package Contact; # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Copyright (c) Rainer Gümpelein, TeilRad GmbH # use strict; use warnings; use CGI ':standard'; use Lib::Config; use Mod::Buttons; use Mod::Libenz; use Mod::Libenzdb; use Mod::DBtank; use Encode; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless($self,$class); return $self; } #Template sub tpl(){ my $node_meta = shift; my $users_dms = shift || ""; my $mode = shift || ""; my $varenv = shift; my $users_sharee = shift || ""; my $return = shift || ""; my $q = new CGI; my $cf = new Config; my $but = new Buttons; my $lb = new Libenz; my $db = new Libenzdb; my $dbt = new DBtank; my $lang = "de"; my $script = $q->script_name(); my $path_info = $q->path_info(); my $path = $path_info; #with meta_host, if($varenv->{metahost}){ $path = "$script" . "$path_info"; $script=""; } my $user_agent = $q->user_agent(); my %ib = $but->ibuttons_arch(); my @tpl_order = split /,/,$node_meta->{tpl_order}; my $main_ids = $node_meta->{main_id}; my @viewsel = split /\//,$1 if($path =~ /^\/(.*)/); my $session=""; my $session_and=""; if(length($R::sessionid) > 20){ $session = "?sessionid=$R::sessionid"; $session_and = "&sessionid=$R::sessionid"; } my $project = "";#project dependent operator contact match my $oprefix = "";#single operator contact match $project = "Freiburg" if($varenv->{syshost} eq "shareeweb-sharee"); $project = "Bayern" if($varenv->{syshost} eq "shareeweb-bayern"); $project = "Konstanz" if($varenv->{syshost} eq "shareeweb-konstanz"); $oprefix = "REN" if($varenv->{syshost} eq "shareeweb-ren"); my $sort_updown = "up"; my $content2 = "content2_contact"; my $content_img = "pic-contact"; my $record_cc = { c_id => 0 }; my $pref_cc = { table => "contentuser", fetch => "one", template_id => "197", c_id => 1, }; print "
\n"; print $q->div({-class=>"$content2"},"Bei Fragen und Problemen bitte den örtlichen Betreiber kontaktieren"),"\n"; #BIG LOOP content table #while (my ($mandant_conf, $value) = each %{ $dbt->{operator} }) { foreach my $m_id (sort { $dbt->{operator}->{$b}->{oprefix} cmp $dbt->{operator}->{$a}->{oprefix} } keys(%{ $dbt->{operator} })) { #if($dbt->{operator}->{$m_id}->{project} eq $project || $project eq "all"){ if($dbt->{operator}->{$m_id}->{oprefix} eq $oprefix || $dbt->{operator}->{$m_id}->{project} eq $project){ print $q->div({-class=>"$content2"}," "),"\n"; my $sharee_operator = $dbt->{operator}->{$m_id}->{database}->{dbname}; my $dbh_operator = $dbt->dbconnect_extern($sharee_operator); $record_cc = $dbt->fetch_record($dbh_operator,$pref_cc); #print Dumper($node_meta->{tpl_order}) . "
\n"; #Do it only if phone and email defined if($record_cc->{txt07} && $record_cc->{txt08}){ foreach (@tpl_order){ my ($key,$des,$size) = split /=/,$_; $record_cc->{$key} = $q->unescapeHTML("$record_cc->{$key}"); $record_cc->{$key} = $lb->newline($record_cc->{$key},"",""); if($key =~ /ct_name/){ #print $q->div({-id=>"$record_cc->{c_id}",-class=>'content_title2'},"• $record_cc->{$key}"),"\n"; my $title = "$record_cc->{$key}"; $title = "$dbt->{operator}->{$m_id}->{title}";# if($dbt->{operator}->{$m_id}->{oprefix} eq $oprefix); print $q->div({-id=>"$record_cc->{c_id}",-class=>'content_title2'},"• $title"),"\n"; }elsif($key =~ /txt|int/ && $record_cc->{$key} && $key !~ /txt85/){ #phone tag if($record_cc->{$key} =~ /\d+$/ && $des =~ /hotline|Telefon|phone/i){ $record_cc->{$key} =~ s/([\s0-9-\/]+)/\$1\<\/a\>/; } #email tag with little coding against grabber if($record_cc->{$key} =~ /(\w+\@[\w-]+\.\w+)/){ $record_cc->{$key} =~ s/([\w\.\-_]+\@[\w-]+\.\w+)/\$1\<\/a\>/; $record_cc->{$key} =~ s/\@/\&\#64\;/g; } $record_cc->{$key} =~ s/\\//g; if($des =~ /hotline|e-Mail|zeiten/i){ print $q->div({-class=>"$content2"}, "$des: $record_cc->{$key}"),"\n"; print $q->div({-class=>"$content2"}," "),"\n" if($des =~ /e-Mail/i); }else{ print $q->div({-class=>"$content2"}, "$record_cc->{$key}"),"\n"; } } } } }#end if } print "
\n"; } 1;