using Newtonsoft.Json; using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Linq; using TINK.Model; using TINK.Model.Bike; using TINK.Model.Connector; using TINK.Repository.Response; using TINK.Model.State; using TINK.Repository; using static TINK.Repository.CopriCallsMemory; using BikeInfo = TINK.Model.Bike.BluetoothLock.BikeInfo; using TINK.Model.User.Account; using Xamarin.Forms; using TINK.Model.MiniSurvey; namespace TestTINKLib.Fixtures.Connector { [TestFixture] public class TestUpdaterJSON { [Test] public void TestGetAllStations() { var l_oStationsTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetStationsAllMutable(new CopriCallsMemory(SampleSets.Set2, 1).GetStationsAsync().Result); Assert.AreEqual(9, l_oStationsTarget.Count); // Check first entry. Assert.NotNull(l_oStationsTarget.GetById("4")); Assert.AreEqual("TINK", String.Join(",", l_oStationsTarget.GetById("4").Group.ToArray())); Assert.AreEqual("4", l_oStationsTarget.GetById("4").Id); Assert.AreEqual(47.6586936667, l_oStationsTarget.GetById("4").Position.Latitude); Assert.AreEqual(9.16863116667, l_oStationsTarget.GetById("4").Position.Longitude); Assert.NotNull(l_oStationsTarget.GetById("14")); Assert.AreEqual("Konrad", String.Join(",", l_oStationsTarget.GetById("14").Group.ToArray())); Assert.NotNull(l_oStationsTarget.GetById("31")); Assert.AreEqual("TINK,Konrad", String.Join(",", l_oStationsTarget.GetById("31").Group.ToArray())); Assert.AreEqual("Südstadt Station", l_oStationsTarget.GetById("31").StationName); } [Test] public void TestGetAllStations_OperatorData() { var stations = UpdaterJSON.GetStationsAllMutable(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(STATIONS_AVAILABLE_LOGGEDIN_20210720).shareejson); var station = stations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "LV_3"); Assert.That( station, Is.Not.Null, "Station LV_3 must exist."); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Color, Is.EqualTo(Color.FromHex("#006269"))); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Hours, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty)); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Name, Is.EqualTo("LastenVelo Freiburg")); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.MailAddressText, Is.EqualTo("")); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.PhoneNumberText, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty)); station = stations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "FR_105"); Assert.That( station, Is.Not.Null, "Station FR_105 must exist."); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Color, Is.EqualTo(Color.FromHex("#009699"))); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Hours, Is.EqualTo("B�rozeiten: Montag, Mittwoch, Freitag 9-12 Uhr")); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Name, Is.EqualTo(" | TeilRad GmbH")); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.MailAddressText, Is.EqualTo("")); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.PhoneNumberText, Is.EqualTo("+49 761 45370097")); } [Test] public void TestGetAllStations_OperatorData_NoOperatorData() { var stations = UpdaterJSON.GetStationsAllMutable(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(@" { ""shareejson"": { ""lang"": ""DE"", ""impress_html"": ""site/impress.html"", ""tariff_info_html"": ""site/tariff_info_1.html"", ""debuglevel"": ""1"", ""user_tour"": [ null, """" ], ""response"": ""stations_available"", ""user_id"": """", ""stations"": { ""LV_3"": { ""service_tour"": ""LV_1"", ""uri_operator"": """", ""authed"": ""1"", ""station"": ""LV_3"", ""gps"": { ""latitude"": ""47.9973"", ""longitude"": ""7.8585"" }, ""gps_radius"": ""100"", ""description"": ""Katholische Akademie"", ""state"": ""available"", ""station_group"": [ ""LV_300005"" ] }, }, } }").shareejson); var station = stations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == "LV_3"); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Color, Is.Null); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Hours, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty)); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.Name, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty)); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.MailAddressText, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty)); Assert.That( station.OperatorData.PhoneNumberText, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty)); } [Test] public void TestUpdateBikesAvailable_BikeNr5GetBooked() { // Bike 5 is availalbe. var l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAvailable( GetBikesAvailable(TinkApp.MerchantId, p_eSampleSet: SampleSets.Set2, p_lStageIndex: 1)); Assert.AreEqual(12, l_oBikesTarget.Count, "Bike 5 is available an must be part of available bikes collection"); // Verify state of bike 5. Assert.NotNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5")); Assert.AreEqual("5", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").Id); Assert.AreEqual(TypeOfBike.Cargo, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").TypeOfBike); Assert.AreEqual(WheelType.Two, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").WheelType); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Disposable, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Value); Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Code); // Bike 5 is reserved. // Count of bikes must decrease and bike #5 no more in list of bikes. l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAvailable( GetBikesAvailable(TinkApp.MerchantId, p_eSampleSet: SampleSets.Set2, p_lStageIndex: 2)); Assert.AreEqual(11, l_oBikesTarget.Count, "One bike (nr. 5) got reserved"); Assert.Null(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5"), "Bike 5 got requested and must not be part of available bikes collection"); // Bike 5 is booked. // Count of bikes must decrease and bike #5 no more in list of bikes. l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAvailable( GetBikesAvailable(TinkApp.MerchantId, p_eSampleSet: SampleSets.Set2, p_lStageIndex: 3)); Assert.Null(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5"), "Bike 5 got booked and must not be part of available bikes collection"); Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5")); } [Test] public void TestUpdateBikesOccupied_BikeNr5GetBooked() { var l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied("4da3044c8657a04ba60e2eaa753bc51a", SampleSets.Set2, 1), "a@B", () => new DateTime(2017, 11, 28, 14, 8, 14)); // Date time now for bikes which are reserved // Check initial count of bikes. Assert.AreEqual(2, l_oBikesTarget.Count); // Bike 5 is reserved l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied("4da3044c8657a04ba60e2eaa753bc51a", SampleSets.Set2, 2), "a@B", () => new DateTime(2017, 11, 28, 14, 08, 36).Add(new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0))); // Date time now for bikes which are reserved Assert.AreEqual(3, l_oBikesTarget.Count, "One bike (nr. 5) got reserved"); Assert.NotNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5")); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Reserved, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Value); Assert.AreEqual("5", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").Id); Assert.AreEqual(TypeOfBike.Cargo, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").TypeOfBike); Assert.AreEqual(WheelType.Two, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").WheelType); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2017-11-28 14:07:13.745568+01"), l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.AreEqual("2360", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Code); // Bike 5 is booked l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied("4da3044c8657a04ba60e2eaa753bc51a", SampleSets.Set2, 3), "a@B", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual(3, l_oBikesTarget.Count, "One bike (nr. 5) got booked"); Assert.IsNotNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5")); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Booked, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Value); Assert.AreEqual("5", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").Id); Assert.AreEqual(TypeOfBike.Cargo, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").TypeOfBike); Assert.AreEqual(WheelType.Two, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").WheelType); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2017 -11-28 14:08:32.756368+01"), l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.AreEqual("2360", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Code); } public void TestGetBikesAvailable_BikeNr5GetBooked() { // Bike 5 is availalbe. var l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAvailable(GetBikesAvailable(TinkApp.MerchantId, p_eSampleSet: SampleSets.Set2, p_lStageIndex: 1)); Assert.AreEqual(11, l_oBikesTarget.Count, "Bike 5 is available an must be part of available bikes collection"); // Verify state of bike 5. Assert.NotNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5")); Assert.AreEqual(5, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").Id); Assert.AreEqual(TypeOfBike.Cargo, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").TypeOfBike); Assert.AreEqual(WheelType.Two, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").WheelType); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Disposable, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Value); Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Code); // Bike 5 is reserved. // Count of bikes must decrease and bike #5 no more in list of bikes. l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAvailable(GetBikesAvailable(TinkApp.MerchantId, p_eSampleSet: SampleSets.Set2, p_lStageIndex: 2)); Assert.AreEqual(10, l_oBikesTarget.Count, "One bike (nr. 5) got reserved"); Assert.Null(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5"), "Bike 5 got requested and must not be part of available bikes collection"); // Bike 5 is booked. // Count of bikes must decrease and bike #5 no more in list of bikes. l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAvailable(GetBikesAvailable(TinkApp.MerchantId, p_eSampleSet: SampleSets.Set2, p_lStageIndex: 3)); Assert.Null(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5"), "Bike 5 got booked and must not be part of available bikes collection"); Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5")); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesOccupied_BC_BikeNr5GetBooked() { var bikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied("4da3044c8657a04ba60e2eaa753bc51a", SampleSets.Set2, 1), "a@B", () => new DateTime(2017, 11, 28, 14, 8, 14)); // Date time now for bikes which are reserved // Check initial count of bikes. Assert.AreEqual(2, bikesTarget.Count); // Bike 5 is reserved bikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied("4da3044c8657a04ba60e2eaa753bc51a", SampleSets.Set2, 2), "a@B", () => new DateTime(2017, 11, 28, 14, 08, 36).Add(new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0))); // Date time now for bikes which are reserved Assert.AreEqual(3, bikesTarget.Count, "One bike (nr. 5) got reserved"); Assert.NotNull(bikesTarget.GetById("5")); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Reserved, bikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Value); Assert.AreEqual("5", bikesTarget.GetById("5").Id); Assert.AreEqual("Cargo Long", bikesTarget.GetById("5").Description); Assert.AreEqual(TypeOfBike.Cargo, bikesTarget.GetById("5").TypeOfBike); Assert.AreEqual(WheelType.Two, bikesTarget.GetById("5").WheelType); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2017-11-28 14:07:13.745568+01"), bikesTarget.GetById("5").State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.AreEqual("2360", bikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Code); // Bike 5 is booked bikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( CopriCallsMemory.GetBikesOccupied("4da3044c8657a04ba60e2eaa753bc51a", SampleSets.Set2, 3), "a@B", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual(3, bikesTarget.Count, "One bike (nr. 5) got booked"); Assert.IsNotNull(bikesTarget.GetById("5")); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Booked, bikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Value); Assert.AreEqual("5", bikesTarget.GetById("5").Id); Assert.AreEqual("Cargo Long", bikesTarget.GetById("5").Description); Assert.AreEqual(TypeOfBike.Cargo, bikesTarget.GetById("5").TypeOfBike); Assert.AreEqual(WheelType.Two, bikesTarget.GetById("5").WheelType); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2017 -11-28 14:08:32.756368+01"), bikesTarget.GetById("5").State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.AreEqual("2360", bikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Code); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesOccupied_Bt_BikeNr5GetBooked() { var bikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied("5781_d47fc786e740ef77d85a24bcb6f0ff97_oiF2kahH", SampleSets.ShareeFr01_Set1, 1), "a@B", () => new DateTime(2017, 11, 28, 14, 8, 14)); // Date time now for bikes which are reserved // Check initial count of bikes. Assert.AreEqual(2, bikesTarget.Count); // Bike 5 is reserved bikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied("5781_d47fc786e740ef77d85a24bcb6f0ff97_oiF2kahH", SampleSets.ShareeFr01_Set1, 2), "a@B", () => new DateTime(2017, 11, 28, 14, 08, 36).Add(new TimeSpan(0, 2, 0))); // Date time now for bikes which are reserved Assert.AreEqual(3, bikesTarget.Count, "One bike (nr. 5) got reserved"); var btBikeReserved = bikesTarget.GetById("FR_1004") as BikeInfo; Assert.NotNull(btBikeReserved); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Reserved, bikesTarget.GetById("FR_1004").State.Value); Assert.AreEqual("FR_1004", btBikeReserved.Id); Assert.AreEqual("Tester-bike Oliver 2", btBikeReserved.Description); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.TypeOfBike, Is.Null); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.WheelType, Is.Null); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2021-07-04 17:46:36.237404+02"), btBikeReserved.State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.That(btBikeReserved.State.Code, Is.EqualTo(string.Empty), "Not needed for bt bikes."); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.TariffDescription.FeeEuroPerHour, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.TariffDescription.MaxFeeEuroPerDay, Is.EqualTo(10)); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.TariffDescription.Number, Is.EqualTo(5494)); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.TariffDescription.Name, Is.EqualTo("Tester Basic")); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.CurrentStation, Is.EqualTo("FR_103")); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.LockInfo.Id, Is.EqualTo(2302373)); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.OperatorUri.AbsoluteUri, Does.Contain("")); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.Group.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(btBikeReserved.Group.ToArray()[0], Is.EqualTo("FR_300029")); // Bike 5 is booked var btBikeRented = bikesTarget.GetById("1537") as BikeInfo; Assert.IsNotNull(btBikeRented); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Booked, btBikeRented.State.Value); Assert.AreEqual("1537", btBikeRented.Id); Assert.AreEqual("Oliver (Ilockit)", btBikeRented.Description); Assert.That(btBikeRented.TypeOfBike, Is.Null); Assert.That(btBikeRented.WheelType, Is.Null); Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Parse("2020-10-12 08:38:30.401679+02"), btBikeRented.State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, btBikeRented.State.Code, "Not needed for bt bikes."); Assert.That(btBikeRented.TariffDescription.FeeEuroPerHour, Is.EqualTo(2.5)); Assert.That(btBikeRented.TariffDescription.MaxFeeEuroPerDay, Is.EqualTo(10)); Assert.That(btBikeRented.TariffDescription.Number, Is.EqualTo(5494)); Assert.That(btBikeRented.TariffDescription.Name, Is.EqualTo("Tester Basic")); Assert.That(btBikeRented.CurrentStation, Is.EqualTo("103")); Assert.That(btBikeRented.LockInfo.Id, Is.EqualTo(2200537)); Assert.That(btBikeRented.OperatorUri.AbsoluteUri, Does.Contain("")); Assert.That(btBikeRented.Group.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(btBikeRented.Group.ToArray()[0], Is.EqualTo("300029")); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAvailable() { var l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAvailable( GetBikesAvailable(TinkApp.MerchantId, p_eSampleSet: SampleSets.Set2, p_lStageIndex: 1)); // Verify count of bikes Assert.AreEqual(12, l_oBikesTarget.Count); // Verify properties of bike 5 Assert.NotNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5")); Assert.AreEqual("5", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").Id); Assert.AreEqual("TINK", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").Group.ToArray()[0]); Assert.AreEqual(TypeOfBike.Cargo, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").TypeOfBike); Assert.AreEqual(WheelType.Two, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").WheelType); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Disposable, l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Value); Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.From); // Sommer/ Winterzeit! Assert.IsNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("5").State.Code); // Verify properties of bike 52 Assert.NotNull(l_oBikesTarget.GetById("52")); Assert.AreEqual("52", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("52").Id); Assert.AreEqual("Konrad", l_oBikesTarget.GetById("52").Group.ToArray()[0]); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesOccupied() { var l_oBikesTarget = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesOccupied( GetBikesOccupied(TinkApp.MerchantId, SampleSets.Set2, 1), "a@b", () => DateTime.Now); // Verify count of bikes Assert.AreEqual(0, l_oBikesTarget.Count); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAll_BikesAvaialbleResponse() { var availableResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""bikes"" : { ""2352"" : { ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""Ilockit"" }, ""2379"" : { ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""19"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.6597846667"", ""longitude"": ""9.177439"" }, ""station"" : ""3"" } } }"); var bikes = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAll( availableResponse, null, "", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual( 2, bikes.Count); Assert.AreEqual( 1, bikes.Where(x => x is BikeInfo).Count(), "There must be one ILockitBike and one BC bike (BikeInfo class)."); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAll_BikesAvaialbleResponse_InvalidState() { var availableResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""bikes"" : { ""2352"" : { ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""reserved"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"" } } }"); var bikes = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAll( availableResponse, null, "", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual( 0, bikes.Count, "State of a element of BikesAvailableResponse must never be reserved."); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAll_BikesAvaialbleResponse_InvalidStation() { var availableResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""bikes"" : { ""2352"" : { ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : """" } } }"); var bikes = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAll( availableResponse, null, "", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual( 0, bikes.Count, "Station of a element of BikesAvailableResponse must always be defined."); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAll_BikesAvaialbleResponse_DuplicateId() { var availableResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""bikes"" : { ""2352"" : { ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"" }, ""2379"" : { ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.6597846667"", ""longitude"": ""9.177439"" }, ""station"" : ""3"" } } }"); var bikes = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAll( availableResponse, null, "", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual( 0, bikes.Count, "Ids of a elements of BikesAvailableResponse must be unique."); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAll_BikesReservedOccupiedResponse_InvalidState() { var reservedOccupiedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""bikes_occupied"" : { ""87785"" : { ""station"" : ""2"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-12-01 22:21:57.740069+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""6603"" } } }"); var bikes = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAll( null, reservedOccupiedResponse, "", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual( 0, bikes.Count, "State of a element of BikesAvailableResponse must never be reserved."); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAll_BikesReservedOccupiedResponse_DuplicateId() { var reservedOccupiedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""bikes_occupied"" : { ""87785"" : { ""station"" : ""2"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-12-01 22:21:57.740069+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""6603"" }, ""87782"" : { ""station"" : ""4"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-11-28 13:06:55.147368+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""2931"" } } }"); var bikes = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAll( null, reservedOccupiedResponse, "", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual( 0, bikes.Count, "Ids of a elements of BikesAvailableResponse must be unique."); } [Test] public void TestGetBikesAll_BikesReservedOccupiedResponse() { var reservedOccupiedResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""bikes_occupied"" : { ""87785"" : { ""station"" : ""2"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-12-01 22:21:57.740069+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""6603"", ""system"" : ""Ilockit"" }, ""87782"" : { ""station"" : ""4"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""7"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-11-28 13:06:55.147368+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""2931"" } } }"); var bikes = UpdaterJSON.GetBikesAll( null, reservedOccupiedResponse, "", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual( 2, bikes.Count, "Ids of a elements of BikesAvailableResponse must be unique."); Assert.AreEqual( 1, bikes.Where(x => x is BikeInfo).Count(), "There must be one ILockitBike and one BC bike (BikeInfo class)."); } [Test] public void TestLoad_Reserved_CalculateAuthKeys() { // Construct requested bike. var bike = new TINK.Model.Bike.BluetoothLock.BikeInfoMutable(new BikeInfo( "17", 22, new Guid("0000f00d-1212-efde-1523-785fef13d123"), new [] { (byte) 1, (byte)3, (byte)4 }, new [] { (byte)11, (byte)3, (byte)1 }, new [] { (byte)12, (byte)7, (byte)4 }, DateTime.Now, "a@b", "1", null, null, () => DateTime.Now, false, /*isDemo*/ null, /*group*/ null, /*wheelType*/ null, /*typeOfBike*/ null /*description*/)); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@" { ""Ilockit_ID"": ""ISHAREIT+0815"", ""state"": ""requested"", ""start_time"": ""2018-01-27 17:33:00.989464+01"", ""K_seed"": ""[-18, -80, 20, -90, 3, 69, 96, 4, -35, 75, -95, 102, 7, 121, -122, 15]"", ""K_u"": ""[99, 104, 120, 121, 63, 99, -10, -110, 94, 70, 15, -112, -6, 101, 117, -90, -113, -54, -90, -95, 0, 0, 0, 0]"", }"); // Update from new auth keys. bike.Load(response, "a@b", () => DateTime.Now); // Verify that keys are correctly updated. Assert.IsTrue(new byte[] { 256 - 18, 256 - 80, 20, 256 - 90, 3, 69, 96, 4, 256 - 35, 75, 256 - 95, 102, 7, 121, 256 - 122, 15 }.SequenceEqual(bike.LockInfo.Seed)); Assert.IsTrue(new byte[] { 99, 104, 120, 121, 63, 99, 256 - 10, 256 - 110, 94, 70, 15, 256 - 112, 256 - 6, 101, 117, 256-90, 256 - 113, 256 - 54, 256 - 90, 256 - 95, 0, 0, 0, 0 }.SequenceEqual(bike.LockInfo.UserKey)); } [Test] public void TestLoad_Booked_CalculateAuthKeys() { // Construct occupied bike. var bike = new TINK.Model.Bike.BluetoothLock.BikeInfoMutable(new BikeInfo( "17", 22, new Guid("0000f00d-1212-efde-1523-785fef13d123"), new[] { (byte)1, (byte)3, (byte)4 }, new[] { (byte)11, (byte)3, (byte)1 }, new[] { (byte)12, (byte)7, (byte)4 }, DateTime.Now, "a@b", "1", null /*operator uri*/)); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@" { ""Ilockit_ID"": ""ISHAREIT+0815"", ""state"": ""occupied"", ""start_time"": ""2018-01-27 17:33:00.989464+01"", ""K_seed"": ""[-18, -80, 20, -90, 3, 69, 96, 4, -35, 75, -95, 102, 7, 121, -122, 15]"", ""K_u"": ""[99, 104, 120, 121, 63, 99, -10, -110, 94, 70, 15, -112, -6, 101, 117, -90, -113, -54, -90, -95, 0, 0, 0, 0]"", }"); // Update from new auth keys. bike.Load(response, "a@b", () => DateTime.Now); // Verify that keys are correctly updated. Assert.IsTrue(new byte[] { 256 - 18, 256 - 80, 20, 256 - 90, 3, 69, 96, 4, 256 - 35, 75, 256 - 95, 102, 7, 121, 256 - 122, 15 }.SequenceEqual(bike.LockInfo.Seed)); Assert.IsTrue(new byte[] { 99, 104, 120, 121, 63, 99, 256 - 10, 256 - 110, 94, 70, 15, 256 - 112, 256 - 6, 101, 117, 256 - 90, 256 - 113, 256 - 54, 256 - 90, 256 - 95, 0, 0, 0, 0 }.SequenceEqual(bike.LockInfo.UserKey)); } [Test] public void TestLoad_Reserved_DoBook() { // Construct requested bike. var bike = new TINK.Model.Bike.BluetoothLock.BikeInfoMutable(new BikeInfo( "17", 22, new Guid("0000f00d-1212-efde-1523-785fef13d123"), new[] { (byte)1, (byte)3, (byte)4 }, new[] { (byte)11, (byte)3, (byte)1 }, new[] { (byte)12, (byte)7, (byte)4 }, DateTime.Now, "a@b", "1", null, null, () => DateTime.Now, false, /*isDemo*/ null, /*group*/ null, /*wheelType*/ null, /*typeOfBike*/ null /*description*/)); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Reserved, bike.State.Value); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@" { ""Ilockit_ID"": ""ISHAREIT+0815"", ""state"": ""occupied"", ""start_time"": ""2018-01-27 17:33:00.989464+01"", ""K_seed"": ""[-18, -80, 20, -90, 3, 69, 96, 4, -35, 75, -95, 102, 7, 121, -122, 15]"", ""K_u"": ""[99, 104, 120, 121, 63, 99, -10, -110, 94, 70, 15, -112, -6, 101, 117, -90, -113, -54, -90, -95, 0, 0, 0, 0]"", }"); // Update from new auth keys. bike.Load(response, "a@b", () => DateTime.Now); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Booked, bike.State.Value); } /// Verifies loading a default user without special permissions. [Test] public void TestGetAccount_DebugLevelNone() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@" { ""response_state"" : ""OK: nothing todo "", ""user_group"" : [ ""300029"", ""300001"" ], ""user_id"" : """", ""authcookie"" : ""5781_f172cf59108fe53e7524c841847fee69_oiF2kahH"", ""response"" : ""authorization"", ""copri_version"" : """", ""response_text"" : ""Herzlich willkommen im Fahrradmietsystem"", ""debuglevel"" : ""0"", ""apiserver"" : """" }"); var account = response.GetAccount("merch123", "hallo@welt", "0815"); Assert.That( account.DebugLevel, Is.EqualTo(Permissions.None)); } /// Verifies loading a admin user with all special permissions. [Test] public void TestGetAccount_DebugLevelAll() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@" { ""response_state"" : ""OK: nothing todo "", ""user_group"" : [ ""300029"", ""300001"" ], ""user_id"" : """", ""authcookie"" : ""5781_f172cf59108fe53e7524c841847fee69_oiF2kahH"", ""response"" : ""authorization"", ""copri_version"" : """", ""response_text"" : ""Herzlich willkommen im Fahrradmietsystem"", ""debuglevel"" : ""1"", ""apiserver"" : """" }"); var account = response.GetAccount("merch123", "hallo@welt", "0815"); Assert.That( account.DebugLevel, Is.EqualTo(Permissions.All)); } /// Verifies loading a admin user with all special permissions. [Test] public void TestGetAccount_DebugLevel_Logging() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@" { ""response_state"" : ""OK: nothing todo "", ""user_group"" : [ ""300029"", ""300001"" ], ""user_id"" : """", ""authcookie"" : ""5781_f172cf59108fe53e7524c841847fee69_oiF2kahH"", ""response"" : ""authorization"", ""copri_version"" : """", ""response_text"" : ""Herzlich willkommen im Fahrradmietsystem"", ""debuglevel"" : ""64"", ""apiserver"" : """" }"); var account = response.GetAccount("merch123", "hallo@welt", "0815"); Assert.That( account.DebugLevel, Is.EqualTo(Permissions.PickLoggingLevel)); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""eur_per_hour"" : ""10.50"", ""abo_eur_per_month"" : ""920.99"", ""free_hours"" : ""1.50"", ""number"" : ""5494"", ""name"" : ""Tester Basic"" }"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().Name, Is.EqualTo("Tester Basic")); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().Number, Is.EqualTo(5494)); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().FreeTimePerSession, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(90))); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().FeeEuroPerHour, Is.EqualTo(10.5)); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().AboEuroPerMonth, Is.EqualTo(920.99)); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_Name() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""eur_per_hour"" : ""10.50"", ""abo_eur_per_month"" : ""920.99"", ""free_hours"" : ""1.50"", ""number"" : ""5494"", ""name"" : ""Tester Basic"" }"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().Name, Is.EqualTo("Tester Basic")); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_Number() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""eur_per_hour"" : ""10.50"", ""abo_eur_per_month"" : ""920.99"", ""free_hours"" : ""1.50"", ""number"" : ""5494"", ""name"" : ""Tester Basic"" }"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().Number, Is.EqualTo(5494)); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_FreeTimePerSession() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""eur_per_hour"" : ""10.50"", ""abo_eur_per_month"" : ""920.99"", ""free_hours"" : ""1.50"", ""number"" : ""5494"", ""name"" : ""Tester Basic"" }"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().FreeTimePerSession, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(90))); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_FeeEuroPerHour() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""eur_per_hour"" : ""10.50"", ""abo_eur_per_month"" : ""920.99"", ""free_hours"" : ""1.50"", ""number"" : ""5494"", ""name"" : ""Tester Basic"" }"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().FeeEuroPerHour, Is.EqualTo(10.5)); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_AboEuroPerMonth() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""eur_per_hour"" : ""10.50"", ""abo_eur_per_month"" : ""920.99"", ""free_hours"" : ""1.50"", ""number"" : ""5494"", ""name"" : ""Tester Basic"" }"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().AboEuroPerMonth, Is.EqualTo(920.99)); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_Name_Empty() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{}"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().Name, Is.Null); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_Number_Empty() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{}"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().Number, Is.Null); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_FreeTimePerSession_Empty() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{}"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().FreeTimePerSession, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.Zero)); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_FeeEuroPerHour_Empty() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{}"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().FeeEuroPerHour, Is.NaN); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_AboEuroPerMonth_Empty() { var tariffDescription = JsonConvertRethrow.DeserializeObject( @"{}"); Assert.That( tariffDescription.Create().AboEuroPerMonth, Is.NaN); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_Name_Null() { Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create((TariffDescription)null).Name, Is.Null); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_Number_Null() { Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create((TariffDescription)null).Number, Is.Null); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_FreeTimePerSession_Null() { Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create((TariffDescription)null).FreeTimePerSession, Is.EqualTo(TimeSpan.Zero)); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_FeeEuroPerHour_Null() { Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create((TariffDescription)null).FeeEuroPerHour, Is.NaN); } [Test] public void TestCreateTariffDescription_AboEuroPerMonth_Null() { Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create((TariffDescription)null).AboEuroPerMonth, Is.NaN); } /// /// COPRI response shortened, part not belonging to user_miniquery discarded. /// [Test] public void TestCreateMiniSurvey_Co2Saving() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(@" { ""shareejson"" : { ""co2saving"" : ""Einsparung: 1,95 kg CO2 und 3,00 EUR bei einer Strecke von 10 KM"" } }"); var bookingFinshed = response.shareejson.Create(); Assert.That( bookingFinshed.Co2Saving, Is.EqualTo("Einsparung: 1,95 kg CO2 und 3,00 EUR bei einer Strecke von 10 KM")); } /// /// COPRI response shortened, part not belonging to user_miniquery discarded. /// [Test] public void TestCreateMiniSurvey() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(@" { ""shareejson"" : { ""user_miniquery"" : { ""title"" : ""Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Begleitforschung"", ""footer"" : ""Herzlichen Dank und viel Spaß bei der nächsten Fahrt!"", ""questions"" : { ""q3"" : { ""quest_text"" : ""3. Haben Sie Anmerkungen oder Anregungen?"", ""type"" : ""text"", ""query"" : { ""opt1"" : """" } }, ""q1"" : { ""type"" : ""check_one"", ""quest_text"" : ""1. Was war der Hauptzweck dieser Ausleihe?"", ""query"" : { ""opt2"" : ""b. Kinderbeförderung"", ""opt5"" : ""e. Ausprobieren"", ""opt4"" : ""d. Freizeit"", ""opt1"" : ""a. Einkauf"", ""opt3"" : ""c. Lastentransport"", ""opt6"" : ""f. Sonstiges"" } }, ""q2"" : { ""type"" : ""check_one"", ""quest_text"" : ""2. Welches Verkehrsmittel hätten Sie ansonsten benutzt?"", ""query"" : { ""opt6"" : ""f. Keines (ich hätte die Fahrt sonst nicht gemacht)"", ""opt3"" : ""c. Bus oder Bahn"", ""opt1"" : ""a. Auto"", ""opt2"" : ""b. Motorrad oder Motorroller"", ""opt7"" : ""g. Sonstige"", ""opt4"" : ""d. Eigenes Fahrrad"", ""opt5"" : ""e. Zu Fuß"" } } }, ""subtitle"" : ""Ihre drei Antworten werden anonym gespeichert."" }, } } "); var bookingFinished = response.shareejson.Create(); Assert.That( bookingFinished, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Title, Is.EqualTo("Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Begleitforschung")); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Subtitle, Is.EqualTo("Ihre drei Antworten werden anonym gespeichert.")); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Footer, Is.EqualTo("Herzlichen Dank und viel Spaß bei der nächsten Fahrt!")); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Questions.Count, Is.EqualTo(3)); } /// /// COPRI response shortened, part not belonging to user_miniquery discarded. /// [Test] public void TestCreateMiniSurvey_Null() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(@" { ""shareejson"" : { } } "); var bookingFinshed = response.shareejson.Create(); Assert.That( bookingFinshed, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinshed.MiniSurvey.Questions.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That( bookingFinshed.MiniSurvey.Title, Is.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinshed.MiniSurvey.Subtitle, Is.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinshed.MiniSurvey.Footer, Is.Null); } /// /// COPRI response shortened, part not belonging to user_miniquery discarded. /// [Test] public void TestCreateMiniSurvey_EmptyQuery() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(@" { ""shareejson"" : { ""user_miniquery"" : { }, } } "); var bookingFinished = response.shareejson.Create(); Assert.That( bookingFinished, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Title, Is.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Subtitle, Is.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Footer, Is.Null); } /// /// COPRI response shortened, part not belonging to user_miniquery discarded. /// [Test] public void TestCreateMiniSurvey_InvalidQuestion_KeyNull() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(@" { ""shareejson"" : { ""user_miniquery"" : { ""title"" : ""Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Begleitforschung"", ""footer"" : ""Herzlichen Dank und viel Spaß bei der nächsten Fahrt!"", ""questions"" : { """" : { ""type"" : ""check_one"", ""quest_text"" : ""1. Was war der Hauptzweck dieser Ausleihe?"", ""query"" : { ""opt2"" : ""b. Kinderbeförderung"", ""opt5"" : ""e. Ausprobieren"", ""opt4"" : ""d. Freizeit"", ""opt1"" : ""a. Einkauf"", ""opt3"" : ""c. Lastentransport"", ""opt6"" : ""f. Sonstiges"" } }, }, ""subtitle"" : ""Ihre drei Antworten werden anonym gespeichert."" }, } } "); var bookingFinised = response.shareejson.Create(); Assert.That( bookingFinised, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinised.MiniSurvey.Questions.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); } /// /// COPRI response shortened, part not belonging to user_miniquery discarded. /// [Test] public void TestCreateMiniSurvey_InvalidQuestion_ValueNull() { var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(@" { ""shareejson"" : { ""user_miniquery"" : { ""title"" : ""Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Begleitforschung"", ""footer"" : ""Herzlichen Dank und viel Spaß bei der nächsten Fahrt!"", ""questions"" : { ""q1"" : { }, }, ""subtitle"" : ""Ihre drei Antworten werden anonym gespeichert."" }, } } "); var bookingFinished = response.shareejson.Create(); Assert.That( bookingFinished, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That( bookingFinished.MiniSurvey.Questions.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); } } }