using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Model.Connector; using TINK.Model.Services.CopriApi; using TINK.MultilingualResources; using TINK.Repository; using TINK.Repository.Request; using TINK.Repository.Response; using TINK.Repository.Response.Stations; using static TINK.Repository.CopriCallsMemory; namespace TestFramework.Repository { /// Allows use of memory for retrieving defined responses. public class CopriCallsCacheMemory : ICopriCache { private CopriCallsMemory server; public CopriCallsCacheMemory( string merchantId, SampleSets? sampleSet = null, int? index = null, string sessionCookie = null) { server = new CopriCallsMemory(merchantId, sampleSet, index, sessionCookie); } public bool IsStationsExpired => true; public bool IsBikesAvailableExpired => true; public bool IsBikesOccupiedExpired => true; public bool IsConnected => server.IsConnected; public string SessionCookie => server.SessionCookie; public string MerchantId => server.MerchantId; public void AddToCache(StationsAvailableResponse stations) { return; } /// Adds a bikes response to cache. /// Bikes to add. /// Uri of the operator host to get bikes from or null if bikes have to be gotten form primary host. /// Id of station which was used for filtering bikes. Null if no filtering was applied. /// Id of bike which was used for filtering bikes. Null if no filtering was applied. public void AddToCache(BikesAvailableResponse bikes, Uri operatorUri = null, string stationId = null, string bikeId = null) { return; } public void AddToCache(BikesReservedOccupiedResponse bikes) { return; } public Task DoAuthorizationAsync(string p_strMailAddress, string p_strPassword, string p_strDeviceId) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task DoAuthoutAsync() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task DoReserveAsync(string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task DoCancelReservationAsync(string p_iBikeId, Uri operatorUri) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task CalculateAuthKeysAsync(string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotSupportedException(); public Task StartReturningBike( string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task UpdateLockingStateAsync( string bikeId, lock_state state, Uri operatorUri, LocationDto geolocation, double batteryPercentage, IVersionInfo versionInfo) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task DoBookAsync(Uri operatorUri, string bikeId, Guid guid, double batteryPercentage, LockingAction? nextAction = null) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task BookAvailableAndStartOpeningAsync(string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task BookReservedAndStartOpeningAsync(string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task DoReturn(string bikeId, LocationDto location, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); /// Returns a bike and starts closing. /// Id of the bike to return. /// Provides info about hard and software. /// Holds the uri of the operator or null, in case of single operator setup. /// Response on returning request. public Task ReturnAndStartClosingAsync( string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) => throw new System.Exception(AppResources.ErrorNoWeb); public Task DoSubmitFeedback(string bikeId, int? currentChargeBars, string message, bool isBikeBroken, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); /// Submits mini survey to copri server. /// Collection of answers. public Task DoSubmitMiniSurvey(IDictionary answers) => throw new NotImplementedException(); /// Gets a list of bikes from Copri. /// Uri of the operator host to get bikes from or null if bikes have to be gotten form primary host. /// Id of station which is used for filtering bikes. Null if no filtering should be applied. /// Id of bike which is used for filtering bikes. Null if no filtering should be applied. /// Response holding list of bikes. public Task GetBikesAvailableAsync(Uri operatorUri = null, string stationId = null, string bikeId = null) => server.GetBikesAvailableAsync(operatorUri, stationId, bikeId); public Task GetBikesOccupiedAsync() { return server.GetBikesOccupiedAsync(); } public Task GetStationsAsync() { return server.GetStationsAsync(); } } }