using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Plugin.BLE.Abstractions.Contracts; using Serilog; using TINK.Model; using TINK.Model.Bikes; using TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Model.Connector; using TINK.Model.Device; using TINK.Model.Station; using TINK.Model.User; using TINK.MultilingualResources; using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock.Tdo; using TINK.Services.Geolocation; using TINK.Services.Permissions; using TINK.Settings; using TINK.View; using TINK.ViewModel.Bikes; using Xamarin.Forms; using Command = Xamarin.Forms.Command; namespace TINK.ViewModel.MyBikes { public class MyBikesPageViewModel : BikesViewModel, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged { /// Holds the stations to get station names form station ids. private IEnumerable Stations { get; } /// /// True if ListView of Bikes is refreshing after user pulled; /// private bool _isRefreshing = false; public bool IsRefreshing { get { return _isRefreshing; } set { _isRefreshing = value; OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsRefreshing))); } } /// /// Constructs bike collection view model in case information about occupied bikes is available. /// /// Mail address of active user. /// True if report level is verbose, false if not. /// Holds object to query location permisions. /// Holds object to query bluetooth state. /// Specifies on which platform code is run. /// Returns if mobile is connected to web or not. /// Connects system to copri. /// Service to control lock retrieve info. /// Stations to get station name from station id. /// Holds whether to poll or not and the periode leght is polling is on. /// Executes actions on GUI thread. /// Provides info about the smart device (phone, tablet, ...). /// Interface to actuate methodes on GUI. /// Delegate to open browser. public MyBikesPageViewModel( User p_oUser, ILocationPermission permissions, IBluetoothLE bluetoothLE, string runtimPlatform, Func isConnectedDelegate, Func connectorFactory, IGeolocation geolocation, ILocksService lockService, IEnumerable stations, PollingParameters p_oPolling, Action postAction, ISmartDevice smartDevice, IViewService viewService, Action openUrlInBrowser) : base(p_oUser, permissions, bluetoothLE, runtimPlatform, isConnectedDelegate, connectorFactory, geolocation, lockService, p_oPolling, postAction, smartDevice, viewService, openUrlInBrowser, () => new MyBikeInUseStateInfoProvider()) { CollectionChanged += (sender, eventargs) => { OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsNoBikesOccupiedVisible))); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(NoBikesOccupiedText))); }; Stations = stations ?? throw new ArgumentException(nameof(stations)); /// /// Holds what should be executed on pull to refresh /// RefreshCommand = new Command(async () => { IsRefreshing = true; await OnAppearing(); IsRefreshing = false; }); } public Command RefreshCommand { get; } /// Returns if info about the fact that user did not request or book any bikes is visible or not. /// Gets message that logged in user has not booked any bikes. /// public bool IsNoBikesOccupiedVisible { get { return Count <= 0 && IsIdle == true; } } /// Info about the fact that user did not request or book any bikes. public string NoBikesOccupiedText { get { return IsNoBikesOccupiedVisible ? string.Format(AppResources.MarkingMyBikesNoBikesReservedRented, ActiveUser?.Mail) : string.Empty; } } /// /// Invoked when page is shown. /// Starts update process. /// public async Task OnAppearing() { IsIdle = false; // Get my bikes from COPRI Log.ForContext().Information("User request to show page MyBikes/ page re-appearing"); ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextMyBikesLoadingBikes; var bikesOccupied = await ConnectorFactory(IsConnected).Query.GetBikesOccupiedAsync(); Exception = bikesOccupied.Exception; // Update communication error from query for bikes occupied. var lockIdList = bikesOccupied.Response .GetLockIt() .Cast() .Select(x => x.LockInfo) .ToList(); if (LockService is ILocksServiceFake serviceFake) { serviceFake.UpdateSimulation(bikesOccupied.Response); } // Check bluetooth and location permission and states ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextCheckBluetoothState; if (bikesOccupied.Response.FirstOrDefault(x => x is BikeInfo btBike) != null && RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { // Check location permission var status = await PermissionsService.CheckStatusAsync(); if (status != Status.Granted) { var permissionResult = await PermissionsService.RequestAsync(); if (permissionResult != Status.Granted) { var dialogResult = await ViewService.DisplayAlert( AppResources.MessageTitleHint, AppResources.MessageBikesManagementLocationPermissionOpenDialog, AppResources.MessageAnswerYes, AppResources.MessageAnswerNo); if (!dialogResult) { // User decided not to give access to locations permissions. BikeCollection.Update(bikesOccupied.Response, Stations); await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask()); ActionText = ""; IsIdle = true; return; } // Open permissions dialog. PermissionsService.OpenAppSettings(); } } // Location state if (Geolocation.IsGeolcationEnabled == false) { await ViewService.DisplayAlert( AppResources.MessageTitleHint, AppResources.MessageBikesManagementLocationActivation, AppResources.MessageAnswerOk); BikeCollection.Update(bikesOccupied.Response, Stations); await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask()); ActionText = ""; IsIdle = true; return; } // Bluetooth state if (await BluetoothService.GetBluetoothState() != BluetoothState.On) { await ViewService.DisplayAlert( AppResources.MessageTitleHint, AppResources.MessageBikesManagementBluetoothActivation, AppResources.MessageAnswerOk); BikeCollection.Update(bikesOccupied.Response, Stations); await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask()); ActionText = ""; IsIdle = true; return; } } // Connect to bluetooth devices. ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextSearchBikes; IEnumerable locksInfoTdo; try { locksInfoTdo = await LockService.GetLocksStateAsync( lockIdList.Select(x => x.ToLockInfoTdo()).ToList(), LockService.TimeOut.MultiConnect); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.ForContext().Error("Getting bluetooth state failed. {Exception}", exception); locksInfoTdo = new List(); } var locksInfo = lockIdList.UpdateById(locksInfoTdo); BikeCollection.Update(bikesOccupied.Response.UpdateLockInfo(locksInfo), Stations); await OnAppearing(() => UpdateTask()); ActionText = ""; IsIdle = true; } /// /// True if any action can be performed (request and cancel request) /// public override bool IsIdle { get => base.IsIdle; set { if (value == base.IsIdle) return; Log.ForContext().Debug($"Switch value of {nameof(IsIdle)} to {value}."); base.IsIdle = value; base.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(IsNoBikesOccupiedVisible))); base.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(NoBikesOccupiedText))); base.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(FlyoutBehavior))); // Hide flyout menu if app is busy. Prevents especially navigation on returning bike. } } /// /// Determines if flyout menu is available or not. /// public FlyoutBehavior FlyoutBehavior => base.IsIdle ? FlyoutBehavior.Flyout : FlyoutBehavior.Disabled; /// Create task which updates my bike view model. private void UpdateTask() { // Start task which periodically updates pins. PostAction( unused => { ActionText = AppResources.ActivityTextUpdating; IsConnected = IsConnectedDelegate(); }, null); var result = ConnectorFactory(IsConnected).Query.GetBikesOccupiedAsync().Result; var bikes = result.Response; var exception = result.Exception; if (exception != null) { Log.ForContext().Error("Getting bikes occupied in polling context failed with exception {Exception}.", exception); } PostAction( unused => { BikeCollection.Update(bikes, Stations); // Updating collection leads to update of GUI. Exception = result.Exception; ActionText = string.Empty; }, null); } } }