using System;
using System.Net;
using TINK.Model.Device;
using TINK.Repository.Exception;

namespace TINK.Repository.Request
    /// <summary> Creates requests if no user is logged in.</summary>
    public class RequestBuilder : IRequestBuilder
        /// <summary> Constructs a object for building requests. </summary>
        /// <param name="merchantId"></param>
        public RequestBuilder(
            string merchantId)
            MerchantId = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(merchantId)
                ? merchantId
                : throw new ArgumentException("Merchant id must not be null.", nameof(merchantId));

        /// <summary> Holds the id denoting the merchant (TINK app). </summary>
        public string MerchantId { get; }

        /// <summary> Holds the session cookie if a user is logged in. </summary>
        public string SessionCookie => string.Empty;

        /// <summary> Gets request to log user in. </summary>
        /// <param name="mailAddress">Mailaddress of user to log in.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Password to log in.</param>
        /// <param name="deviceId">Id specifying user and hardware.</param>
        /// <remarks>Response which holds auth cookie <see cref="ResponseBase.authcookie"/></remarks>
        public string DoAuthorization(
            string mailAddress,
            string password,
            string deviceId)
            return string.Format(

        /// <summary> Logs user out. </summary>
        public string DoAuthout()
            throw new CallNotRequiredException();

        /// <summary>Gets bikes available.</summary>
        /// <returns>Request to query list of bikes available.</returns>
        public string GetBikesAvailable()
            return GetBikesAvailable(MerchantId);

        /// <summary>Gets bikes available.</summary>
        /// <returns>Request to query list of bikes available.</returns>
        public static string GetBikesAvailable(string merchantId, string sessionCookie = null)
            return $"request=bikes_available&system=all&authcookie={sessionCookie ?? string.Empty}{merchantId}";

        /// <summary> Get list of stations from file. </summary>
        /// <returns>Request to query list of station.</returns>
        public string GetStations()
            return GetStations(MerchantId);

        /// <summary> Get list of stations from file. </summary>
        /// <returns>Request to query list of station.</returns>
        public static string GetStations(string merchantId, string sessionCookie = null)
            return $"request=stations_available&authcookie={sessionCookie ?? string.Empty}{merchantId}";

        /// <summary> Gets a list of bikes reserved/ booked by acctive user from Copri.</summary>
        /// <returns>Request to query list of bikes occupied.</returns>
        public string GetBikesOccupied() => throw new NotSupportedException();

        /// <summary> Gets booking request response. </summary>
        /// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to book.</param>
        /// <returns>Response on booking request.</returns>
        public string DoReserve(string bikeId) => throw new NotSupportedException();

        /// <summary> Gets cancel booking request response. </summary>
        /// <param name="p_iBikeId">Id of the bike to book.</param>
        /// <returns>Response on cancel booking request.</returns>
        public string DoCancelReservation(string p_iBikeId) => throw new NotSupportedException();

        /// <summary> Request to calculate authentication keys. </summary>
        /// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to get keys for.</param>
        /// <returns>Response on request.</returns>
        public string CalculateAuthParameters(string bikeId) => throw new NotSupportedException();

        public string UpateLockingState(string bikeId, LocationDto geolocation, lock_state state, double batteryPercentage) 
            => throw new NotSupportedException();

        public string DoBook(string bikeId, Guid guid, double batteryPercentage) => throw new NotSupportedException();

        public string DoReturn(string bikeId, LocationDto geolocation, ISmartDevice smartDevice) => throw new NotSupportedException();

        /// <summary> Gets submit feedback request. </summary>
        /// <param name="bikeId">Id of the bike to which the feedback is related to.</param>
        /// <param name="message">General purpose message or error description.</param>
        /// <param name="isBikeBroken">True if bike is broken.</param>
        /// <returns>Submit feedback request.</returns>
        public string DoSubmitFeedback(
            string bikeId, 
            string message = null,
            bool isBikeBroken = false) => throw new NotSupportedException();