using Newtonsoft.Json; using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using TINK.Model.Bike; using TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike; using TINK.Model.Connector; using TINK.Model.State; using TINK.Model.Station; using BikeInfo = TINK.Model.Bike.BC.BikeInfo; namespace TestTINKLib { [TestFixture] public class TestBikeCollectionMutable { private class BikeInfoMutable : TINK.Model.Bike.BC.BikeInfoMutable { public BikeInfoMutable( string id, LockModel lockType, bool isDemo = false, IEnumerable group = null, WheelType? wheelType = null, TypeOfBike? typeOfBike = null, string description = null, string stationId = null, string stationName = null, Uri operatorUri = null, TariffDescription tariffDescription = null, Func dateTimeProvider = null, IStateInfo stateInfo = null) : base(id, lockType, isDemo, group, wheelType, typeOfBike, description, stationId, stationName, operatorUri, tariffDescription, dateTimeProvider, stateInfo) { } } /// Tests the member. [Test] public void TestAdd() { var l_oColl = new BikeCollectionMutable(); l_oColl.Add(new BikeInfoMutable("57", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Two, TypeOfBike.Allround)); Assert.Throws(() => l_oColl.Add(new BikeInfoMutable("57", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Trike, TypeOfBike.Cargo))); } [Test] public void TestUpdate_Null() { var l_oBikeRequested = new BikeInfoMutable("20", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Trike, TypeOfBike.Allround); l_oBikeRequested.State.Load(new StateInfo(() => DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, "john@long", "1234")); var l_oBikeColl = new BikeCollectionMutable { new BikeInfoMutable("63", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Two, TypeOfBike.Allround), new BikeInfoMutable("57", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Trike, TypeOfBike.Cargo), l_oBikeRequested, }; // Verify initial state Assert.NotNull(l_oBikeColl.GetById("63")); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Disposable, l_oBikeColl.GetById("57").State.Value); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Reserved, l_oBikeColl.GetById("20").State.Value); Assert.Null(l_oBikeColl.GetById("33")); l_oBikeColl.Update(null, null ); // Verify modified state Assert.Null(l_oBikeColl.GetById("63")); Assert.Null(l_oBikeColl.GetById("57")); Assert.Null(l_oBikeColl.GetById("20")); Assert.Null(l_oBikeColl.GetById("33")); } [Test] public void TestUpdate() { var bikeRequested = new BikeInfoMutable("20", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Trike, TypeOfBike.Allround); bikeRequested.State.Load(new StateInfo(() => DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, "john@long", "1234")); var bikeColl = new BikeCollectionMutable { new BikeInfoMutable("63", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Two, TypeOfBike.Allround), new BikeInfoMutable("57", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Trike, TypeOfBike.Cargo), bikeRequested, }; // Verify initial state Assert.NotNull(bikeColl.GetById("63")); // Will be removed Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Disposable, bikeColl.GetById("57").State.Value); // Will be requested Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Reserved, bikeColl.GetById("20").State.Value); // Will be booked Assert.Null(bikeColl.GetById("33")); // var bikeResponse = new List { new TINK.Model.Bike.CopriLock.BikeInfo( "57" /* bike id*/, DateTime.Now, "john@long", "7" /*station id*/, new TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike.CopriLock.LockInfo(), null), new TINK.Model.Bike.CopriLock.BikeInfo( "20", DateTime.Now, "john@long", "7", new TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike.CopriLock.LockInfo(), null), new TINK.Model.Bike.CopriLock.BikeInfo( "33", "7", new TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike.CopriLock.LockInfo()), }; bikeColl.Update(bikeResponse, new List()); // Verify modified state Assert.Null(bikeColl.GetById("63"), "Bike not contained in response must not exist."); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Booked, bikeColl.GetById("57").State.Value); Assert.AreEqual(InUseStateEnum.Booked, bikeColl.GetById("20").State.Value); Assert.NotNull(bikeColl.GetById("33")); } /// /// Bike for which station name is updated is not contained in bike collection when calling update. /// [Test] public void TestUpdate_StationName_NewBike() { var bikeColl = new BikeCollectionMutable(); // Verify initial state Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57"), Is.Null); var l_oBikeResponse = new List { new TINK.Model.Bike.CopriLock.BikeInfo( "57" /* bike id*/, "7" /*station id*/, new TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike.CopriLock.LockInfo()), }; var stations = new List { new Station("7", new List(), null, "My facy station") }; bikeColl.Update(l_oBikeResponse, stations); // Verify modified state Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57").StationId, Is.EqualTo("7")); Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57").StationName, Is.EqualTo("My facy station")); } [Test] public void TestUpdate_StationName_UpdateExistingBike() { var bikeColl = new BikeCollectionMutable { new BikeInfoMutable("57", LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List { "TINK" }, WheelType.Trike, TypeOfBike.Cargo), }; // Verify initial state Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57"), Is.Not.Null); var bikeResponse = new List { new BikeInfo("57" /* bike id*/, LockModel.ILockIt, false, new List {"TINK" }, WheelType.Trike, TypeOfBike.Allround, "Test description", "7" /*station id*/, null /*operator uri*/, null, DateTime.Now, "john@long,", "1234"), }; var stations = new List { new Station("7", new List(), null, "My facy station") }; bikeColl.Update(bikeResponse, stations); // Verify modified state Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57").StationId, Is.Null, "Station id is only set when update creates BikeInfo object, not when updating object BikeInfo because station name does not change."); Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57").StationName, Is.Null, "Station name is only set when update creates BikeInfo object, not when updating object BikeInfo because station name does not change."); } [Test] public void TestUpdate_StationName_Nullstations() { var bikeColl = new BikeCollectionMutable(); var bikeResponse = new List { new TINK.Model.Bike.CopriLock.BikeInfo( "57" /* bike id*/, "7" /*station id*/, new TINK.Model.Bikes.Bike.CopriLock.LockInfo(), null /*operator uri*/), }; bikeColl.Update(bikeResponse, null); // Verify modified state Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57").StationId, Is.EqualTo("7")); Assert.That(bikeColl.GetById("57").StationName, Is.EqualTo("")); } [Test] public void TestCreateBluetoothBike() { var bikeInfo = BikeInfoFactory.Create(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""Ilockit"" }")); Assert.That( BikeCollectionMutable.BikeInfoMutableFactory.Create(bikeInfo, "Stat1").GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bike.BluetoothLock.BikeInfoMutable))); } [Test] public void TestCreateCopriBike() { var bikeInfo = BikeInfoFactory.Create(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""SIGO"" }")); Assert.That( BikeCollectionMutable.BikeInfoMutableFactory.Create(bikeInfo, "Stat1").GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(TINK.Model.Bike.CopriLock.BikeInfoMutable))); } [Test] public void TestCreateBCBike() { var bikeInfo = BikeInfoFactory.Create(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( @"{ ""description"" : ""Cargo Long"", ""state"" : ""available"", ""bike"" : ""1"", ""gps"" : { ""latitude"": ""47.669888"", ""longitude"": ""9.167749"" }, ""station"" : ""9"", ""system"" : ""LOCK"" }")); Assert.That( BikeCollectionMutable.BikeInfoMutableFactory.Create(bikeInfo, "Stat1"), Is.Null); } } }