#!/usr/bin/perl # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # # velofaktur per REST JSON Payload with Bearer Token # # Abrufen einer Liste mit Stationen, Anzahl Slots + Name # sudo su www-data -c "./src/scripts/velofaktur_client.pl shareedms-fr01 get_velo" # # bike ID Statusabfrage | Freigeben # sudo su www-data -c "./src/scripts/velofaktur_client.pl shareedms-fr01 post_velo 8 1 200008 Statusabfrage" # will be sent by booking_update $lock_state eq "unlocked" # sudo su www-data -c "./src/scripts/velofaktur_client.pl shareedms-fr01 post_velo 8 1 200008 Freigeben "$record_pos->{c_id}"" # use vars qw($syshost); BEGIN { $syshost = $ARGV[0] || die; } use lib "/var/www/copri4/$syshost/src"; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use CGI; use JSON; use LWP::UserAgent; use DateTime; use Time::Piece; use Lib::Config; use Mod::DBtank; use Mod::Basework; use Data::Dumper; my $q = new CGI; my $cf = new Config; my $dbt = new DBtank; my $bw = new Basework; my $lang = "de"; my $now_dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; my $api_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/apikeys.cfg"; my $aconf = Config::General->new($api_file); my %apikeyconf = $aconf->getall; #print $apikeyconf{velofaktur}->{bearer}; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("sharee veloclient"); my $size = $ua->max_size; my $bytes = 1000; $ua->max_size( $bytes ); $ua->default_header( 'Authorization' => $apikeyconf{velofaktur}->{bearer} ); my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref; my %varenv = $cf->envonline($syshost); my $response_in = {}; my $dbh = ""; my $owner = 182; my $todo = $ARGV[1]; my $Station = $ARGV[2] || ""; my $Slot = $ARGV[3] || ""; my $velo_id = $ARGV[4] || ""; my $Befehl = $ARGV[5] || ""; my $posc_id = $ARGV[6] || ""; open(FILE,">>$varenv{logdir}/APIvelo.log"); print FILE "\n*** $now_dt 'sharee veloclient' \n"; &get_velo if($todo eq "get_velo"); sub get_velo { #my $endpoint = "https://shareeapp-primary.copri-bike.de/APIvelo"; my $endpoint = "https://cockpit.velofactur.de/api/portal/station"; my $rest_json = ""; my $ret_json = getvelo_cloud("","$endpoint",$rest_json); eval { $response_in = decode_json($ret_json); print FILE "<--- velofactur response_in:\n" . Dumper($response_in); }; if ($@){ print FILE "<--- failure get_velo raw response_in:\n" . Dumper($ret_json) . "\n"; warn $@; } } #velofaktur http request sub getvelo_cloud { my $self = shift; my $veloserver = shift || ""; my $rest_json = shift || ""; my $velo_request = "$veloserver"; print FILE "===> GET2velo >> " . $velo_request . "\n" . $rest_json . "\n"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$velo_request"); $req->content_type('application/json'); $req->content($rest_json); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { #print $res->content; return $res->content; print $res->status_line, "\n"; }else { print $res->status_line, "\n"; } } #end if($todo eq "get_velo"){ &post_velo($Station,$Slot,$velo_id,$Befehl,$posc_id) if($todo eq "post_velo"); sub post_velo { my $Station = shift; my $Slot = shift; my $velo_id = shift; my $Befehl = shift; #local TEST #my $endpoint = "https://shareeapp-primary.copri-bike.de/APIvelo"; #LIVE my $endpoint = "https://cockpit.velofactur.de/api/portal/befehl"; my %json; $json{Station} = "$Station"; $json{Slot} = "$Slot"; $json{Id} = "$velo_id"; $json{Befehl} = "$Befehl"; my $rest_json = encode_json(\%json); my $ret_json = post2velo_cloud("","$endpoint",$rest_json); # eval { $response_in = decode_json($ret_json); print FILE "<--- velofaktur response_in:\n" . Dumper($response_in); print $ret_json . "\n"; my $record_cc = { c_id => 0 }; if($velo_id && $velo_id > 0){ my $pref_cc = { table => "content", fetch => "one", template_id => "205", int27 => $velo_id, }; $record_cc = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_cc); my $update_cc = { table => "content", mtime => "now()", owner => "$owner", }; $update_cc->{txt25} = $response_in->{status} if($response_in->{status}); $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_cc,$record_cc) if($record_cc->{c_id}); $bw->log("update content velofactur response Status for bike $velo_id $record_cc->{barcode} $response_in->{status}",$update_cc,""); } my $record_pos = { c_id => 0 }; if($posc_id && $posc_id > 0){ my $pref_pos = { table => "contenttranspos", fetch => "one", c_id => $posc_id, }; $record_pos = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh,$pref_pos); my $update_pos = { table => "contenttranspos", mtime => "now()", owner => "$owner", }; $update_pos->{int27} = $velo_id if($velo_id); $update_pos->{30} = $Station if($Station); $update_pos->{31} = $Slot if($Slot); $update_pos->{txt25} = $response_in->{status} if($response_in->{status}); $dbt->update_record($dbh,$update_pos,$record_pos) if($record_pos->{c_id}); $bw->log("update contenttranspos velofactur response Status for bike $velo_id $record_pos->{barcode} $response_in->{status}",$update_pos,""); } }; if ($@){ print FILE "<--- failure post_velo raw response_in:\n" . Dumper($ret_json) . "\n"; warn $@; } }#end if($todo eq "post_velo"){ #velofaktur http POST request sub post2velo_cloud { my $self = shift; my $veloserver = shift || ""; my $rest_json = shift || ""; my $velo_request = "$veloserver"; print FILE "===> POST2velo >> " . $velo_request . "\n" . $rest_json . "\n"; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "$velo_request"); $req->content_type('application/json'); $req->content($rest_json); my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { #print $res->content; return $res->content; print $res->status_line, "\n"; }else { print $res->status_line, "\n"; } } close(FILE);