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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using ShareeBike.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock;
using ShareeBike.Model.Connector;
using ShareeBike.Model.Device;
using ShareeBike.Repository.Exception;
using ShareeBike.Services.Logging;
namespace ShareeBike.Repository.Request
/// <summary> Creates requests if a user is logged in.</summary>
public class RequestBuilderLoggedIn : IRequestBuilder
/// <summary> Constructs a object for building requests. </summary>
/// <param name="merchantId">Holds the id denoting the merchant.</param>
/// <param name="uiIsoLangugageName">Two letter ISO language name.</param>
/// <param name="smartDevice">Holds info about smart device.</param>
public RequestBuilderLoggedIn(
string merchantId,
string uiIsoLangugageName,
string sessionCookie,
ISmartDevice smartDevice = null)
MerchantId = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(merchantId)
? merchantId
: throw new ArgumentException("Merchant id must not be null.", nameof(merchantId));
SessionCookie = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionCookie)
? sessionCookie
: throw new ArgumentException("Session cookie must not be null.", nameof(sessionCookie));
UiIsoLanguageNameParameter = RequestBuilderHelper.GetLanguageParameter(WebUtility.UrlEncode(uiIsoLangugageName));
AuthCookieParameter = $"&authcookie={WebUtility.UrlEncode(SessionCookie)}{WebUtility.UrlEncode(MerchantId)}";
SmartDevice = smartDevice;
/// <summary> Holds the id denoting the merchant. </summary>
public string MerchantId { get; }
/// <summary> Holds the session cookie if a user is logged in. </summary>
public string SessionCookie { get; }
/// <summary> Holds the current ui two letter ISO language name. </summary>
public string UiIsoLanguageNameParameter { get; }
/// <summary> Auth cookie parameter. </summary>
private string AuthCookieParameter { get; }
/// <summary>Holds info about smart device.</summary>
private ISmartDevice SmartDevice { get; }
/// <summary> Gets request to log user in. </summary>
/// <param name="mailAddress">Mail address of user to log in.</param>
/// <param name="password">Password to log in.</param>
/// <param name="deviceId">Id specifying user and hardware.</param>
/// <remarks>Response which holds auth cookie <see cref="ResponseBase.authcookie"/></remarks>
public string DoAuthorization(
string mailAddress,
string password,
string deviceId)
=> throw new CallNotRequiredException();
/// <summary> Logs user out. </summary>
public string DoAuthout()
=> "request=authout" +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary>Gets bikes available.</summary>
/// <param name="stationId"> Id of station which is used for filtering bikes. Null if no filtering should be applied.</param>
/// <param name="bikeId"> Id of bike to get.</param>
/// <returns>Request to query list of bikes available.</returns>
public string GetBikesAvailable(string stationId = null, string bikeId = null)
=> "request=bikes_available&system=all" +
stationId.GetStationId() +
bikeId.GetBikeId() +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary> Gets a list of bikes reserved/ booked by active user from Copri.</summary>
/// <returns>Request to query list of bikes occupied.</returns>
public string GetBikesOccupied()
=> "request=user_bikes_occupied&system=all&genkey=1" +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary> Get list of stations from file. </summary>
/// <returns>Request to query list of station.</returns>
public string GetStations()
=> "request=stations_available" +
AuthCookieParameter +
SmartDevice.GetSmartDeviceParameters() +
/// <summary> Gets reservation request (synonym: reservation == request == reservieren). </summary>
/// <remarks> Operator specific call.</remarks>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to reserve.</param>
/// <returns>Request to reserve bike.</returns>
public string DoReserve(string bikeId)
=> "request=booking_request" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
SmartDevice.GetSmartDeviceParameters() +
/// <summary> Gets request to cancel reservation. </summary>
/// <remarks> Operator specific call.</remarks>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to cancel reservation for.</param>
/// <returns>Request on cancel booking request.</returns>
public string DoCancelReservation(string bikeId)
=> "request=booking_cancel" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary> Request to get keys. </summary>
/// <remarks> Operator specific call.</remarks>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to get keys for.</param>
/// <returns>Request to get keys.</returns>
public string CalculateAuthParameters(string bikeId)
=> "request=booking_update" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
"&genkey=1" +
/// <summary> Gets the request for notifying about start of returning sequence. </summary>
/// <remarks> Operator specific call.</remarks>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to return.</param>
/// <returns>Request to notify about start of returning sequence.</returns>
public string StartReturningBike(string bikeId)
=> "request=booking_update" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
GetLockStateParameter(lock_state.locking) +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary> Gets the request for updating lock state for a booked bike. </summary>
/// <remarks> Operator specific call.</remarks>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to update locking state for.</param>
/// <param name="state">New locking state.</param>
/// <param name="versionInfo">Information about lock (firmware version, hardware version, ...).</param>
/// <returns>Request to update locking state.</returns>
public string UpdateLockingState(
string bikeId,
lock_state state,
LocationDto geolocation,
double batteryPercentage,
IVersionInfo versionInfo)
=> "request=booking_update" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
GetLocationParameters(geolocation) +
GetLockStateParameter(state) +
GetBatteryPercentageParameters(batteryPercentage) +
GetVersionInfoParameter(versionInfo) +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary> Gets booking request (synonym: booking == renting == mieten). </summary>
/// <remarks> Operator specific call.</remarks>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to book.</param>
/// <param name="guid">Used to publish GUID from app to copri. Used for initial setup of bike in copri.</param>
/// <param name="batteryPercentage">Holds the filling level percentage of the battery.</param>
/// <param name="nextAction">If not null next locking action which is performed after booking.</param>
/// <returns>Request to booking bike.</returns>
public string DoBook(string bikeId, Guid guid, double batteryPercentage, LockingAction? nextAction = null)
=> "request=booking_update" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
$"&Ilockit_GUID={guid}" +
"&state=occupied" +
GetLockStateParameter(nextAction.GetLockState()) +
GetBatteryPercentageParameters(batteryPercentage) +
/// <summary> Gets the request to book and start opening the bike (synonym: booking == renting == mieten). </summary>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to book.</param>
/// <returns>Request to booking bike.</returns>
public string BookAvailableAndStartOpening(string bikeId)
=> "request=booking_request" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
"&state=occupied" +
GetLockStateParameter(lock_state.unlocking) +
SmartDevice.GetSmartDeviceParameters() +
/// <summary> Gets the request to book and start opening the bike (synonym: booking == renting == mieten). </summary>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to book.</param>
/// <returns>Request to booking bike.</returns>
public string BookReservedAndStartOpening(string bikeId)
=> "request=booking_update" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
"&state=occupied" +
GetLockStateParameter(lock_state.unlocking) +
/// <summary> Gets request for returning the bike. </summary>
/// <remarks> Operator specific call.</remarks>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of bike to return.</param>
/// <param name="geolocation">Geolocation of lock when returning bike.</param>
/// <returns>Request on returning request.</returns>
public string DoReturn(string bikeId, LocationDto geolocation)
=> "request=booking_update" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
"&state=available" +
GetLocationParameters(geolocation) +
GetLockStateParameter(lock_state.locked) +
SmartDevice.GetSmartDeviceParameters() +
GetLog() +
/// <summary> Returns a bike and starts closing. </summary>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to return.</param>
/// <param name="smartDevice">Provides info about hard and software.</param>
/// <returns>Response to send to copri.</returns>
public string ReturnAndStartClosing(string bikeId)
=> "request=booking_update" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
AuthCookieParameter +
"&state=available" +
GetLockStateParameter(lock_state.locking) +
SmartDevice.GetSmartDeviceParameters() +
/// <summary> Gets submit feedback request. </summary>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to return.</param>
/// <param name="message">General purpose message or error description.</param>
/// <param name="isBikeBroken">True if bike is broken.</param>
/// <returns>Submit feedback request.</returns>
public string DoSubmitFeedback(
string bikeId,
int? currentChargeBars = null,
string message = null,
bool isBikeBroken = false)
string GetIsBikeBroken()
=> isBikeBroken ? "&bike_broken=1" : string.Empty;
string GetMessage()
=> !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ? $"&message={WebUtility.UrlEncode(message)}" : string.Empty;
string GetCurrentChargeBars()
=> currentChargeBars != null ? $"&charge_current_bars={currentChargeBars.Value}" : string.Empty;
return "request=user_feedback" +
GetBikeIdParameter(bikeId) +
GetCurrentChargeBars() +
GetIsBikeBroken() +
GetMessage() +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary>
/// Gets request for submitting mini survey to copri server.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="answers">Collection of answers.</param>
public string DoSubmitMiniSurvey(IDictionary<string, string> answers)
// Remove entires which invalid keys or values.
var validAnsers = answers?.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Key?.Trim()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value?.Trim()));
// Create quersy
if (validAnsers == null || validAnsers.Count() <= 0)
return "request=user_minianswer" +
AuthCookieParameter +
return "request=user_minianswer" +
$"&{string.Join("&", validAnsers.Select(x => $"{x.Key}={WebUtility.UrlEncode(x.Value)}"))}" +
AuthCookieParameter +
/// <summary>
/// Gets bike id parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bikeId">Id of bike.</param>
/// <returns>bike id parameter in a format which is urlencode invariant.</returns>
private static string GetBikeIdParameter(string bikeId)
=> $"&bike={WebUtility.UrlEncode(bikeId)}";
/// <summary>
/// Gets parameter holding lock state or null if state is unknown.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lockState">Null or state of lock.</param>
/// <returns>Lock state in a format which is urlencode invariant.</returns>
private static string GetLockStateParameter(lock_state? lockState)
=> lockState.HasValue ? $"&lock_state={lockState}" : string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the battery level percentage parameter if percentage is not NaN an empty string otherwise.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Gets battery percentage parameters in a format which is urlencode invariant or an empty string if percentage percentge is NaN.</returns>
private static string GetBatteryPercentageParameters(double batteryPercentage) => !double.IsNaN(batteryPercentage)
? $"&voltage={batteryPercentage.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"
: string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the version info parameter or an empty string if version info is not available.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="versionInfo">Lock version info.</param>
/// <returns>Version info in a format which is urlencode invariant or empty. </returns>
private static string GetVersionInfoParameter(IVersionInfo versionInfo) => versionInfo?.FirmwareVersion > 0 || versionInfo?.HardwareVersion > 0 || versionInfo?.LockVersion > 0
? $"&firmware=HW%20{versionInfo.HardwareVersion}%3BFW%20{versionInfo.FirmwareVersion}%3BLock%20{versionInfo.LockVersion}"
: string.Empty;
/// <summary> Gets the geolocation parameter. </summary>
/// <param name="geolocation">Geolocation or null.</param>
/// <returns>Empty string if geolocation is null otherwise parameter including latitude, longitude and age in a format which is urlencode invariant.</returns>
private static string GetLocationParameters(LocationDto geolocation)
if (geolocation == null)
return string.Empty;
if (geolocation.Accuracy == null)
return $"&gps={geolocation.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)},{geolocation.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&gps_age={geolocation.Age.TotalSeconds}";
return $"&gps={geolocation.Latitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)},{geolocation.Longitude.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&gps_accuracy={geolocation.Accuracy.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}&gps_age={geolocation.Age.TotalSeconds}";
/// <summary>
/// Gets logging entries from serilog.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetLog()
var messages = string.Join("\n", MemoryStackSink.PopAllMessages());
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(messages)
? "&app_debug=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(string.Join("\n", messages))
: string.Empty;