### request=bikes_all

**request** GET all rental bikes with the optional limitations of station and/or bike number

| key  | Required | Format   | Comment                               |
| ---------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------------------- |
| authcookie | +        | text  | unique encrypted key   |
| station    | o        | text  | station prefix+number                        |
| bike       | o        | text  | bike prefix+number                           |

**response** "bikes" by JSON-Objects

| key      | Required | Format   | Comment                                |
| -------------- | -------- | -------- | -------------------------------------- |
| state          | +        | text  | bike available state                   |
| lock_state          | +        | text  | smartlock locking state                   |
| station_state  | o        | text  | station smartlock locking state      |
| service_state  | o        | text  | service state for maintanance          |
| bike_charge    | o        | text  | bike akku capacity  | 
| description    | o        | text | short bike description                 |
| bike           | +        | text  | bike prefix_number                            |
| gps            | +        | array     | GPS: latitude, longitude               |
| station        | +        | text  | station prefix_number                         |
| bike_group     | +        | array  | bike group, describes bike dependent fleets  |
| todo_info      | o        | text  | key if Aufgaben defined                |
| system         | +        | text  | bike lock system (BC or Ilockit)       |
| uri_operator          | +        | text  | URI of Operator-Server                   |
| lockit_ID         | +        | text  | bluetooth ID      |
| lockit_GUID         | +        | text  | bluetooth GUID      |
| service_code | o | array | color keys, only available for servicetool users |

**request**  to get all bikes with states

**response** sharee JSON defaults + **response** multiple bike objects
   "shareejson" : {
  ***sharee JSON defaults***
"bikes" : {
         "WUE5526" : {
            "state" : "available",
            "service_code" : [
            "gps" : {
               "longitude" : "7.8167567567",
               "latitude" : "47.98797891085045"
            "service_state" : "0",
            "lock_state" : "locked",
            "description" : "Lasten-Dreirad Bert",
            "bike" : "WUE5526",
            "todo_info" : "0",
            "bike_group" : [
            "station" : "WUE303",
            "Ilockit_GUID" : "",
            "uri_operator" : "https://shareeapp-wue.copri-bike.de",
            "system" : "Ilockit",
            "Ilockit_ID" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-fc3c045a2ade"
         "WUE5525" {