using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TINK.Model.Device; using TINK.Repository; using TINK.Repository.Request; using TINK.Repository.Response; namespace TestFramework.Repository { /// Simulates communication errors when connecting to copri. public class ExceptionServer : ICopriServer { private Func ExceptionFactory { get; } /// Constructs object. /// Provides exceptions which are thrown whenn querrying information from server. public ExceptionServer(Func exceptionFactory) { ExceptionFactory = exceptionFactory; } public bool IsConnected => true; public string SessionCookie => string.Empty; public string MerchantId => string.Empty; public Task DoAuthorizationAsync(string p_strMailAddress, string p_strPassword, string p_strDeviceId) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task DoAuthoutAsync() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task DoReserveAsync(string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task DoCancelReservationAsync(string p_iBikeId, Uri operatorUri) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public Task CalculateAuthKeysAsync(string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task StartReturningBike( string bikeId, Uri operatorUri) => null; public Task UpdateLockingStateAsync( string bikeId, lock_state state, Uri operatorUri, LocationDto geolocation, double batteryPercentage) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task DoBookAsync(string bikeId, Guid guid, double batteryPercentage, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task BookAndStartOpeningAsync(string bikeId,Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task DoReturn(string bikeId, LocationDto location, ISmartDevice smartDevice, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task ReturnAndStartClosingAsync( string bikeId, ISmartDevice smartDevice, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task DoSubmitFeedback(string bikeId, string message, bool isBikeBroken, Uri operatorUri) => throw new NotImplementedException(); /// Submits mini survey to copri server. /// Collection of answers. public Task DoSubmitMiniSurvey(IDictionary answers) => throw new NotImplementedException(); public Task GetBikesAvailableAsync() { throw ExceptionFactory($"Simulated error thrown at {nameof(GetBikesAvailableAsync)}."); } public Task GetBikesOccupiedAsync() { throw ExceptionFactory($"Simulated error thrown at {nameof(GetBikesOccupiedAsync)}."); } public Task GetStationsAsync() { throw ExceptionFactory($"Simulated error thrown at {nameof(GetStationsAsync)}."); } } }