using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike; using TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike.BC; using TINK.Model.State; namespace TINK.Model.Bike.BC { [DataContract] public class BikeInfoMutable : IBikeInfoMutable, INotifyPropertyChanged { /// Holds the bike. private readonly Bike m_oBike; /// Holds the state info of the bike. private readonly StateInfoMutable m_oStateInfo; /// /// Constructs a bike. /// /// Unique id of bike. /// True if device is demo device, false otherwise. /// Provider for current date time to calculate remainig time on demand for state of type reserved. /// /// Name of station where bike is located, null if bike is on the road. /// Holds the uri of the operator or null, in case of single operator setup. /// Hold tariff description of bike. /// Bike state info. protected BikeInfoMutable( int id, bool isDemo = BikeInfo.DEFAULTVALUEISDEMO, IEnumerable group = null, WheelType? wheelType = null, TypeOfBike? typeOfBike = null, string description = null, int? currentStationId = null, Uri operatorUri = null, TariffDescription tariffDescription = null, Func dateTimeProvider = null, IStateInfo stateInfo = null) { IsDemo = isDemo; Group = group; m_oBike = new Bike(id, wheelType, typeOfBike, description); m_oStateInfo = new StateInfoMutable(dateTimeProvider, stateInfo); m_oStateInfo.PropertyChanged += (sender, eventargs) => PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(eventargs.PropertyName)); CurrentStation = currentStationId; OperatorUri = operatorUri; TariffDescription = tariffDescription; } /// Constructs a bike object from source. public BikeInfoMutable(IBikeInfo p_oBike) : this( p_oBike.Id, p_oBike.IsDemo, p_oBike.Group, p_oBike.WheelType, p_oBike.TypeOfBike, p_oBike.Description, p_oBike.CurrentStation, p_oBike.OperatorUri, p_oBike.TariffDescription, null, p_oBike.State) { } /// /// Station a which bike is located, null otherwise. /// [DataMember] public int? CurrentStation { get; } /// Holds description about the tarif. [DataMember] public TariffDescription TariffDescription { get; private set; } /// /// Holds the rent state of the bike. /// [DataMember] public StateInfoMutable State { get { return m_oStateInfo; } } /// /// Uri of the operator or null, in case of single operator setup. /// public Uri OperatorUri { get; } /// Unused member. IStateInfoMutable IBikeInfoMutable.State => m_oStateInfo; public int Id => m_oBike.Id; public bool IsDemo { get; } /// Returns the group (TINK, Konrad, ...). public IEnumerable Group { get; } public WheelType? WheelType => m_oBike.WheelType; public TypeOfBike? TypeOfBike => m_oBike.TypeOfBike; public string Description => m_oBike.Description; /// /// Fired whenever property of bike changes. /// public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; /// /// Converts the instance to text. /// /// public new string ToString() { return $"Id={Id}{(WheelType != null ? $", wheel(s)={WheelType}" : string.Empty)}{(TypeOfBike != null ? $", type={TypeOfBike}" : "")}, demo={IsDemo}, state={State.ToString()}, location={(CurrentStation.HasValue ? $"Station {CurrentStation}" : "On the road")}."; } } }