[cmdletbinding()] Param( [string]$appName, [string]$droidApiKey, [string]$iOsApiKey) # Sets a text to a given value. function Update-Text() { param ( [string]$TargetFileName, [String] $FindText, [String] $ReplaceText ) if (-not(Test-Path -Path $TargetFileName)) { Write-Host "File to update `"" + $TargetFileName + "`" not found!" return 1 } ((Get-Content -path $TargetFileName -Raw) -replace $FindText, $ReplaceText) | Set-Content -Path $TargetFileName -Encoding utf8 -NoNewline return 0 } # Sets google maps api keys in all files for a single app to a given value. function Set-GMapsApiKey() { param( [String] $ProjectName, [String] $DroidApiKey, [String] $iOsApiKey ) if ($DroidApiKey.Length -le 2) { Write-Host "Droid api key must not be of lenght <= 2" return -1 } if ($iOsApiKey.Length -le 2) { Write-Host "iOs api key must not be of lenght <= 2" return -1 } $fileName = Convert-Path ('.\' + $ProjectName + '\TINK.Android\Properties\AndroidManifest.xml') $retVal = Update-Text $fileName "API_KEY`" android:value=`".*`"" "API_KEY`" android:value=`"$DroidApiKey`"" if ($retVal -ne 0) { return $retVal } Write-Host "File `"$fileName`" updated sucessfully (.."$DroidApiKey.Substring($DroidApiKey.Length - 2, 2)")." $fileName = Convert-Path ('.\' + $ProjectName + '\TINK.Android\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs') $retVal = Update-Text $fileName "API_KEY`", Value = `".*`"" "API_KEY`", Value = `"$DroidApiKey`"" if ($retVal -ne 0) { return $retVal } Write-Host "File `"$fileName`" updated sucessfully (.."$DroidApiKey.Substring($DroidApiKey.Length - 2, 2)")." $fileName = Convert-Path ('.\' + $ProjectName + '\TINK.iOS\AppDelegate.cs') $retVal = Update-Text $fileName "FormsGoogleMaps\.Init\(.*\)" "FormsGoogleMaps.Init(`"$iOsApiKey`")" if ($retVal -ne 0) { return $retVal } Write-Host "File `"$fileName`" updated sucessfully (.."$iOsApiKey.Substring($iOsApiKey.Length - 2, 2)")." return 0 } return Set-GMapsApiKey $appName $droidApiKey $iOsApiKey