using System;
namespace TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike
/// Holds tariff info for a single bike.
public record TariffDescription
/// Name of the tariff.
public string Name { get; init; }
/// Number of the tariff.
public int? Number { get; init; }
/// Costs per hour in euro.
public double FeeEuroPerHour { get; init; }
/// Costs of the abo per month.
public double AboEuroPerMonth { get; init; }
/// Costs per hour in euro.
public TimeSpan FreeTimePerSession { get; init; }
/// Max. costs per day in euro.
public double MaxFeeEuroPerDay { get; init; }
public class TariffDescription
/// Name of the tariff.
public string Name { get; set; }
/// Number of the tariff.
public int? Number { get; set; }
/// Costs per hour in euro.
public double FeeEuroPerHour { get; set; }
/// Costs of the abo per month.
public double AboEuroPerMonth { get; set; }
/// Costs per hour in euro.
public TimeSpan FreeTimePerSession { get; set; }
/// Max. costs per day in euro.
public double MaxFeeEuroPerDay { get; set; }