using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Serilog; using TINK.Model.Bikes; using TINK.Model.Connector.Updater; using TINK.Model.Services.CopriApi; using TINK.Repository; using TINK.Services.CopriApi; using BikeInfo = TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.BikeInfo; namespace TINK.Model.Connector { public class CachedQuery : Base, IQuery { /// Cached copri server. private readonly ICachedCopriServer server; /// Constructs a copri query object. /// Server which implements communication. public CachedQuery( ICopriServerBase copriServer) : base(copriServer) { server = copriServer as ICachedCopriServer; if (server == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"Copri server is not of expected typ. Type detected is {copriServer.GetType()}."); } } /// Gets all stations including postions and bikes. public async Task> GetBikesAndStationsAsync() { var resultStations = await server.GetStations(); if (resultStations.Source == typeof(CopriCallsMonkeyStore)) { // Communication with copri in order to get stations failed. return new Result( resultStations.Source, new StationsAndBikesContainer( resultStations.Response.GetStationsAllMutable(), (await server.GetBikesAvailable(true)).Response.GetBikesAvailable()), resultStations.GeneralData, resultStations.Exception); } var resultBikes = await server.GetBikesAvailable(); if (resultBikes.Source == typeof(CopriCallsMonkeyStore)) { // Communication with copri in order to get bikes failed. return new Result( resultBikes.Source, new StationsAndBikesContainer( (await server.GetStations(true)).Response.GetStationsAllMutable(), resultBikes.Response.GetBikesAvailable()), resultBikes.GeneralData, resultBikes.Exception); } // Communicatin with copri succeeded. server.AddToCache(resultStations); server.AddToCache(resultBikes); return new Result( resultStations.Source, new StationsAndBikesContainer(resultStations.Response.GetStationsAllMutable(), resultBikes.Response.GetBikesAvailable()), resultStations.GeneralData); } /// Gets bikes occupied. /// Collection of bikes. public async Task> GetBikesOccupiedAsync() { Log.ForContext().Error("Unexpected call to get be bikes occpied detected. No user is logged in."); return new Result( typeof(CopriCallsMonkeyStore), await Task.FromResult(new BikeCollection(new Dictionary())), new GeneralData(), new Exception("Abfrage der reservierten/ gebuchten Räder nicht möglich. Kein Benutzer angemeldet.")); } /// Gets bikes available. /// Collection of bikes. public async Task> GetBikesAsync() { var result = await server.GetBikesAvailable(); server.AddToCache(result); return new Result(result.Source, result.Response.GetBikesAvailable(), result.GeneralData, result.Exception); } } }