using System; using TINK.MultilingualResources; using TINK.View.Account; using TINK.View.Contact; using TINK.View.FindBike; using TINK.View.Info; using TINK.View.Login; using TINK.View.Map; using TINK.View.MyBikes; using TINK.View.Settings; using TINK.ViewModel.Info; namespace TINK.ViewModel.MasterDetail { public static class Helper { /// /// Gets a description for a map page used as menu item entry and caption. /// /// Type of page to get caption for. /// public static string GetCaption(Type type) { if (type == typeof(MapPage)) // Bikes sites { return AppResources.MarkingMapPage; } else if (type == typeof(FindBikePage)) // Find Bike { return AppResources.MarkingFindBike; } else if (type == typeof(MyBikesPage)) // My Bikes { return AppResources.MarkingMyBikes; } else if (type == typeof(AccountPage)) // Account { return AppResources.MarkingAccount; } else if (type == typeof(LoginPage)) // Login { return AppResources.MarkingLogin; } else if (type == typeof(SettingsPage)) // Settings { return AppResources.MarkingSettings; } else if (type == typeof(FeesAndBikesPage)) { return AppResources.MarkingFeesAndBikes; } else if (type == typeof(ContactPage)) { return AppResources.MarkingFeedbackAndContact; } else if (type == typeof(TabbedPageInfo)) { return string.Format(AppResources.MarkingAbout, ContactPageViewModel.GetAppName(App.ModelRoot.Uris.ActiveUri)); } else { return type.Name; } } /// /// Gets a description for a map page used as menu item entry and caption. /// /// Type of page to get caption for. /// public static string GetGlyphCode(Type type) { if (type == typeof(MapPage)) // Bikes sites { return "\uf5a0"; } else if (type == typeof(FindBikePage)) // My Bikes { return "\uf002"; } else if (type == typeof(MyBikesPage)) // My Bikes { return "\uf206"; } else if (type == typeof(AccountPage)) // Account { return "\uf007"; } else if (type == typeof(LoginPage)) // Login { return "\uf2f6"; } else if (type == typeof(SettingsPage)) // Settings { return "\uf013"; } else if (type == typeof(FeesAndBikesPage)) { return "\uf7d9"; } else if (type == typeof(ContactPage)) { return "\uf095"; } else if (type == typeof(TabbedPageInfo)) { return "\uf05a"; } else { return type.Name; } } } }