### request=stations_all **request** GET all rental bike stations, regardless of status, optionally with station number. | key | Required | Format | Comment | | ---------- | -------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | | authcookie | + | text | unique encrypted key | | station | o | text | prefix+station | **response** "stations" by JSON-Objects | key | Required | Format | Comment | | -------------- | -------- | -------- | -------------------------------------- | | state | + | text | booking state | | description | o | text | short station description | | gps | + | object | GPS: latitude, longitude | | station | + | text | station prefix+number | | station_group | + | array | station groups | | bike_soll | o | text | Waren/Stationen configured bike soll | | bike_ist | o | text | on request summarised bikes on station | | uri_operator | + | text | URI of Operator-Server | | gps_radius | o | text | Radius around station gps which will be allowed renting | | service_tour | o | text | service tour number | Example: **request** listing all stations from only authorized service shareetool users. ``` https://shareeapp-primary.copri-bike.de/APIjsonserver?request=stations_all&authcookie=6103_f782a208d9399291ba8d086b5dcc2509_34567890 ``` **response** sharee JSON defaults + **response** multiple station objects ``` { "shareejson" : { ***sharee JSON defaults*** }, "stations" : { "WUE303" : { "bike_ist" : "1", "state" : "available", "authed" : "1", "bike_soll" : "1", "gps" : { "longitude" : " 7.8412535413736615", "latitude" : "47.98755454679136" }, "station_group" : [ "WUE300029" ], "description" : "Baslerstrdemo", "service_tour" : "WUE1", "gps_radius" : "50", "station" : "WUE303", "uri_operator" : "https://shareeapp-wue.copri-bike.de" }, "WUE302" : { ... } } } ```