using System; using Serilog.Events; using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock; using TINK.Services.CopriApi.ServerUris; using TINK.Services.Geolocation; using TINK.Settings; using TINK.ViewModel.Map; using TINK.ViewModel.Settings; namespace TINK.Model.Settings { /// Holds settings which are persisted. public class Settings { public const LogEventLevel DEFAULTLOGGINLEVEL = LogEventLevel.Error; public const bool DEFAULTREPOTLEVEL = false; /// Gets the type of the default geolocation service. /// Swtiched from GeolocationService (GeolocationAccuracyMediumService) to GeolocationAccuracyHighService in app version 3.0.290. public static Type DefaultLocationService => typeof(GeolocationAccuracyHighService); // Default value of the expires after entry. Controls the expiration time of the cache values. private TimeSpan DEFAULTEXPIRESAFTER = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); /// Constructs settings object. /// filter which is applied on the map view. Either TINK or Konrad stations are displayed. /// /// /// /// Minimum logging level to be applied. /// True if logging level is verbose. /// Holds the expires after value. /// Gets the name of the lock service to use. /// Timeout to apply when connecting to bluetooth lock /// Full class name of active app theme. public Settings( IGroupFilterMapPage groupFilterMapPage = null, IGroupFilterSettings groupFilterSettings = null, Uri activeUri = null, PollingParameters pollingParameters = null, LogEventLevel? minimumLogEventLevel = null, bool? isReportLevelVerbose = null, TimeSpan? expiresAfter = null, string activeLockService = null, TimeSpan? connectTimeout = null, string activeGeolocationService = null, bool? centerMapToCurrentLocation = null, Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.MapSpan mapSpan = null, bool? logToExternalFolder = null, bool? isSiteCachingOn = null, string activeTheme = null) { GroupFilterMapPage = groupFilterMapPage ?? new GroupFilterMapPage(); // Default behaviour: No filtering. GroupFilterSettings = groupFilterSettings ?? new GroupFilterSettings(); // Default behaviour: No filtering. ActiveUri = GetActiveUri(activeUri); PollingParameters = pollingParameters ?? PollingParameters.Default; MinimumLogEventLevel = minimumLogEventLevel ?? DEFAULTLOGGINLEVEL; IsReportLevelVerbose = isReportLevelVerbose ?? DEFAULTREPOTLEVEL; ExpiresAfter = expiresAfter ?? DEFAULTEXPIRESAFTER; ActiveLockService = activeLockService ?? LocksServicesContainerMutable.DefaultLocksservice; ConnectTimeout = connectTimeout ?? new TimeSpan(0, 0, TimeOutProvider.DEFAULT_BLUETOOTHCONNECT_TIMEOUTSECONDS); // Try one sec. to connect. ActiveGeolocationService = activeGeolocationService ?? DefaultLocationService.Name; CenterMapToCurrentLocation = centerMapToCurrentLocation ?? GetCenterMapToCurrentLocation(activeUri); MapSpan = mapSpan; LogToExternalFolder = logToExternalFolder ?? false; IsSiteCachingOn = isSiteCachingOn ?? true; ActiveTheme = activeTheme ?? typeof(Themes.ShareeBike).Name; } /// Holds the filter which is applied on the map view. Either TINK or Konrad stations are displayed. public IGroupFilterMapPage GroupFilterMapPage { get; } /// Holds the filters loaded from settings. public IGroupFilterSettings GroupFilterSettings { get; } /// Holds the uri to connect to. public Uri ActiveUri { get; } /// Holds the polling parameters. public PollingParameters PollingParameters { get; } /// Gets the minimum logging level. public LogEventLevel MinimumLogEventLevel { get; } /// Gets the expires after value. public TimeSpan ExpiresAfter { get; } /// Gets the lock service to use. public string ActiveLockService { get; private set; } /// Timeout to apply when connecting to bluetooth lock. public TimeSpan ConnectTimeout { get; } /// Gets the geolocation service to use. public string ActiveGeolocationService { get; } /// True if map is centered to current positon, false if not to center map. public bool CenterMapToCurrentLocation { get; } /// Holds the map area to display. public Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.MapSpan MapSpan { get; } public bool LogToExternalFolder { get; } public bool IsSiteCachingOn { get; } public string ActiveTheme { get; } /// Gets a value indicating whether reporting level is verbose or not. public bool IsReportLevelVerbose { get; } public static Uri GetActiveUri(Uri activeUri) => activeUri ?? Services.CopriApi.ServerUris.CopriServerUriList.DefaultActiveUri; public static bool GetCenterMapToCurrentLocation(Uri activeUri) { // TINK does not require acess to current location. Deactivate center map to current location for this reason. return !GetActiveUri(activeUri).Host.GetIsCopri(); } } }