using System; namespace TINK.Settings { /// Holds polling parameters. public sealed class PollingParameters : IEquatable { /// Holds default polling parameters. public static PollingParameters Default { get; } = new PollingParameters( new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 60 /*secs*/, 0), // Default polling interval. Was 10 secs up to 3.0.357. true); /// Holds polling parameters which represent polling off (empty polling object). public static PollingParameters NoPolling { get; } = new PollingParameters( TimeSpan.MaxValue,// Very long intervall which should never be used because polling IsActivated property is set to false. false); /// Constructs a polling parameter object. /// Polling periode. /// True if polling is activated. public PollingParameters(TimeSpan periode, bool activated) { Periode = periode; // Can not be null because is a struct. IsActivated = activated; } /// Holds the polling periode. public TimeSpan Periode { get; } /// Holds value whether polling is activated or not. public bool IsActivated { get; } /// Checks equallity. /// Object to compare with. /// True if objects are equal. public bool Equals(PollingParameters other) { return this == other; } /// Checks equallity. /// Object to compare with. /// True if objects are equal. public override bool Equals(object obj) { var l_oParameters = obj as PollingParameters; if (l_oParameters == null) { return false; } return this == l_oParameters; } /// Gets the has code of object. /// public override int GetHashCode() { return Periode.GetHashCode() ^ IsActivated.GetHashCode(); } /// Gets the string representation of the object. /// public override string ToString() { return $"Polling is on={IsActivated}, polling interval={Periode.TotalSeconds}[sec]."; } /// Defines equality of thwo polling parameter objects. /// First object to compare. /// Second object to compare. /// True if objects are equal public static bool operator ==(PollingParameters p_oSource, PollingParameters p_oTarget) { if (p_oSource is null && p_oTarget is null) { // Both object are null return true; } if (p_oSource is null ^ p_oTarget is null) { // Only one object is null. return false; } return p_oSource.Periode == p_oTarget.Periode && p_oSource.IsActivated == p_oTarget.IsActivated; } /// Defines equality of thwo polling parameter objects. /// First object to compare. /// Second object to compare. /// True if objects are equal public static bool operator !=(PollingParameters p_oSource, PollingParameters p_oTarget) { return (p_oSource == p_oTarget) == false; } } }