package Mod::KMLout; # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # #without login only public Stations have to be viewable: # # #with login and valid autcookie: # # # use warnings; use strict; use POSIX; use Exporter; our @ISA = qw (Exporter); use CGI::Cookie (); use CGI ':standard'; use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(OK ); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use JSON; use LWP::UserAgent; use Lib::Config; use Mod::DBtank; use Mod::APIfunc; use Mod::Basework; use Data::Dumper; my $bw = new Basework; sub handler { my $r = shift; my $q = new CGI; $q->import_names('R'); my $dbt = new DBtank; my $apif = new APIfunc; my $cf = new Config; my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); my $coo = $q->cookie('domcookie') || $R::sessionid || ""; my $users_sharee = { c_id => 0 }; my $api_return = { authcookie => '' }; ($api_return,$users_sharee) = $apif->auth_verify($q,$coo,""); if($dbt->{website}->{$varenv{syshost}}->{merchant_id}){ $api_return->{authcookie} = $dbt->{website}->{$varenv{syshost}}->{merchant_id} if(!$api_return->{authcookie}); }elsif($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{merchant_id}){ $api_return->{authcookie} = $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{merchant_id} if(!$api_return->{authcookie}); }elsif($dbt->{primary}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{merchant_id}){ $api_return->{authcookie} = $dbt->{primary}->{$varenv{dbname}}->{merchant_id} if(!$api_return->{authcookie}); } $users_sharee->{c_id} = "0" if(!$users_sharee->{c_id}); $bw->log("kmlGenerator handler with api_return: ",$api_return,""); my $kmlfile = kmlGenerator($api_return,\%varenv,$users_sharee); #print $q->header(); #print out kml file, used by js maps if(1==1){ print $q->header(-type => "application/", -charset=>"utf-8"); if (open(my $fh, '<', "$varenv{basedir}/xml/$kmlfile")) { while (my $row = <$fh>) { print "$row"; } } } return Apache2::Const::OK; } sub kmlGenerator { my $authcookie = shift || { authcookie => '' }; my $varenv = shift; my $users_sharee = shift || { c_id => 0 }; $users_sharee->{c_id} = "0" if(!$users_sharee->{c_id}); my $dbt = new DBtank; my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref; my $project = "all"; $project = $dbt->{website}->{$varenv->{syshost}}->{project} if($dbt->{website}->{$varenv->{syshost}}->{project}); $project = $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{project} if($dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{project}); #print "$project | $varenv->{syshost} | $users_sharee->{c_id} | $authcookie->{authcookie}"; my $icon_green = "Open_Green.png"; my $icon_red = "Open_Red.png"; my $icon_blue = "Open_Blue.png"; if($project eq "Bayern"){ $icon_green = "LastenradBay_Standortpfeil_gruen_03a.png"; $icon_red = "LastenradBay_Standortpfeil_rot_03a.png"; $icon_blue = "LastenradBay_Standortpfeil_blau_03a.png"; #$icon_green = "LastenradBay-custom-marker-gruen.png"; #$icon_red = "LastenradBay-custom-marker-rot.png"; #$icon_blue = "LastenradBay-custom-marker-bayblau.png"; } my $timestamp = strftime "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime; my $kmlfile = "sharee-$timestamp-$users_sharee->{c_id}.kml"; $bw->log("kmlGenerator with: ",$kmlfile,""); #request primary will jsonclient loop_sharees my $uri_request = $dbt->{primary}->{sharee_primary}->{primaryApp}; #detect DMS, because this will do it directly without loop_sharees $uri_request = $dbt->{operator}->{$varenv->{dbname}}->{operatorApp} if($varenv->{dbname} ne "sharee_primary" && $varenv->{syshost} =~ /shareedms-/); my $rest_stations = "request=stations_available&project=$project&authcookie=$authcookie->{authcookie}"; my $rest_bikes = "request=bikes_available&project=$project&authcookie=$authcookie->{authcookie}"; my $station_hash = {}; my $bike_hash = {}; my $lastenrad = 300101; my $e_lastenrad = 300102; my $stadtrad = 300103; my %place_name; my %place_desc; my %place_pin; my %place_longitude; my %place_latitude; #reading shareejson my $stations_json = fetch_primary_json("",$uri_request,$rest_stations); my $bikes_json = fetch_primary_json("",$uri_request,$rest_bikes); open(XML,">$varenv->{basedir}/xml/$kmlfile") || die "$0 can not write $!"; print XML "\n"; print XML "\n"; print XML "\n"; print XML "\n"; print XML "bike stations for $users_sharee->{c_id}\n"; if($stations_json && $bikes_json){ #decode json to hash my $response_stations = decode_json($stations_json); my $response_bikes = decode_json($bikes_json); #BIG LOOP #loop stations hash foreach my $station (keys (%{ $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations} })) { $station_hash->{$station} = $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}; $place_pin{$station} = $icon_red; my $station_desc = "Mietradstation $station"; if($response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{description}){ $station_desc = "Mietradstation: $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{description} $station"; #$bw->log("KMLout station_desc: ",$station_desc,""); } $place_name{$station} = "$station_desc"; if($response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{state} eq "available" && $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{gps}->{latitude} =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d+/ && $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{gps}->{longitude} =~ /\d{1,2}\.\d+/){ $place_latitude{$station} = $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{gps}->{latitude}; $place_longitude{$station} = $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{gps}->{longitude}; $place_desc{$station} = ""; #print "\n--- Station $station hat folgende Räder ---\n"; #loop station_group array foreach my $station_group (@{ $response_stations->{shareejson}->{stations}->{$station}->{station_group} }){ #print "station_group ($station): " . $station_group . "\n"; my $station_groupID = 0; #loop bikes hash foreach my $bike (keys (%{ $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes} })) { $bike_hash->{$bike} = $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}; #loop bike_group array foreach my $bike_group (@{ $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{bike_group} }){ #print "bike_group ($bike): " . $bike_group . "\n"; my $bike_groupID = 0; $station_groupID = $1 if($station_group =~ /(\d+)/); $bike_groupID = $1 if($bike_group =~ /(\d+)/); #$bw->log("KMLout bike available if: $station_groupID == $bike_groupID && $station eq $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{station}","",""); #if Lastenrad if($station_groupID == $lastenrad && $station_groupID == $bike_groupID && $station eq $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{station}){ $place_pin{$station} = $icon_green; $place_desc{$station} .= "

• Verfügbar: $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{description} $bike

"; #print "($station) Lastenrad $bike\n"; } #if E-Lastenrad if($station_groupID == $e_lastenrad && $station_groupID == $bike_groupID && $station eq $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{station}){ $place_pin{$station} = $icon_green; $place_desc{$station} .= "

• Verfügbar: $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{description} $bike

"; #print "($station) E-Lastenrad $bike\n"; } #if Stadtrad if($station_groupID == $stadtrad && $station_groupID == $bike_groupID && $station eq $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{station}){ $place_pin{$station} = $icon_green; $place_desc{$station} .= "

• Verfügbar: $response_bikes->{shareejson}->{bikes}->{$bike}->{description} $bike

"; #print "($station) Stadtrad $bike\n"; } } } } print XML " \n"; print XML " \n"; print XML " $place_name{$station}\n"; print XML " \n"; print XML " #$place_pin{$station}\n"; print XML " \n"; print XML " $place_longitude{$station}, $place_latitude{$station}\n"; print XML " \n"; print XML " \n"; } }#end BIG LOOP }#end if json print XML "
\n"; print XML "
\n"; close(XML); chmod 0666, "$varenv->{basedir}/xml/$kmlfile"; return $kmlfile; }#end kmlGenerator #requestor sub fetch_primary_json { my $self = shift; my $primary_server = shift || ""; my $rest = shift || ""; my $primary_request = "$primary_server/APIjsonserver?$rest"; $bw->log("kmlGenerator primary_request: ",$primary_request,""); #print "GET_json >> " . $primary_request . "\n"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("sharee KMLout"); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$primary_request"); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content($rest); #Pass request to the user agent and get a response back my $res = $ua->request($req); # Check the outcome of the response if ($res->is_success) { #print $res->content; return $res->content; #print $res->status_line, "\n"; }else { return ""; #print $res->status_line, "\n"; } } 1;