package Mod::MailTransport; # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # # new emailing module # #perl -cw src/Mod/ #use lib "/var/www/copri4/shareeapp-operator/src"; # use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use CGI ':standard'; use Email::MIME; use IO::All; use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail); use Net::SMTP; use Try::Tiny; use Config::General; use Sys::Hostname; my $hostname = hostname; use Lib::Config; use Mod::Basework; use Mod::DBtank; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless($self,$class); return $self; } my $q = new CGI; my $cf = new Config; my $bw = new Basework; my $dbt = new DBtank; my $mailx_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/mailx.cfg"; my $conf = Config::General->new($mailx_file); my %mailxconf = $conf->getall; sub send_mail(){ my $self = shift; my $sendref = shift; my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; my $mail_from = $sendref->{mail_from} || $mailxconf{mailx_default}->{mail_from}; my $mail_to = $sendref->{mail_to} || $mailxconf{mailx_default}->{mail_to}; my $subject = $sendref->{subject} || "subject fails"; my $filename = $sendref->{filename} || ""; my $message = $sendref->{message} || "Failure, no message\n"; #If caller use utf8, message is encoded as utf-8 #$message = Encode::encode('utf-8', Encode::decode('iso-8859-1', $message)); #Special tink statisk, readdir with filename #$filename like "2018-12" my @files = ($filename); #disabled because of zipping #TODO, check what happens about Statistik-occubike_station_2019-1-konrad.csv #Okay, send_mail breaks on verylong Statistik lines. CSV zipping is the solution #@files = $lb->read_dirfiles("$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/csv",$filename,"file","") if($filename =~ /\d+-\d+/); if($dbt->{copri_conf}->{stage} eq "test"){ $mail_to = $mailxconf{mailx_default}->{mail_to}; $subject .= " * offline Test *"; } $bw->log("Trying send_mail:$0",$sendref,""); if(ref($sendref) eq "HASH"){ $mailxconf{mailx_default}->{sasl_password} = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $mailxconf{mailx_default}->{sasl_password})); my $transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS->new( host => "$mailxconf{mailx_default}->{mail_gateway}", ssl => 'ssl', port => 465, sasl_username => "$mailxconf{mailx_default}->{sasl_username}", sasl_password => "$mailxconf{mailx_default}->{sasl_password}", helo => "$mailxconf{mailx_default}->{mail_from}", debug => 1, ); #multipart message #Email::MIME !!! if(1==1){ my @parts = (); my $parts_1 = ( Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => "text/plain", #disposition => "attachment", encoding => "quoted-printable", charset => "UTF-8", }, body_str => "$sendref->{message}", ), ); push(@parts,$parts_1); foreach $filename (@files){ if($filename){ my $parts_0 = ( Email::MIME->create( attributes => { filename => "$filename", #content_type => "application/pdf", #content_type => "text/csv", content_type => "application/octet-stream", disposition => "attachment", encoding => "quoted-printable", name => "$filename", }, body => io( "$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/csv/$filename" )->binary->all, ), ); $bw->log("Attachment:$dbt->{copri_conf}->{basedir}/csv/$filename","",""); push(@parts,$parts_0); } } $message = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ From => "$mail_from", To => "$mail_to", Subject => "$subject", ], parts => [ @parts ], ); #$message->charset_set( 'UTF-8' ); print $message->as_string; }#if not Email::Mime else{ $message = Email::Simple->create( header => [ From => "$mail_from", To => "$mail_to", Subject => "$subject", ], body => "$sendref->{message}", ); } try { sendmail($message, { transport => $transport }); } catch { $bw->log("FAILURE send_mail:$0",$sendref,""); warn "Error sending mail: $_"; }; } $bw->log("Success send_mail","",""); }#end mail_send 1;