package Libenzdb; # #Deprecated module, please use # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # #uncomment for perl -cw src/Mod/ #use lib qw(/var/www/copri4/main/src); # use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use DBI; use CGI; use CGI ':standard'; use Text::CSV_XS; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; use Lib::Config; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); use Date::Calc qw(check_date); use Mod::DBtank; use Data::Dumper; my $cf = new Config; my $dbt = new DBtank; my $q = new CGI; $q->import_names('R'); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless($self,$class); return $self; } my $today = strftime("%d.%m.%Y",localtime(time)); my $date_time = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M",localtime(time)); my %varenv = $cf->envonline(); my $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect(); sub dbdisconnect { my $self = shift; $dbh->disconnect; return; } #get table column info sub table_info(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit);#because of ajax my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT attnum,attname FROM pg_class c join pg_attribute a on c.oid = a.attrelid WHERE c.relname = '$table' AND a.attnum >= 0;"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $column = $sth->fetchall_hashref("attnum"); $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $column; } # new node sub insert_node(){ my $self = shift; my ($parent_id,$main_id,$node_name,$lang,$sort,$template_id,$c_id,$owner) = @_; my $node_path = $node_name; #für sub-menü hack $node_path =~ s/\!/\//; $node_name =~ s/\!.*//; #split name path ($node_name,$node_path) = split(/\?/,$node_name) if($node_name =~ /\?/); $template_id = "0" if(!$template_id); $c_id = "0" if(!$c_id); $sort = "0" if(!$sort); $owner = "0" if(!$owner); my ($sth2,$rc); $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO nodes (main_id,parent_id,lang,node_name,node_path,n_sort,owner) VALUES('$main_id','$parent_id','$lang',trim('$node_name'),trim('$node_path'),'$sort','$owner')"); $rc = $sth2->execute(); $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO relation (main_id,template_id,content_id,lang,change) VALUES('$main_id','$template_id','$c_id','$lang','now()') RETURNING rel_id"); $rc = $sth2->execute(); my $last_id; $sth2->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $rel_id = $sth2->fetchrow_array(); return $rel_id; } ########################## # get next free node sub get_freenode(){ my $self = shift; my $prefix_id = shift; my $s_id = "$prefix_id"; my $e_id = "$prefix_id"; $s_id .= "00001"; $e_id .= "99999"; my $main_id; #print "$s_id - $e_id"; for (my $x_id=$s_id; $x_id < $e_id; $x_id++){ my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT main_id from nodes where main_id='$x_id'"); my $rc1 = $sth1->execute(); $main_id = $sth1->fetchrow_array(); if(!$main_id){ #print "$x_id"; return $x_id; } } } # # get next free template id sub get_freetpl(){ my $self = shift; my ($s_id,$e_id) = @_; my $tpl_id; for (my $x_id=$s_id; $x_id < $e_id; $x_id++){ my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT tpl_id from template where tpl_id='$x_id'"); my $rc1 = $sth1->execute(); $tpl_id = $sth1->fetchrow_array(); if(!$tpl_id){ return $x_id; } } } # # Delete node and relation! (without content) sub delete_node(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM relation WHERE main_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang' and content_id='0'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM nodes WHERE main_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang'"); $rc = $sth->execute(); #$dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->finish(); return $rc; } #all nodes sub collect_node4all(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$u_id,$min_main_id,$max_main_id) = @_; my $where = "where 1=1"; #$where .= " and node_public='1'" if(!$u_id && $varenv{mlogic} eq "web"); $where .= " and parent_id = '$main_id'" if($main_id); $where .= " and main_id >= '$min_main_id'" if($min_main_id); $where .= " and main_id <= '$max_main_id'" if($max_main_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $nodes = $sth->fetchall_hashref("n_id"); $sth->finish; return $nodes; } # Nodes einer Ebene sub collect_node(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$u_id,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit); my $where = ""; #$where = " and node_public='1'" if(!$u_id && $varenv{mlogic} eq "web"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE parent_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang' $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $nodes = $sth->fetchall_hashref("main_id"); $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $nodes; } # Nodes with relation sub collect_noderel(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$u_id,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit); my $where=""; #$where = " and nd.node_public='1'" if(!$u_id && $varenv{mlogic} eq "web"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes nd, relation rel WHERE nd.main_id=rel.main_id and nd.parent_id='$main_id' and nd.lang='$lang' and rel.content_id=0 $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $nodes = $sth->fetchall_hashref("main_id"); $sth->finish; $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $nodes; } # Nodes recursive sub collect_noderec(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$excluded,$u_id,$hashref) = @_; $main_id =~ s/,$//; my $main_ids = "$main_id,"; my $main_ids_ref; my $main_collect = &collect_node("",$main_id,$lang,$u_id,"",""); if(ref($main_collect) eq "HASH"){ #$main_ids_ref = { $main_collect }; foreach my $id (keys (%$main_collect)){ if($main_collect->{$id}->{node_name} !~ /$excluded/){ $main_ids .= "$main_collect->{$id}->{main_id},"; #print "$main_id:$main_collect->{$id}->{main_id}
"; my $main_collect2 = &collect_node("",$main_collect->{$id}->{main_id},$lang,$u_id,"") if($main_collect->{$id}->{main_id}); if(ref($main_collect2) eq "HASH"){ #$main_ids_ref = { $main_collect, $main_collect2 }; foreach my $id (keys (%$main_collect2)){ $main_ids .= "$main_collect2->{$id}->{main_id},"; my $main_collect3 = &collect_node("",$main_collect2->{$id}->{main_id},$lang,$u_id,"") if($main_collect2->{$id}->{main_id}); if(ref($main_collect3) eq "HASH"){ #$main_ids_ref = { $main_collect, $main_collect2, $main_collect3 }; foreach my $id (keys (%$main_collect3)){ $main_ids .= "$main_collect3->{$id}->{main_id},"; } } } } } } } $main_ids =~ s/,$//; if($hashref){#disabled and never uesd return $main_ids_ref; }else{ return $main_ids; } } # Nodes sub collect_node2(){ my $self = shift; my $main_ids = shift; $main_ids =~ s/,$//; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE main_id IN ($main_ids)"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $nodes = $sth->fetchall_hashref("main_id"); $sth->finish; return $nodes; } # Nodes with variable sub collect_node3(){ my $self = shift; my ($column1,$op1,$content1,$column2,$op2,$content2,$main_ids) = @_; $main_ids =~ s/,$//; my $where = "$column1 $op1 '$content1'"; $where .= " and $column2 $op2 '$content2'" if($content2); $where .= " and main_id IN ($main_ids)"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $nodes = $sth->fetchall_hashref("main_id"); $sth->finish; return $nodes; } # Nodes Anhand der main_id sub get_node4all(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE main_id='$main_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $nodes = $sth->fetchall_hashref("lang"); $sth->finish; return $nodes; } # Node Anhand der main_id für multilang sub get_node4multi(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$owner,$parent_id,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit); $owner=0 if(!$owner); my $sel=""; $sel .= " and owner='$owner'" if($owner > 0); $sel .= " and parent_id='$parent_id'" if($parent_id && $parent_id =~ /^\d+$/ && $parent_id > 0); $sel .= " order by parent_id $parent_id" if($parent_id && $parent_id =~ /ASC|DESC/);#workaround Verleihräder my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE main_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang' $sel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $node = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $node; } # get child node sub get_subnode(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$n_sort) = @_; my $where; $where = "and n_sort = '$n_sort'" if($n_sort); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE parent_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang' $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $node = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $node; } # Node Anhand des node_name und parent_id sub get_nodeset(){ my $self = shift; my ($parent_id,$node_name,$lang,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit); $node_name = $q->escapeHTML($node_name); my $sel_node_name; $sel_node_name = "and (nodes.node_path='$node_name' OR nodes.node_name='$node_name')" if($node_name); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes, relation WHERE nodes.main_id=relation.main_id $sel_node_name and nodes.lang='$lang' and nodes.parent_id='$parent_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $node = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $node; } # Node Anhand des node_name and parent_id sub get_node(){ my $self = shift; my ($node_name,$lang,$operator,$parent_id) = @_; #print "($node_name,$lang,$operator,$parent_id)"; $node_name = $q->escapeHTML($node_name); my $where = "lang='$lang'"; $where .= " and parent_id $operator '$parent_id'" if($parent_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (node_path='$node_name' OR node_name='$node_name') and $where"); #print "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (node_path='$node_name' OR node_name='$node_name') and $where"; my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $node = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $node; } # Node main_id and template_id and node_name sub get_node4rel(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$template_id,$node_name,$content_id) = @_; my $where = "no.main_id=rel.main_id"; $where .= " and rel.template_id=$template_id" if($template_id); $where .= " and no.main_id=$main_id" if($main_id); $where .= " and no.node_name ilike '$node_name'" if($node_name); $where .= " and no.node_public = '1'" if($varenv{wwwhost} =~ /tinkdms/); $where .= " and rel.content_id = '0'" if($content_id eq "null"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes no, relation rel WHERE $where "); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $node = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $node; } # Node Anhand des node_name und parent-node_name sub get_node2(){ my $self = shift; my ($parentsel,$node_name,$lang) = @_; $node_name = $q->escapeHTML($node_name); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE (node_path='$node_name' OR node_name='$node_name') and lang='$lang' and parent_id IN (SELECT main_id from nodes where (node_path='$parentsel' OR node_name='$parentsel') and lang='$lang')"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $node = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $node; } # Node Anhand des node_name und parent_id sub get_node3(){ my $self = shift; my ($parent_id,$node_name,$lang) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE node_name='$node_name' and lang='$lang' and parent_id='$parent_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $node = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $node; } # all templates sub collect_tpl(){ my $self = shift; my ($tpl_ids,$key) = @_; my $where = "where tpl_id != 98 and tpl_id != 97";#without meta-Config and EditNode $where .= " and tpl_id IN ($tpl_ids)" if($tpl_ids); $where .= " and tpl_order like '%$key%'" if($key); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM template $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $tpl_all = $sth->fetchall_hashref("tpl_id"); $sth->finish; return $tpl_all; } # get template row sub get_tpl(){ my $self = shift; my ($template_id) = @_; $template_id= 0 if(!$template_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM template WHERE tpl_id='$template_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $tpl = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $tpl; } # get template row sub get_tpl2(){ my $self = shift; my ($tpl_name) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM template WHERE tpl_name='$tpl_name'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $tpl = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $tpl; } # get all relation from main_id sub get_rel4all(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation WHERE main_id='$main_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rel = $sth->fetchall_hashref("lang"); $sth->finish; return $rel; } # get relation row sub get_relation(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$rel_id) = @_; my $where = "1=1"; $where .= " and main_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang'" if($main_id); $where .= " and rel_id='$rel_id'" if($rel_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation WHERE $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rel = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $rel; } #NO isnt't consistent, because of after delete, we need a empty relation #get empty relation row sub get_rel4empty(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$content_id,$template_id) = @_; my $where = "main_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang'"; $where .= " and (content_id = '0' OR content_id is null)"; $where .= " and template_id='$template_id'" if($template_id > 0); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation WHERE $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rel = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $rel; } # get relation with template sub get_rel4tpl(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$content_id,$template_id,$ascdesc,$rel_id,$realct) = @_; $content_id=0 if(!$content_id); my $where = "WHERE relation.template_id=template.tpl_id and lang='$lang'"; $where .= " and relation.main_id='$main_id'" if($main_id > 0); $where .= " and relation.content_id='$content_id'" if($content_id > 0); $where .= " and relation.template_id='$template_id'" if($template_id > 0); $where .= " and relation.rel_id='$rel_id'" if($rel_id > 0); $where .= " and content_id $realct" if($realct);# MandantConf >0 $where .= " order by content_id $ascdesc" if($ascdesc); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation,template $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rel = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $rel; } # get relation, template, nodes sub get_rel4tpl4nd(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$content_id,$template_id,$ascdesc,$rel_id) = @_; $content_id=0 if(!$content_id); my $where = "WHERE nodes.main_id=relation.main_id and relation.template_id=template.tpl_id"; $where .= " and relation.main_id='$main_id'" if($main_id > 0); $where .= " and relation.content_id='$content_id'" if($content_id > 0); $where .= " and relation.template_id='$template_id'" if($template_id > 0); $where .= " and relation.rel_id='$rel_id'" if($rel_id > 0); $where .= " order by content_id $ascdesc" if($ascdesc); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation,template,nodes $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rel = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $rel; } # get content based by owner sub get_content4owner(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$owner) = @_; my $where = "WHERE owner='$owner'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rel = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $rel; } # delete relation (without node) sub delete_relation(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$rel_id) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM relation WHERE main_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang' and rel_id='$rel_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); $sth->finish(); return $rc; } # delete template (without node) sub delete_template(){ my $self = shift; my ($tpl_id) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM template WHERE tpl_id='$tpl_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); $sth->finish(); return $rc; } # insert relation sub insert_relation(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_id,$lang,$c_id,$tpl_id,$offer_id) = @_; my $foreign_key=""; my $foreign_id = $c_id;#alle bis auf offer $foreign_key = "cc_id" if("$table" eq "content"); $foreign_key = "cp_id" if("$table" eq "contentpers"); $foreign_key = "cu_id" if("$table" eq "contentuser"); $foreign_key = "co_id" if("$table" eq "offer"); $foreign_id = 0 if(!$c_id); $foreign_id = $offer_id if("$table" eq "offer"); $c_id = 0 if(!$c_id); $offer_id = 0 if(!$offer_id); $tpl_id = 0 if(!$tpl_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO relation ($foreign_key,main_id,content_id,offer_id,template_id,lang,change) VALUES('$foreign_id','$main_id','$c_id','$offer_id','$tpl_id','$lang','now()') RETURNING rel_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); my $last_id; $sth->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $rel_id = $sth->fetchrow_array(); return $rel_id; } # insert relationlist for multi relation in listing mode sub insert_relationlist(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_id,$lang,$c_id,$tpl_id,$foreign_key,$mastermain_id,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit);#because of ajax $c_id = 0 if(!$c_id); $tpl_id = 0 if(!$tpl_id); $mastermain_id = 0 if(!$mastermain_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO relation (main_id,content_id,$foreign_key,template_id,lang,change,mastermain_id) VALUES('$main_id','$c_id','$c_id','$tpl_id','$lang','now()',$mastermain_id) RETURNING rel_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); my $last_id; $sth->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $rel_id = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $rel_id; } # obsolet # update relation sub update_relation(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$new_main_id,$template_id,$c_id,$rel_id,$foreign_key) = @_; my $foreign_id = $c_id; $foreign_id = 0 if(!$c_id); $c_id = 0 if(!$c_id); my $rel_set = "change='now()'"; $rel_set .= ",main_id='$new_main_id'" if($new_main_id); $rel_set .= ",template_id='$template_id'" if($template_id =~ /\d/); $rel_set .= ",content_id='$c_id'" if($c_id =~ /\d/); $rel_set .= ",$foreign_key='$foreign_id'" if($foreign_key && $foreign_id); $rel_set .= ",template_id='0'" if(!$template_id); $rel_set .= ",content_id='0'" if(!$c_id); my $where = "where main_id='$main_id' and lang='$lang' and rel_id='$rel_id'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE relation SET $rel_set $where"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } sub update_relation2(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$new_main_id,$new_template_id,$rel_id,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit);#because of ajax my $rel_set = "change='now()'"; $rel_set .= ",main_id='$new_main_id'" if($new_main_id); $rel_set .= ",template_id='$new_template_id'" if($new_template_id); my $where = "where lang='$lang' and rel_id='$rel_id'"; $where .= " and main_id='$main_id'" if($main_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE relation SET $rel_set $where"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $rows; } #change all relations of main_id (maybe changeing template ore node) sub update_relation3(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id,$lang,$new_main_id,$template_id) = @_; my $rel_set = "change='now()'"; $rel_set .= ",main_id='$new_main_id'" if($new_main_id); $rel_set .= ",template_id='$template_id'" if($template_id =~ /\d/); my $where = "where lang='$lang' and main_id='$main_id'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE relation SET $rel_set $where"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } sub update_users4trans(){ my $self = shift; my ($c_id4trans,$tpl_id4trans,$kind_of_trans,$u_id) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET c_id4trans='$c_id4trans', tpl_id4trans='$tpl_id4trans', ctpos_activ='0', kind_of_trans='Faktura' where u_id=$u_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } sub cleanup_users(){ my $self = shift; my $u_id = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET c_id4trans='0', tpl_id4trans='0', ctpos_activ='0', c_id4package='0', kind_of_trans='', parts_uri='', address_uri='', project_uri='', transaction_uri='', nel_uri='' where u_id=$u_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } # final users_update sub users_up(){ my $self = shift; my ($column,$value,$u_id) = @_; #if($value){ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET $column='$value' where u_id='$u_id'"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; #} } # all content sub collect_content(){ my $self = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT c_id,ct_name FROM content"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct_all = $sth->fetchall_hashref("c_id"); $sth->finish; return $ct_all; } # all content or tt_news_cat sub collect_content2(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$column,$content,$id_key) = @_; $id_key="c_id" if(!$id_key); my $sel=""; $sel = "where $column='$content'" if($content); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table $sel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct_all = $sth->fetchall_hashref("$id_key"); $sth->finish; return $ct_all; } # all content, mainly used by get_freenr sub collect_content3(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$column,$content,$key) = @_; $key = "barcode" if(!$key); my $where; $where = "where $column = '$content'" if($content); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct_all = $sth->fetchall_hashref("$key"); $sth->finish; return $ct_all; } #collect relation nodes sub collect_rel4nodes(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_ids,$content_id,$template_id,$key) = @_; my $where; $where .= " and parent_id IN ($main_ids)" if($main_ids); if($content_id =~ /\d\s\d/){ $content_id =~ s/\s/,/g; $where .= " and rel.content_id IN ($content_id)"; }elsif($content_id){ $where .= " and rel.content_id='$content_id'"; } $where .= " and rel.template_id='$template_id'" if($template_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, nodes nd where rel.main_id=nd.main_id $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); $key = "main_id" if(!$key); my $rel4nd = $sth->fetchall_hashref("$key"); $sth->finish; return $rel4nd; } #collect relation templates sub collect_rel4tpl(){ my $self = shift; my ($main_id) = @_; my $where; $where .= " and rel.main_id='$main_id'" if($main_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, template tpl where rel.template_id=tpl.tpl_id $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rel4tpl = $sth->fetchall_hashref("main_id"); $sth->finish; return $rel4tpl; } # all content4relation sub collect_ct4rel(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_ids,$lang,$scol,$offset,$limit,$sort4edit,$tplids,$relids,$sort_updown,$content_ids,$id) = @_; $main_ids =~ s/,$//; $tplids =~ s/,$//; $relids =~ s/,$//; $content_ids =~ s/,$//; my $updown = "ASC"; $updown = "DESC" if($sort_updown eq "down"); my $where; if($relids =~ /\d/){ $where .= " and rel.rel_id IN ($relids)"; }elsif($table eq "contenttrans"){ $where .= " and ct.close_time is null"; } #$where .= " and rel.main_id='$main_id'" if($main_id); $where .= " and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids)" if($main_ids); $where .= " and rel.template_id IN ($tplids)" if($tplids =~ /\d/); $where .= " and rel.content_id IN ($content_ids)" if($content_ids =~ /\d/); $where .= " and sort like '$sort4edit%'" if($sort4edit); $where .= " ORDER BY $scol $updown" if($scol); $where .= " LIMIT $limit" if($limit); $where .= " OFFSET $offset" if($offset); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.lang='$lang' $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); $id = "c_id" if(!$id); my $ct4rel = $sth->fetchall_hashref("$id"); $sth->finish; return $ct4rel; } # all content4relation for main_ids sub collect_ct4rel2(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_ids,$lang,$scol,$offset,$limit,$owner,$id,$u_id,$trader) = @_; $main_ids =~ s/,$//; my $where; $where = " and ct.close_time is null" if($table eq "contenttrans"); $where .= " and ct.owner = '$owner'" if($owner); $where = " and ct.trader = '$trader'" if($trader); #$where .= " and ct.content_public = '1'" if($u_id !~ /\d|always_public/); $where .= " and ct.content_public = '1'" if($u_id == 0 || $u_id !~ /\d/); if($scol && $limit){ $where .= " ORDER BY $scol LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"; }elsif($scol){ $where .= " ORDER BY $scol"; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); $id="c_id" if(!$id); #$id="rel_id" if(!$id && $varenv{mlogic} eq "web"); #impliziert mehrfach-einträge, siehe Kacheln #$id="main_id" if($varenv{mlogic} eq "web"); my $ct4rel = $sth->fetchall_hashref("$id"); $sth->finish; return $ct4rel; } # all content4relation with optional c_ids and operator sub collect_ct4rel3(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$column1,$content1,$op2,$column2,$content2,$tpl_ids,$c_ids,$id) = @_; $tpl_ids =~ s/,$//; $c_ids =~ s/,$//; my $where="where ct.c_id=rel.content_id"; if($content1 =~ /\d+,\d+/){ $where .= " and rel.$column1 IN ($content1)"; }elsif($content1){ $where .= " and rel.$column1='$content1'"; } if("$content2" || "$content2" eq "0"){ $where .= " and ct.$column2 $op2 $content2" if($column2 =~ /int/); $where .= " and ct.$column2 $op2 '$content2'" if($column2 !~ /int/); } $where .= " and rel.template_id IN ($tpl_ids)" if($tpl_ids); $where .= " and ct.c_id IN ($c_ids)" if($c_ids); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table ct, relation rel $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); $id="c_id" if(!$id); my $ct_all = $sth->fetchall_hashref($id); $sth->finish; return $ct_all; } # all content + relation + nodes sub collect_ct4rel4nd(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_ids,$lang,$scol,$offset,$limit,$colname,$colval,$tpl_ids,$rel_ids,$id,$parent_id) = @_; $tpl_ids =~ s/,$//; $main_ids =~ s/,$//; $rel_ids =~ s/,$//; my $where; if($colname && $colname =~ /int/ && $colval eq "null"){ $where .= " and $colname is $colval"; }elsif($colname && $colval){ $where .= " and $colname = '$colval'"; } $where .= " and rel.template_id IN ($tpl_ids)" if($tpl_ids); $where .= " and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids)" if($main_ids); $where .= " and nd.parent_id = '$parent_id'" if($parent_id); $where .= " and rel.rel_id IN ($rel_ids)" if($rel_ids); $where .= " and nd.node_public='1'" if($varenv{wwwhost} =~ /k9/); my $scol_table = "ct"; $scol_table = "nd" if($scol eq "n_sort"); if($scol && $limit){ $where .= " ORDER BY $scol_table.$scol LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"; }elsif($scol){ $where .= " ORDER BY $scol_table.$scol"; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table ct, relation rel, nodes nd where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and nd.main_id=rel.main_id $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct4rel = $sth->fetchall_hashref("$id"); $sth->finish; return $ct4rel; } #collect content with contenttranspos by c.c_id... sub collect_postime(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$start_date_time,$end_date_time,$start_date2,$end_date2) = @_; $start_date_time =~ s/,/./g; $end_date_time =~ s/,/./g; my $where = "where cp.cc_id=c.c_id"; $where .= " and cp.start_time >= $start_date_time"; $where .= " and cp.end_time <= $end_date_time"; $where .= " and (cp.start_time >= '$start_date2' OR cp.end_time >= '$start_date2')" if($start_date2 && $end_date2); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cp.* from content c, $table cp $where order by cp.end_time"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchall_hashref("cc_id"); $sth->finish; return $ct; } #all position of contenttrans sub collect_contentpos(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id) = @_; my $tb = "contenttrans"; my $tbpos = "contenttranspos"; if($table eq "contenttver"){ $tb = "contenttver"; $tbpos = "contenttverpos"; } my $where = "where ctt.c_id=pos.ct_id and ctt.c_id='$c_id'"; if($c_id){ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT pos.* FROM $tbpos pos, $tb ctt $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $cpos = $sth->fetchall_hashref("c_id"); my $rows = $sth->rows; $sth->finish; return ($cpos,$rows); }else{ my $cpos = { c_id => 0 }; my $rows = 0; return ($cpos,$rows); } } # get content 4 time row where c_id sub get_time4ct(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ctpos_id,$cvpos_id,$owner) = @_; my $pos_key = "ctpos_id"; my $pos_id = $ctpos_id; $pos_id = "0" if(!$ctpos_id); if($cvpos_id){ $pos_key = "cvpos_id"; $pos_id = $cvpos_id; } $owner=0 if(!$owner); my $ownersel=""; $ownersel = "and owner='$owner'" if($owner > 0); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table ct,timetable WHERE ct.c_id='$pos_id' and ct.c_id=timetable.$pos_key $ownersel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row where c_id sub get_content(){ my $self = shift; my ($c_id,$owner) = @_; $c_id=0 if(!$c_id); $owner=0 if(!$owner); my $ownersel=""; $ownersel = "and owner='$owner'" if($owner > 0); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM content WHERE c_id='$c_id' $ownersel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } sub get_contentrow(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id,$column,$content,$column2,$content2,$column3,$content3) = @_; my $where = "1 = 1"; if($c_id){ $where .= " and c_id='$c_id'"; }elsif($column && $content){ $where .= " and $column='$content'"; }else{ exit 1; } if($column2 && $content2){ $where .= " and $column2='$content2'"; } if($column3 && $content3){ $where .= " and $content3"; # length(ct_name) >= 11 matches PO-14058223 and 9550010000059998099 $where .= " and (int03=1 OR int03=2)" if($column3 eq "ct_name"); } my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } #get not closed contenttrans row sub get_contenttrans(){ my $self = shift; my ($userID,$main_id,$main_id_ch) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM contenttrans ct, relation rel WHERE ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_id,$main_id_ch) and ct.txt08 ilike '$userID' and (ct.state is null OR ct.state = '') and ct.close_time is null"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # insert contenttrans # only used in Prelogic and should be deleted. sub insert_contenttrans(){ my $self = shift; my ($ctadr,$main_id,$tpl_id,$owner) = @_; $owner="199" if(!$owner); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO contenttrans (ct_name,txt00,int10,int03,txt02,txt01,txt03,txt06,txt07,txt08,txt09,txt15,txt17,txt18,txt19,owner,itime) VALUES('----','Rechnung','$ctadr->{c_id}','$ctadr->{int03}','$ctadr->{txt02}','$ctadr->{txt01}','$ctadr->{txt03}','$ctadr->{txt06}','$ctadr->{txt07}','$ctadr->{txt08}','$ctadr->{txt09}','$ctadr->{txt15}','$ctadr->{txt17}','$ctadr->{txt18}','$ctadr->{txt19}','$owner','now()') RETURNING c_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); my $last_id; $sth->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $c_id = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO relation (ca_id,main_id,content_id,template_id,change) VALUES('$ctadr->{c_id}','$main_id','$c_id','$tpl_id','now()')"); $sth3->execute(); return $c_id; } # get content row where c_id sub get_content1(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id,$owner,$mtime) = @_; $c_id=0 if(!$c_id); $owner=0 if(!$owner); #my $ownersel; #$ownersel = "and owner='$owner'" if($owner > 0); my $sel = "1 = 1"; $sel .= " and c_id='$c_id'"; $sel .= " and owner='$owner'" if($owner > 0); $sel .= " and mtime <= '$mtime'" if($mtime); #my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE c_id='$c_id' $ownersel"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $sel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row sub get_content2(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$owner,$mtime,$column,$content,$op) = @_; $owner=0 if(!$owner); my $sel = "1 = 1"; $sel .= " and ct_name='$ct_name'" if($ct_name); $sel .= " and owner='$owner'" if($owner > 0); $sel .= " and mtime >= '$mtime'" if($mtime); $op="=" if(!$op); $sel .= " and $column $op '$content'" if($content && $content ne "null"); $sel .= " and $column $op $content" if($content && $content eq "null"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $sel order by c_id DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } sub get_content4new(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$barcode,$txt11) = @_; my $sel = "ct_name = '$ct_name'"; $sel .= " OR barcode='$barcode'" if($barcode =~ /^\d+$/); $sel .= " OR txt11='$txt11'" if($txt11); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $sel order by c_id DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row where ct_name and ct_id sub get_content5(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$c_id,$ct_id,$operator) = @_; my $sel = "1 = 1"; my $op="="; $op="!=" if($operator eq "not"); $sel .= " and ct_name = '$ct_name'" if($ct_name); $sel .= " and c_id $op '$c_id'" if($c_id); $sel .= " and ct_id = '$ct_id'" if($ct_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $sel order by c_id DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row where column content sub get_content6(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$column1,$content1,$column2,$content2,$column3,$content3,$column4,$content4,$owner) = @_; my $where = "$column1 = '$content1'"; $where = "$column1 is $content1" if($content1 eq "null"); $where .= " and $column2 = '$content2'" if($content2); $where .= " and $column3 = '$content3'" if($content3); $where .= " and $column4 <= $content4" if($content4); $where .= " and owner = '$owner'" if($owner); my $sth; if($table eq "timetable"){ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where"); }else{ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $where order by c_id DESC"); } my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get last content row via c_id and operator sub get_content7(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$column,$content,$column2,$op2,$content2) = @_; my $where = "1 = 1"; $where .= " and $column = '$content'" if($content && $content > 0); $where .= " and $column2 $op2 '$content2'" if("$content2" || "$content2" eq "0"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table where $where order by mtime DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get last content row for sorted insert sub get_content2sort(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$sort,$sortop,$col1,$val1,$col2,$val2) = @_; $sortop = "=" if(!$sortop); my $where = "1 = 1"; $where .= " and sort $sortop '$sort'" if($sort > 0); $where .= " and $col1 = '$val1'" if($val1); $where .= " and $col2 != '$val2'" if($val2); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table where $where order by sort DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get last content,relation! row for sorted insert sub get_content3sort(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_id) = @_; my $where = "$table.c_id=relation.content_id"; $where .= " and relation.main_id= '$main_id'" if($main_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table,relation where $where order by $table.sort DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get last content row via c_id like for sorted insert sub get_like2sort(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$column,$content,$column2,$op2,$content2,$column3,$op3,$content3) = @_; my $where = "1 = 1"; $where .= " and $column ilike '$content%'" if($content && $content > 0); $where .= " and $column2 $op2 '$content2'" if("$content2" || "$content2" eq "0"); $where .= " and $column3 $op3 '$content3'" if("$content3"); #my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table where $where order by $column DESC"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table where $where order by mtime DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get last barcode row sub get_barcode(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$bc4table) = @_; my $min_content = "0"; $min_content = "1000" if($table eq "contentadr"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table where $bc4table >= '$min_content' order by $bc4table DESC"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row where cookie sub get_content3(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$owner,$coo) = @_; $owner=0 if(!$owner); my $sel = "1 = 1"; $sel .= " and ct_name='$ct_name'" if($ct_name); $sel .= " and owner='$owner'" if($owner > 0); $sel .= " and coo='$coo'" if($coo); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $sel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } sub get_ctnode(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$tpl_id,$nd_col,$nd_con,$ct_col,$ct_op,$ct_con,$rel_col,$rel_con) = @_; $ct_op = "=" if(!$ct_op); my $where = "nd.main_id=rel.main_id and rel.content_id=ct.c_id"; $where .= " and rel.template_id='$tpl_id'" if($tpl_id); $where .= " and nd.$nd_col='$nd_con'" if($nd_col && $nd_con); $where .= " and ct.$ct_col $ct_op '$ct_con'" if($ct_col && $ct_con); $where .= " and rel.$rel_col = '$rel_con'" if($rel_col && $rel_con); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes nd, relation rel, $table ct WHERE $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row over relation where nodes n_id sub get_ct4node(){ my $self = shift; my ($tpl_id,$nd_column,$nd_content,$ct_column,$ct_content) = @_; my $where = "nd.main_id=rel.main_id and rel.content_id=ct.c_id"; $where .= " and rel.template_id='$tpl_id'" if($tpl_id); $where .= " and nd.$nd_column='$nd_content'" if($nd_column && $nd_content); $where .= " and ct.$ct_column >= '$ct_content'" if($ct_column && $ct_content); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM nodes nd, relation rel, content ct WHERE $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row over relation sub get_ctrel(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_id,$lang,$rel_id,$c_id,$tpl_id,$sort,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit);#because of ajax my $sel = "rel.lang='$lang' and rel.content_id=ct.c_id"; $sel .= " and rel.main_id='$main_id'" if ($main_id && $main_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.rel_id='$rel_id'" if ($rel_id && $rel_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.rel_id='0'" if ($rel_id && $rel_id eq "null"); $sel .= " and rel.content_id='$c_id'" if ($c_id && $c_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.template_id='$tpl_id'" if ($tpl_id && $tpl_id > 0); $sel .= " and ct.sort='$sort'" if ($sort); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, $table ct WHERE $sel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $ct; } # get content row over relation sub get_ctrel2(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$main_id,$lang,$rel_id,$c_id,$tpl_id,$zcolumn,$zcontent,$zcoperator,$orderby,$adesc) = @_; my $sel = "rel.lang='$lang' and rel.content_id=ct.c_id"; if("$zcolumn" eq "barcode" && $zcontent =~ /^\d+$/ && $zcontent < 9223372036854775807){ $sel .= " and (ct_name='$ct_name' OR $zcolumn='$zcontent')"; }elsif("$zcolumn" eq "start_time"){ if($zcontent && $varenv{dataflow} =~ /wiki/ && $zcoperator && $zcoperator eq "="){ $sel .= " and start_time='$zcontent'"; }elsif($zcontent){ $sel .= " and start_time>='$zcontent'"; } }else{ $sel .= " and ct_name='$ct_name'" if($ct_name); } $sel .= " and rel.main_id='$main_id'" if ($main_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.rel_id='$rel_id'" if ($rel_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.content_id='$c_id'" if ($c_id > 0); #$sel .= " and (ct.txt12 ilike '$pre_lager%' OR ct.txt12 like '_')" if($pre_lager); if($tpl_id =~ /\d,\d/){ $sel .= " and rel.template_id IN ($tpl_id)"; }elsif($tpl_id > 0){ $sel .= " and rel.template_id='$tpl_id'"; } #It must be available (Gutschein oder RFID) # $sel .= " and ct.int03 > 0"; my $order = ""; $order = "order by $orderby $adesc" if($orderby); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, $table ct WHERE $sel $order"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # with like and tplids sub get_ctrel3(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$column,$content,$column2,$op2,$content2,$tplids,$sum) = @_; my $rval="*"; $rval = "sum(ct.int03) AS int03" if($sum eq "sum_kaution"); my $where; $where .= " and $column ilike '$content%'" if($content && $content > 0); $where .= " and $column2 $op2 '$content2'" if("$content2" || "$content2" eq "0"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT $rval FROM relation rel, $table ct WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and rel.template_id IN ($tplids) and rel.lang='de' $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # get content row over relation and start_time sub get_ctrel4(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$main_id,$lang,$rel_id,$c_id,$tpl_id,$column,$op,$content) = @_; $op = "=" if(!$op); my $sel = "rel.lang='$lang' and rel.content_id=ct.c_id"; $sel .= " and $column $op '$content'" if($column && $content); $sel .= " and ct_name='$ct_name'" if($ct_name); $sel .= " and rel.main_id='$main_id'" if ($main_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.rel_id='$rel_id'" if ($rel_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.content_id='$c_id'" if ($c_id > 0); $sel .= " and rel.template_id='$tpl_id'" if($tpl_id > 0); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, $table ct WHERE $sel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } # search nodes sub search_nodes(){ my $self = shift; my ($search_pattern,$lang) = @_; $search_pattern =~ s/\s/\%/g; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * from nodes nd where nd.lang='$lang' and nd.node_name ilike '%$search_pattern%'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $search = $sth->fetchall_hashref("main_id"); $sth->finish; return $search; } #search json contentuser for automcomplete sub get_jsoncuser(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$lang,$mandant_id,$key,$value) = @_; my $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect();#because of ajax external handle request my $sel = "c_id = '$mandant_id'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.$key FROM $table ct WHERE $sel"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rows = $sth->rows; $dbh->disconnect; return $sth; } #search json address for automcomplete sub search_jsonadr(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$lang,$search,$mandant_id,$retype) = @_; my $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect();#because of ajax external handle request my $template_id=200;#$table eq content $template_id=202 if($table eq "contentadr"); $template_id=203 if($table eq "contentuser"); my $mjkey; $mjkey = $1 if($retype =~ /combobox_(txt\d+)/); my $sth; if($retype =~ /combobox_txt/ && $search =~ /^\d+$/ && $mjkey =~ /txt\d+/){ my $sel = "c_id = '$search'"; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.c_id AS id ,ct.$mjkey AS name FROM $table ct, relation rel WHERE ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.template_id=$template_id and $sel"); }else{ my $sel = "txt01 ilike '%$search%'"; $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.txt01 || ' ,Nr. ' || ct.ct_name AS value, ct.txt01 AS vorname_name, ct.c_id FROM $table ct, relation rel WHERE ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.template_id=$template_id and $sel"); } my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rows = $sth->rows; $dbh->disconnect; return $sth; } #search json for automcomplete sub search_json(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$lang,$ct_name,$mandant_id) = @_; my $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect();#because of ajax external handle request #my $sel = "rel.lang='$lang' and rel.content_id=ct.c_id"; my $sel = "1=1"; my $sel2; #pre_lager select only if($mandant_id){ my $lager_id = $mandant_id . "0"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct_name from contentuser where c_id='$lager_id'"); my $rc = $sth2->execute(); my $rel = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref(); my $pre_lager = "$rel->{ct_name}" || ""; $sel2 = " and (txt12 ilike '$pre_lager%' OR txt12 like '_')" if($pre_lager); } if($ct_name =~ /^\d+$/ && $table eq "content"){ $sel .= " and (ct_name ilike '$ct_name%' OR CAST(barcode AS text) like '$ct_name%')"; }else{ $sel .= " and ct_name ilike '$ct_name%'"; } my $sth; #$sel .= " and rel.template_id IN ($tpl_ids)"; #my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.ct_name || ' , Lager ' || ct.txt12 AS label, ct.ct_name AS value, ct.c_id FROM relation rel, content ct WHERE $sel"); #my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.ct_name || ' , Lager ' || ct.txt12 AS label, ct.ct_name AS value, ct.c_id FROM content ct WHERE $sel"); #If select only mandant specific warenstamm if($varenv{waren_main_id}){ my $main_ids = &collect_noderec("",$varenv{waren_main_id},$lang,"nothing"); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.ct_name || ' , ' || ct.barcode || ' , ' || ct.txt12 AS value, ct.ct_name AS spart_ct_name, ct.c_id FROM $table ct, relation rel WHERE ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and $sel $sel2"); }else{ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.ct_name || ' , ' || ct.barcode || ' , ' || ct.txt12 AS value, ct.ct_name AS spart_ct_name, ct.c_id FROM $table ct WHERE $sel $sel2"); } my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rows = $sth->rows; #if false lager (txt12) then global if(!$varenv{waren_main_id} && $rows < 1){ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.ct_name || ' , Lager ' || ct.txt12 AS value, ct.ct_name AS spart_ct_name, ct.c_id FROM $table ct WHERE $sel"); $rc = $sth->execute(); $rows = $sth->rows; } $dbh->disconnect; return $sth; } sub search_content3(){ my $self = shift; my ($searchref,$table,$mandant_id,$trans_module,$owner,$lang,$main_ids,$tplids,$ct_ids,$v_journal,$time,$kontext,$scol,$sort_updown,$offset,$limit,$export,$todo,$ck4ex,$opos) = @_; $main_ids =~ s/,$//; $tplids =~ s/,$//; $ct_ids =~ s/,$//; my $stamp_time = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M",localtime(time)); my $debug; $debug=1; open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/Liste3.log") if($debug); print FILE "*** $stamp_time Libenzdb.search_content3 ***\n" if($debug); print FILE Dumper($searchref) if($debug); print FILE "$table,$mandant_id,$trans_module,$owner,$lang,$main_ids,$tplids,$ct_ids,$v_journal,$time,$kontext,$scol,$sort_updown,$offset,$limit,$export,$todo,$ck4ex,$opos\n" if($debug); close(FILE) if($debug); my $table_pos = $searchref->{table_pos} || ""; my $txt_where; my $cptxt_where; my $cpgroup_where; my $valref = {}; my $opref = {}; foreach my $key (keys(%$searchref)){ if($searchref->{$key} || $searchref->{$key} eq "0"){ $valref->{$key} = $searchref->{$key};#because of escapeHTML manipulates special chars $opref->{$key} = "="; if($key =~ /table_pos/){ $table_pos = $valref->{$key}; } if($key =~ /c_id|int\d+|barcode|time|sort|owner/){ $searchref->{$key} =~ s/,/./g; if($searchref->{$key} =~ /(\<\=|\>\=|\<|\>|\=)/){ $opref->{$key} = $1; } if($searchref->{$key} =~ /([-0-9\.]+)/){ $valref->{$key} = $1; } if($searchref->{$key} =~ /null/){ $opref->{$key} = "is"; } chomp($valref->{$key}); } $valref->{$key} = $q->escapeHTML($valref->{$key}); #print $key . ":" . $opref->{$key} . ":" . $valref->{$key} . "\n"; if(($v_journal =~ /_parts/ && $kontext eq "Waren") || $table_pos =~ /contentpos|contentadrpos|users/){ #my $tinfo = &table_info("","contenttranspos"); if($key =~ /ct_name/){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.$key ilike '$valref->{$key}'"; }elsif($key =~ /txt/){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.$key ilike '%$valref->{$key}%'"; }elsif($key =~ /barcode|int|owner/ && (looks_like_number($valref->{$key}) || $valref->{$key} eq "null")){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.$key $opref->{$key} $valref->{$key}"; } $txt_where .= " and ct.txt11 ilike '%$valref->{$key}%'" if($key eq "txt11");#Rahmennr. hack }else{ if($key eq "ct_name" && $valref->{$key} =~ /^(\d+)(0\d)$/){#wg. strichcode ohne "-" $txt_where .= " and (ct.$key ilike '$valref->{$key}' OR ct.barcode $opref->{$key} $valref->{$key})"; }elsif($key eq "ct_name" && $varenv{wwwhost} =~ /regiox|woge/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.$key ilike '%$valref->{$key}%'"; }elsif($key eq "ct_name"){ $txt_where .= " and ct.$key ilike '$valref->{$key}'"; }elsif($key =~ /int01/ && $table eq "contenttrans" && looks_like_number($valref->{$key})){ #$cpgroup_where .= " group by cp.ct_id HAVING sum(cp.int02*cp.int03) $opref->{$key} $valref->{$key}";#special calc pos sum #TODO, set DB int03=Menge default to 1 and testing $cpgroup_where .= " group by cp.ct_id HAVING sum(cp.int02) $opref->{$key} $valref->{$key}";#special calc pos sum }elsif($key =~ /_id|barcode|int\d+|sort|owner/ && (looks_like_number($valref->{$key}) || $valref->{$key} =~ /null|0/)){ $txt_where .= " and ct.$key $opref->{$key} $valref->{$key}"; }elsif($key =~ /txt|uri/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.$key ilike '%$valref->{$key}%'"; }elsif($key eq "state"){ #order_state hack $txt_where .= " and (ct.state ilike '%$valref->{$key}%' OR ct.txt22 ilike '%$valref->{$key}%')"; }elsif($key =~ /byte/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.$key = '\\x$valref->{$key}'"; } } if($key =~ /end_itime|end_mtime|end_date_time/){ $valref->{$key} .= " 23:59" if($valref->{$key} !~ /\d:\d/); } if(!$v_journal){ if($table_pos =~ /contentpos|contentadrpos|users/ && $key =~ /mtime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.mtime >= '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /start/); $cptxt_where .= " and cp.mtime < '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /end/); } elsif($table_pos =~ /contentpos|contentadrpos|users/ && $key eq "template_id_pos" && $valref->{$key}){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.template_id = $valref->{$key}"; } elsif($key =~ /mtime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.mtime >= '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /start/); $txt_where .= " and ct.mtime < '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /end/); } elsif($key =~ /bctime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.bctime >= '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /start/); $txt_where .= " and ct.bctime < '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /end/); } }elsif($v_journal){ if($key =~ /itime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.itime >= '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /start/); $txt_where .= " and ct.itime < '$valref->{$key}'" if($key =~ /end/); } if($key =~ /start_mtime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /^\d+$/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.int11 = '$valref->{$key}'";#int11 = c_id-abschluss key }elsif($key =~ /start_mtime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /date.*\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.mtime >= $valref->{$key}"; }elsif($key =~ /start_mtime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.mtime >= '$valref->{$key}'"; } if($key =~ /end_mtime/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $txt_where .= " and ct.mtime < '$valref->{$key}'"; } } if($v_journal !~ /_parts/ || $kontext eq "Waren"){ if($key =~ /long_rent/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /^\d+ (day|hour)/){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.end_time >= (cp.start_time + interval '$valref->{$key}')"; } if($key =~ /start_date_time/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.start_time >= '$valref->{$key}'"; } if($key =~ /end_date_time/ && $valref->{$key} =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/){ $cptxt_where .= " and cp.end_time <= '$valref->{$key}'"; } } } }#end foreach($searchref) $txt_where .= " and ct.int03 < ct.int08" if($todo =~ /Mindermenge/); if($v_journal =~ /Tagesbericht/){ $txt_where .= " and (ct.state ~ '[a-z]') and ct.int01 is not null and ct.close_time is null"; $txt_where .= " and ct.int14 is $opos" if($opos eq "null"); } #end valref --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ck4ex =~ s/\s/,/g; $txt_where = " and ct.c_id IN ($ck4ex)" if($export =~ /check4export/); #$txt_where = " and rel.rel_id IN ($ck4ex)" if($export =~ /check4ex_rel/); # #SUM contenttranspos bsp #SELECT cp.ct_id, sum(cp.int02*cp.int03) from contenttranspos cp WHERE 1=1 and cp.end_time <= '31.10.2017 23:59' and cp.start_time >= '01.10.2017' group by cp.ct_id,cp.int02,cp.int03 HAVING sum(cp.int02*cp.int03) > 10; #print "$v_journal|$table_pos\n"; #print "txt_where: $txt_where
\n"; #print "cptxt_where: $cptxt_where
\n"; my $sth; my $updown = "ASC"; $updown = "DESC" if($sort_updown eq "down"); if($v_journal =~ /_parts/){#collects ct_ids my $cp_scol = "ct_name"; $cp_scol = $1 if($scol =~ /(ct_name|barcode|mtime|txt0[1-9]|int0[1-9])/); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cp.* FROM contenttranspos cp WHERE cp.ct_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id FROM relation rel, contenttrans ct WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and rel.template_id IN ($tplids) and rel.lang='$lang' $txt_where) $cptxt_where ORDER BY cp.$cp_scol $updown"); }elsif($valref->{long_rent} || $valref->{start_date_time} =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ || $valref->{end_date_time} =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ || $cpgroup_where){ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, $table ct WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and rel.template_id IN ($tplids) and rel.lang='$lang' $txt_where and c_id IN (SELECT cp.ct_id from contenttranspos cp WHERE 1=1 $cptxt_where $cpgroup_where) ORDER BY $scol $updown LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); }elsif($v_journal && $ct_ids){#and executes ct_ids $txt_where = "" if($kontext eq "Waren"); $ct_ids = 0 if(!$ct_ids); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, $table ct WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and rel.template_id IN ($tplids) and rel.content_id IN ($ct_ids) and rel.lang='$lang' $txt_where ORDER BY $scol $updown LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); }elsif($table_pos && $table_pos eq "contentpos"){ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cp.* FROM contentpos cp WHERE cp.cc_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id FROM relation rel, content ct WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and rel.template_id IN ($tplids) and rel.lang='$lang' $txt_where) $cptxt_where ORDER BY cp.$scol $updown LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); }elsif($table_pos && $table_pos eq "contentadrpos"){ if($valref->{template_id_pos} eq 602){#because of user_minianswer have to be anonym $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cp.* FROM contentadrpos cp WHERE 1=1 $cptxt_where ORDER BY cp.$scol $updown LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); }else{ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.txt01,ct.txt08,cp.c_id,cp.mtime,cp.barcode,cp.int01,cp.txt02 FROM contentadr ct, contentadrpos cp WHERE ct.c_id=cp.ca_id $txt_where $cptxt_where ORDER BY cp.$scol $updown LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); } }elsif($table_pos && $table_pos eq "users"){ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT cp.* FROM contentadr ct, users cp WHERE ct.c_id=cp.u_id $txt_where $cptxt_where ORDER BY cp.$scol $updown LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); }else{ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM relation rel, $table ct WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and rel.template_id IN ($tplids) and rel.lang='$lang' $txt_where ORDER BY $scol $updown LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); } my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $s_id = "c_id"; $s_id = "u_id" if($table_pos && $table_pos eq "users");#because to view multi relation my $search = $sth->fetchall_hashref("$s_id"); $sth->finish; #save_query #my $save_query = $q->escapeHTML("$txt_where"); #&users_up("","windowtask",$save_query,$owner); #CSV/FiBu Export### if($export && (("$kontext" ne "Waren" && "$export" ne "FiBu" && $v_journal !~ /_parts/) || ("$export" eq "FiBu" && $v_journal =~ /_parts/) || ("$kontext" eq "Waren" && $v_journal =~ /_parts/))){ #print "$v_journal,$time,$kontext,$export
"; my $ctf = &get_content1("","contentuser","$mandant_id"); my $tpl_id = $1 if($tplids =~ /(\d+)/); #my $source = "Waren"; my $source = $trans_module; if($v_journal){ $tpl_id = $ctf->{txt26} if($trans_module eq "Verkauf"); $tpl_id = $ctf->{txt27} if($trans_module eq "Einkauf"); $tpl_id = $ctf->{txt28} if($trans_module =~ /Faktur|Verleih/); $source = "Waren" if($v_journal =~ /_parts/); } my $tpl = &Libenzdb::get_tpl("",$tpl_id); my @tpl_order = split /,/,$tpl->{tpl_order}; #wg. Buchungsgruppen bzw. Ursprung-nodes (int12) --> Konten im FiBu Export my $users = &get_content4owner("","users",$owner); my $cmain_id = $users->{fullurl};#changed in jvbasel to actual main_id if($cmain_id =~ /[a-zA-Z]/){ my $b_node = &get_node2("",$users->{fullurl},$source,$lang); $cmain_id = $b_node->{main_id}; } my $colmain_ids = &collect_noderec("",$cmain_id,$lang,"999999"); my $nodes = &Libenzdb::collect_node2("","$colmain_ids"); my $ctt;my $ctadr;my $aw_ids; my $what; $what = "$export-" if($export =~ /CSV|FIBU/); open(CSV, "> $varenv{pdf}/$what$owner-$time.csv") or die "Can't open $varenv{pdf}/$owner-$time.csv\n"; #workaround 2015-11-23 for formated FiBu export $export = "FiBu" if("$kontext" eq "Waren" && $v_journal =~ /_parts/); if("$export" eq "FiBu"){ foreach my $id (keys (%$search)){ $aw_ids .= "$search->{$id}->{ct_id}|" if("$search->{$id}->{ct_name}" eq "$ctf->{txt51}"); } #SOLL Zahlungsart $ctt = &Libenzdb::collect_content2("","contenttrans"); #$ctadr = &collect_content3("","contentadr");#wg Debitor/Kreditor print CSV "SOLL;UMSATZ;USTNR;HABEN;GVC;BELDAT;BELEG;OPBELEG;SKONTO;KOSTNR;TEXT;TEXT2\n"; }else{ #CSV Table Header my $col_header="Ordner"; foreach(@tpl_order){ my ($key,$val) = split /=/,$_; if($key eq "txt01"){ $col_header .= ";Name-01;Name-02;Name-03"; }else{ $col_header .= ";$val"; } } print CSV "$col_header\n"; } #sort=ct_id nach Geschäftsvorgang $scol = "ct_id" if("$export" eq "FiBu"); foreach my $id (sort { if($sort_updown eq "down"){ if ($scol =~ /barcode|int/) { $search->{$b}->{$scol} <=> $search->{$a}->{$scol} }else{ lc($search->{$b}->{$scol}) cmp lc($search->{$a}->{$scol}) } }else{ if ($scol =~ /barcode|int/) { $search->{$a}->{$scol} <=> $search->{$b}->{$scol} }else{ lc($search->{$a}->{$scol}) cmp lc($search->{$b}->{$scol}) } } } keys(%$search)){ my $s_main_id = "$search->{$id}->{main_id}"; $s_main_id = "$search->{$id}->{int12}" if(($v_journal && ($v_journal =~ /_parts/)) || ($trans_module =~ /Verkauf|Faktur|Verleih/)); #lxfibu vars my ($l_soll,$l_umsatz,$l_ustnr,$l_haben,$l_gvc,$l_beldat,$l_beleg,$l_opbeleg,$l_skonto,$l_kostnr,$l_text,$l_text2); #SOLL alias state/Zahlungsart foreach my $tid (keys (%$ctt)){ if($search->{$id}->{ct_id} == $ctt->{$tid}->{c_id}){ my ($date,$time); $ctt->{$tid}->{mtime} =~ s/:\d{2}\..*$//; ($date,$time) = split(/ /,$ctt->{$tid}->{mtime}); $l_beldat = "$date"; $l_beleg = "$ctt->{$tid}->{txt00}" . "-" . "$ctt->{$tid}->{ct_name}"; $l_opbeleg = "$ctt->{$tid}->{ct_name}" if(("$ctt->{$tid}->{txt00}" eq "Rechnung") && ($ctt->{$tid}->{state} =~ /Abbuchung|Überweisung|PayPal/)); $ctf->{txt43} = $1 if($ctf->{txt43} =~ /(\d+)/); $ctf->{txt44} = $1 if($ctf->{txt44} =~ /(\d+)/); $ctf->{txt45} = $1 if($ctf->{txt45} =~ /(\d+)/); $ctf->{txt46} = $1 if($ctf->{txt46} =~ /(\d+)/); $ctf->{txt47} = $1 if($ctf->{txt47} =~ /(\d+)/); $ctf->{txt48} = $1 if($ctf->{txt48} =~ /(\d+)/); $ctf->{txt49} = $1 if($ctf->{txt49} =~ /(\d+)/); $ctf->{txt50} = $1 if($ctf->{txt50} =~ /(\d+)/); $l_soll = $ctf->{txt43} if($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "Bar"); $l_soll = $ctf->{txt44} if($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "EC-Karte"); $l_soll = $ctf->{txt45} if($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "Kreditkarte"); $l_soll = $ctf->{txt46} if($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "Abbuchung"); $l_soll = $ctf->{txt47} if($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "Überweisung"); $l_soll = $ctf->{txt48} if($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "Geldkarte"); $l_soll = $ctf->{txt50} if($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "PayPal"); $ctf->{txt31} =~ s/,/|/; $l_soll = $ctf->{txt49} if(($ctt->{$tid}->{state} eq "Bar") && ($ctf->{txt31} && $search->{$id}->{int12} =~ /$ctf->{txt31}/));#Bar Kaution Gegenkonto #2018-01-28, disabled because of not used anymore #Debitor/Kreditor #if(("$export" eq "FiBu" && $ctt->{$tid}->{txt14} =~ /\d/) && ($ctt->{$tid}->{state} =~ /Abbuchung|Überweisung|PayPal/)){ #$ctadr = &get_content2("","contentadr","$ctt->{$tid}->{txt14}"); #$l_soll = $ctadr->{int01} if($ctadr->{int01}); #} } } my $line=""; #Nodes alias Buchungsgruppen parameter foreach my $nid (keys (%$nodes)){ if($s_main_id == $nodes->{$nid}->{main_id}){ #print "$s_main_id == $nodes->{$nid}->{main_id} $nodes->{$nid}->{node_name} $trans_module
"; $line = "$nodes->{$nid}->{node_name}"; $l_text = "$nodes->{$nid}->{node_name}"; $ctf->{txt13} = $1 if($ctf->{txt13} =~ /(\d+)/);#VK Umst $ctf->{txt14} = $1 if($ctf->{txt14} =~ /(\d+)/);#EK Umst $ctf->{txt15} = $1 if($ctf->{txt15} =~ /(\d+)/);#Aufwandskonto $ctf->{txt16} = $1 if($ctf->{txt16} =~ /(\d+)/);#Erlöskonto $ctf->{txt40} = $1 if($ctf->{txt40} =~ /(\d+)/);#Kostenstelle #FIXME, Kaution und Wertmarken main_id my $ctf_txt40 = $ctf->{txt40}; #$ctf_txt40 = "" if($nodes->{$nid}->{main_id} =~ /300087|400056|400054|400053|400063|300070|400048|400049|400047/); $l_kostnr = "$nodes->{$nid}->{int05}";#Kostenstelle $l_kostnr = "$ctf_txt40" if($nodes->{$nid}->{int05} !~ /\d/); #template definition in src/Tpl/ my $ustnr; if($trans_module eq "Einkauf"){ $ustnr = $nodes->{$nid}->{int04}; $ustnr = $ctf->{txt14} if($nodes->{$nid}->{int04} !~ /\d/); $l_soll = $nodes->{$nid}->{int02};#Aufwandskonto??? $l_soll = $ctf->{txt15} if($nodes->{$nid}->{int02} !~ /\d/); } if($trans_module eq "Verkauf"){ $ustnr = $nodes->{$nid}->{int03}; $ustnr = $ctf->{txt13} if($nodes->{$nid}->{int03} !~ /\d/); $l_haben = $nodes->{$nid}->{int01};#Verkauf Erlöskonto $l_haben = $ctf->{txt16} if($nodes->{$nid}->{int01} !~ /\d/); #sollte nicht mur an 999 geknüpft sein, sondern Warengruppen ... #$l_soll = "$nodes->{$nid}->{int02}" if($search->{$id}->{ct_name} eq "999"); } if($trans_module =~ /Faktur|Verleih/){ $ustnr = $nodes->{$nid}->{int03};#Verkauf = Verleih Umst $ustnr = $ctf->{txt13} if($nodes->{$nid}->{int03} !~ /\d/); $l_haben = $nodes->{$nid}->{int07};#Verleih Erlöskonto $l_haben = $ctf->{txt16} if($nodes->{$nid}->{int07} !~ /\d/); $l_kostnr = $nodes->{$nid}->{int08};#Verleih Kostenstelle $l_kostnr = "$ctf_txt40" if($nodes->{$nid}->{int08} !~ /\d/); #sollte nicht mur an 999 geknüpft sein, sondern Warengruppen ... #$l_soll = "$nodes->{$nid}->{int02}" if($search->{$id}->{ct_name} eq "999"); } $l_ustnr = "0" if($ustnr == "0" || !$ustnr); $l_ustnr = "1" if($ustnr == "19"); $l_ustnr = "2" if($ustnr == "7"); } } #AW Kostenstelle $aw_ids =~ s/\|$//; if("$search->{$id}->{ct_name}" eq "$ctf->{txt51}"){ $ctf->{txt41} = $1 if($ctf->{txt41} =~ /(\d+)/); $l_kostnr = "$ctf->{txt41}"; #AM Kostenstelle }elsif($aw_ids && $search->{$id}->{ct_id} =~ /$aw_ids/){ $ctf->{txt42} = $1 if($ctf->{txt42} =~ /(\d+)/); $l_kostnr = "$ctf->{txt42}"; } foreach(@tpl_order){ my ($key,$val) = split /=/,$_; $search->{$id}->{$key} = $q->unescapeHTML("$search->{$id}->{$key}"); $search->{$id}->{$key} =~ s/:\d{2}\..*$// if($key =~ /time/); if($search->{$id}->{$key} && $key =~ /int/){ my $cash = &Libenz::cashme("","$search->{$id}->{$key}",","); $line .= ";$cash"; if("$export" eq "FiBu"){ my $einzel = $search->{$id}->{int02}; my $menge = $search->{$id}->{int03}; my $rabatt_val = $search->{$id}->{int07}; $cash = $einzel * $menge; if($rabatt_val != 0){ my $rabatt_eur = $rabatt_val; $rabatt_eur = $einzel * $menge * $rabatt_val/100 if($search->{$id}->{int08} != 1); $cash = $einzel * $menge - $rabatt_eur; } $l_umsatz = &Libenz::round("","$cash"); } }else{ if($key eq "txt01"){ my ($n01,$n02,$n03) = split(/\n/,$search->{$id}->{$key}); $n02 =~ s/^\s//;#jbw fix $line .= ";$n01;$n02;$n03"; }elsif($key eq "date_time"){ $search->{$id}->{start_time} =~ s/\s.*// if($search->{$id}->{start_time}); $search->{$id}->{end_time} =~ s/\s.*// if($search->{$id}->{end_time}); $line .= ";$search->{$id}->{start_time} - $search->{$id}->{end_time}"; }else{ $line .= ";$search->{$id}->{$key}"; } $l_text2 = "$search->{$id}->{$key}" if("$key" eq "ct_name"); #$l_text2 = "" if("$key" eq "txt01"); } } if("$export" eq "FiBu"){ print CSV "$l_soll;$l_umsatz;$l_ustnr;$l_haben;$l_gvc;$l_beldat;$l_beleg;$l_opbeleg;$l_skonto;$l_kostnr;$l_text;$l_text2\n" if($l_umsatz != 0); }else{ $line =~ s/\n//g; $line =~ s/\r//g; print CSV "$line\n"; } } close CSV; &csv2xls("",$owner,$time) if($export =~ /check4|FiBu/); #if($export eq "check4html"){ # foreach my $id (keys (%$search)){ # $c_ids .= "$search->{$id}->{c_id},"; # } # $c_ids =~ s/,$//; # &export2html("","$table","$c_ids","$main_ids","$tpl_id","$owner","$time"); #} }#end CSV/FiBu Export#### # return $search; } # CSV to Excel. Needs first CSV to write XLS. sub csv2xls(){ my $self = shift; my ($owner,$time) = @_; open (CSVFILE, "<:encoding(utf8)","$varenv{pdf}/$owner-$time.csv");# or die "$varenv{pdf}/$owner-$time.csv: $!"; my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("$varenv{pdf}/$owner-$time.xls"); die "Problems creating new Excel file: $!" unless defined $workbook; my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(); #$worksheet->set_column(2, 3, 25); my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({ 'quote_char' => '', 'escape_char' => '', 'sep_char' => ';', 'binary' => 1 }); my $row = 0; while () { if ($csv->parse($_)) { my @Fld = $csv->fields; my $col = 0; foreach my $token (@Fld) { $token =~ s/[\=\'\"]//g; $worksheet->write($row, $col, $token); $col++; } $row++; } else { my $err = $csv->error_input; print "Text::CSV_XS parse() failed on argument: ", $err, "\n"; } } return; } #with c_ids over tpl_ids. ct4tpl sub collect_cid(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$lang,$tpl_id,$rel_id,$barcode,$column2,$content2) = @_; my $where = "where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.lang='$lang' and rel.template_id='$tpl_id'"; if($barcode && $barcode =~ /^\d+$/){ $where .= " and ct.barcode='$barcode'"; }elsif($rel_id){ $where .= " and rel.rel_id='$rel_id'"; } $where .= " and ct.$column2='$content2'" if($content2); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table ct, relation rel $where"); #my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.barcode || '.' || ct.sort AS barcode_sort, * FROM $table ct, relation rel $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchall_hashref("c_id"); $sth->finish; return $ct; } #counting sub count_content(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$main_ids,$tplids) = @_; $main_ids =~ s/,$//; $tplids =~ s/,$//; my $where = "WHERE rel.content_id=ct.c_id and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids)"; $where .= " and rel.template_id IN ($tplids)" if($tplids =~ /\d/); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(ct.c_id) FROM relation rel, $table ct $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $rows = $sth->rows; return $rows; } # copy content sub copy_content(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$key_id,$x_id,$columns,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect() if($dbinit);#because of ajax $columns = "ct_name,barcode,txt01,txt02,txt03,txt04,txt05,txt06,txt07,txt08,txt09,int10,txt10,txt11,txt12,int01,int02,int03,int04,int05,int06,int07,int08" if(!$columns); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $table ($columns) SELECT $columns from $table where $key_id='$x_id' RETURNING $key_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); my $last_id; $sth->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $y_id = $sth->fetchrow_array(); $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $y_id; } # insert content (init) sub insert_content(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$owner,$sort) = @_; $owner="0" if(!$owner); $sort="0" if(!$sort); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $table (ct_name,owner,sort,itime) VALUES(trim('$ct_name'),'$owner','$sort','now()') RETURNING c_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); my $last_id; $sth->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $c_id = $sth->fetchrow_array(); return $c_id; } #c_id must be serial primary-key sub insert_content2(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$owner,$state) = @_; $owner="0" if(!$owner); my $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (ct_name,owner) VALUES(trim('$ct_name'),'$owner') RETURNING c_id"; $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (ct_name,owner,state) VALUES(trim('$ct_name'),'$owner','$state') RETURNING c_id" if($state); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); my $rows = $sth->execute(); my $last_id; $sth->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $c_id = $sth->fetchrow_array(); return $c_id; } #ADD Parts #$cc_id = c_id from content (Waren) #$foreign_key = c_id from contenttrans (Verkauf ...), maybe (c_id4trans) #$from_main_id = mail_id from content relation (Waren) sub insert_contenttranspos(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$owner,$barcode,$cc_id,$foreign_key,$from_main_id,$txt01,$node_name,$unit,$int02,$int03,$umst,$int07,$mandant_id,$int08,$packaged,$txt06,$txt07,$email,$ca_id) = @_; $owner="0" if(!$owner); $barcode="0" if(!$barcode); $int02="0" if(!$int02);#VK Einzel $int03="0" if(!$int03);#Menge $umst="null" if(!$umst);#UmSt $int07="0" if(!$int07);#Rabatt $int08="0" if(!$int08);#Rabatteinheit $packaged="" if(!$packaged);#packaged $txt06="" if(!$txt06);#cooordinates $txt07="" if(!$txt07);#voltage $foreign_key="0" if(!$foreign_key); $from_main_id="0" if(!$from_main_id); $ca_id="0" if(!$ca_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO $table (ct_name,owner,barcode,cc_id,ct_id,itime,txt01,txt00,txt03,int02,int03,int05,int07,int12,txt12,int08,txt05,txt06,txt07,txt08,ca_id) VALUES(trim('$ct_name'),'$owner','$barcode','$cc_id','$foreign_key','now()','$txt01','$node_name','$unit','$int02','$int03',$umst,'$int07','$from_main_id','$mandant_id','$int08','$packaged','$txt06','$txt07','$email','$ca_id') RETURNING c_id"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); my $last_id; $sth->bind_columns(\$last_id); my $c_id = $sth->fetchrow_array(); my $set = "SET c_idpos=c_id"; my $sth12 = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table $set WHERE c_id='$c_id'"); my $rc12 = $sth12->execute(); return $c_id; } # update trivial sub updater(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$w_col,$w_val,$column,$content,$owner,$w_col2,$w_op2,$w_val2,$set_time) = @_; my $ct_set = "mtime='now()'"; if($set_time && $set_time eq "no_time"){ $ct_set = ""; }elsif($table !~ /content/){ $ct_set = "change='now()'"; } if("$content" eq "null" || (!$content && $content !~ /^0$/)){ $ct_set .= ",$column=null"; }elsif(($column ne "c_id") && ($content || $content == 0)){ $ct_set .= ",$column='$content'"; } if($table eq "contenttranspos"){#to keep initial channel-ID $ct_set .= ",owner_end='$owner'" if($owner); }else{ $ct_set .= ",owner='$owner'" if($owner); } $ct_set =~ s/^,/ /; my $where = "$w_col='$w_val'"; if("$w_col2" && "$w_op2" && "$w_val2"){ if($w_op2 =~ /IN/i){ $where .= " and $w_col2 $w_op2 ($w_val2)"; }else{ $where .= " and $w_col2 $w_op2 '$w_val2'"; } } my $rows = 0; if($w_col && $w_val){ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $ct_set where $where"); $rows = $sth->execute(); } return $rows; } # update trivial in short sub updater2(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$w_col,$w_val,$column,$content,$owner,$set_time) = @_; my $ct_set = "mtime='now()'"; if($set_time && $set_time eq "no_time"){ $ct_set = ""; }elsif($table !~ /content/){ $ct_set = "change='now()'"; } if("$content" eq "null" || (!$content && $content !~ /^0$/)){ $ct_set .= ",$column=null"; }elsif(($column ne "c_id") && ($content || $content == 0)){ $ct_set .= ",$column='$content'"; } $ct_set .= ",owner='$owner'" if($owner); $ct_set =~ s/^,/ /; my $where = "$w_col='$w_val'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $ct_set where $where"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } # update for barcode sub update_barcode(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$barcode,$txt01) = @_; my $ct_set = "mtime='now()'"; $ct_set = "change='now()'" if($table !~ /content/); if("$barcode" eq "null" || (!$barcode && $barcode != 0)){ $ct_set .= ",barcode=null"; }elsif($barcode || $barcode == 0){ $ct_set .= ",barcode='$barcode'"; } $ct_set .= ", txt01='$txt01'" if($txt01); my $where = "c_id='$c_id'"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $ct_set where $where"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); $sth->finish; return $rows; } #for trivial ajax update sub update_ajaxes(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$w_key,$op,$w_val,$column,$value,$owner) = @_; my $dbh = $dbt->dbconnect();#because of ajax external handle request $op = "=" if(!$op); my $where = "where 1=1"; $where .= " and $w_key $op '$w_val'" if($w_key); $where .= " and owner='$owner'" if($owner); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $column='$value' $where"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); $dbh->disconnect; return $rows; } # update content like copy sub update_content4change(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id,$ct_name,$content,$column,$owner) = @_; my $ct_set = "mtime='now()'"; #my $ct_set; $ct_set .= ",ct_name='$ct_name'" if($ct_name); if($content && $content eq "no"){ $ct_set .= ",$column=''"; }elsif($content && $content eq "null"){ $ct_set .= ",$column=$content"; }elsif($content || ($content && $content eq "0")){ $ct_set .= ",$column='$content'" if($column ne "ct_name"); } if($column eq "mtime"){#überschreibt obiges if($content =~ /\d/){#TODO real time $ct_set = "mtime='$content'"; }else{ $ct_set = ""; } } if($table eq "contenttranspos"){#to keep initial channel-ID $ct_set .= ",owner_end='$owner'" if($owner); }else{ $ct_set .= ",owner='$owner'" if($owner); } if($ct_set){ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $ct_set where c_id='$c_id'"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } } # update content without mtime-change sub update_content4change2(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id,$content,$column,$owner) = @_; my $ct_set; if("$content" eq "no"){ $ct_set = "$column=''"; }elsif($content || $content eq "0"){ $ct_set = "$column='$content'"; } if($table eq "contenttranspos"){#to keep initial channel-ID $ct_set .= ",owner_end='$owner'" if($owner); }else{ $ct_set .= ",owner='$owner'" if($owner); } if($ct_set){ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $ct_set where c_id='$c_id'"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } } sub update_kasse(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id,$sum_kasse,$sum_start) = @_; #set kassenbestand my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET int01='$sum_kasse',int02='$sum_start' where c_id='$c_id'"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } sub update_tagesabschluss(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_idkasse,$journal_main_id,$tpl_journal,$tpl_vk,$mandant_main_id,$main_ids,$s_owner_id,$opos) = @_; my $where; $where = " and ct.owner='$s_owner_id'" if($s_owner_id); $where = " and ct.int14 is $opos" if($opos eq "null"); #close transactions #int11 zusätzlich für Kassenabschluss referenz c_id my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET close_time='now()',int11=$c_idkasse where c_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id from $table ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and (ct.state ~ '[a-z]') and ct.int01 is not null and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and ct.close_time is null $where)"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); #move/set to journal $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE relation SET main_id='$journal_main_id', template_id='$tpl_journal' where template_id='$tpl_vk' and content_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id from $table ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and (ct.state ~ '[a-z]') and ct.int01 is not null and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) $where)"); #$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET close_time='now()',int11='$c_idkasse' where (state ~ '[a-z]') and int01 is not null and int12 IN ($main_ids) and close_time is null $where"); $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } #X collect last journal abschluss to get workflow transactions sub collect_Xlast(){ my $self = shift; my ($c_idkasse,$main_id,$tpl_id,$mandant_main_id) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT ct.c_id,ct.ct_name FROM contenttrans ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and rel.main_id = $main_id and rel.template_id = $tpl_id and rel.lang='de' and ct.int11 = $c_idkasse and ct.ct_name like '%-%'"); # Muster: RechnungNr-XBelegNr OR QuittungNr-XWorkflowNr my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct4rel = $sth->fetchall_hashref("c_id"); $sth->finish; return $ct4rel; } sub update_Xabschluss(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_idkasse,$journal_main_id,$tpl_journal,$tpl_vk,$mandant_main_id,$main_ids,$s_owner_id,$ct_name) = @_; my $where; $where = " and ct.owner='$s_owner_id'" if($s_owner_id); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET close_time='now()',int11='$c_idkasse' where c_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id from $table ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and (ct.ct_name = '$ct_name' OR ct.ct_name like '$ct_name-%' OR ct.ct_name like '%-$ct_name') and ct.int01 is null and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) and ct.close_time is null $where)"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); #move/set to journal $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE relation SET main_id='$journal_main_id', template_id='$tpl_journal' where template_id='$tpl_vk' and content_id IN (SELECT ct.c_id from $table ct, relation rel where ct.c_id=rel.content_id and (ct.ct_name = '$ct_name' OR ct.ct_name like '$ct_name-%' OR ct.ct_name like '%-$ct_name') and ct.int01 is null and rel.main_id IN ($main_ids) $where)"); $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } #compute content sub update_content4comp(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$ct_name,$c_id,$operator,$menge,$kind_of_trans,$lager) = @_; my $where; if($c_id){ $where = "c_id='$c_id'"; }elsif($ct_name =~ /(\d+)/ && ($table eq "content")){ $ct_name = $1; $where = "(ct_name='$ct_name' OR barcode='$ct_name')"; }elsif($ct_name){ $where = "where (ct_name='$ct_name')"; } my $val="0"; $val=$menge if($menge); $val = $val * -1 if($table eq "content" && $kind_of_trans eq "Einkauf"); my $ct_set = "int03=(int03 $operator $val)"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $ct_set where $where") if($c_id || $ct_name); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } # Delete content sub delete_content(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$c_id,$owner,$sort) = @_; my $where = "c_id='$c_id'"; $where .= " and owner='$owner'" if($owner); $where .= " and sort='$sort'" if($sort); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); return $rc; } # Delete time sub delete_time(){ my $self = shift; my ($table,$t_id) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM $table WHERE t_id='$t_id'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); return $rc; } #delete users sub delete_users(){ my $self = shift; my ($u_id,$owner) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE from users where u_id = '$u_id'"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); if($owner){ $sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE from contentuser where owner = '$owner'"); $rows = $sth->execute(); } #$sth = $dbh->prepare("DELETE from contentpers where owner = '$owner'"); #$rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } # logout alias cook_out sub cook_out(){ my $self = shift; my $coo = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE users SET cookie='', change='now()' where cookie='$coo'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); return $rc; } #just after checked if users.u_id=contentadr.c_id sub select_users(){ my $self = shift; my $u_id = shift || 0; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE u_id=$u_id"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $auth = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $auth; } sub get_owner(){ my $self = shift; my ($owner,$dbinit) = @_; $dbh = &dbconnect() if($dbinit);#because of ajax my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE owner='$owner'"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ner = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $dbh->disconnect if($dbinit); return $ner; } # collect all users sub collect_users(){ my $self = shift; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM users"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $users = $sth->fetchall_hashref("owner"); $sth->finish; return $users; } 1;