using Plugin.Permissions.Abstractions; using Serilog.Events; using System; using System.Threading; using TINK.Model.Connector; using TINK.Model.Device; using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Model.Services.CopriApi.ServerUris; using TINK.Model.Services.Geolocation; using TINK.Settings; using TINK.ViewModel.Map; using TINK.ViewModel.Settings; using TINK.Services; namespace TINK.Model { public interface ITinkApp { /// Update connector from depending on whether user is logged in or not. void UpdateConnector(); /// Saves object to file. void Save(); /// Holds the filter which is applied on the map view. Either TINK or Konrad stations are displayed. IGroupFilterMapPage GroupFilterMapPage { get; set; } /// Holds the user of the app. User.User ActiveUser { get; } /// Sets flag whats new page was already shown to true. void SetWhatsNewWasShown(); /// Holds the system to copri. IFilteredConnector GetConnector(bool isConnected); /// Name of the station which is selected. int? SelectedStation { get; set; } /// Polling periode. PollingParameters Polling { get; set; } TimeSpan ExpiresAfter { get; set; } /// Holds status about whants new page. WhatsNew WhatsNew { get; } /// Gets whether device is connected to internet or not. bool GetIsConnected(); /// Action to post to GUI thread. Action PostAction { get; } /// Holds the uri which is applied after restart. Uri NextActiveUri { get; set; } /// Holds the filters loaded from settings. IGroupFilterSettings FilterGroupSetting { get; set; } /// Value indicating whether map is centerted to current position or not. bool CenterMapToCurrentLocation { get; set; } bool LogToExternalFolder { get; set; } bool IsSiteCachingOn { get; set; } /// Gets the minimum logging level. LogEventLevel MinimumLogEventLevel { get; set; } /// Updates logging level. /// New level to set. void UpdateLoggingLevel(LogEventLevel p_oNewLevel); /// Holds uris of copri servers. CopriServerUriList Uris { get; } /// Holds the different lock service implementations. LocksServicesContainerMutable LocksServices { get; } /// Holds the different geo location service implementations. ServicesContainerMutable GeolocationServices { get; } /// Holds available app themes. ServicesContainerMutable Themes { get; } /// Reference of object which provides device information. IDevice Device { get; } /// Os permission. IPermissions Permissions { get; } /// Holds the folder where settings files are stored. string SettingsFileFolder { get; } /// Holds the external path. string ExternalFolder { get; } } }