2023-06-06 12:05:48 +02:00

1106 lines
35 KiB

using Xamarin.Forms;
using TINK.View;
using TINK.Model.Stations;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using TINK.Model.Bikes;
using TINK.Repository.Exception;
using TINK.Model;
using Serilog;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using TINK.View.MasterDetail;
using TINK.Settings;
using TINK.Model.Connector;
using TINK.Model.Services.CopriApi;
using TINK.Services.Permissions;
using Xamarin.Essentials;
using System.Threading;
using TINK.MultilingualResources;
using TINK.Repository;
using TINK.Services.Geolocation;
using TINK.Model.State;
using TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC;
using TINK.Model.Stations.StationNS;
namespace TINK.ViewModel.Map
public class MapPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
/// <summary> True if message was already shown to user. </summary>
private static bool WasMerchantMessageAlreadyShown { get; set; } = false;
/// <summary> Holds the count of custom icons centered.</summary>
private const int CUSTOM_ICONS_COUNT = 30;
/// <summary> Reference on view service to show modal notifications and to perform navigation. </summary>
private IViewService ViewService { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Holds the exception which occurred getting bikes occupied information.
/// </summary>
private Exception m_oException;
/// <summary>
/// Service to query/ manage permissions (location) of the app.
/// </summary>
private ILocationPermission PermissionsService { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Service to manage bluetooth stack.
/// </summary>
private Plugin.BLE.Abstractions.Contracts.IBluetoothLE BluetoothService { get; set; }
/// <summary> Notifies view about changes. </summary>
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
/// <summary> Object to manage update of view model objects from Copri.</summary>
private IPollingUpdateTaskManager m_oViewUpdateManager;
/// <summary>Holds whether to poll or not and the period length is polling is on.</summary>
private PollingParameters Polling { get; set; }
/// <summary> Reference on the tink app instance. </summary>
private ITinkApp TinkApp { get; }
/// <summary>Delegate to perform navigation.</summary>
private INavigation m_oNavigation;
/// <summary>Delegate to perform navigation.</summary>
private INavigationMasterDetail m_oNavigationMasterDetail;
private ObservableCollection<Pin> pins;
public ObservableCollection<Pin> Pins
if (pins == null)
pins = new ObservableCollection<Pin>(); // If view model is not binding context pins collection must be set programmatically.
return pins;
set => pins = value;
/// <summary>Delegate to move map to region.</summary>
private Action<MapSpan> m_oMoveToRegionDelegate;
/// <summary> False if user tabed on station marker to show bikes at a given station.</summary>
private bool isMapPageEnabled = false;
IGeolocationService GeolocationService { get; }
/// <summary> False if user tabed on station marker to show bikes at a given station.</summary>
public bool IsMapPageEnabled
get => isMapPageEnabled;
private set
if (isMapPageEnabled == value)
isMapPageEnabled = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsMapPageEnabled)));
/// <summary> Prevents an invalid instane to be created. </summary>
/// <param name="tinkApp"> Reference to tink app model.</param>
/// <param name="moveToRegionDelegate">Delegate to center map and set zoom level.</param>
/// <param name="viewService">View service to notify user.</param>
/// <param name="navigation">Interface to navigate.</param>
public MapPageViewModel(
ITinkApp tinkApp,
ILocationPermission permissionsService,
Plugin.BLE.Abstractions.Contracts.IBluetoothLE bluetoothService,
IGeolocationService geolocationService,
Action<MapSpan> moveToRegionDelegate,
IViewService viewService,
INavigation navigation)
TinkApp = tinkApp
?? throw new ArgumentException("Can not instantiate map page view model- object. No tink app object available.");
PermissionsService = permissionsService ??
throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(MapPageViewModel)}. Permissions service object must never be null.");
BluetoothService = bluetoothService ??
throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(MapPageViewModel)}. Bluetooth service object must never be null.");
GeolocationService = geolocationService ??
throw new ArgumentException($"Can not instantiate {nameof(MapPageViewModel)}. Geolocation service object must never be null.");
m_oMoveToRegionDelegate = moveToRegionDelegate
?? throw new ArgumentException("Can not instantiate map page view model- object. No move delegate available.");
ViewService = viewService
?? throw new ArgumentException("Can not instantiate map page view model- object. No view available.");
m_oNavigation = navigation
?? throw new ArgumentException("Can not instantiate map page view model- object. No navigation service available.");
m_oViewUpdateManager = new IdlePollingUpdateTaskManager();
m_oNavigationMasterDetail = new EmptyNavigationMasterDetail();
Polling = PollingParameters.NoPolling;
tinkKonradToggleViewModel = new EmptyToggleViewModel();
IsConnected = TinkApp.GetIsConnected();
/// <summary>Sets the stations filter to to apply (Konrad or TINK). </summary>
public IGroupFilterMapPage ActiveFilterMap
get => tinkKonradToggleViewModel.FilterDictionary ?? new GroupFilterMapPage();
tinkKonradToggleViewModel = new TinkKonradToggleViewModel(value);
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(TinkColor)));
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(KonradColor)));
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(NoTinkColor)));
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(NoKonradColor)));
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsToggleVisible)));
/// <summary> Delegate to perform navigation.</summary>
public INavigationMasterDetail NavigationMasterDetail
set { m_oNavigationMasterDetail = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Counts the number of reserved or occupied bikes -> visualized in MyBikes-Icon
/// </summary>
public void GetMyBikesCount(BikeCollection bikesAll)
int MyBikesCount = 0;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug($"Number of reserved or rented bikes is extracted.");
if (bikesAll != null)
foreach (var bike in bikesAll)
if (bike.State.Value.IsOccupied())
MyBikesCount = MyBikesCount + 1;
MyBikesCountText = MyBikesCount > 0 ? string.Format(MyBikesCount.ToString()) : string.Empty;
public Command<PinClickedEventArgs> PinClickedCommand => new Command<PinClickedEventArgs>(
args =>
args.Handled = true; // Prevents map to be centered to selected pin.
/// <summary>
/// One time setup: Sets pins into map and connects to events.
/// </summary>
public void InitializePins(StationDictionary stations)
// Add pins to stations.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug($"Request to draw {stations.Count} pins.");
foreach (var station in stations)
if (station.Position == null)
// There should be no reason for a position object to be null but this already occurred in past.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Position object of station {@l_oStation} is null.", station);
var pin = new Pin
Position = new Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.Position(station.Position.Latitude, station.Position.Longitude),
Label = long.TryParse(station.Id, out long stationId) && stationId > CUSTOM_ICONS_COUNT
? station.GetStationName()
: string.Empty, // Stations with custom icons have already a id marker. No need for a label.
Tag = station.Id,
IsVisible = false, // Set to false to prevent showing default icons (flickering).
/// <summary> Update all stations from TINK. </summary>
/// <param name="stationsColorList">List of colors to apply.</param>
private void UpdatePinsColor(IList<Color> stationsColorList)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug($"Starting update of stations pins color for {stationsColorList.Count} stations...");
// Update colors of pins.
for (int pinIndex = 0; pinIndex < stationsColorList.Count; pinIndex++)
var indexPartPrefix = int.TryParse(Pins[pinIndex].Tag.ToString(), out int stationId)
&& stationId <= CUSTOM_ICONS_COUNT
? $"{stationId}" // there is a station marker with index letter for given station id
: "Open"; // there is no station marker. Use open marker.
var colorPartPrefix = GetResourceNameColorPart(stationsColorList[pinIndex]);
var name = $"{indexPartPrefix.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')}_{colorPartPrefix}{(DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android ? ".png" : string.Empty)}";
Pins[pinIndex].Icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.FromBundle(name);
catch (Exception excption)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Station icon {name} can not be loaded. {@excption}.", name, excption);
Pins[pinIndex].Label = stationId.ToString();
Pins[pinIndex].Icon = BitmapDescriptorFactory.DefaultMarker(stationsColorList[pinIndex]);
Pins[pinIndex].IsVisible = true;
var pinsCount = Pins.Count;
for (int pinIndex = stationsColorList.Count; pinIndex < pinsCount; pinIndex++)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error($"Unexpected count of pins detected. Expected {stationsColorList.Count} but is {pinsCount}.");
Pins[pinIndex].IsVisible = false;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug("Update of stations pins color done.");
/// <summary>
/// label for number of reserved/rented bikes;
/// </summary>
private string _myBikesCountText = string.Empty;
public string MyBikesCountText
get { return _myBikesCountText; }
_myBikesCountText = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(MyBikesCountText)));
/// <summary> Gets the color related part of the ressrouce name.</summary>
/// <param name="color">Color to get name for.</param>
/// <returns>Resource name.</returns>
private static string GetResourceNameColorPart(Color color)
if (color == Color.Blue)
return "Blue";
if (color == Color.Green)
return "Green";
if (color == Color.LightBlue)
return "LightBlue";
if (color == Color.Red)
return "Red";
return color.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when page is shown.
/// Starts update process.
/// </summary>
public async Task OnAppearing()
//Request Location Permission on iOS
if (DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.iOS)
var status = await PermissionsService.RequestAsync();
IsProcessWithRunningProcessView = true;
IsNavBarVisible = false;
// Get and expose status of location permission
// Process map page.
Polling = TinkApp.Polling;
$"{(Polling != null && Polling.IsActivated ? $"Map page is appearing. Update period is {Polling.Periode.TotalSeconds} sec." : "Map page is appearing. Polling is off.")}" +
$"Current UI language is {Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name}.");
// Update map page filter
ActiveFilterMap = TinkApp.GroupFilterMapPage;
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextMapLoadingStationsAndBikes;
IsConnected = TinkApp.GetIsConnected();
var resultStationsAndBikes = await TinkApp.GetConnector(IsConnected).Query.GetBikesAndStationsAsync();
TinkApp.Stations = resultStationsAndBikes.Response.StationsAll;
TinkApp.ResourceUrls = resultStationsAndBikes.GeneralData.ResourceUrls;
// Check if there is a message from COPRI ("merchant_message") to be shown to user.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultStationsAndBikes?.GeneralData?.MerchantMessage)
&& !WasMerchantMessageAlreadyShown)
// Context switch should not be required because code is called from GUI thread
// but a xf-issue requires call (see issue #594).
TinkApp.PostAction(async (x) =>
// Show COPRI message once.
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
}, null);
WasMerchantMessageAlreadyShown = true;
await SetStationsOnMap(resultStationsAndBikes.Response.StationsAll);
await HandleAuthCookieNotDefinedException(resultStationsAndBikes.Exception);
// Update pin colors.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Starting update pins color...");
var colors = GetStationColors(
Pins.Select(x => x.Tag.ToString()).ToList(),
// Update pins color form count of bikes located at station.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Update pins color done.");
// Load MyBikes Count -> MyBikes Icon/Button
// Move and scale before getting stations and bikes which takes some time.
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextCenterMap;
// Get map display area
Model.Map.IMapSpan mapSpan = null;
if (TinkApp.CenterMapToCurrentLocation)
var status = await PermissionsService.CheckStatusAsync();
if (status == Status.Granted)
// Get from smart device
mapSpan = await GetFromLocationService(status);
if (mapSpan == null)
// Use map display are from COPRI
mapSpan = resultStationsAndBikes.GeneralData.InitialMapSpan;
if (mapSpan.IsValid)
TinkApp.UserMapSpan = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(
new Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.Position(mapSpan.Center.Latitude, mapSpan.Center.Longitude),
new Distance(mapSpan.Radius * 1000));
MoveAndScale(m_oMoveToRegionDelegate, TinkApp.ActiveMapSpan);
m_oViewUpdateManager = CreateUpdateTask();
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Update pins color done.");
// Update bikes at station or my bikes depending on context.
await m_oViewUpdateManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(Polling);
catch (Exception)
// Excpetions are handled insde update task;
Exception = resultStationsAndBikes.Exception;
ActionText = string.Empty;
IsProcessWithRunningProcessView = false;
IsNavBarVisible = true;
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
catch (Exception l_oException)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error($"An error occurred showing bike stations page.\r\n{l_oException.Message}");
IsProcessWithRunningProcessView = false;
IsNavBarVisible = true;
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
$"Beim Anzeigen der Fahrradstandorte- Seite ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\r\n{l_oException.Message}",
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// IsLocationPermissionGranted = true, if Location Permissions granted.
/// </summary>
private async void GetLocationPermissionStatus()
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Check Location permissions.");
var status = await PermissionsService.CheckStatusAsync();
IsLocationPermissionGranted = status == Status.Granted ? true : false;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Location permissions: {0}.", status);
private bool isLocationPermissionGranted = false;
/// <summary>
/// Exposes IsLocationPermissionGranted.
/// </summary>
public bool IsLocationPermissionGranted
get => isLocationPermissionGranted;
if (value == isLocationPermissionGranted)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug($"Switch value of {nameof(isLocationPermissionGranted)} to {value}.");
isLocationPermissionGranted = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsLocationPermissionGranted)));
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the auth cookie is not defined.
/// </summary>
private async Task HandleAuthCookieNotDefinedException(Exception exception)
if (exception?.GetType() == typeof(AuthcookieNotDefinedException))
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Map page is shown (probable for the first time after startup of app) and COPRI auth cookie is not defined. {@l_oException}", exception);
// COPRI reports an auth cookie error.
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
IsConnected = TinkApp.GetIsConnected();
await TinkApp.GetConnector(IsConnected).Command.DoLogout();
/// <summary>
/// Sets the available stations on the map.
/// </summary>
private async Task SetStationsOnMap(StationDictionary stations)
if (Pins.Count > 0 && Pins.Count != stations.Count)
// Either
// - user logged in/ logged out which might lead to more/ less stations being available
// - new stations were added/ existing ones remove
// Check if there are already any pins to the map
// i.e detects first call of member OnAppearing after construction
if (Pins.Count <= 0)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug($"{(ActiveFilterMap.GetGroup().Any() ? $"Active map filter is {string.Join(",", ActiveFilterMap.GetGroup())}." : "Map filter is off.")}");
// Map was not yet initialized.
// Get stations from Copri
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("No pins detected on page.");
if (stations.CopriVersion < CopriCallsStatic.UnsupportedVersionLower)
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
string.Format(AppResources.MessageCopriVersionIsOutdated, TinkApp.Flavor.GetDisplayName()),
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error($"Outdated version of app detected. Version expected is {stations.CopriVersion}.");
if (stations.CopriVersion >= CopriCallsStatic.UnsupportedVersionUpper)
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
string.Format(AppResources.MessageAppVersionIsOutdated, TinkApp.Flavor.GetDisplayName()),
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error($"Outdated version of app detected. Version expected is {stations.CopriVersion}.");
// Set pins to their positions on map.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Update of pins done.");
/// <summary>
/// Moves the map to the current position of the user.
/// If location permission hasn't been granted, the position is not adjusted.
/// </summary>
private async Task<Model.Map.IMapSpan> GetFromLocationService(Status status)
IGeolocation currentLocation = null;
currentLocation = await GeolocationService.GetAsync();
catch (Exception ex)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Getting location failed. {Exception}", ex);
if (currentLocation == null)
return null;
return Model.Map.MapSpanFactory.Create(
PositionFactory.Create(currentLocation.Latitude, currentLocation.Longitude),
/// <summary>
/// Requests the location permission from the user.
/// If the user declines, a dialog prompot is shown, telling the user to toggle the permission in the device settings.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The permission status.</returns>
private async Task<Status> RequestLocationPermission()
// Check location permission
var status = await PermissionsService.CheckStatusAsync();
if (!GeolocationService.IsSimulation
// && DeviceInfo.Platform == DevicePlatform.Android
&& status != Status.Granted)
var dialogResult = await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
if (dialogResult)
// User decided to give access to locations permissions.
ActionText = string.Empty;
IsProcessWithRunningProcessView = false;
IsNavBarVisible = true;
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
return status;
/// <summary> Moves map and scales visible region depending on active filter. </summary>
public static void MoveAndScale(
Action<MapSpan> moveToRegionDelegate,
MapSpan currentMapSpan = null)
if (currentMapSpan != null)
// Move to current location.
/// <summary> Creates a update task object. </summary>
/// <param name="p_oSynchronizationContext">Object to use for synchronization.</param>
private PollingUpdateTaskManager CreateUpdateTask()
// Start task which periodically updates pins.
return new PollingUpdateTaskManager(
() =>
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Entering update cycle.");
Result<StationsAndBikesContainer> resultStationsAndBikes;
unused =>
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextUpdating;
IsConnected = TinkApp.GetIsConnected();
resultStationsAndBikes = TinkApp.GetConnector(IsConnected).Query.GetBikesAndStationsAsync().Result;
var exception = resultStationsAndBikes.Exception;
if (exception != null)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Getting bikes and stations in polling context failed with exception {Exception}.", exception);
// Get and expose status of location permission
// Load MyBikes Count -> MyBikes Icon/Button
// Check if there are already any pins to the map.
// If no initialize pins.
if (Pins.Count <= 0)
// Set pins to their positions on map.
unused => { InitializePins(resultStationsAndBikes.Response.StationsAll); },
// Set/ update pins colors.
var l_oColors = GetStationColors(
Pins.Select(x => x.Tag.ToString()).ToList(),
// Update pins color form count of bikes located at station.
unused =>
ActionText = string.Empty;
Exception = resultStationsAndBikes.Exception;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Leaving update cycle.");
catch (Exception exception)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Getting stations and bikes from update task failed. {Exception}", exception);
unused =>
Exception = exception;
ActionText = string.Empty;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Leaving update cycle.");
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when pages is closed/ hidden.
/// Stops update process.
/// </summary>
public async Task OnDisappearing()
Log.Information("Map page is disappearing...");
await m_oViewUpdateManager.StopUpdatePeridically();
/// <summary> User clicked on a bike. </summary>
/// <param name="selectedStationId">Id of station user clicked on.</param>
public async void OnStationClicked(string selectedStationId)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Information($"User taped station {selectedStationId}.");
// Lock action to prevent multiple instances of "BikeAtStation" being opened.
IsMapPageEnabled = false;
TinkApp.SelectedStation = TinkApp.Stations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == selectedStationId)
?? new Model.Stations.StationNS.Station(selectedStationId, new List<string>(), null); // Station might not be in list StationDictinaly because this list is not updated in background task.
// Show page.
await ViewService.PushAsync(ViewTypes.BikesAtStation);
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
ActionText = string.Empty;
catch (Exception exception)
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
ActionText = string.Empty;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Fehler beim Öffnen der Ansicht \"Fahrräder an Station\" aufgetreten. {Exception}", exception);
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
$"Fehler beim Öffnen der Ansicht \"Fahrräder an Station\" aufgetreten. {exception.Message}",
/// <summary>
/// Gets the list of station color for all stations.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stationsId">Station id list to get color for.</param>
/// <param name="stations">Station object dictionary to get count of available bike from for each station.</param>
/// <param name="bikesReserved">Bike collection to get count of reserved/ rented bikes from for each station.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static IList<Color> GetStationColors(
IEnumerable<string> stationsId,
IEnumerable<IStation> stations,
IEnumerable<BikeInfo> bikesReserved)
if (stationsId == null)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug("No stations available to update color for.");
return new List<Color>();
if (stations == null)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("No stations info available to get count of bikes available to determine whether a pin is green or not.");
if (bikesReserved == null)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("No bikes info available to determine whether a pins is light blue or not.");
// Get state for each station.
var colors = new List<Color>();
foreach (var stationId in stationsId)
// Get color of given station.
if (bikesReserved?.Where(x => x.StationId == stationId).Count() > 0)
// There is at least one requested or booked bike
if (stations?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == stationId)?.AvailableBikesCount > 0)
// There is at least one bike available
return colors;
/// <summary>
/// Exception which occurred getting bike information.
/// </summary>
public Exception Exception
return m_oException;
private set
var statusInfoText = StatusInfoText;
m_oException = value;
if (statusInfoText == StatusInfoText)
// Nothing to do because value did not change.
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(StatusInfoText)));
/// <summary> Holds info about current action. </summary>
private string actionText;
/// <summary> Holds info about current action. </summary>
private string ActionText
get => actionText;
var statusInfoText = StatusInfoText;
actionText = value;
if (statusInfoText == StatusInfoText)
// Nothing to do because value did not change.
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(StatusInfoText)));
/// <summary> Used to block more than on copri requests at a given time.</summary>
private bool isProcessWithRunningProcessView = false;
/// <summary>
/// True if any action can be performed (request and cancel request)
/// </summary>
public bool IsProcessWithRunningProcessView
get => isProcessWithRunningProcessView;
if (value == isProcessWithRunningProcessView)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug($"Switch value of {nameof(isProcessWithRunningProcessView)} to {value}.");
isProcessWithRunningProcessView = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsProcessWithRunningProcessView)));
private bool isNavBarVisible = true;
public bool IsNavBarVisible
get => isNavBarVisible;
if (value == isNavBarVisible)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Debug($"Switch value of {nameof(isNavBarVisible)} to {value}.");
isNavBarVisible = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsNavBarVisible)));
/// <summary> Holds information whether app is connected to web or not. </summary>
private bool? isConnected = null;
/// <summary>Exposes the is connected state. </summary>
private bool IsConnected
get => isConnected ?? false;
var statusInfoText = StatusInfoText;
isConnected = value;
if (statusInfoText == StatusInfoText)
// Nothing to do.
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(StatusInfoText)));
/// <summary> Holds the status information text. </summary>
public string StatusInfoText
if (Exception != null)
// An error occurred getting data from copri.
return Exception.GetShortErrorInfoText(TinkApp.IsReportLevelVerbose);
if (!IsConnected)
return AppResources.ActivityTextConnectionStateOffline;
return ActionText ?? string.Empty;
/// <summary> Processes request to view my bikes.</summary>
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand OnMyBikesButtonClicked => new Xamarin.Forms.Command(async () =>
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Information($"User clicked on MyBikesButton.");
// Lock action to prevent multiple instances of "BikeAtStation" being opened.
IsMapPageEnabled = false;
// Show page.
await ViewService.PushAsync(ViewTypes.MyBikesPage);
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
ActionText = string.Empty;
catch (Exception exception)
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
ActionText = string.Empty;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("Fehler beim Öffnen der Ansicht \"Meine Räder\" aufgetreten. {Exception}", exception);
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
$"Fehler beim Öffnen der Ansicht \"Meine Räder\" aufgetreten. {exception.Message}",
/// <summary> Command object to bind login button to view model.</summary>
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand OnToggleTinkToKonrad => new Xamarin.Forms.Command(async () => await ToggleTinkToKonrad());
/// <summary> Command object to bind login button to view model.</summary>
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand OnToggleKonradToTink => new Xamarin.Forms.Command(async () => await ToggleKonradToTink());
/// <summary> Manages toggle functionality. </summary>
private ITinkKonradToggleViewModel tinkKonradToggleViewModel;
/// <summary> User request to toggle from TINK to Konrad. </summary>
public async Task ToggleTinkToKonrad()
if (tinkKonradToggleViewModel.CurrentFilter == FilterHelper.CITYBIKE)
// Konrad is already activated, nothing to do.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Information("User toggles to Konrad.");
await ActivateFilter(FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE);
/// <summary> User request to toggle from TINK to Konrad. </summary>
public async Task ToggleKonradToTink()
if (tinkKonradToggleViewModel.CurrentFilter == FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE)
// Konrad is already activated, nothing to do.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Information("User toggles to TINK.");
await ActivateFilter(FilterHelper.CITYBIKE);
/// <summary> User request to toggle from TINK to Konrad. </summary>
private async Task ActivateFilter(string selectedFilter)
IsMapPageEnabled = false;
IsProcessWithRunningProcessView = true;
IsNavBarVisible = false;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Information($"Request to toggle to \"{selectedFilter}\".");
// Stop polling.
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextOneMomentPlease;
await m_oViewUpdateManager.StopUpdatePeridically();
// Clear error info.
Exception = null;
// Toggle view
tinkKonradToggleViewModel = new TinkKonradToggleViewModel(ActiveFilterMap).DoToggle();
ActiveFilterMap = tinkKonradToggleViewModel.FilterDictionary;
TinkApp.GroupFilterMapPage = ActiveFilterMap;
// Update stations
ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextMapLoadingStationsAndBikes;
IsConnected = TinkApp.GetIsConnected();
var resultStationsAndBikes = await TinkApp.GetConnector(IsConnected).Query.GetBikesAndStationsAsync();
// Set pins to their positions on map.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Update of pins on toggle done...");
// Update pin colors.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Starting update pins color on toggle...");
var l_oColors = GetStationColors(
Pins.Select(x => x.Tag.ToString()).ToList(),
// Update pins color form count of bikes located at station.
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Verbose("Update pins color done.");
// Update bikes at station or my bikes depending on context.
await m_oViewUpdateManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(Polling);
catch (Exception)
// Excpetions are handled insde update task;
ActionText = string.Empty;
IsProcessWithRunningProcessView = false;
IsNavBarVisible = true;
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Information($"Toggle to \"{selectedFilter}\" done.");
catch (Exception l_oException)
Log.ForContext<MapPageViewModel>().Error("An error occurred switching view Cargobike/ Citybike.{}");
ActionText = string.Empty;
IsProcessWithRunningProcessView = false;
IsNavBarVisible = true;
await ViewService.DisplayAlert(
String.Format(AppResources.MessageMapPageErrorSwitch, l_oException.Message),
IsMapPageEnabled = true;
public Color TinkColor => tinkKonradToggleViewModel.TinkColor;
public Color KonradColor => tinkKonradToggleViewModel.KonradColor;
public Color NoTinkColor => tinkKonradToggleViewModel.NoTinkColor;
public Color NoKonradColor => tinkKonradToggleViewModel.NoKonradColor;
public bool IsToggleVisible => tinkKonradToggleViewModel.IsToggleVisible;