2023-08-31 12:20:06 +02:00

228 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using Serilog;
using TINK.Model.Connector;
using TINK.Model.Stations.StationNS;
using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock;
using TINK.Services.Geolocation;
using TINK.ViewModel;
using BikeInfo = TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.BikeInfo;
using BikeInfoMutable = TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.BikeInfoMutable;
namespace TINK.Model.Bikes
/// <summary> Holds entity of bikes. </summary>
public class BikeCollectionMutable : ObservableCollection<BikeInfoMutable>, IBikeDictionaryMutable<BikeInfoMutable>
/// <summary> Provides a connector object.</summary>
private Func<bool, IConnector> ConnectorFactory { get; }
/// <summary> Provides geolocation information.</summary>
private IGeolocationService GeolocationService { get; }
/// <summary> Provides a connector object.</summary>
private ILocksService LockService { get; }
/// <summary> Delegate to retrieve connected state. </summary>
private Func<bool> IsConnectedDelegate { get; }
/// <summary>Object to manage update of view model objects from Copri.</summary>
protected Func<IPollingUpdateTaskManager> ViewUpdateManager { get; }
/// <summary> Constructs a mutable bike collection object. </summary>
/// <param name="geolocation">Provides geolocation information.</param>
/// <param name="lockService">Manages lock.</param>
/// <param name="isConnectedDelegate">Delegate to retrieve connected state.</param>
/// <param name="connectorFactory">Provides a connector object.</param>
public BikeCollectionMutable(
IGeolocationService geolocation,
ILocksService lockService,
Func<bool> isConnectedDelegate,
Func<bool, IConnector> connectorFactory,
Func<IPollingUpdateTaskManager> viewUpdateManager)
SelectedBike = null;
GeolocationService = geolocation
?? throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(BikeCollectionMutable)}- object. No geolocation object available.");
LockService = lockService
?? throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(BikeCollectionMutable)}- object. No lock service object available.");
IsConnectedDelegate = isConnectedDelegate
?? throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(BikeCollectionMutable)}- object. No is connected delegate available.");
ConnectorFactory = connectorFactory
?? throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(BikeCollectionMutable)}- object. No connector available.");
ViewUpdateManager = viewUpdateManager
?? throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(BikeCollectionMutable)}- object. No view update manager available.");
/// <summary>
/// Updates bikes dictionary from bikes response, i.e.
/// - removes bikes which are no more contained in bikes response
/// - updates state of all bikes from state contained in bikes response
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bikesAll"> Object holding bikes info from copri to update from. Holds station id but not station name.</param>
/// <param name="stations"> All stations to get station names from.</param>
/// <param name="p_oDateTimeProvider">Provides date time information.</param>
public void Update(
IEnumerable<BikeInfo> bikesAll,
IEnumerable<IStation> stations)
// Get list of current bikes by state(s) to update.
// Needed to remove bikes which switched state and have to be removed from collection.
var bikesToBeRemoved = this.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
foreach (var bikeInfo in bikesAll ?? new List<BikeInfo>())
// Get name of station form station id.
var stationName = stations?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == bikeInfo.StationId)?.StationName ?? string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stationName))
Log.ForContext<BikeCollectionMutable>().Debug($"No name for station with id {bikeInfo.StationId} found.");
// Check if bike has to be added to list of existing station.
if (ContainsKey(bikeInfo.Id) == false)
var bikeInfoMutable = BikeInfoMutableFactory.Create(
if (bikeInfoMutable != null)
// Bike does not yet exist in list of bikes.
// Update bike.
var updateTarget = GetById(bikeInfo.Id);
updateTarget.DataSource = bikeInfo.DataSource;
if (bikesToBeRemoved.Contains<string>(bikeInfo.Id))
// Remove list from obsolete list.
// Remove obsolete bikes.
foreach (var stationId in bikesToBeRemoved)
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new bike to collection of bike.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newBike">New bike to add.</param>
/// <exception cref="Exception">Thrown if bike is not unique.</exception>
public new void Add(BikeInfoMutable newBike)
// Ensure that bike id of new bike is unique
foreach (BikeInfoMutable bike in Items)
if (bike.Id == newBike.Id)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Can not add bike with {0} to collection ob bike. Id is not unique.", newBike));
/// <summary>
/// Bike selected by user for reserving or cancel reservation.
/// </summary>
public BikeInfoMutable SelectedBike
private set;
public void SetSelectedBike(string id)
SelectedBike = GetById(id);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a bike by its id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public BikeInfoMutable GetById(string id)
=> this.FirstOrDefault(bike => bike.Id == id);
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether a bike by given key exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p_strKey">Key to check.</param>
/// <returns>True if bike exists.</returns>
public bool ContainsKey(string id)
=> GetById(id) != null;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a bike by its id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">Id of bike to be removed.</param>
public void RemoveById(string id)
var l_oBike = GetById(id);
if (l_oBike == null)
// Nothing to do if bike does not exists.
/// <summary>
/// Create mutable objects from immutable objects.
/// </summary>
public static class BikeInfoMutableFactory
/// <param name="viewUpdateManager">Manages update of view model objects from Copri.</param>
public static BikeInfoMutable Create(
IGeolocationService geolocation,
ILocksService lockService,
Func<bool> isConnectedDelegate,
Func<bool, IConnector> connectorFactory,
Func<IPollingUpdateTaskManager> viewUpdateManager,
BikeInfo bikeInfo,
string stationName)
if (bikeInfo is BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock.BikeInfo btBikeInfo)
return new BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock.BikeInfoMutable(
else if (bikeInfo is BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.BikeInfo copriBikeInfo)
return new BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.BikeInfoMutable(copriBikeInfo, stationName);
// Unsupported type detected.
return null;