using Serilog; using TINK.Repository.Request; namespace TINK.ViewModel.CopriWebView { public class RegisterPageViewModel { /// Holds the merchant id. private string MerchantId { get; } /// Holds the name of the host. private string HostName { get; } /// /// Holds the current ui two letter ISO language name. /// private string UiIsoLanguageName { get; } /// Two letter ISO language name. public RegisterPageViewModel( string merchantId, string uiIsoLangugageName, string hostName) { HostName = hostName; UiIsoLanguageName = uiIsoLangugageName; MerchantId = merchantId; } /// Get Uri of web view for creating account. public string Uri { get { var sessionIdQueryElement = QueryBuilderHelper.GetSessionIdQueryElement("?", MerchantId); string GetUriText() => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionIdQueryElement) ? $"https://{HostName}/app/Account/1.%20Kundendaten{sessionIdQueryElement}{QueryBuilderHelper.GetLanguageQueryElement("&", UiIsoLanguageName)}" : $"https://{HostName}/app/Account/1.%20Kundendaten"; Log.ForContext().Debug($"Request to open url {GetUriText()} to get privacy info."); return GetUriText(); } } } }