text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Close lock or rent bike Cancel reservation Close lock Close lock & end rental Open lock Open lock & rent bike Open lock Reserve bike End rental Loading Stations and Bikes... Please step as close as possible to the bike lock and try again. Lock bolt is blocked. Make sure that no spoke or any other obstacle prevents the lock from closing and try again. The process is motion sensitive. Step close to the lock, do not move, and try again. End rental at an unknown location is not possible. Rental can be ended if - location information is available when closing lock - bike is in reach and location information is available when pressing button "End rental" End rental outside or at wrong station is not possible. Distance to next suitable station {0} is {1} m. Rental could not be terminated! Attachment could not be created. Opening mail app failed. Make sure you have a mail app installed on your mobile device! Opening phone app failed. Make sure you have a phone app installed on your mobile device! Legal Information Account Contact Help Logged in as {0}. Logged in as {0} at {1}. No user logged in. Login Bike Locations My Bikes Settings Manual Tariffs OK This version of the {0} App is outdated. Please update to the latest version. Questions? Remarks? User {0} successfully logged in. Welcome! Welcome to {0}! Session has expired. Please log in again. Urgent questions? Warning No Yes I hereby consent to the transmission of my diagnostic file. The diagnostic file contains your app usage data as well as system information. The data will only be used for diagnostic purposes or to improve the app and is then deleted. Loading bikes located at station... Centering map... Loading reserved/rented bikes... Searching locks... Code {0}, rented since {1}. Bike is rented. Rented since {0}. Max. reservation time expired. Code {0}, still {1} min. reserved. Still {0} min. reserved. Code {0}, max. reservation time expired. Available. Code {0}, location {1}, rented since {2}. Code {0}, location {1}, max. reservation time expired. Code {0}, location {1}, still {2} min. reserved. Location {0}, max. reservation time expired. Location {0}, still {1} min. reserved. Login Password forgotten Register for free E-mail E-mail Instructions TINK bikes If you already have a "konrad" or "TINK" account, you can stop using both rental bike systems with your existing account! Simply confirm the corresponding terms and conditions. For your information! At least eight characters Password Login cookie must not be empty. {0} Connection to booking system not possible. Error while logging in! A stable Internet connection is required. Connect to WIFI or to mobile network and activate mobile data. Try again. Hint Lock reports it is still closed. Please try again! Make sure you have granted Bluetooth permission to the app. Step as close as possible to the bike lock and try again. Lock could not be opened! Lock could not be closed! Unexpected locking state "{0}" detected. Please try again or report bike to operator! Step close to the lock and try again or report bike to operator! {0} Please allow location sharing so that bike lock/locks can be managed. Please allow location sharing so that bike lock/locks can be managed. Open sharing dialog? Please allow location sharing so that map can be centered. Open sharing dialog? Please enable Bluetooth to manage bike lock/locks. Please activate location so that bike lock can be found! Search lock One moment please... <h4><b>Lock is opening.<br/>Please wait until it is completely open.</b></h4> Updating... Updating lock state... Reading charging level... Status error on updating lock state. Connection error on updating locking status. Internet must be available for updating lock status. Please establish an Internet connection! Stay with the bike until the lock is closed. Updated to latest lock firmware. Bluetooth communication inproved. Nicer station markers for iOS. Bluetooth and geolocation functionality improved. Minor fixes related to renting functionality. Software packages updated. Targets Android 11. Reserving bike... Rent bike {0} and open lock? Battery status cannot be read. Battery status can only be read when bike is nearby. Renting bike... Bike could not be rented! A rental of bike {0} was rejected because the maximum allowed number of {1} reservations/rentals had already been made. A reservation of bike {0} was rejected because the maximum allowed number of {1} reservations/rentals had already been made. Attention: Lock is closed! {0} {1} Attention: Lock is closed! {0} The rental of bike {0} has failed. The rental of bike {0} has failed, the bike is currently unavailable. {1} The reservation of bike {0} has failed. The reservation of bike {0} has failed, the bike is currently unavailable. {1} Minor fixes. Disconnecting lock... Error occurred disconnecting Invalid state for bike {0} detected. Bike should always be disconnected when not reserved or rented. Please restart app in order to get bike info. Unknown status for bike {0} detected. Canceling reservation... Cancel reservation for bike {0}? Minor fix: Bikes are disconnected as soon as becoming disposable. Reserve bike {0} free of charge for {1} min? Connection error: Deserialization failed. Connection interrupted. Connection error, invalid server response. Connection interrupted, server unreachable. Connection error. Status code: {0}. Connection interrupted, server busy. Subscription price €/hour Rental costs Free use hour(s)/day Max. costs Tariff Request server... Searching lock... Multiple operators support. Layout of "Whats New"-dialog improved :-) €/day GUI layout improved. Packages updated. Icons added to flyout menu. GUI layout improved. GUI layout improved. Minor bugfix and improvements. Error while logging out! This version of the {0} App is not compatible with server detected. Please contact customer support for help. Updated for latest server version. Fixes - station markers are updated correctly after login/ logout if required - routing from "bikes at station" to "login" page and other routings corrected Connection error. Status description: {0}. Feedback dialog added which is shown after ending rental. Offline. Cache used. Submitting feedback failed! Updating.... Minor improvements. Menu modified. Tariff info page is displayed correctly again. Error handling improved. Obsolete object replaced with up-to-date one. Lock bolt is blocked. Make sure that no spoke presses against the lock bolt and try again. Position of lock bolt is unknown. Lock could be closed or open. Make sure that no spoke presses against the lock bolt and try again. Stations names instead descriptions shown on page title. Error message when opening lock fails improved. Layout of bike names and id display improved. Hard- and software information send to backend when ending rental. Bugfix: Bike description is displayed correctly again. Select Bike Checking state and permissions... Loading Bikes... Find bike by id functionality added. First select the station whose operator you want to contact. <u>Contact</u> {0}. Please login to reserve bikes! Tap <font color="blue"><u>here</u></font> to switch to login page. Contact Bike sharing system operator specific support info displayed on contact page. Select station Select Station Select station page added to ease getting operator specific contact information. Operator: {0}. contact customer support. Select an answer please. Enter answer here please. Mini survey implemented. Minor fixes. Asking for permissions... Can not query location info. No location info available. Activate your device's location services. Query location... Cancel query location... Start query location... Location query could not be started! Location could not be determined! Close lock and end rental of bike {0}? Ending rental... End rental of bike {0}? Closing lock and returning bike speeded up. Third-party components updated. ID: {0} Station id displayed. Center map to current position issue fixed. Minor improvements. CO2 saving is displayed for bikes with GPS-lock after returning bike. Bug "object reference not set ...." <a href="https://dev.azure.com/TeilRad/sharee.bike%20App/_workitems/edit/186">185</a> fixed. Filter functionality city bike/ cargo bike improved. Layouting improved. App supports deep linking. Cargo bike City bike Tariff {0}, nr. {1} Location permissions handling improved. Link to operator AGB is displayed if required. Display of status information extended. Bugfix: Sending support mails works again. An error occurred switching between cargo and city bikes. {0} Bike with id {0} may already be reserved by another user or it may be defective. The requested bike was not found. Bugfix: No more closing of app on Select Bike page. Your mobile device still does not connect to the bike lock. Please restart the app or even your mobile device and repeat the process. Cancel Retry Connection to the lock could not be established. It is still not possible to establish a connection between your mobile device and the bike lock. Please contact customer support! Alternative: 1. close app, 2. press the button at the top of the lock briefly and release it as soon as it starts flashing, 3. make sure that the lock is completely closed and remains closed. 4. send e-mail to operator (otherwise your chargeable rental will continue!): Please include problem description, bike-id and drop-off station. Hints added to ease closing of lock in case closing does not succeed on first try. Lock out of reach Lock not found Lock status could not be determined. Please contact customer support. Activate Bluetooth and try again. Grant Location permission, activate Location services and try again. Activate Location services and try again. Errormessages improved for szenarios when - bluetooth is off, - location permission is not granted or - location is off. Permission requests messages on iOS formulated in more detail. Hints to ease connecting to lock in case connecting does not succeed on first try improved. Auth. expired User friendly message is shown if authentication expired. Log out Manage personal data Framework updated. Activity indicator added account management pages and logging extended. Starting end rental... Flyout menu header improved. Geolocation is queried with higher accuracy. Target Android framework set from 11.0 to 12.0 (Level 31 S). NuGet packages updated. Started adding support for new lock type. Minor bugfixes. Center map to current position Geolocation Control Lock control Logging level Show/hide Verbose error messages Website caching New Wort-Bild-Marke integrated in flyout menu for Lastenrad Bayern App. Bugfix: Bluetooth lock control works again on Android 12. Extended tariffs supported. €/month For Lastenrad Bayern users - missing titles added to several pages - new station markers availabe - layout of Wort-Bild-Marke amended Feedback pending. Failed to query available bikes. Support for new lock type added. Give feedback Bike could not be reserved! Can not login user {0}. Mail address unknown or password invalid. Submitting feedback... Menu Mein konrad design improved. Charging level: {0}/{1} bars Charging level: - Please describe technical defect of bike here. Rental successfully ended! Transmit <b>battery level</b> from the handlebar display: For Mein konrad users: Battery charging level is displayed for ebikes and is queried after return of bike. The remaining power of the bike battery was low recently. Please check it on the bike display before riding. The rental can be canceled within 5 minutes free of charge. At pausing ride, you close the bike lock manually, not via the app. To end the chargeable rental, slide the bike into an authorized station and confirm the end of the rental in the app; the lock closes automatically. Lastenrad Bayern users: battery charging level is displayed for ebikes. Sharee.bike design improved. You will now be informed if the charge of the bike battery was last indicated as very low. To ensure the reliability of the battery level indicator in the app, please enter the current charge level in the app at the end of your ride with an e-bike. The app has a new design! --- You are a beta tester? Give us helpful feedback anytime via ‘Contact - Feedback about the App’. Not a beta tester yet? Become one and get great new features before anyone else! - We have fixed a few minor bugs. Enjoy the ride! Besides minor bug fixes we have simplified the contact procedure: - For acute questions/problems about the bike or rental process, please contact the fleet operator. - For communication with the app developers, select "Feedback about the App". To better analyze and improve processes in the app, please accept attaching your log file to your message. We appreciate both critical and positive feedback! Besides minor bug fixes we have simplified the contact procedure: - For acute questions/problems about the bike or rental process, please contact the fleet operator. - For communication with the app developers, select "Feedback about the App". To better analyze and improve processes in the app, please accept attaching your log file to your message. We appreciate both critical and positive feedback! In addition: Small graphics let you see at a glance what type of bike it is. {0}-app request: station {1} {0}-request: station {1} Consent Prefix and No., e.g. TR15 The cargo bikes from the suburbs now show their home station in their name. These bikes must be returned there! You can now see at a glance which app version you have installed: in the menu at the very bottom. Please update the app regularly to be up to date in functionality and design! You can now see at a glance which app version you have installed: in the menu at the very bottom. Please update the app regularly to be up to date in functionality and design! - A few small things have been changed in the design. <font color="gray"><u>Contact</u></font> {0}. App GTC Impress Privacy A few small things have been changed in the design and some bugs were fixed. Enjoy the ride! Minor improvements: - Map is centered on Bavaria. - Settings are available even if no user is logged in. - Order of tabs on instructions page were switched. Minor improvements: - Settings are available even if no user is logged in. - Order of tabs on instructions page were switched. Startup page <i>Select Bike</i> page revised.<br/> Minor improvements.<br/> <i>Select Bike</i>- page revised.<br/> Setting added to select whether the app starts up showing either <ul> <li/><i>Bike Locations</i> or <li/><i>Select Bike</i> </ul> page.<br/> Minor improvements.<br/> App ugraded to target api level 31 (Android 12). The permission query for Location and Detect Nearby Devices has been adapted to Android 12. Please allow both to rent our bikes without any problems. Your current position will now be displayed on the map as a blue dot, provided you turn on your location service. <br/> <br/> When logging in, you can now view the password you entered. <br/> <br/> Try it out! Turn on your device's location services to center the map on your current location. Improvements in <ul> <li/>- Management of location services <li/>- Design of processes </ul> - Software packages were updated. Bluetooth communication improved. Pull to refresh. There are currently no bicycles available at this station. There are currently no bikes reserved/rented by user {0}. Information New functions:<ul><li>If your device is not connected to the Internet, this is now displayed at the top.</li><li>You can now update your bike view by dragging from top to bottom. Especially useful after you reconnect to the Internet.</li></ul> <br/>In addition:<ul><li>Software packages were updated.</li><li>Minor bug fixes.</li></ul> - Minor improvements. Oops, there is no Internet connection. If you have reserved or rented a bike, this will now be shown to you as an icon on the map page. Clicking on it will take you directly to the 'My bikes' page. We have also made small design changes. We could not assign the bike to any station. For this we need your location information while you are standing right next to the bike. Only then your rental can be terminated! Approach the bike lock, turn on Bluetooth and Location services and try again. Some terms have been standardized, e.g:<br/> - what used to be called 'return bike' is now always called 'end rental'.<br/> - The 'operator' is the group of people responsible for the bike fleet, who will be contacted if necessary.<br/> <br/> Also:<br/> - Minor bug fixes<br/> - Package updates Circular drives only! - Bikes that must be returned to the starting station are marked as such with an icon and the station id.<br/> - What used to be called 'return bike' is now called 'end rental'. Always make sure to end your chargeable rental!<br/> - Bug fixes<br/> - Package updates Bike id Search bike Park bike Is bike okay? bike is ok Please enter feedback here if needed. Minor design and performance improvements. You search a You can search only the bikes of the selected bike type. Change your selection on the "Bike locations" page. Selected bike type Search On the "Select bike" page you can now search and rent several bikes one after the other. Afterwards you will find them under "My bikes". GPS data is requested. Lock closes. Watch the lock as it is closing! Status is being synchronized. Bike is assigned to station. Give feedback on the bike. Status is being synchronized. Bike is parked. Your chargeable rental continues! Lock is closed End other rentals Finished Rental costs will be automatically debited within the next days. Ensure sufficient account coverage. You can view your rental history under Account. Thank you for your ride! Rental is terminated Changes in the return process: FIRST you must always complete the "Close lock" process. Only THEN you can finish the rental! If your rental was successfully ended, you will see a confirmation dialog. Select another station Customer support Last selected station Operator <u>Transfer diagnostic file</u> We have re-designed the contact page: <ul><li>Please contact the customer support immediately in case of problems with the bike rental! </li><li>To diagnose a problem, you can send us your app usage data via "Transfer diagnostic file". Without your active sending we do not record any of your data!</li></ul> Lock is closed Lock is open Rental is terminated Wait for the end of rental confirmation! Contact support Please try again or contact customer support. Lock is open! Do you want to park the bike to continue riding later or return the bike now and end the rental? Please choose End rental Check if the lock is really closed! {0}-app request City area The rental of this {0} can only be terminated at {0} stations within the city area. A rental end in the suburbs Litzelstetten, Dingelsdorf, Wallhausen and Dettingen is not allowed. Bike belongs in the city area! Position of lock bolt is unknown. Lock could be closed or open. Please try again or report bike to operator! Reservation could not be canceled! Please try again. Your session has expired. Please login new and try again. This step is not mandatory. If you still want to provide feedback on the bike, contact the operator. Rent bike Attention! Your rental has already started. If the lock still won't open, make sure the lock is closed and end rental. Important: Send an email to customer support (otherwise your paid rental will continue!) with: Problem description, bike number, drop-off station. Close lock or rent bike {0}? Do you want to go to the login page? You are not logged in! An error occurred. Please try again. Page cannot be displayed. Currently {0} bikes reserved/ booked. User {0} successfully logged in. Goodbye! Connectivity: Connection interrupted. Connectivity: Offline. Attention! We have changed the process of how the rental is terminated:<br/> 1. <b>Close lock</b> first and follow the process to the end.<br/> 2. Decide whether to<br/> - Park bike (to ride on later, the chargeable rental continues!) or<br/> - End rental (provided you are at a suitable station).<br/> 3. After choosing <b>End rental</b>: Follow the process, fill in the feedback and <b>wait for the end of rental confirmation!</b> FAQ Describe your problem: Please state your name and/or the e-mail address of your rental bike account: 1. Easy access to FAQ: In the menu under Help, you can now easily search for a solution yourself for questions and problems.<br/> 2. City area vs. suburb bikes: Rental bikes that belong to the city area and cannot be returned to the suburbs are now marked by appropriate icons. Conversely, rental bikes from the suburbs cannot be returned in the city area (also marked with icons)! Easy access to FAQ: In the menu under Help, you can now easily search for a solution yourself for questions and problems.