package Shareework; # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # #disable for syntax check #use lib qw(/var/www/copri4/shareeapp-primary/src); use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use CGI; # only for debugging use Mod::Libenzdb; use Mod::Libenz; use Mod::DBtank; use Mod::Buttons; use Lib::Config; use Mod::APIfunc; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_base64); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use URI::Encode; use Mod::Prelib; use Mod::Basework; use Mod::Payment; #use Mod::MailTransport; use Mod::SMSTransport; use Data::Dumper; my $cf = new Config; my $but = new Buttons; my $db = new Libenzdb; my $lb = new Libenz; my $dbt = new DBtank; my $apif = new APIfunc; my $pl = new Prelib; my $bw = new Basework; my $payone = new Payment; #my $mailtrans = new MailTransport; my $smstrans = new SMSTransport; my $q = new CGI; my $uri_encode = URI::Encode->new( { encode_reserved => 1 } ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless($self,$class); return $self; } my $i_rows=0; my $u_rows=0; my $d_rows=0; # #also done in src/Tpl/!? sub delete_account { my $self = shift; my $c_id = shift; my $owner = shift; my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); my $debug=1; my $dbh = ""; $bw->log("delete_account",$c_id,""); open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/delete_account.log") if($debug); my $dbh_primary = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}); my $authref = { table => "contentadr", fetch => "one", template_id => "202", c_id => "$c_id", }; my $ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_primary,$authref); print FILE "\n*-->DB $varenv{dbname} $now_dt| owner: $owner | c_id: $c_id \n" if($debug); #First on operator DMS delete and then second on primary delete txt17 operator DB if($varenv{dbname} ne $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}){ $d_rows += $dbt->delete_content($dbh,"contentadr",$c_id); my $update_primary = { table => "contentadr", mtime => "now()", owner => "$owner", c_id => "$c_id", }; my @operators = ("$ctadr->{txt17}"); @operators = split(/\s+/,$ctadr->{txt17}) if($ctadr->{txt17} =~ /\w\s\w/); my @new_operators = (); foreach(@operators){ push(@new_operators,$_) if($_ =~ /sharee_\w+/ && $_ !~ /$varenv{dbname}/); } print FILE "delete operator dbname: $varenv{dbname} | update_primary txt17='@new_operators'\n"; $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_primary,$update_primary,"txt17='@new_operators'"); $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh_primary,$update_primary,"txt19=null"); }else{ print FILE "delete on all by operatorsloop by primary\n"; $dbt->update_operatorsloop($varenv{dbname},$ctadr->{c_id},"delete"); $d_rows += $dbt->delete_content($dbh,"contentadr",$c_id); } close(FILE) if($debug); return "$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows"; } sub check_account(){ my $self = shift; my ($column2,$op2,$content2,$column3,$op3,$content3) = @_; my $table = "contentadr"; $content2 = $q->escapeHTML("$content2"); my $account_check = $db->get_like2sort("contentadr","","","$column2","$op2","$content2","$column3","$op3","$content3"); return $account_check; } #create_account is alwas done on primary first sub create_account(){ my $self = shift; my $owner = shift; my $table = "contentadr"; my $c_idnew = $db->insert_content($table); $db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_idnew,"ct_name","$c_idnew","$owner"); $db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_idnew,"barcode","$c_idnew","$owner"); $db->updater("$table","c_id",$c_idnew,"int20","$owner","$owner"); my $rel_idnew = $db->insert_relationlist($table,"200011","de",$c_idnew,"202","ca_id"); return $c_idnew; } #sharee save_account is always done on primary first sub save_account(){ my $self = shift; my $c_id = shift; my $varmerch = shift || ""; my $owner = shift || 0; my $table = "contentadr"; $q = new CGI; $q->import_names('R'); my @keywords = $q->param; my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); $bw->log("save_account by varmerchant_id $varmerch->{merchant_id} on dbname $varenv{dbname}",$q,""); my $debug=1; my $dbh = "";#keep in mind, empty dbh defaults to local copri-instance dbname open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_account.log") if($debug); #Always on sharee_primary if($varenv{dbname} ne $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}){ $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}); print FILE "\n*-->If no-primary connect DB $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname} (mvar: $varmerch->{merchant_id}|$varmerch->{dbname}|$varenv{dbname}) $now_dt| c_id: $c_id| owner: $owner\n" if($debug); }else{ #keep in mind, should be only done by web-app user Formular (primary) print FILE "\n*-->Else take local copri-Instance DB $varenv{dbname} (mvar: $varmerch->{merchant_id}|$varmerch->{dbname}) $now_dt| c_id: $c_id| owner: $owner\n" if($debug); } my $authref = { table => "contentadr", fetch => "one", template_id => "202", c_id => "$c_id", }; my $ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$authref); my $update_primary = { table => "contentadr", mtime => "now()", owner => "$owner", c_id => "$c_id", }; my $ret = ""; my $ret_conflict = ""; my $fkeys = ""; my $pw_dummy = ""; @keywords = grep {!/txt31/} @keywords; print FILE Dumper($q) if($debug); foreach(@keywords){ $fkeys .= "$_,"; my $val = $q->param("$_"); my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val"); $valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//; print FILE "$_:$valxx \n" if($debug); if($_ =~ /^int|barcode/){ $valxx =~ s/,/./g; if(looks_like_number($valxx)){ $valxx = $valxx; }else{ $valxx = "null" } } if($_ =~ /^txt[\d+]|^int[\d+]|^uri[\d+]|ct_name/){ #PW if($_ =~ /^txt04/){ if($valxx eq "xxxxxxxx"){ $pw_dummy = "1"; }elsif($valxx){ my $pwmd5 = md5_hex($valxx); $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"txt11='$pwmd5'"); } } #operators, only if saved by operator DMS elsif($_ eq "txt17"){ my %txt17 = (); if($ctadr->{txt17} =~ /\w\s\w/){ %txt17 = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/,$ctadr->{txt17}); }else{ $txt17{$ctadr->{txt17}} = 1; } my $txt19 = $q->escapeHTML($q->param('txt19')) || ""; if($txt19 && $dbt->{operator}{$txt19}->{database}->{dbname}){ $txt17{$dbt->{operator}{$txt19}->{database}->{dbname}} = 1; } my @operators = (); foreach my $keys (keys %txt17) { push(@operators,$keys); } $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"txt17='@operators'"); } #Web-Login|Rabatt|Vde|payone cron-intervall|Ilockit-Admin|miniq #elsif($_ =~ /int05|int07|int16|int19/){ elsif($_ =~ /int05|int07|int16|int19|int23/){ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one("",$update_primary,"$_=$valxx"); } #user_tour elsif($_ =~ /txt18/){ my @txt18 = $q->param('txt18'); @txt18 = grep {!/null/} @txt18; $u_rows = $dbt->update_one("",$update_primary,"$_='@txt18'"); } #Text Sonstiges elsif($_ =~ /txt29/){ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one("",$update_primary,"$_='$valxx'"); } #txt15=Bonus- oder Antragsnummer (falls vorhanden)=15 #only check bonusnr and add operators dbname. #bonustarif will be set after operator insert #TODO, check bonusnr insert on sharee_kn Operator (Giese) elsif($_ eq "txt15"){ #only done by App web iframe Anmelde-Registration formular print FILE "Bonusnr request $_: $valxx\n" if($debug); if($varenv{dbname} eq $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}){ my %txt17 = (); if($ctadr->{txt17} =~ /\w\s\w/){ %txt17 = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/,$ctadr->{txt17}); }else{ $txt17{$ctadr->{txt17}} = 1; } #accept SWK codes without prefix if($valxx && $owner && ($owner == 195 || $owner == 185 || $owner == 176 || $varenv{dbname} eq "sharee_kn")){ my $valappend = $valxx; $valxx = "KN-$valappend"; print FILE "Prepare SWK Bonusnr by prefix $valxx" . "\n" if($debug); } #Freischaltcode format can be "CA-Li-hsze789k" or "CA1234567" if($valxx && ($valxx =~ /^(\w{2,3})-([\w\-]+)/i || $valxx =~ /^(\w{2,3})(\d+)/i)){ $valxx =~ s/\s//g; my $bonus_prefix = uc($1), my $bonusnr = $2; my $operator_conf = $dbt->get_operator_conf($bonus_prefix); my @txt30_op = (); if(ref($operator_conf) eq "HASH" && $operator_conf->{oprefix} && $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname}){ print FILE "Bonus- oder Freischaltcode $valxx : " . $operator_conf->{oprefix} . " " . $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname} . "\n" if($debug); my $dbh_operator = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($operator_conf->{database}->{dbname}); #to get operator bonusnr my $pref_bo = { table => "content", fetch => "one", template_id => "228", int03 => ">::0", ct_name => "ilike::$bonusnr", }; my $bonus_record = { c_id => 0 }; $bonus_record = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$pref_bo); my $bonus_collect = {};#will be hash on matchin SWK bonus #also if SWK file matches if(!$bonus_record->{c_id} && $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname} eq "sharee_kn"){ $bonus_record->{ct_name} = $lb->grep_filecontent("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/$operator_conf->{dir_app}/ftp/SWK_codes/got_last.csv","$bonusnr"); if($bonus_record->{ct_name}){ $bonus_record->{c_id} = 1; $bonus_record->{int21} = 3429;#Stadtrad source Tarif $bonus_record->{int22} = 3430;#Stadtrad target Tarif $bonus_collect->{1}->{ct_name} = $bonus_record->{ct_name}; $bonus_collect->{1}->{int21} = 3429; $bonus_collect->{1}->{int22} = 3430; $bonus_collect->{2}->{ct_name} = $bonus_record->{ct_name}; $bonus_collect->{2}->{int21} = 3428; $bonus_collect->{2}->{int22} = 3432; $bonus_collect->{3}->{ct_name} = $bonus_record->{ct_name}; $bonus_collect->{3}->{int21} = 3433; $bonus_collect->{3}->{int22} = 3434; @txt30_op = ("$bonus_collect->{1}->{int22}","$bonus_collect->{2}->{int22}","$bonus_collect->{3}->{int22}"); } print FILE "SWK bonus_collect:\n" . Dumper($bonus_collect) . "\n"; } #add operators dbname only if Bonusnr matches print FILE "txt15=$bonusnr requested on web Bonustarif on: $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname} --> Bonusnt:$bonus_record->{ct_name} --> int21:$bonus_record->{int21} --> int22:$bonus_record->{int22}\n" if($debug); if($bonus_record->{c_id}){ $txt17{$operator_conf->{database}->{dbname}} = 1; my @operators = (); foreach my $keys (keys %txt17) { push(@operators,$keys) if($keys =~/sharee_/); } print FILE "txt17 saving operators on primary: @operators\n" if($debug); $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"txt17='@operators'"); #collect operator addr with existing tariff setting my $ctadr_operator = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$authref); @txt30_op = ("$ctadr_operator->{txt30}") if($ctadr_operator->{txt30}); @txt30_op = split(/\s+/,$ctadr_operator->{txt30}) if($ctadr_operator->{txt30} =~ /\w\s+\w/); #operator request by Bonusnr. #insert adr to operator if it doesn't exist before set operator bonustarif if(!$ctadr_operator->{c_id}){ print FILE "Bonus oprefix address INSERT adr from record_primary to operator $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname} , c_id:$ctadr->{c_id}\n"; my $insert_op = { %$ctadr, table => "contentadr", mtime => 'now()', owner => "198", }; my $c_id_op = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh_operator,$insert_op,"reset_adropkeys"); if($bonus_collect->{1}->{int22} && $bonus_collect->{2}->{int22} && $bonus_collect->{3}->{int22}){ @txt30_op = ("$bonus_collect->{1}->{int22}","$bonus_collect->{2}->{int22}","$bonus_collect->{3}->{int22}"); print FILE "SWK bonus_collect on adr insert:\n" . Dumper($bonus_collect) . "\n"; }elsif($bonus_record->{int22}){ @txt30_op = ("$bonus_record->{int22}"); print FILE "bonus_record on adr insert:\n" . Dumper($bonus_record) . "\n"; } } #address hash wit bonusnr my $adr_bonus = { table => "contentadr", mtime => "now()", c_id => $c_id, txt15 => $bonusnr, txt30_array => \@txt30_op, owner => $owner, ret => $ret, }; $ctadr_operator = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$authref); print FILE "operator adr update preview with bonusnr:\n" . Dumper($adr_bonus) . "\n"; $ret = $pl->set_usertarif($dbh,$operator_conf->{database}->{dbname},$adr_bonus,$bonus_collect); #count down only if not file greped with static kn c_id and not still used print FILE "bonus_record update_content4comp by: $bonus_record->{c_id} > 3 && $bonus_record->{int03} > 0 && (!$ctadr_operator->{txt15} || $bonus_record->{ct_name} !~ /$ctadr_operator->{txt15}/i)\n"; if($bonus_record->{c_id} > 3 && $bonus_record->{int03} > 0 && (!$ctadr_operator->{txt15} || $bonus_record->{ct_name} !~ /$ctadr_operator->{txt15}/i)){ $dbt->update_content4comp($dbh_operator,$bonus_record->{c_id},"-","1"); } }else{ $ret = "failure::txt15#top7"; } }else{ $ret = "failure::txt15#top5"; } }elsif($valxx && $valxx =~ /\w+/){ $ret = "failure::txt15#top6"; } } } #sharee txt30=Tarif (multible) and Bonusnummer txt15 automatic elsif($_ eq "txt30"){ #only done by Operator DMS if($varenv{dbname} ne $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}){ my @txt30 = $q->param('txt30');#multiple select sharee Tarif @txt30 = grep {!/null/} @txt30; my $bonusnr = $q->escapeHTML("$R::txt15");#on Operator DMS without oprefix- my $bonushash = { table => "contentadr", mtime => "now()", c_id => $c_id, txt15 => $bonusnr, txt30_array => \@txt30, owner => $owner, ret => $ret, }; $ret = $pl->set_usertarif($dbh,$varenv{dbname},$bonushash); } #phonenr }elsif($_ eq "txt07"){ $valxx =~ s/[\s\-\/]//g; if($valxx !~ /\d{9}/ || length($valxx) > 16){ $ret = "failure::$_#top"; }else{ #smsAck reset if($valxx ne $ctadr->{txt07}){ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"int13=0"); } $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"$_='$valxx'"); my $email = $R::txt08; $email =~ s/\s//g; my $confirm_digest = sha1_base64($email . $valxx); $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"txt34='$confirm_digest'"); } #user alias email }elsif($_ eq "txt08"){ $valxx =~ s/\s//g; if($valxx !~ /\w\@\w/){ $ret = "failure::$_#top"; }else{ my $account_check = &check_account("","txt08","ilike",$valxx,"c_id","!=",$c_id); print FILE "$account_check->{c_id} && $account_check->{c_id} != $c_id\n" if($debug); if($account_check->{c_id} && $account_check->{c_id} != $c_id){ my $encoded_val = $uri_encode->encode($valxx); $ret_conflict = "failure::conflict_$_=$encoded_val#top"; } #mailAck reset if($valxx ne $ctadr->{txt08}){ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"int04=0"); } $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"$_='$valxx'"); } }elsif($_ eq "int12" && $varenv{dbname} ne $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{database}->{dbname}){ my $vde_on_fail = 0; $vde_on_fail = 2 if($valxx && $valxx == 1); $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"$_=$vde_on_fail"); }elsif($_ =~ /^int|barcode/){ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"$_=$valxx"); }elsif($_ eq "ct_name" && $R::base_edit){ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"$_='$valxx'"); #}elsif($_ !~ /ct_name|txt22|txt23|txt15/){ }elsif($_ !~ /ct_name|txt15/){ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"$_='$valxx'"); } #Additionals after default updater #on IBAN/BIC change set override Mandantsreferenz to c_id to trigger payone if(($_ eq "txt22" && $valxx ne $ctadr->{txt22}) || ($_ eq "txt23" && $valxx ne $ctadr->{txt23})){ $u_rows += $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"ct_name='$c_id'"); } if($_ =~ /txt22/ && $valxx){ my $currency = "EUR"; #$currency = "CHF" if($valxx =~ /^(CH)/i); $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"txt24='$currency'"); } print FILE "-----> $_: $valxx\n" if($debug); $ret = "failure::$_#top" if(($_ =~ /int14/) && ($valxx eq "null" || !$valxx));#sharee AGB #Zahlungsart $ret = "failure::$_#top" if(($_ =~ /int03/) && ($valxx eq "null" || !$valxx)); $ret = "failure::$_#top" if($_ =~ /txt01/ && $valxx !~ /[a-zäöü]+\s+[a-zäöü]+/i); $ret = "failure::$_#top" if($_ =~ /txt03/ && ($valxx !~ /[\w|\.]+\s+\d+/ && $valxx !~ /\d+\s+[\w|\.]+/)); if($_ =~ /txt04/ && !$pw_dummy){ my $alphacount = 0; my $alphafail = 0; $alphacount = () = $valxx =~ /[a-z]/gi; $alphafail = length($valxx) - $alphacount; if(!$valxx || length($valxx) < 8 || $alphafail < 2){ #$ret = "failure::pwlazy_txt04#top"; $ret = "failure::$_#top"; } } $ret = "failure::$_#top" if($_ =~ /txt06/ && $valxx !~ /\d+\s+[a-zäöü]+/i); $ret = "failure::$_#top" if($_ =~ /txt08/ && $valxx !~ /\w\@\w/); $ret = "failure::$_#top" if($R::sharee_edit && $_ =~ /txt22/ && $valxx !~ /\w/); $ret = "failure::$_#top" if($R::sharee_edit && $_ =~ /txt23/ && $valxx !~ /\w/); } print FILE "ret: $ret | ret_conflict: $ret_conflict\n" if($debug && ($ret || $ret_conflict)); }#end foreach keyword #payone only if SEPA Mandat checked #Testbuchhung mit 1 € preauthorization and 0 € capture $ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$authref); print FILE "+++ $R::request && $ctadr->{int03} == 1 && $ctadr->{ct_name} eq $ctadr->{c_id} \n" if($debug); #if($R::request eq "managemandate" && $ctadr->{int03} == 1 && $ctadr->{ct_name} eq $ctadr->{c_id}){ #fraud workaround my $iban = $ctadr->{txt22} || ""; $iban =~ s/\s//g; my $iban_reject = 0; $iban_reject = 1 if($iban =~ /DE33700202700000091600/i); if($R::request eq "managemandate" && $ctadr->{int03} == 1 && $ctadr->{ct_name} eq $ctadr->{c_id} && !$iban_reject){ my $vde_on_fail = $ctadr->{int12} || 3;#keep last or set 3 my $payone_mival = $payone->managemandate_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,"",$owner); if($payone_mival && $payone_mival =~ /\w{2}-\d+/){ #define fictiv invoice to get 1 € test my $epoche = time(); my $ctt = { c_id => 1, int01 => 0, int15 => 1, txt16 => "", reference => "$ctadr->{c_id}_$epoche", payone_reset => '' }; my $payone_txid = ""; ##preauthorization and/or capture needs to much time, must be done async! #$payone_txid = $payone->preauthorizationSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$owner); #if($payone_txid) if(1==1){ $ctt->{txt16} = "$payone_txid"; $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"int12=0");#Vde #$payone_txid = $payone->captureSEPA_main(\%varenv,$ctadr,$ctt,$owner); #int12=0 should be set after capture success in payment module }else{ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"int12=$vde_on_fail");#Vde } }else{ $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"int12=$vde_on_fail");#Vde } #$u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"int12=3");#Vde test fail } if($R::txt04 && $R::confirm_txt04 && $R::txt04 ne $R::confirm_txt04){ $ret = "failure::confirm_txt04#top"; } if($ret =~ /failure::(\w+)/ && $ret !~ /txt15|txt16/){#persistent failure without Bonus or Gutschein my $rval = $1; #$rval =~ s/pwlazy_//g;#obsolet, all done in pw template description $rval =~ s/confirm_//g;#PW confirm $rval =~ s/conflict_//g;#conflict print FILE "ret: $ret | rval: $rval\n" if($debug); $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"txt31='$rval'"); }elsif($fkeys =~ /$ctadr->{txt31}/){ print FILE " No failure and empty txt31 (fkeys: $fkeys =~ /$ctadr->{txt31}/) \n" if($debug); $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$update_primary,"txt31=''"); } $ret = $ret_conflict if($ret_conflict); print FILE "final ret: $ret \n" if($debug); close(FILE) if($debug); #if(!$ret){#we do it also on failures to get sync #update operator with primary data after COPRI address edit $dbt->update_operatorsloop($varenv{dbname},$ctadr->{c_id},"update"); return ($ret,"$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows"); } #insert/save/delete DMS users sub manage_dmsusers { my $self = shift; my $base_edit = shift; my $u_id = shift; my $users_dms = shift || {}; my $owner = $users_dms->{u_id} || 0; my $table = "users"; $q = new CGI; $q->import_names('R'); my @keywords = $q->param; my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); $bw->log("manage_dmsusers",$q,""); my $dbh = ""; my $authref = { table => "contentadr", fetch => "one", template_id => "202", c_id => "$u_id", }; my $ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$authref); #users have to be exist only if DMS activated my $uref = { table => "users", fetch => "one", u_id => "$u_id", }; my $users = $dbt->fetch_tablerecord($dbh,$uref); #datahash on update my $dmsusers = { table => "users", mtime => "now()", owner => "$owner", u_id => "$u_id", }; if(ref($users) eq "HASH" && $users->{u_id} && (!$ctadr->{c_id} || $base_edit eq "delete_dmsusers")){ $bw->log("delete DMS user from $varenv{dbname}",$ctadr->{c_id},""); $d_rows += $dbt->delete_content($dbh,"users",$u_id); }elsif(ref($users) eq "HASH" && $users->{u_id} && $ctadr->{c_id} && $ctadr->{c_id} == $users->{u_id} && $base_edit eq "save_dmsusers"){ $bw->log("update DMS user to $varenv{dbname}",$ctadr->{c_id},""); foreach(@keywords){ my $val = $q->param($_); my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val"); $valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//; if($_ =~ /^int\d+/){ $valxx =~ s/,/./g; #$valxx = "null" if(!looks_like_number($valxx));#empty $valxx = 0 if(!looks_like_number($valxx));# set to 0 for using == operator $u_rows = $dbt->update_one($dbh,$dmsusers,"$_=$valxx"); } } }elsif($ctadr->{c_id} && !$users->{u_id} && $base_edit eq "new_dmsusers"){ $bw->log("insert DMS user to $varenv{dbname}",$ctadr->{c_id},""); $i_rows = $dbt->insert_users($dbh,$ctadr->{c_id},$owner); } return "$i_rows-$u_rows-$d_rows"; } #coupon alias Gutschein sub save_transact(){ my $self = shift; my ($c_id,$coo,$owner) = @_; $q = new CGI; $q->import_names('R'); my @keywords = $q->param; my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); $bw->log("save_transact",$q,""); my $debug=1; my $dbh = "";#keep in mind, empty dbh defaults to local copri-instance dbname open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/save_account.log") if($debug); print FILE "\n*-->local copri-Instance DB $varenv{dbname} $now_dt| c_id: $c_id \n" if($debug); my $authref = { table => "contentadr", fetch => "one", template_id => "202", c_id => "$c_id", }; my $ctadr = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$authref); my $pos_id=""; my $ret; my $fkeys; foreach(@keywords){ $fkeys .= "$_,"; my $val = $q->param($_); my $valxx = $q->escapeHTML("$val"); #print "|$_: $valxx"; $valxx =~ s/^\s+//; $valxx =~ s/\s+$//; #Gutschein if($_ eq "txt16"){ #forgotten prefix workaround $valxx = "SX-" . $valxx if($valxx =~ /sigoinpassau|EMW2022/i && $valxx !~ /^SX-/i); print FILE "Gutschein request $_: $valxx\n" if($debug); if($valxx && $valxx =~ /^(\w{2,3})-(\w+)/){ $valxx =~ s/\s//g; my $coupon_prefix = uc($1), my $coupon_nr = $2; my $operator_conf = $dbt->get_operator_conf($coupon_prefix); if(ref($operator_conf) eq "HASH" && $operator_conf->{oprefix} && $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname}){ print FILE "Gutschein $valxx : " . $operator_conf->{oprefix} . " " . $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname} . "\n" if($debug); my $dbh_operator = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($operator_conf->{database}->{dbname}); #to get operator coupon_nr my $pref_co = { table => "content", fetch => "one", template_id => "224", int03 => ">::0", ct_name => "ilike::$coupon_nr", }; my $ct = { c_id => 0 }; $ct = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$pref_co); $ct->{int02} *= -1 if($ct->{int02} > 0);#coupon price must be negate print FILE "txt16=$coupon_nr, unit_price $ct->{int02} --> requested on web on: $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname} --> barcode:$ct->{barcode}\n" if($debug); if($ct->{c_id}){ my $ctadr_operator = { c_id => 0 }; $ctadr_operator = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$authref); if(!$ctadr_operator->{c_id}){ my %operator_hash = (); if($ctadr->{txt17} && $ctadr->{txt17} =~ /\w\s\w/){#append DB's %operator_hash = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\s+/,$ctadr->{txt17}); }elsif($ctadr->{txt17}){ $operator_hash{$ctadr->{txt17}} = 1; } $operator_hash{$operator_conf->{database}->{dbname}} = 1; my @operator_array = keys %operator_hash; $bw->log("save_transact update operator keys by array: @operator_array",\%operator_hash,""); print FILE "save_transact update operator keys by array: @operator_array | pri $ctadr->{c_id}\n" if($debug); my $update_primary = { table => "contentadr", txt17 => "@operator_array",#operator ids txt19 => "$operator_conf->{database}->{dbname}", atime => "now()", owner => "198",#update initiated by primary }; my $rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_primary,$ctadr); print FILE "Gutschein oprefix address INSERT adr from record_primary to operator $operator_conf->{database}->{dbname} , c_id:$ctadr->{c_id}\n"; my $insert_op = { %$ctadr, table => "contentadr", mtime => 'now()', owner => "198", }; my $c_id_op = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh_operator,$insert_op,"reset_adropkeys"); } $ctadr_operator = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$authref); if($ctadr_operator->{c_id} > 0){ my $pref = { table => "contenttrans", fetch => "one", main_id => 300008,#must be Rechnung (and not Storno) template_id => 218, #ca_id => "$ctadr->{c_id}", int10 => "$ctadr_operator->{c_id}", state => "is::null", close_time => "is::null", }; my $ctt = { c_id => 0 }; $ctt = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$pref); my $posref = { table => "contenttrans", table_pos => "contenttranspos", fetch => "one", keyfield => "c_id", ca_id => "$ctadr->{c_id}", ct_name => "ilike::$valxx", }; my $cttpos = { c_id => 0 }; $cttpos = $dbt->collect_post($dbh_operator,$posref); #check if user has still coupon used if(!$cttpos->{c_id}){ if($ctt->{c_id} > 0){ $pos_id = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh_operator,$ctt->{c_id},$ct,"",$ctadr_operator,"","",$valxx,"0",$owner,""); }else{ my $ct_id = {c_id => 0}; $ct_id = $dbt->insert_contenttrans($dbh_operator,$ctadr_operator,"300008","218","----",$owner); $pos_id = $dbt->insert_pos($dbh_operator,$ct_id,$ct,$ctadr_operator,"","",$valxx,"0",$owner); } }else{ $ret = "failure::conflict_txt16#top"; } if($pos_id){ $ret = "success::txt16"; $dbt->update_content4comp($dbh_operator,$ct->{c_id},"-","1"); } }else{ $ret = "failure::txt16#top"; } }else{ $ret = "failure::txt16#top"; } } }elsif($valxx && $valxx =~ /\w+/){ $ret = "failure::txt16#top"; } } } print FILE "save_transact ret: $ret \n" if($debug); close(FILE) if($debug); return $ret; }#end save_transact #Send sms after payable check and !int13 sub smsack(){ my $self = shift; my $ctadr = shift; $smstrans->sms_ack_digest($ctadr); } #Send email after payable check and !int04 sub emailack(){ my $self = shift; my $c_id = shift; my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); system(`$varenv{basedir}/src/Mod/ "$varenv{basedir}" "$varenv{wwwhost}" "emailack" "$c_id" ""`); } #Password forgotten send email sub send_password(){ my $self = shift; my ($email,$coo,$owner) = @_; my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); $email = $q->escapeHTML($email); $email =~ s/\s//g; $bw->log("$varenv{basedir}/src/Mod/",$email,""); my $pwmd5 = md5_hex($coo); #don't change/hassle pw on tester for ex.| if($email && $email !~ /$dbt->{copri_conf}->{test_accounts}/i){ $db->updater("contentadr","1","1","txt11","$pwmd5","$owner","txt08","ilike","$email"); system(`$varenv{basedir}/src/Mod/ "$varenv{basedir}" "$varenv{wwwhost}" "send_password" "$email" "$coo"`); } } #sigbike just like caching and not realy used by app sub sigbike_cupdate { my $self = shift; my $record_sig = shift; my $dbh = ""; my $rows = 0; foreach my $bid (keys (%$record_sig)){ my $update = { %{$record_sig->{$bid}}, table => "content", template_id => "205", #main_id => "300102",#set by APIsigclient mtime => "now()", owner => "169", }; $rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update,$record_sig->{$bid}); $bw->log("rows: $rows | sigbike_cupdate content from record_sig with bike nr:",$update,""); if($rows != 1){ my $c_id = ""; $update->{itime} = "now()"; $bw->log("INSERT content from record_sig with bike nr:",$update,""); $c_id = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$update,""); $rows = 1 if($c_id); } } return $rows; } #sigstation just like caching and not realy used by app sub sigstation_cupdate { my $self = shift; my $record_sig = shift; my $dbh = ""; my $rows = 0; foreach my $sid (keys (%$record_sig)){ my $update = { %{$record_sig->{$sid}}, table => "content", template_id => "225", main_id => "300016", mtime => "now()", owner => "169", }; $rows = $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update,$record_sig->{$sid}); $bw->log("rows: $rows | sigstation_cupdate content from record_sig with bike nr:",$update,""); if($rows != 1){ my $c_id = ""; $update->{itime} = "now()"; $bw->log("INSERT content from record_sig with bike nr:",$update,""); $c_id = $dbt->insert_contentoid($dbh,$update,""); $rows = 1 if($c_id); } } return $rows; } 1;