#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ## SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # #TODO, migrate to MailTransport.pm # #su www-data -c "./src/Mod/newsletter_tink.pl '/var/www/copri4/shareeapp-operator' 'https://shareeapp-operator.copri-bike.de' 'emailack' '1842'" #on command #sudo su www-data -c "./src/Mod/newsletter_tink.pl '/var/www/copri3/konrad' 'https://konrad.tink-konstanz.de' 'send_password' 'ragu@gnu-systems.de' '59e5c7bce6'" #su www-data -c "./src/Mod/newsletter_tink.pl '/var/www/copri3/tinkdms' 'https://tinkdms.copri.eu' 'send_invoice' '1842' '2866'" use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Encode; use CGI ':standard'; use DBI; use POSIX; use Email::MIME; use IO::All; use Email::MIME::CreateHTML; use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail); #use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS; use Net::SMTP; use Try::Tiny; use Config::General; use URI::Encode; my $uri_encode = URI::Encode->new( { encode_reserved => 1 } ); use Data::Dumper; use Sys::Hostname; my $hostname = hostname; my $q = new CGI; my $basedir = $ARGV[0]; my $wwwhost = $ARGV[1]; my $todo = $ARGV[2]; my $c_id=""; my $ct_name=""; my $emailpw=""; my $coopw=""; if($todo =~ /emailack|send_invoice|send_capture_fail/){ $c_id = $ARGV[3] || "";#contentadr.c_id $ct_name = $ARGV[4] || "";#contenttrans.c_id }elsif($todo eq "send_password"){ $emailpw = $ARGV[3] || ""; $emailpw =~ s/\s//g; $coopw = $ARGV[4] || ""; } my $today = strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S",localtime(time)); my $globalconf_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/global.cfg"; my $gconf = Config::General->new($globalconf_file); my %globalconf = $gconf->getall; my $mailx_file = "/var/www/copri4/shareeconf/mailx.cfg"; my $mconf = Config::General->new($mailx_file); my %mailxconf = $mconf->getall; require "$basedir/src/Lib/Config.pm"; my %varenv = &Config::envonline("","$wwwhost"); #print Dumper(%varenv); open(EMA, ">> $varenv{logdir}/newsletter_tink.log"); print EMA "\n$today, start mailing\n"; print EMA "'$today' '$basedir' '$wwwhost' '$todo' 'c_id:$c_id' 'invoice ct_name:$ct_name' 'emailpw:$emailpw' 'coopw:$coopw'\n"; close EMA; my $dbh = &dbconnect(); sub dbconnect { my $options =""; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$varenv{dbname};host=$varenv{dbhost};port=5432;options='$options'", "$varenv{dbuser}", "$varenv{dbpassw}",{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }) or die "Can't connect to $varenv{dbname}: $DBI::errstr"; return $dbh; } sub get_contentadr(){ my ($c_id,$emailpw) = @_; my $where="where ct.c_id=rel.content_id"; $where .= " and ct.c_id=$c_id" if($c_id =~ /^\d+$/); $where .= " and ct.txt08 ilike '$emailpw'" if($emailpw =~ /\w+/); $where .= " and rel.template_id = 202";#tpl_id Adressen my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM contentadr ct, relation rel $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } sub get_content(){ my ($table,$c_id,$tpl_id) = @_; my $where="where ct.c_id=rel.content_id"; $where .= " and ct.c_id=$c_id" if($c_id =~ /^\d+$/); $where .= " and rel.template_id = $tpl_id" if($tpl_id =~ /^\d+$/); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table ct, relation rel $where"); my $rc = $sth->execute(); my $ct = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $ct; } #update trivial, matchs anything sub updater(){ my ($table,$w_col,$w_val,$column,$content,$owner,$w_col2,$w_op2,$w_val2,$set_time) = @_; my $ct_set = "mtime='now()'"; if($set_time eq "no_time"){ $ct_set = ""; }elsif($table !~ /content/){ $ct_set = "change='now()'"; } if("$content" eq "null" || (!$content && $content !~ /^0$/)){ $ct_set .= ",$column=null"; }elsif($content || $content == 0){ $ct_set .= ",$column='$content'"; } $ct_set .= ",owner='$owner'" if($owner); $ct_set =~ s/^,/ /; my $where = "$w_col='$w_val'"; $where .= " and $w_col2 $w_op2 ($w_val2)" if("$w_col2" && "$w_op2" && "$w_val2"); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET $ct_set where $where"); my $rows = $sth->execute(); return $rows; } my $ctadr = &get_contentadr($c_id,$emailpw) if($c_id =~ /^\d+$/ || $emailpw =~ /\w+\@\w+/); my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mailxconf{mailx}->{mail_gateway}, Port => 465, Hello => 'fahrradspezialitaeten.com', Timeout => 30, Debug => 0, SSL => 1, ); #$varenv{sasl_password} = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $varenv{sasl_password})); $smtp->auth($mailxconf{mailx}->{sasl_username},$mailxconf{mailx}->{sasl_password}); $smtp->mail($mailxconf{mailx}->{mail_from}); my $smtp_return = ""; if($todo eq "emailack"){ $smtp_return = &esender_success($smtp,$ctadr,$wwwhost); }elsif($todo eq "send_password" && $ctadr->{txt08} =~ /\w+\@\w+/){ $smtp_return = &esender_password($smtp,$ctadr,$coopw,$wwwhost); }elsif($todo eq "send_invoice"){ my $send_invoice; $smtp_return = &esender_invoice($smtp,$todo,$ctadr,$ct_name,$wwwhost); # if sendmail true then null. For us we need text #if(!$smtp_return && $ct_name =~ /\d+/){ if($ct_name =~ /\d+/){ $today =~ s/:\d+$//; $send_invoice = "$today, Rechnungsinfo per eMail versandt (debug: $smtp_return)"; &updater("contenttrans","ct_name","$ct_name","txt30","$send_invoice","","","","","no_time"); } }elsif($todo eq "send_capture_fail"){ $smtp_return = &esender_invoice($smtp,$todo,$ctadr,$ct_name,$wwwhost); } open(EMA, ">> $varenv{logdir}/newsletter_tink.log"); print EMA "smtp_return: $smtp_return\n"; close EMA; #Registration acknowledgement sub esender_success { my $smtp = shift; my $ctadr = shift; my $wwwhost = shift; my %varenv = &Config::envonline("","$wwwhost"); my $ct = {}; if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $ct = &get_content("content","3435","1"); $ct->{txt01} = $q->unescapeHTML($ct->{txt01}); $ct->{txt01} =~ s/\r\n/
/g; $ct->{txt01} = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $ct->{txt01})); }else{ $ct = &get_content("contentuser",$globalconf{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node},"201"); } my $email = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt08}); my $anrede = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt02}); my $name = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt01}); $name = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $name)); my $strasse = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt03}); $strasse = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $strasse)); my $ort = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt06}); my $telefon = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt07}); #Ack digest my $ack_digest = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt34}) || ""; my $email_ack_digest = $1 if($ack_digest =~ /^(.{5})/); my $sms_ack_digest = $1 if($ack_digest =~ /(.{5})$/); #disabled because of payone payment #my $iban = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt22}); #$iban =~ s/.{3}$/XXX/; #IBAN: $iban (letzte drei Ziffern maskiert) #email html body--------------------------------------------------- my $body; if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ my $encoded_email = $uri_encode->encode($ctadr->{txt08}); $body = <www.konrad-konstanz.net?confirm_email=$encoded_email&confirm_code=$ctadr->{c_id} Der Link führt Sie zur Website der Stadtwerke Konstanz. Damit sind Sie freigeschaltet. Falls Sie zur Eingabe eines Bestätigungscode aufgefordert werden, lautet dieser: $ctadr->{c_id} Die hinterlegten Zugangsdaten dienen zum Anmelden im Fahrradmietsystem der APP und im Browser www.konrad-konstanz.de Viel Spaß beim Radeln. EOF ; }else{#sharee my $encoded_email = $uri_encode->encode($ctadr->{txt08}); $body = <$email_ack_digest Viel Spaß beim Radeln.
$ct->{txt09} $ct->{txt04} $ct->{txt05} $ct->{txt08} $ct->{txt11}
EOF ; } $body =~ s/\n/
/g; my $html = "$varenv{title}\n"; $html .= "
"; #if($mandant eq "TINK"){ # $html .= "
"; #} if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $html .= "
\n"; } $html .= ""; #----------------------------------------------------------------- my $subject = "$varenv{title} Anmeldebestätigung"; if($hostname ne "ginger"){ $email = $mailxconf{mailx}->{mail_testto}; $subject .= "* offline Test *"; } if ($smtp->to($email)) { $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("To: $email\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 \n\n"); $smtp->datasend($html); $smtp->dataend(); } else { print "Error: ", $smtp->message(); } return "1. okay"; } #Password forgotten sub esender_password { my ($smtp,$ctadr,$coopw,$wwwhost) = @_; my %varenv = &Config::envonline("","$wwwhost"); my $ct = {}; if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $ct = &get_content("content","3435","1"); $ct->{txt01} = $q->unescapeHTML($ct->{txt01}); $ct->{txt01} =~ s/\r\n/
/g; $ct->{txt01} = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $ct->{txt01})); }else{ $ct = &get_content("contentuser",$globalconf{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node},"201"); } my $email = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt08}); my $anrede = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt02}); my $name = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt01}); $name = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $name)); #email html body--------------------------------------------------- my $body; if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $body = <$coopw Nach Ihrem Login www.konrad-konstanz.de können Sie das Passwort in Ihrem Profil unter Kundendaten auch gerne wieder ändern. Viel Spaß beim Radeln. EOF ; }else{#sharee $body = <$coopw Nach Ihrem Login können Sie das Passwort in Ihrem NutzerInnen Konto unter 1.Kundendaten auch gerne wieder ändern.
Freundliche Grüße, -- $ct->{txt09} $ct->{txt04} $ct->{txt05} $ct->{txt08} $ct->{txt11}
sharee.bike ist ein Angebot der TeilRad GmbH EOF ; } $body =~ s/\n/
/g; my $html = "$varenv{title}\n"; $html .= "
"; #if($mandant eq "TINK"){ # $html .= "
"; #} if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $html .= "
\n"; } $html .= ""; #----------------------------------------------------------------- my $subject = "$varenv{title} Passwort vergessen"; if($hostname ne "ginger"){ $email = $mailxconf{mailx}->{mail_testto}; $subject .= "* offline Test *"; } if ($smtp->to($email)) { $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("To: $email\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 \n\n"); $smtp->datasend($html); $smtp->dataend(); } else { print "Error: ", $smtp->message(); } return "2. okay"; } #Send Invoice and capture_fails sub esender_invoice { my ($smtp,$todo,$ctadr,$ct_name,$wwwhost) = @_; my %varenv = &Config::envonline("","$wwwhost"); my $ct = {}; $ct = &get_content("contentuser",$globalconf{shareedms_conf}->{parent_node},"201"); #generate html for email-body my $email = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt08}); my $anrede = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt02}); my $name = $q->unescapeHTML($ctadr->{txt01}); $name = Encode::encode('iso-8859-1', Encode::decode('utf-8', $name)); #email html body--------------------------------------------------- my $subject; my $body; my $signature; if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $signature = <Für Hinweise auf herumstehende Räder (gerne mit Radnummer, genauer Position und Fotos) aber auch Personen, die unsere Räder unrechtmäßig fahren oder beschädigen sind wir sehr dankbar. Sie erreichen uns über E-Mail (konrad\@fahrradspezialitaeten.com) und telefonisch über unsere Hotline: +49 761 45370099 (7 Tage/ 24 Stunden erreichbar). Wenn Sie beobachten, wie jemand eines unserer Räder beschädigt, rufen Sie bitte unmittelbar die Polizei (Tel.:07531 995 2222) hinzu! Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung! EOF ; $signature =~ s/\n/
/g; } if($todo eq "send_invoice"){ #$subject = "TINK Rechnung"; $subject = "Fahrradmietsystem Rechnung"; if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $body = <https://www.stadtwerke-konstanz.de/mobilitaet/rad-mietsystem für Sie bereit. Nach dem Anmelden ist in Ihrem Nutzer Profil unter Verleihdaten die Rechnung als PDF hinterlegt. EOF ; $body =~ s/\n/
/g; }else{#sharee $body = < Freundliche Grüße, -- $ct->{txt09} $ct->{txt04} $ct->{txt05} $ct->{txt08} $ct->{txt11} sharee.bike ist ein Angebot der TeilRad GmbH EOF ; $body =~ s/\n/
/g; } }elsif($todo eq "send_capture_fail"){ $subject = "Fahrradmietsystem Account"; if($varenv{syshost} =~ /konrad|tink/i){ $body = <https://www.stadtwerke-konstanz.de/mobilitaet/rad-mietsystem ) haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihre Daten zu überprüfen und ggf. zu erneuern. Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte falls Ihr Account für den Verleih nicht automatisch freigeschaltet wurde. Für weitere Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unsere Buchhaltung unter: buchhaltung\@fahrradspezialitaeten.com oder telefonisch 0761/5158912 (Mo, Mi, Fr 9-12 Uhr) EOF ; $body =~ s/\n/
/g; }else{#sharee $body = < Freundliche Grüße, -- $ct->{txt09} $ct->{txt04} $ct->{txt05} $ct->{txt08} $ct->{txt11} sharee.bike ist ein Angebot der TeilRad GmbH EOF ; $body =~ s/\n/
/g; } } my $html = "\n"; $html .= "
\n"; #$html .= "
"; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= ""; #----------------------------------------------------------------- if($hostname ne "ginger"){ $email = $mailxconf{mailx}->{mail_testto}; $subject .= "* offline Test *"; } my $message; if ($smtp->to($email)) { $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("To: $email\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $subject\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 \n\n"); $smtp->datasend($html); $smtp->dataend(); } else { print "Error: ", $smtp->message(); } return "3. okay"; } open(EMA, ">> $varenv{logdir}/newsletter_tink.log"); print EMA "\n$today, done mailing\n"; print EMA "'$today' '$basedir' '$wwwhost' '$todo' '$ctadr->{txt08}'\n"; print EMA "\n\n"; close EMA; $smtp->quit; 1;