2022-09-22 20:58:30 +02:00

390 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Plugin.BLE.Abstractions.Contracts;
using Serilog;
using TINK.Model;
using TINK.Model.Bikes;
using TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock;
using TINK.Model.Connector;
using TINK.Model.Device;
using TINK.Model.Station;
using TINK.Model.User;
using TINK.MultilingualResources;
using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock;
using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock.Tdo;
using TINK.Services.Geolocation;
using TINK.Services.Permissions;
using TINK.Settings;
using TINK.View;
using TINK.ViewModel.Bikes;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace TINK.ViewModel.BikesAtStation
/// <summary>
/// Manages one or more bikes which are located at a single station.
/// </summary>
public class BikesAtStationPageViewModel : BikesViewModel, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged
/// <summary>
/// Holds the selected station;
/// </summary>
private IStation Station { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Constructs bike collection view model.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="user">Mail address of active user.</param>
/// <param name="permissions">Holds object to query location permisions.</param>
/// <param name="bluetoothLE">Holds object to query bluetooth state.</param>
/// <param name="runtimPlatform">Specifies on which platform code is run.</param>
/// <param name="isConnectedDelegate">Returns if mobile is connected to web or not.</param>
/// <param name="connectorFactory">Connects system to copri.</param>
/// <param name="lockService">Service to control lock retrieve info.</param>
/// <param name="polling"> Holds whether to poll or not and the periode leght is polling is on. </param>
/// <param name="openUrlInExternalBrowser">Action to open an external browser.</param>
/// <param name="postAction">Executes actions on GUI thread.</param>
/// <param name="smartDevice">Provides info about the smart device (phone, tablet, ...).</param>
/// <param name="viewService">Interface to actuate methodes on GUI.</param>
public BikesAtStationPageViewModel(
User user,
ILocationPermission permissions,
IBluetoothLE bluetoothLE,
string runtimPlatform,
IStation selectedStation,
Func<bool> isConnectedDelegate,
Func<bool, IConnector> connectorFactory,
IGeolocation geolocation,
ILocksService lockService,
PollingParameters polling,
Action<string> openUrlInExternalBrowser,
Action<SendOrPostCallback, object> postAction,
ISmartDevice smartDevice,
IViewService viewService) : base(user, permissions, bluetoothLE, runtimPlatform, isConnectedDelegate, connectorFactory, geolocation, lockService, polling, postAction, smartDevice, viewService, openUrlInExternalBrowser, () => new BikeAtStationInUseStateInfoProvider())
Station = selectedStation ?? new NullStation();
Title = Station.StationName;
StationDetailText = Station.Id != null
? string.Format(AppResources.MarkingBikesAtStationStationId, Station.Id)
: string.Empty;
CollectionChanged += (sender, eventargs) =>
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsNoBikesAtStationVisible)));
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(NoBikesAtStationText)));
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsLoginRequiredHintVisible)));
/// <summary>
/// Name of the station which is displayed as title of the page.
/// </summary>
public string Title
get; private set;
/// <summary>
/// Informs about need to log in before requesting an bike.
/// </summary>
public bool IsLoginRequiredHintVisible
return Count > 0
&& !ActiveUser.IsLoggedIn;
/// <summary>
/// Informs about need to log in before requesting an bike.
/// </summary>
public string LoginRequiredHintText
=> ActiveUser.IsLoggedIn
? string.Empty
: AppResources.MarkingLoginRequiredToRerserve;
public string ContactSupportHintText
=> string.Format(IsIdle ? AppResources.MarkingContactSupport : AppResources.MarkingContactSupportBusy, Station.OperatorData?.Name ?? "Operator");
/// <summary>
/// Returns if info about the fact that user did not request or book any bikes is visible or not.
/// </summary>
public bool IsNoBikesAtStationVisible
return Count <= 0 && IsIdle == true;
/// <summary> Info about the fact that user did not request or book any bikes. </summary>
public string NoBikesAtStationText
return IsNoBikesAtStationVisible
? $"Momentan sind keine Fahrräder an dieser Station verfügbar."
: string.Empty;
/// <summary> Command object to bind login page redirect link to view model.</summary>
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand ContactSupportClickedCommand
=> new Xamarin.Forms.Command(() => OpenSupportPageAsync());
=> new Xamarin.Forms.Command(async () => await OpenSupportPageAsync());
/// <summary> Command object to bind login page redirect link to view model.</summary>
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand LoginRequiredHintClickedCommand
=> new Xamarin.Forms.Command(() => OpenLoginPageAsync());
=> new Xamarin.Forms.Command(async () => await OpenLoginPageAsync());
/// <summary> Opens login page. </summary>
public void OpenLoginPageAsync()
public async Task OpenLoginPageAsync()
// Switch to map page
await ViewService.ShowPage("//LoginPage");
catch (Exception p_oException)
Log.Error("Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist in der Klasse BikesAtStationPageViewModel aufgetreten. Kontext: Klick auf Hinweistext auf Station N- seite ohne Anmeldung. {@Exception}", p_oException);
/// <summary> Opens support. </summary>
public void OpenSupportPageAsync()
public async Task OpenSupportPageAsync()
if (!IsIdle)
// Prevent navigation when app is not idle because this might lead to aborting return bike workflow.
// Switch to map page
ViewService.ShowPage(ViewTypes.ContactPage, AppResources.MarkingFeedbackAndContact);
await ViewService.ShowPage("//ContactPage");
catch (Exception p_oException)
Log.Error("Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist auf der Seite Kontakt aufgetreten. Kontext: Klick auf Hinweistext auf Station N- seite ohne Anmeldung. {@Exception}", p_oException);
/// <summary> Returns detailed info about the station (station id).<summary>
public string StationDetailText { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when page is shown.
/// Starts update process.
/// </summary>
public async Task OnAppearing()
Log.ForContext<BikesAtStationPageViewModel>().Information($"Bikes at station {Station.StationName} is appearing, either due to tap on a station or to app being shown again.");
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextOneMomentPlease;
// Stop polling before getting bikes info.
await m_oViewUpdateManager.StopUpdatePeridically();
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextBikesAtStationGetBikes;
var bikesAll = await ConnectorFactory(IsConnected).Query.GetBikesAsync();
Exception = bikesAll.Exception; // Update communication error from query for bikes at station.
var bikesAtStation = bikesAll.Response.GetAtStation(Station.Id);
var lockIdList = bikesAtStation
.Select(x => x.LockInfo)
if (LockService is ILocksServiceFake serviceFake)
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextCheckBluetoothState;
// Check location permissions.
if (bikesAtStation.GetLockIt().Count > 0
&& RuntimePlatform == Device.Android)
var status = await PermissionsService.CheckStatusAsync();
if (status != Status.Granted)
var permissionResult = await PermissionsService.RequestAsync();
if (permissionResult != Status.Granted)
var dialogResult = await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
if (!dialogResult)
// User decided not to give access to locations permissions.
BikeCollection.Update(bikesAtStation, new List<IStation> { Station });
await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask());
ActionText = "";
IsIdle = true;
// Open permissions dialog.
if (Geolocation.IsGeolcationEnabled == false)
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
BikeCollection.Update(bikesAtStation, new List<IStation> { Station });
await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask());
ActionText = "";
IsIdle = true;
// Check if bluetooth is activated.
if (await BluetoothService.GetBluetoothState() != BluetoothState.On)
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
BikeCollection.Update(bikesAtStation, new List<IStation> { Station });
await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask());
ActionText = "";
IsIdle = true;
// Connect to bluetooth devices.
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextSearchBikes;
IEnumerable<LockInfoTdo> locksInfoTdo;
locksInfoTdo = await LockService.GetLocksStateAsync(
lockIdList.Select(x => x.ToLockInfoTdo()).ToList(),
catch (Exception exception)
Log.ForContext<BikesAtStationPageViewModel>().Error("Getting bluetooth state failed. {Exception}", exception);
locksInfoTdo = new List<LockInfoTdo>();
var locksInfo = lockIdList.UpdateById(locksInfoTdo);
BikeCollection.Update(bikesAtStation.UpdateLockInfo(locksInfo), new List<IStation> { Station });
// Backup GUI synchronization context.
await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask());
ActionText = "";
IsIdle = true;
/// <summary> Create task which updates my bike view model.</summary>
private void UpdateTask()
unused =>
Log.ForContext<BikesAtStationPageViewModel>().Debug("Updating action text...");
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextUpdating;
IsConnected = IsConnectedDelegate();
var result = ConnectorFactory(IsConnected).Query.GetBikesAsync().Result;
BikeCollection bikes = result.Response.GetAtStation(Station.Id);
var exception = result.Exception;
if (exception != null)
Log.ForContext<BikesAtStationPageViewModel>().Error("Getting all bikes bikes in polling context failed with exception {Exception}.", exception);
unused =>
Log.ForContext<BikesAtStationPageViewModel>().Debug("Updating bikes at station...");
BikeCollection.Update(bikes, new List<IStation> { Station });
Exception = result.Exception;
ActionText = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// True if any action can be performed (request and cancel request)
/// </summary>
public override bool IsIdle
get => base.IsIdle;
if (value == base.IsIdle)
Log.ForContext<BikesViewModel>().Debug($"Switch value of {nameof(IsIdle)} to {value}.");
base.IsIdle = value;
base.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsNoBikesAtStationVisible)));
base.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(NoBikesAtStationText)));
base.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(ContactSupportHintText)));