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using Serilog;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TINK.Model.Connector;
using TINK.Repository.Exception;
using TINK.Model.State;
using TINK.Model.User;
using TINK.MultilingualResources;
using TINK.View;
using BikeInfoMutable = TINK.Model.Bike.BC.BikeInfoMutable;
using TINK.Model.Device;
namespace TINK.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BC.RequestHandler
public class Reserved : Base<BikeInfoMutable>, IRequestHandler
/// <param name="smartDevice">Provides info about the smart device (phone, tablet, ...)</param>
/// <param name="bikesViewModel">View model to be used for progress report and unlocking/ locking view.</param>
public Reserved(
BikeInfoMutable selectedBike,
Func<bool> isConnectedDelegate,
Func<bool, IConnector> connectorFactory,
Func<IPollingUpdateTaskManager> viewUpdateManager,
ISmartDevice smartDevice,
IViewService viewService,
IBikesViewModel bikesViewModel,
IUser activeUser) : base(selectedBike, AppResources.ActionCancelRequest, true, isConnectedDelegate, connectorFactory, viewUpdateManager, smartDevice, viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser)
/// <summary> Gets the bike state. </summary>
public override InUseStateEnum State => InUseStateEnum.Reserved;
/// <summary> Executes user request to cancel reservation. </summary>
public async Task<IRequestHandler> HandleRequest()
// Lock list to avoid multiple taps while copri action is pending.
BikesViewModel.ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextOneMomentPlease;
BikesViewModel.IsIdle = false;
BikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
var l_oResult = await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
string.Format("Reservierung für Fahrrad {0} aufheben?", SelectedBike.GetFullDisplayName()),
if (l_oResult == false)
// User aborted cancel process
Log.ForContext<Reserved>().Information("User selected reserved bike {l_oId} in order to cancel reservation but action was canceled.", SelectedBike.Id);
BikesViewModel.IsIdle = true;
return this;
BikesViewModel.ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextOneMomentPlease;
// Stop polling before cancel request.
await ViewUpdateManager().StopUpdatePeridically();
IsConnected = IsConnectedDelegate();
await ConnectorFactory(IsConnected).Command.DoCancelReservation(SelectedBike);
// If canceling bike succedes remove bike because it is not ready to be booked again
IsRemoveBikeRequired = true;
catch (Exception l_oException)
if (l_oException is InvalidAuthorizationResponseException)
// Copri response is invalid.
Log.ForContext<Reserved>().Error("User selected reserved bike {l_oId} but canceling reservation failed (Invalid auth. response).", SelectedBike.Id);
BikesViewModel.ActionText = String.Empty;
await ViewService.DisplayAlert("Fehler beim Stornieren der Buchung!", l_oException.Message, "OK");
BikesViewModel.IsIdle = true;
return this;
else if (l_oException is WebConnectFailureException)
// Copri server is not reachable.
Log.ForContext<Reserved>().Information("User selected reserved bike {l_oId} but cancel reservation failed (Copri server not reachable).", SelectedBike.Id);
BikesViewModel.ActionText = String.Empty;
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
"Verbingungsfehler beim Stornieren der Buchung!",
string.Format("{0}\r\n{1}", l_oException.Message, WebConnectFailureException.GetHintToPossibleExceptionsReasons),
BikesViewModel.IsIdle = true;
return this;
Log.ForContext<Reserved>().Error("User selected reserved bike {l_oId} but cancel reservation failed. {@l_oException}.", SelectedBike.Id, l_oException);
BikesViewModel.ActionText = String.Empty;
await ViewService.DisplayAlert("Fehler beim Stornieren der Buchung!", l_oException.Message, "OK");
BikesViewModel.IsIdle = true;
return this;
// Restart polling again.
await ViewUpdateManager().StartUpdateAyncPeridically();
// Unlock list of bikes because no more action is pending.
BikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty; // Todo: Move this statement in front of finally block because in catch block ActionText is already set to empty.
Log.ForContext<Reserved>().Information("User canceled reservation of bike {l_oId} successfully.", SelectedBike.Id);
BikesViewModel.IsIdle = true;
return RequestHandlerFactory.Create(SelectedBike, IsConnectedDelegate, ConnectorFactory, ViewUpdateManager, SmartDevice, ViewService, BikesViewModel, ActiveUser);