using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace TINK.Repository.Response { [DataContract] public class ResponseBase : CopriVersion { [DataMember] public string response_state { get; private set; } [DataMember] public string response { get; private set; } [DataMember] public string response_text { get; private set; } [DataMember] public string authcookie { get; private set; } /// Message shown to user. [DataMember] public string merchant_message { get; private set; } /// Initial map display area. [DataMember] public MapSpan init_map { get; private set; } /// Url of page holding agb info. [DataMember] public string agb_html { get; private set; } /// Url of page holding instructions how to rent bikes. [DataMember] public string bike_info_html { get; private set; } /// Url of page holding privacy info. [DataMember] public string privacy_html { get; private set; } /// Url of page holding impress info. [DataMember] public string impress_html { get; private set; } /// Url of page holding tariff info. [DataMember] public string tariff_info_html { get; private set; } /// Textual description of response. public override string ToString() { return $"Response state is \"{response_state ?? string.Empty}\", " + $"auth cookie is \"{authcookie ?? string.Empty}\" and response is \"{response_text ?? string.Empty}\", " + $"code \"{response ?? string.Empty}\"" + $"response text \"{response_text ?? string.Empty}\"."; } } }