using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace TINK.Repository.Response { /// /// Successor of TarifDescription- object. /// Manages tariff- and rental info. /// [DataContract] public class RentalDescription { /// /// Name of the tariff. /// [DataMember] public string name { get; private set; } /// /// Id of the tariff. /// [DataMember] public string id { get; private set; } /// /// Holds the time span in minutes for which a bike can be reserved. /// [DataMember] public string reserve_timerange { get; private set; } /// Holds tariff entires to show to user. [DataMember] public Dictionary< string /* Key of tariff object for sorting purposes*/, string[] /* Holds two Elements: first element is the description of the element (example: "Max Gebühr"), second is the value (example: "9.00 € / Tag")*/> tarif_elements { get; private set; } /// Holds tariff entires to show to user. [DataMember] public Dictionary< string /* Key of info object for sorting purposes*/, string[] /* Holds two Elements: first element is the key of the element (example: "Tracking"), second is the value (example: "Ich stimme der Speicherung (Tracking) meiner Fahrstrecke ....")*/> rental_info { get; private set; } } }