using Newtonsoft.Json; using NUnit.Framework; using TINK.Model.Connector.Updater; using TINK.Repository.Response; namespace TestShareeLib.Model.Connector { [TestFixture] public class TestBikeInfoFactory { [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_NoBc() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""LOCK"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse), Is.Null, "BC- bikes (\"system\" : \"LOCK\") are no more supported."); } [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_InvalidState() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""reserved"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""Ilockit"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse), Is.Null, "Invalid (\"state\" : \"reserved\") detected."); } [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_NoStation() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : """", ""system"" : ""Ilockit"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse), Is.Null, "Station must not be null."); } [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_DefaultLock() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : """" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse).GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.BikeInfo)), "Default lock by is BackendLock."); } [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_BluetoothLock() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""Ilockit"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse).GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock.BikeInfo))); } [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_SigoLock() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""SIGO"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse).GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.BikeInfo))); } [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_CorpiLock_FeedbackPending() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""SIGO"", ""co2saving"" : ""You saved tonns of co2!"", ""user_miniquery"" : { ""footer"" : ""Herzlichen Dank und viel Spaß bei der nächsten Fahrt!"", ""subtitle"" : ""Ihre drei Antworten werden anonym gespeichert."", ""title"" : ""Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Begleitforschung"", ""questions"" : { ""q1"" : { ""quest_text"" : ""1. Was war der Hauptzweck dieser Ausleihe?"", ""type"" : ""check_one"", ""query"" : { ""opt5"" : ""e. Ausprobieren"", ""opt3"" : ""c. Lastentransport"", ""opt6"" : ""f. Sonstiges"", ""opt1"" : ""a. Einkauf"", ""opt4"" : ""d. Freizeit"", ""opt2"" : ""b. Kinderbeförderung"" } }, ""q2"" : { ""type"" : ""check_one"", ""quest_text"" : ""2. Welches Verkehrsmittel hätten Sie ansonsten benutzt?"", ""query"" : { ""opt1"" : ""a. Auto"", ""opt7"" : ""g. Sonstige"", ""opt2"" : ""b. Motorrad oder Motorroller"", ""opt4"" : ""d. Eigenes Fahrrad"", ""opt6"" : ""f. Keines (ich hätte die Fahrt sonst nicht gemacht)"", ""opt5"" : ""e. Zu Fuß"", ""opt3"" : ""c. Bus oder Bahn"" }, }, ""q3"" : { ""type"" : ""text"", ""quest_text"" : ""3. Haben Sie Anmerkungen oder Anregungen?"", ""query"" : { ""opt1"" : """" }, }, }, } }"); var bike = BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse) as TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.BikeInfo; Assert.That( bike, Is.Not.Null); } [Test] public void TestCreate_ReservedOrBooked_NoBc() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""station"" : ""2"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-12-01 22:21:57.740069+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""6603"", ""system"" : ""LOCK"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse, "a@b", () => new System.DateTime()), Is.Null, "BC- bikes (\"system\" : \"LOCK\") are no more supported."); } [Test] public void TestCreate_ReservedOrBooked_DefaultLock() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""station"" : ""2"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-12-01 22:21:57.740069+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""6603"", ""system"" : """" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse, "a@b", () => new System.DateTime()).GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.BikeInfo))); } [Test] public void TestCreate_ReservedOrBooked_BluetoothLock() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""station"" : ""2"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-12-01 22:21:57.740069+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""6603"", ""system"" : ""Ilockit"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse, "a@b", () => new System.DateTime()).GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock.BikeInfo))); } [Test] public void TestCreate_ReservedOrBooked_SigoLock() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""station"" : ""2"", ""state"" : ""occupied"", ""bike"" : ""20"", ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""start_time"" : ""2017-12-01 22:21:57.740069+01"", ""timeCode"" : ""6603"", ""system"" : ""SIGO"" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse, "a@b", () => new System.DateTime()).GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.BikeInfo))); } [Test] public void TestCreate_Available_CopriLock_FeedBackRequied() { var bikeInfoResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""rental_description"": { ""reserve_timerange"": ""30 Min"", ""name"": ""Lastenrad"", ""rental_info"": { ""2"": [ ""AGB"", ""Mit der Mietrad Anmietung wird folgender Betreiber AGB zugestimmt (als Demo sharee AGB)."" ], ""1"": [ ""Tracking"", ""Ich stimme der Speicherung (Tracking) meiner Fahrstrecke zwecks wissenschaftlicher Auswertung und Berechnung der CO2-Einsparung zu!"" ] }, ""id"": ""5523"", ""tarif_elements"": { ""1"": [ ""Mietgebühr"", ""3,00 € / 1 Std "" ], ""6"": [ ""Gratis Mietzeit"", ""30 Min / Tag"" ], ""4"": [ ""Max. Gebühr"", ""15.00 € / Tag"" ] } }, ""uri_operator"": """", ""state"": ""available"", ""bike"": ""WUE5529"", ""authed"": ""1"", ""bike_group"": [ ""WUE300101"" ], ""gps"": { ""longitude"": null, ""latitude"": null }, ""system"": ""sigo"", ""tariff_description"": { ""free_hours"": ""0.50"", ""number"": ""5523"", ""max_eur_per_day"": ""15.00"", ""name"": ""Lastenrad"", ""eur_per_hour"": ""3.00"" }, ""station"": ""WUE9301"", ""description"": ""sigolaster Bay"", ""lock_state"": ""locked"", ""co2saving"" : """" }"); Assert.That( BikeInfoFactory.Create(bikeInfoResponse)?.State?.Value, Is.EqualTo(TINK.Model.State.InUseStateEnum.FeedbackPending), "Bikes with state booking state available in "); } } }