms = $db->select_users($users_dms->{u_id}); } my $c_id = $R::c_id4trans || "";#Document id return "failure::Abbruch, die Aktion konnte keinem Dokument zugeordnet werden. Arbeiten Sie mit mehreren Browser-Tabs? Bitte multiple COPRI Tabs schließen und anschließend das Verkauf-Terminal neu öffnen." if(!$c_id); my $table = "contenttrans"; my $ctt = { c_id => 0 }; my $rel = $db->get_rel4tpl("",$lang,$R::c_id4trans,$R::tpl_id4trans); $ctt = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$rel->{content_id}); return "failure::Bitte erst einen Formular-Typ wählen" if($R::set_main_id <= "300000"); $u_rows += $db->update_relation2("",$lang,$R::set_main_id,"",$rel->{rel_id}) if(!$R::close_time && $rel->{rel_id}); my $node_faktura = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura}); my $node = $dbt->get_node($dbh,$R::set_main_id); my $update_ctt = { table => "contenttrans", mtime => "now()", owner => $users_dms->{u_id}, }; print FILE "c_id4trans:$R::c_id4trans,tpl_id4trans:$R::tpl_id4trans by condition: ($node_faktura->{invoice_nr} > 0) && $ctt->{ct_name} !~ /\d/)\n old-relation $rel->{main_id} \n new-relation $R::set_main_id\n"; if($node_faktura->{invoice_nr} > 0 && $ctt->{c_id} > 0 && $ctt->{ct_name} !~ /\d/){ my $nextNr = $node_faktura->{invoice_nr}; $update_ctt->{ct_name} = "$nextNr"; $update_ctt->{barcode} = "$nextNr"; my $update_node = { table => "nodes", main_id => "$dbt->{shareedms_conf}->{faktura}", change => "no_time", }; my $invoice_nr = $node_faktura->{invoice_nr} + 1; $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_node,"invoice_nr='$invoice_nr'"); $update_ctt->{int12} = $node->{main_id}; $update_ctt->{txt00} = $node->{node_name}; $u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt); } #SET state alias Zahlung buchen if($R::set_state && !$R::close_time){ my $sum_paid = "null"; my $sum_operatorcredit = "null"; my $sumgeb_teil = "null"; my $sumgeb_bank = "null"; my $state = $R::state || ""; $update_ctt->{state} = "$state"; $update_ctt->{int14} = 2;#set OPOS if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sum_paid){ $sum_paid = $R::sum_paid; $sum_paid =~ s/,/\./; $update_ctt->{int01} = $sum_paid; } if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sum_operatorcredit){ $sum_operatorcredit = $R::sum_operatorcredit; $sum_operatorcredit =~ s/,/\./; $update_ctt->{int02} = $sum_operatorcredit; $update_ctt->{int14} = "null"; } if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sumgeb_teil){ $sumgeb_teil = $R::sumgeb_teil; $sumgeb_teil =~ s/,/\./; $update_ctt->{int08} = $sumgeb_teil; } if($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::sumgeb_bank){ $sumgeb_bank = $R::sumgeb_bank; $sumgeb_bank =~ s/,/\./; $update_ctt->{int07} = $sumgeb_bank; } $u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt); if($state =~ /payone/){ my $ctadr = $db->get_content1("contentadr",$ctt->{int10}); $ctt->{payone_reset} = 0; if($R::payone_reset){ #after delete preauth after 0€ capture sets new TXID and increment reference $ctt->{payone_reset} = $R::payone_reset; $ctt->{int01} = 0; $ctt->{sequence} = $ctt->{int18} || 1; $ctt->{sequence}++; if($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /SEPA/){#SEPA 0 my $payoneret = $payone->captureSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id}); } if($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /Kreditkarte/){#CC 0 my $payoneret = $payone->captureCC_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id}); } $ctt = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$ctt->{c_id}); } if($state !~ /Zahlungseingang/ && !$ctt->{txt16}){ if($ctadr->{ct_name} =~ /\w{2}-\d+/){ my $payoneret = $payone->preauthorizationSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id}); sleep 2; }elsif(length($ctadr->{ct_name}) >= 19){ my $payoneret = $payone->preauthorizationCC_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id}); sleep 2; } $ctt = $db->get_content1("contenttrans",$ctt->{c_id}); $ctt->{sequence} = $R::payone_sequence || 1; #SEPA capture if($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /SEPA/){#SEPA my $payoneret = $payone->captureSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id}); } #CC capture elsif($ctt->{txt16} && $R::state =~ /Kreditkarte/){#CC my $payoneret = $payone->captureCC_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$users_dms->{u_id}); } else{ my $return_text = "payone capture fails, errorcode ($ctadr->{int03} && TXID:$ctt->{txt16} && $R::state)."; $update_ctt->{txt23} = "$now_dt $return_text\n" . $ctt->{txt23}; $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt); #return "failure::$return_text"; } }else{ return "failure::Payone Geldeinzug nicht ausgeführt weil TXID bereits vorhanden. Hatte der Einzug bereits stattgefunden?"; } }elsif($ctt->{txt00} eq "Storno" || $state eq "Zahlungsausfall"){ $update_ctt->{int14} = "null"; $update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()"; $u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt); #delete OPOS at all $db->updater($table,"barcode",$ctt->{barcode},"int14","null","","","","",""); }elsif($state eq "fehlgeschlagener Einzug"){ $update_ctt->{int14} = "null"; $update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()"; $u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt); }elsif($ctt->{txt00} eq "Rechnung" && $R::sum_paid <= 0){ $update_ctt->{int14} = "null"; $update_ctt->{pay_time} = "now()"; $u_rows += $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_ctt,$ctt); } } } ###end SET Relation or state (V Terminal submit's) my $c_id4print = ""; $c_id4print = $R::c_id4trans if(looks_like_number($R::c_id4trans)); if($c_id4print){ open(EMA, ">> $varenv{logdir}/copri-print.log"); print EMA "$today4db\n"; my $print_return = ""; my $exit_code = 1; my $ctt = { c_id => 0 }; my $pref_ctt = { table => "contenttrans", fetch => "one", c_id => $R::c_id4trans, }; $ctt = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$pref_ctt); my $lang_ctt = $ctt->{txt11} || "de";#2023-08-10 my $praefix = "$ctt->{txt00}-$varenv{praefix}";#like Rechnung-sharee_operator #PDF generate if($R::ct_trans =~ /print_pdf/ || $R::print_pdf){ my $psize="A4"; my $topdf = "$varenv{basedir}/src/wkhtmltopdf-amd64"; #without system() because we have to wait until PDF is ready $print_return = `$topdf --page-size $psize "$varenv{wwwhost}$script/Printpreview?printer_id=$R::printer_id\&mandant_main_id=$mandant_main_id\&main_id=$node_meta->{main_id}\&ct_name2print=$ctt->{ct_name}\&c_id4trans=$c_id4print\&u_id=$users_dms->{u_id}\&pkey=$apikeyconf{pdfprinter}->{pkey}" "$varenv{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" 2>&1`; $exit_code = $?; my $filesize = -s "$varenv{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"; print EMA "$topdf --page-size $psize $varenv{wwwhost}$script/Printpreview?printer_id=$R::printer_id\&mandant_main_id=$mandant_main_id\&main_id=$node_meta->{main_id}\&ct_name2print=$ctt->{ct_name}\&c_id4trans=$c_id4print\&u_id=$users_dms->{u_id}\&pkey=$apikeyconf{pdfprinter}->{pkey} $varenv{pdf}/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf\nreturn: $print_return\nfilesize: $filesize\nexit_code: $exit_code\nset_state: $R::set_state\n"; #no redirect if($R::ct_trans eq "print_pdf"){ if( -f "$varenv{basedir}/pdf/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"){ print ""; }else{ return "failure::PDF konnte nicht generiert werden, bitte Info an: admin\\n $varenv{wwwhost}/pdf/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf"; } } } #PDF will be generated by "print_pdf" in context "buchen" #"send_invoice_again" will use formarly generated PDF if(-f "$varenv{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" && (($R::set_state eq "buchen" && $R::send_invoice && $ctt->{int01} && $ctt->{int01} != 0) || ($ib_key eq "send_invoice_again"))){ my $sum_paid = $R::sum_paid || 0; $sum_paid =~ s/,/\./; my $cms_message_key = "email-invoice"; $varenv{cms} = $dbt->fetch_cms($dbh,{ lang => $lang_ctt }); if(!$varenv{cms}->{$cms_message_key}->{txt}){ return "failure::Achtung, CMS-Text '$cms_message_key' ist nicht vorhanden. Es wurde keine eMail versandt!"; } if($sum_paid != $ctt->{int01}){ return "failure::Achtung, die Summe der Positionen $sum_paid enstpricht nicht der Rechnung-Summe $ctt->{int01}. Die Rechnung muss vor dem eMail versand erst gebucht werden!"; } system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/ '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$cms_message_key' '1'"); print EMA "---> Prelogic send_invoice $praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf email command: $dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/ '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$cms_message_key' '1'\n"; } #send_invoice_cms if($ib_key eq "send_invoice_cms" && $R::cms_message_key){ my $sum_paid = $R::sum_paid || 0; $sum_paid =~ s/,/\./; $varenv{cms} = $dbt->fetch_cms($dbh,{ lang => $lang_ctt }); if(!$varenv{cms}->{$R::cms_message_key}->{txt}){ return "failure::Achtung, CMS-Text '$R::cms_message_key' ist nicht vorhanden. Es wurde keine eMail versandt!"; } if($sum_paid != $ctt->{int01}){ return "failure::Achtung, die Summe der Positionen $sum_paid enstpricht nicht der Rechnung-Summe $ctt->{int01}. Die Rechnung muss vor dem eMail versand erst gebucht werden!"; } my $with_pdf = ""; $with_pdf = 1 if(-f "$varenv{basedir}/pdfinvoice/$praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf" && $R::print_pdf); system("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/ '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice_cms' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$R::cms_message_key' '$with_pdf'"); print EMA "---> Prelogic send_invoice_cms $praefix-$ctt->{ct_name}.pdf email command: $dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$varenv{syshost}/src/scripts/ '$varenv{syshost}' 'send_invoice_cms' '$ctt->{int10}' '$ctt->{c_id}' '' '$R::cms_message_key' '$with_pdf'\n"; } close EMA; }#end c_id4print #SET Tagesabschluss if($R::v_abschluss){ my $journal_tpl="209"; my $journal_id="300011"; #test node my $n_exist = $db->get_node4multi($journal_id,$lang); my $t_exist = $db->get_tpl($journal_tpl); if(!$n_exist->{n_id} || !$t_exist->{tpl_id}){ return "failure::Die Journal Konfiguration ist fehlerhaft."; } #collect sub-nodes #TODO my $main_ids = "300008,300009,300011";#Rechnung,Storno,Verkaufsjournal #my $main_ids = "$parent_trans->{main_id},"; #$main_ids .= $db->collect_noderec($parent_trans->{main_id},$lang,"nothing") if($parent_trans->{main_id}); #$main_ids =~ s/,$//; my $tpl_vk = "218"; my $table = "contenttrans"; my $sum_start = $R::sum_start || "0"; my $sum_kasse = $R::sum_kasse || "0"; $sum_start = $lb->checkint($sum_start); $sum_kasse = $lb->checkint($sum_kasse); my $c_id4kasse = ""; my $c_id4abschluss = $db->get_content6("$table","close_time","null","state","Tagesabschluss","int09","$parent_trans->{parent_id}","","","$s_owner_id"); if($journal_id){ if($c_id4abschluss->{c_id} && $c_id4abschluss->{c_id} > 0){ $c_id4kasse = $c_id4abschluss->{c_id}; }else{ $ct_name = "--- auto ct_name = c_id ---"; $c_id4kasse = $db->insert_content2($table,$ct_name,$users_dms->{u_id},"Tagesabschluss"); $i_rows += 1 if($c_id4kasse > 0); $db->update_content4change("contenttrans",$c_id4kasse,"$c_id4kasse"); $db->update_content4change("contenttrans",$c_id4kasse,"",$parent_trans->{parent_id},"int09");#mandant_main_id $db->update_content4change("contenttrans",$c_id4kasse,"",$c_id4kasse,"int11");#last_ab $db->update_content4change("contenttrans",$c_id4kasse,"",$journal_id,"int12");#main_id $db->update_content4change("contenttrans",$c_id4kasse,"",$n_exist->{node_name},"txt00");#node_name my $rel_id = $db->insert_relationlist($table,$journal_id,$lang,$c_id4kasse,$tpl_vk,"ct_id"); } $u_rows += $db->update_kasse($table,$c_id4kasse,$sum_kasse,$sum_start); if($journal_id && $journal_tpl && $R::close_trans){ my $opos="null"; $u_rows += $db->update_tagesabschluss($table,$c_id4kasse,$journal_id,$journal_tpl,$tpl_vk,$parent_trans->{parent_id},"$main_ids","$s_owner_id","$opos"); print $q->div({-class=>'elementwhite'},"1... redirecting to ... or CLICK ", $q->a({href=>"$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura/Verkaufsjournal"},"$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura/Verkaufsjournal")); print redirect("$varenv{wwwhost}/DMS/Faktura/Verkaufsjournal?redirected=1\&return=0-0-0|$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows"); exit 0; } } $db->cleanup_users($users_dms->{u_id}); } close(FILE); ### return "$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows"; } 1;