using Newtonsoft.Json; using NSubstitute; using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TINK.Model.Bike.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Model.Connector; using TINK.Repository.Exception; using TINK.Repository.Response; using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock.Exception; using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock.Tdo; using TINK.Services.Geolocation; using TINK.Model.State; using TINK.View; using TINK.ViewModel; using TINK.ViewModel.Bikes; using TINK.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock.RequestHandler; using TINK.Model.User; using TINK.Model.Device; namespace TestTINKLib.Fixtures.ObjectTests.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock.RequestHandler { [TestFixture] public class TestReservedOpen { /// /// Test construction of object. /// [Test] public void Testctor() { var handler = new ReservedOpen( Substitute.For(), () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), () => Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), Substitute.For(), Substitute.For()); // Verify prerequisites. Assert.AreEqual("Rad zurückgeben oder mieten", handler.ButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(handler.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("Alarm/ Sounds verwalten", handler.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(handler.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: User books bike. /// Final state: Booked. /// [Test] public void TestBook() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(false)); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Open); // Requsthandler factory queries lock state to create appropriate request handler object. var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Reading charging level..."; locks[0].GetBatteryPercentageAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Renting bike..."; connector.Command.DoBook(bike); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("Close lock & return bike", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("Close lock", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: User books bike. /// Final state: Reserved closed. /// [Test] public void TestBookBookFailsWebConnectFailureException() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(false)); connector.Command.DoBook(bike).Returns(x => throw new WebConnectFailureException("Context info.", new Exception("Tst"))); locks[0].CloseAsync().Returns(LockitLockingState.Closed); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Reserved); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Reading charging level..."; locks[0].GetBatteryPercentageAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Renting bike..."; connector.Command.DoBook(bike); bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; viewService.DisplayAlert( "Connection error when renting the bike!", string.Format("Attention: Lock is closed!\r\n{0}\r\n{1}", "Context info.", "Is WIFI available/ mobile networt available and mobile data activated / ... ?"), "OK"); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Wiederverschließe Schloss..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("Cancel bike reservation", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("Open lock & rent bike", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: User books bike. /// Final state: Reserved closed. /// [Test] public void TestBookBookFailsException() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(false)); connector.Command.DoBook(bike).Returns(x => throw new Exception("Exception message.")); locks[0].CloseAsync().Returns(LockitLockingState.Closed); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Reserved); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Reading charging level..."; locks[0].GetBatteryPercentageAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Renting bike..."; connector.Command.DoBook(bike); bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; viewService.DisplayAlert("Error when renting the bike!", "Attention: Lock is closed!\r\nException message.", "OK"); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Wiederverschließe Schloss..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("Cancel bike reservation", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("Open lock & rent bike", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: Close lock and cancel reservation. /// Final state: Booked. /// [Test] public void TestCloseLockAndCancelReservation() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); bike.Id.Returns("0"); viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(true)); locks[0].CloseAsync().Returns(LockitLockingState.Closed); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Disposable); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Closing lock..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Canceling reservation..."; connector.Command.DoCancelReservation(bike); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Disconnecting lock..."; locks.DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any(), Arg.Any()); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("Reserve bike", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("DisposableDisconnected", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: Close lock and cancel reservation. /// Final state: Reserved open. /// [Test] public void TestCloseLockAndCancelReservationCloseFailsOutOfReachException() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); bike.Id.Returns("0"); viewService.DisplayAlert( string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(true)); locks[0].CloseAsync() .Returns>(x => { throw new OutOfReachException(); }); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Reserved); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Open); var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any(), Arg.Any()); // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Closing lock..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; viewService.DisplayAlert( "Lock can not be closed!", "Lock cannot be closed until bike is near.\r\nPlease try again to close bike or report bike to support!", "OK"); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("Cancel bike reservation", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("Search lock", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: Close lock and cancel reservation. /// Final state: Same as initial state. /// [Test] public void TestCloseLockAndCancelReservationCloseFailsException() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); bike.Id.Returns("0"); viewService.DisplayAlert( string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(true)); locks[0].CloseAsync() .Returns>(x => { throw new Exception("Exception message."); }); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Reserved); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Open); var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any(), Arg.Any()); // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Closing lock..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; viewService.DisplayAlert( "Lock can not be closed!", "Please try to lock again or report bike to support!\r\nException message.", "OK"); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("Cancel bike reservation", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("Search lock", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsTrue(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: Close lock and cancel reservation. /// Final state: Reserved closed. /// [Test] public void TestCloseLockAndCancelReservationCancelReservationInvalidAuthorizationResponseException() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(@" { ""response"" : ""authorization"", ""authcookie"" : ""4da3044c8657a04ba60e2eaa753bc51a"", ""user_group"" : [ ""TINK"", ""Konrad"" ], ""response_state"" : ""OK"", ""apiserver"" : """" }"); bike.Id.Returns("0"); viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(true)); locks[0].CloseAsync().Returns(LockitLockingState.Closed); connector.Command.DoCancelReservation(bike).Returns(x => throw new InvalidAuthorizationResponseException("", response)); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Disposable); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any(), Arg.Any()); var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Closing lock..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Canceling reservation..."; connector.Command.DoCancelReservation(bike); bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; viewService.DisplayAlert("Fehler beim Aufheben der Reservierung!", "Kann Benutzer nicht anmelden. Mailadresse unbekannt oder Passwort ungültig.", "OK"); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("InvalidState", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("InvalidState", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: Close lock and cancel reservation. /// Final state: Reserved closed. /// [Test] public void TestCloseLockAndCancelReservationCancelReservationWebConnectFailureException() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); bike.Id.Returns("0"); viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(true)); locks[0].CloseAsync().Returns(LockitLockingState.Closed); connector.Command.DoCancelReservation(bike).Returns(x => throw new WebConnectFailureException("Context info", new Exception("chub"))); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Disposable); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any(), Arg.Any()); // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Closing lock..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Canceling reservation..."; connector.Command.DoCancelReservation(bike); bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; viewService.DisplayAlert("Verbingungsfehler beim Aufheben der Reservierung!", "Context info\r\nIs WIFI available/ mobile networt available and mobile data activated / ... ?", "OK"); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("InvalidState", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("InvalidState", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } /// /// Use case: Close lock and cancel reservation. /// Final state: Reserved closed. /// [Test] public void TestCloseLockAndCancelReservationCancelReservationException() { var bike = Substitute.For(); var connector = Substitute.For(); var command = Substitute.For(); var geolocation = Substitute.For(); var locks = Substitute.For(); var pollingManager = Substitute.For(); var viewService = Substitute.For(); var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For(); var activeUser = Substitute.For(); var handler = new ReservedOpen( bike, () => true, // isConnectedDelegate (isConnexted) => connector, geolocation, locks, () => pollingManager, Substitute.For(), viewService, bikesViewModel, activeUser); bike.Id.Returns("0"); viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Rad Nr. 0 abschließen und zurückgeben oder Rad mieten?", "Zurückgeben", "Mieten").Returns(Task.FromResult(true)); locks[0].CloseAsync().Returns(LockitLockingState.Closed); connector.Command.DoCancelReservation(bike).Returns(x => throw new Exception("Exception message.", new Exception("chub"))); bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Disposable); // Reqesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object. var subsequent = handler.HandleRequestOption1().Result; locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any(), Arg.Any()); // Verify behaviour Received.InOrder(() => { bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please..."; pollingManager.StopUpdatePeridically(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Closing lock..."; locks[0].CloseAsync(); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Canceling reservation..."; connector.Command.DoCancelReservation(bike); bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; viewService.DisplayAlert("Fehler beim Aufheben der Reservierung!", "Exception message.", "OK"); bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating..."; pollingManager.StartUpdateAyncPeridically(); // polling must be restarted again bikesViewModel.ActionText = ""; bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked }); // Verify state after action Assert.AreEqual("InvalidState", subsequent.ButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(subsequent.IsButtonVisible); Assert.AreEqual("InvalidState", subsequent.LockitButtonText); Assert.IsFalse(subsequent.IsLockitButtonVisible); } } }