using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using NSubstitute; using NUnit.Framework; using Plugin.BLE.Abstractions.Contracts; using TestFramework.Model.Device; using TestFramework.Model.Services.Geolocation; using TestFramework.Model.User.Account; using TestFramework.Repository; using TestFramework.Services.BluetoothLock; using TestFramework.Services.CopriApi.Connector; using TINK.Model; using TINK.Model.Connector; using TINK.Model.Services.CopriApi; using TINK.Repository; using TINK.Repository.Exception; using TINK.Services; using TINK.Services.Geolocation; using TINK.Services.Permissions; using TINK.View; using TINK.ViewModel.Map; using TINK.ViewModel.Settings; using Xamarin.Forms; namespace TestShareeLib.UseCases.Startup { [TestFixture] public class TestMapPageViewModel { [Test] public async Task TestConstruct() { var tinkApp = new TinkApp( new TINK.Model.Settings.Settings( new GroupFilterMapPage(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.Off } }), new GroupFilterSettings(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new Uri(""), new TINK.Settings.PollingParameters(new TimeSpan(10000), true), Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error, activeLockService: typeof(LocksServiceMock).FullName, activeGeolocationService: typeof(GeolocationMock).FullName), new StoreMock(), isConnectedFunc: () => true, connectorFactory: (isConnected, uri, sessionCookie, mail, expiresAfter) => new ConnectorCache(new AppContextInfo("MyMerchId", "MyApp", new Version(1, 2)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie, mail, new CopriCallsMemory001(sessionCookie)), merchantId: "MyMerchId", bluetoothService: Substitute.For(), locationPermissionsService: Substitute.For(), locationServicesContainer: Substitute.For>(), locksService: new LocksServiceMock(), // Cipher device: new DeviceMock(), specialFolder: new SpecialFolderMock(), cipher: null, theme: null, postAction: (d, obj) => d(obj), currentVersion: new Version(3, 2, 0, 115), // Current app version lastVersion: new Version(3, 0, 173), // Current app version. Must be larger or equal 3.0.173 to whatsNewShownInVersion: null); // Whats new page was never shown. var viewService = Substitute.For(); var navigationService = Substitute.For(); var locationPermission = Substitute.For(); locationPermission.CheckStatusAsync().Returns(Status.Granted); var viewModel = new MapPageViewModel( tinkApp, locationPermission, Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), (mapspan) => { }, viewService, navigationService); try { await viewModel.OnAppearing(); // Is called when page shows. Assert.IsNull(viewModel.Exception); // Verify pins on map Assert.AreEqual(27, viewModel.Pins.Count); // Were 8 pins when loading from CopriCallsMemory(SampleSets.Set2, 1, sessionCookie) Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Green")).Tag, Is.EqualTo("FR101"), "Station FR105 must be marked green because there is are bike."); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Red")).Tag, Is.EqualTo("KN12"), "Station KN12 must be marked red because there is no bike."); // Was station id 31 // Verify buttons Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.IsToggleVisible, "TINK and Konrad are activated in settings."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Blue, viewModel.TinkColor, "TINK bikes are shown."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Gray, viewModel.KonradColor, "Konrad bikes are hidden."); var statusInfoText = viewModel.StatusInfoText; Assert.That( statusInfoText, Does.Contain("Updating...").Or.Contain(""), $"Unexpected text {statusInfoText} detected.", "Text might be \"Updating...\" or empty depending on acivity of update thread."); } finally { await viewModel.OnDisappearing(); } } [Test] public async Task TestConstruct_KonradActive() { var tinkApp = new TinkApp( new TINK.Model.Settings.Settings( new GroupFilterMapPage(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.Off }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new GroupFilterSettings(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new Uri(""), new TINK.Settings.PollingParameters(new TimeSpan(10000), true), Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error, activeLockService: typeof(LocksServiceMock).FullName, activeGeolocationService: typeof(GeolocationMock).FullName), new StoreMock(), isConnectedFunc: () => true, connectorFactory: (isConnected, uri, sessionCookie, mail, expiresAfter) => new ConnectorCache(new AppContextInfo("MyMerchId", "MyApp", new Version(1, 2)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie, mail, new CopriCallsMemory001(sessionCookie)), merchantId: "MyMerchId", bluetoothService: Substitute.For(), locationPermissionsService: Substitute.For(), locationServicesContainer: Substitute.For>(), locksService: new LocksServiceMock(), // Cipher device: new DeviceMock(), specialFolder: new SpecialFolderMock(), cipher: null, theme: null, postAction: (d, obj) => d(obj), currentVersion: new Version(3, 2, 0, 115), // Current app version lastVersion: new Version(3, 0, 173), // Current app version. Must be larger or equal 3.0.173 to whatsNewShownInVersion: null); // Whats new page was never shown. var viewService = Substitute.For(); var navigationService = Substitute.For(); var locationPermission = Substitute.For(); locationPermission.CheckStatusAsync().Returns(Status.Granted); var viewModel = new MapPageViewModel( tinkApp, locationPermission, NSubstitute.Substitute.For(), NSubstitute.Substitute.For(), (mapspan) => { }, viewService, navigationService); try { await viewModel.OnAppearing(); // Is called when page shows. Assert.IsNull(viewModel.Exception); // Verify pins on map Assert.AreEqual(21, viewModel.Pins.Count); // Were 2 pins when loading from CopriCallsMemory(SampleSets.Set2, 1, sessionCookie) Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Green")).Tag, // Was station 5 Is.EqualTo("FR103"), "Station FR101 must be marked green because there is are bike."); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Red")).Tag, // Was station 14 Is.EqualTo("KN12"), "Station KN12 must be marked red because there is no bike."); // Verify buttons Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.IsToggleVisible, "TINK and Konrad are activated in settings."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Gray, viewModel.TinkColor, "TINK bikes are hidden."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Red, viewModel.KonradColor, "Konrad bikes are shown."); Assert.IsTrue( new[] { "Updating...", "" }.Contains(viewModel.StatusInfoText), "Text might be \"Updating...\" or empty depending on acivity of update thread."); } finally { await viewModel.OnDisappearing(); } } [Test] public async Task TestConstruct_KonradOnly() { var tinkApp = new TinkApp( new TINK.Model.Settings.Settings( new GroupFilterMapPage(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new GroupFilterSettings(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.Off }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new Uri(""), new TINK.Settings.PollingParameters(new TimeSpan(10000), true), Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error, activeLockService: typeof(LocksServiceMock).FullName, activeGeolocationService: typeof(GeolocationMock).FullName), new StoreMock(), isConnectedFunc: () => true, connectorFactory: (isConnected, uri, sessionCookie, mail, expiresAfter) => new ConnectorCache(new AppContextInfo("MyMerchId", "MyApp", new Version(1, 2)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie, mail, new CopriCallsMemory001(sessionCookie)), merchantId: "MyMerchId", bluetoothService: Substitute.For(), locationPermissionsService: Substitute.For(), locationServicesContainer: Substitute.For>(), locksService: new LocksServiceMock(), // Cipher device: new DeviceMock(), specialFolder: new SpecialFolderMock(), cipher: null, theme: null, currentVersion: new Version(3, 2, 0, 115), // Current app version lastVersion: new Version(3, 0, 173)); // Current app version. Must be larger or equal 3.0.173 to var viewService = Substitute.For(); var navigationService = Substitute.For(); var locationPermission = Substitute.For(); locationPermission.CheckStatusAsync().Returns(Status.Granted); var viewModel = new MapPageViewModel( tinkApp, locationPermission, Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), (mapspan) => { }, viewService, navigationService); try { await viewModel.OnAppearing(); // Is called when page shows. Assert.IsNull(viewModel.Exception); // Verify pins on map Assert.AreEqual(21, viewModel.Pins.Count); // Were 2 when loading from CopriCallsMemory(SampleSets.Set2, 1, sessionCookie) Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Green")).Tag, // Was station id 31 Is.EqualTo("FR103"), "Station FR101 must be marked green because there is are bike."); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Red")).Tag, // Was 14 Is.EqualTo("KN12"), "Station KN12 must be marked red because there is no bike."); // Verify buttons Assert.IsFalse(viewModel.IsToggleVisible, "TINK and Konrad is deactivated from settings."); Assert.IsTrue( new[] { "Updating...", "" }.Contains(viewModel.StatusInfoText), "Text might be \"Updating...\" or empty depending on acivity of update thread."); } finally { await viewModel.OnDisappearing(); } } [Test] public async Task TestConstruct_TinkOnly() { var tinkApp = new TinkApp( new TINK.Model.Settings.Settings( new GroupFilterMapPage(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new GroupFilterSettings(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new Uri(""), new TINK.Settings.PollingParameters(new TimeSpan(10000), true), Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error, activeLockService: typeof(LocksServiceMock).FullName, activeGeolocationService: typeof(GeolocationMock).FullName), new StoreMock(), isConnectedFunc: () => true, connectorFactory: (isConnected, uri, sessionCookie, mail, expiresAfter) => new ConnectorCache(new AppContextInfo("MyMerchId", "MyApp", new Version(1, 2)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie, mail, new CopriCallsMemory001(sessionCookie)), merchantId: "MyMerchId", bluetoothService: Substitute.For(), locationPermissionsService: Substitute.For(), locationServicesContainer: Substitute.For>(), locksService: new LocksServiceMock(), // Cipher device: new DeviceMock(), specialFolder: new SpecialFolderMock(), cipher: null, theme: null, currentVersion: new Version(3, 2, 0, 115), // Current app version lastVersion: new Version(3, 0, 173)); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var navigationService = Substitute.For(); var locationPermission = Substitute.For(); locationPermission.CheckStatusAsync().Returns(Status.Granted); var viewModel = new MapPageViewModel( tinkApp, locationPermission, Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), (mapspan) => { }, viewService, navigationService); try { await viewModel.OnAppearing(); // Is called when page shows. Assert.IsNull(viewModel.Exception); // Verify pins on map Assert.AreEqual(27, viewModel.Pins.Count); // Were 8 pin when loading from CopriCallsMemory(SampleSets.Set2, 1, sessionCookie) Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Green")).Tag, Is.EqualTo("FR101"), // Was station id 4 "Station FR101 must be marked green because there is are bike."); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Red")).Tag, // Was 31 Is.EqualTo("KN12"), // Was station id 31 "Station KN12 must be marked red because there is no bike."); // Verify buttons Assert.IsFalse(viewModel.IsToggleVisible, "TINK and Konrad is deactivated from settings."); Assert.IsTrue( new[] { "Updating...", "" }.Contains(viewModel.StatusInfoText), "Text might be \"Updating...\" or empty depending on acivity of update thread."); } finally { await viewModel.OnDisappearing(); } } [Test] public async Task TestConstruct_Offline() { var tinkApp = new TinkApp( new TINK.Model.Settings.Settings( new GroupFilterMapPage(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.Off } }), new GroupFilterSettings(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new Uri(""), new TINK.Settings.PollingParameters(new TimeSpan(10000), true), Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error, activeLockService: typeof(LocksServiceMock).FullName, activeGeolocationService: typeof(GeolocationMock).FullName), new StoreMock(), isConnectedFunc: () => false, connectorFactory: (isConnected, uri, sessionCookie, mail, expiresAfter) => new ConnectorCache(new AppContextInfo("MyMerchId", "MyApp", new Version(1, 2)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie, mail, new CopriCallsMemory001(sessionCookie)), merchantId: "MyMerchId", bluetoothService: Substitute.For(), locationPermissionsService: Substitute.For(), locationServicesContainer: Substitute.For>(), locksService: new LocksServiceMock(), // Cipher device: new DeviceMock(), specialFolder: new SpecialFolderMock(), cipher: null, theme: null, currentVersion: new Version(3, 2, 0, 115), // Current app version lastVersion: new Version(3, 0, 173)); // Current app version. Must be larger or equal 3.0.173 to var viewService = Substitute.For(); var navigationService = Substitute.For(); var locationPermission = Substitute.For(); locationPermission.CheckStatusAsync().Returns(Status.Granted); var viewModel = new MapPageViewModel( tinkApp, locationPermission, Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), (mapspan) => { }, viewService, navigationService); try { await viewModel.OnAppearing(); // Is called when page shows. Assert.IsNull(viewModel.Exception); // Verify pins on map Assert.AreEqual(27, viewModel.Pins.Count); // Were 8 pins when loading from CopriCallsMemory(SampleSets.Set2, 1, sessionCookie) Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Green")).Tag, // Was station id 4 Is.EqualTo("FR101"), "Station FR101 must be marked green because there is are bike."); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Red")).Tag, // Was 31 Is.EqualTo("KN12"), "Station KN12 must be marked red because there is no bike."); // Verify buttons Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.IsToggleVisible, "TINK and Konrad are activated in settings."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Blue, viewModel.TinkColor, "TINK bikes are hidden."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Gray, viewModel.KonradColor, "Konrad bikes are shown."); Assert.AreEqual("Offline.", viewModel.StatusInfoText); } finally { await viewModel.OnDisappearing(); } } [Test] public async Task TestConstruct_WebConnectCommunicationError() { var tinkApp = new TinkApp( new TINK.Model.Settings.Settings( new GroupFilterMapPage(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.Off } }), new GroupFilterSettings(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new Uri(""), new TINK.Settings.PollingParameters(new TimeSpan(10000), true), Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error, true /* IsReportLevelVerbose */, activeLockService: typeof(LocksServiceMock).FullName, activeGeolocationService: typeof(GeolocationMock).FullName), new StoreMock(), isConnectedFunc: () => false, connectorFactory: (isConnected, uri, sessionCookie, mail, expiresAfter) => new Connector( uri, new AppContextInfo("oiF2kahH", "", new Version(3, 0, 267)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie, mail, server: new CopriProviderHttps( uri, TinkApp.MerchantId, new AppContextInfo("oiF2kahH", "", new Version(3, 0, 267)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie: sessionCookie, cacheServer: new CopriCallsCacheMemory001(sessionCookie: sessionCookie), httpsServer: new ExceptionServer((msg) => new WebConnectFailureException(msg, new Exception("Source expection."))))), merchantId: "MyMerchId", bluetoothService: Substitute.For(), locationPermissionsService: Substitute.For(), locationServicesContainer: Substitute.For>(), locksService: new LocksServiceMock(), // Cipher device: new DeviceMock(), specialFolder: new SpecialFolderMock(), cipher: null, theme: null, currentVersion: new Version(3, 2, 0, 115), // Current app version lastVersion: new Version(3, 0, 173)); // Current app version. Must be larger or equal 3.0.173 to var viewService = Substitute.For(); var navigationService = Substitute.For(); var locationPermission = Substitute.For(); locationPermission.CheckStatusAsync().Returns(Status.Granted); var viewModel = new MapPageViewModel( tinkApp, locationPermission, Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), (mapspan) => { }, viewService, navigationService); try { await viewModel.OnAppearing(); // Is called when page shows. Assert.AreEqual( "Simulated error thrown at GetStationsAsync.", viewModel.Exception.Message); // Verify pins on map Assert.AreEqual(27, viewModel.Pins.Count); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Green")).Tag, // Was station id 4 Is.EqualTo("FR101"), "Station FR101 must be marked green because there is are bike."); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.FirstOrDefault(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Red")).Tag, // Was 31 Is.EqualTo("KN12"), "Station KN12 must be marked red because there is no bike."); // Verify buttons Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.IsToggleVisible, "TINK and Konrad are activated in settings."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Blue, viewModel.TinkColor, "TINK bikes are hidden."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Gray, viewModel.KonradColor, "Konrad bikes are shown."); Assert.AreEqual("Connection interrupted, server unreachable.", viewModel.StatusInfoText); } finally { await viewModel.OnDisappearing(); } } [Test] public async Task TestConstruct_GeneralPurposeCommunicationError() { var tinkApp = new TinkApp( new TINK.Model.Settings.Settings( new GroupFilterMapPage(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.Off } }), new GroupFilterSettings(new Dictionary { { FilterHelper.CARGOBIKE, FilterState.On }, { FilterHelper.CITYBIKE, FilterState.On } }), new Uri(""), new TINK.Settings.PollingParameters(new TimeSpan(10000), true), Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error, true /* IsReportLevelVerbose */, activeLockService: typeof(LocksServiceMock).FullName, activeGeolocationService: typeof(GeolocationMock).FullName), new StoreMock(), isConnectedFunc: () => false, connectorFactory: (isConnected, uri, sessionCookie, mail, expiresAfter) => new Connector( uri, new AppContextInfo("oiF2kahH", "", new Version(3, 0, 267)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie, mail, server: new CopriProviderHttps( uri, TinkApp.MerchantId, new AppContextInfo("oiF2kahH", "", new Version(3, 0, 267)), null /*UI language */, sessionCookie: sessionCookie, cacheServer: new CopriCallsCacheMemory001(sessionCookie: sessionCookie), httpsServer: new ExceptionServer((msg) => new Exception(msg)))), merchantId: "MyMerchId", bluetoothService: Substitute.For(), locationPermissionsService: Substitute.For(), locationServicesContainer: Substitute.For>(), locksService: new LocksServiceMock(), // Cipher device: new DeviceMock(), specialFolder: new SpecialFolderMock(), cipher: null, theme: null, currentVersion: new Version(3, 2, 0, 115), // Current app version lastVersion: new Version(3, 0, 173)); // Current app version. Must be larger or equal 3.0.173 to var viewService = Substitute.For(); var navigationService = Substitute.For(); var locationPermission = Substitute.For(); locationPermission.CheckStatusAsync().Returns(Status.Granted); var viewModel = new MapPageViewModel( tinkApp, locationPermission, Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), (mapspan) => { }, viewService, navigationService); try { await viewModel.OnAppearing(); // Is called when page shows. Assert.AreEqual( "Simulated error thrown at GetStationsAsync.", viewModel.Exception.Message); // Verify pins on map Assert.AreEqual(27, viewModel.Pins.Count); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.Where(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Green")).Select(pin => pin.Tag.ToString()), Does.Contain("FR101"), // Was station id 4 "Station FR103 must be marked green because there is are bike."); Assert.That( viewModel.Pins.Where(pin => pin.Icon.Id.Contains("Open_Red")).Select(pin => pin.Tag.ToString()), Does.Contain("KN12"), // Was station id 31 "Station 31 must be marked red because there is no bike."); // Verify buttons Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.IsToggleVisible, "TINK and Konrad are activated in settings."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Blue, viewModel.TinkColor, "TINK bikes are hidden."); Assert.AreEqual(Color.Gray, viewModel.KonradColor, "Konrad bikes are shown."); Assert.AreEqual("Connection interrupted.", viewModel.StatusInfoText); } finally { await viewModel.OnDisappearing(); } } } }