using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace TINK.Repository.Response { /// /// Holds info about a single bike. /// [DataContract] public class BikeInfoBase { /// /// Id of the bike. /// [DataMember] public string bike { get; private set; } /// /// Position of the bike. /// [DataMember] public Position gps { get; private set; } /// /// Id of the station. /// [DataMember] public string station { get; private set; } /// /// Holds the localized (German) description of the bike. /// [DataMember] public string description { get; private set; } /// Holds the group of the bike. /// /// Copri returns values "TINK", "Konrad". /// [DataMember] public string[] bike_group { get; private set; } /// /// Rental state. /// [DataMember] public string state { get; private set; } /// /// Holds the uri where to reserve/ rent the bike. /// [DataMember] public string uri_operator { get; private set; } /// Holds whether bike is equipped with computer or if bike is a lock bike. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///
Value Type of bike Member to extract info.
LOCK Bike with manual lock. TextToTypeHelper.GetIsNonBikeComputerBike
BC Bike with a bord computer.
Ilockit Bike with a bluetooth lock.
sigo Sigo bike.
[DataMember] public string system { get; private set; } #if !NOTARIFFDESCRIPTION /// Holds the tariff information for a bike. /// This member is obsolete. Use instead. [DataMember] public TariffDescription tariff_description { get; private set; } /// Holds the rental information for a bike. [DataMember] public RentalDescription rental_description { get; private set; } #endif [DataMember] /// Describes type of the bike. public BikeType bike_type { get; private set; } /// /// Holds whether bike is a AA bike (bike must be always returned a the same station) or AB bike (start and end stations can be different stations). /// [DataMember] public string aa_ride { get; private set; } /// Loading state of motor battery in % ]0..100[. [DataMember] public string bike_charge { get; private set; } /// Locking state. [DataMember] public string lock_state { get; private set; } [DataMember] /// Full advertisement name. public string Ilockit_ID { get; private set; } [DataMember] /// Full advertisement name. public string Ilockit_GUID { get; private set; } /// /// Textual description of response. /// /// Object as text. public new string ToString() { return $"Bike {bike}{(station != null ? $", at station {station}" : string.Empty)}{(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? $", {description}" : string.Empty)}{(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state) ? $", status={state}" : string.Empty)}."; } } }