using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Serilog; using ShareeBike.Repository.Exception; using ShareeBike.Model.Connector; using ShareeBike.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock; using ShareeBike.Services.CopriApi.Exception; using ShareeBike.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock.RequestHandler; namespace ShareeBike.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BikeNS.Command { public static class CancelReservationCommand { /// /// Possible steps of returning a bike. /// public enum Step { CancelReservation, } /// /// Possible steps of returning a bike. /// public enum State { WebConnectFailed, InvalidResponse, GeneralCancelReservationError, } /// /// Interface to notify view model about steps/ state changes of returning bike process. /// public interface ICancelReservationCommandListener { /// /// Reports current step. /// /// Current step to report. void ReportStep(Step currentStep); /// /// Reports current state. /// /// Current state to report. /// Message describing the current state. /// Task ReportStateAsync(State currentState, string message); } /// /// Get current location. /// /// /// /// public static async Task InvokeAsync( IBikeInfoMutable bike, Func isConnectedDelegate, Func connectorFactory, ICancelReservationCommandListener listener) { // Invokes member to notify about step being started. void InvokeCurrentStep(Step step) { if (listener == null) return; try { listener.ReportStep(step); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.ForContext().Error("An exception {@exception} was thrown invoking step-action for step {step} ", exception, step); } } // Invokes member to notify about state change. async Task InvokeCurrentStateAsync(State state, string message) { if (listener == null) return; try { await listener.ReportStateAsync(state, message); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.ForContext().Error("An exception {@exception} was thrown invoking state-action for state {state} ", exception, state); } } //// Start Action // Cancel Reservation InvokeCurrentStep(Step.CancelReservation); try { await connectorFactory(true).Command.DoCancelReservation(bike); Log.ForContext().Information("User canceled reservation of bike {bikeId} successfully.", bike.Id); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.ForContext().Information("User selected reserved bike {bikeId} but cancel reservation failed.", bike.Id); if (exception is InvalidAuthorizationResponseException) { // Copri response is invalid. Log.ForContext().Error("Invalid auth. response."); await InvokeCurrentStateAsync(State.InvalidResponse, exception.Message); } else if (exception is WebConnectFailureException || exception is RequestNotCachableException) { // Copri server is not reachable. Log.ForContext().Error("Copri server not reachable."); await InvokeCurrentStateAsync(State.WebConnectFailed, exception.Message); } else { Log.ForContext().Error("{@exception}", exception); await InvokeCurrentStateAsync(State.GeneralCancelReservationError, exception.Message); } throw; } } } }