using System.Linq; using TINK.MultilingualResources; using TINK.Repository.Exception; namespace TINK.Repository.Response { public static class ResponseHelper { public const string RESPONSE_OK = "OK"; /// Holds the description of the action return bike. public const string RESPONSE_AUTHCOOKIE_EXPRIED = "Failure 1001:"; /// Holds the description of the action logout. public const string BIKES_LOGOUT_ACTIONTEXT = "Abmeldung fehlgeschlagen."; /// Holds the description of the action get stations available. public const string STATIONS_AVAILABLE_ACTIONTEXT = "Abfrage der verfügbaren Stationen fehlgeschlagen."; /// Holds the description of the action get bikes available. public const string BIKES_AVAILABLE_ACTIONTEXT = "Abfrage der verfügbaren Fahrräder fehlgeschlagen."; /// Holds the description of the action get bikes occupied. public const string BIKES_OCCUPIED_ACTIONTEXT = "Abfrage der reservierten/ gebuchten Fahrräder fehlgeschlagen."; /// Holds the description of the action cancel reservation. public const string BIKES_CANCELREQUEST_ACTIONTEXT = "Aufheben der Reservierung fehlgeschlagen."; /// Holds the description of the action return bike. public const string BIKES_RETURNBIKE_ACTIONTEXT = "Rückgabe des Rads fehlgeschlagen."; /// /// Checks if log in response is ok. /// /// Response to check whether it is valid. /// Mail addess used to create details error message in case log in response is invalid. /// public static AuthorizationResponse GetIsResponseOk(this AuthorizationResponse response, string mail) { if (response == null) { throw new InvalidResponseException("Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen.", null); } if (response.response_state.ToUpper() == InvalidAuthorizationResponseException.AUTH_FAILURE_STATUS_MESSAGE_UPPERCASE) { throw new InvalidAuthorizationResponseException(mail, response); } else if (!response.response_state.Trim().ToUpper().StartsWith(RESPONSE_OK)) { throw new InvalidResponseException($"Anmeldung {mail} fehlgeschlagen.\r\nServer Antwort: {response.response_text}", response); } return response; } /// /// Checks if log out response is ok. /// /// Response to check whether it is valid. /// public static AuthorizationoutResponse GetIsResponseOk(this AuthorizationoutResponse p_oResponse) { if (AuthcookieNotDefinedException.IsAuthcookieNotDefined(p_oResponse, BIKES_LOGOUT_ACTIONTEXT, out AuthcookieNotDefinedException exception)) { throw exception; } GetIsResponseOk(p_oResponse, BIKES_LOGOUT_ACTIONTEXT); if (p_oResponse.authcookie != "1") { throw new InvalidResponseException( BIKES_LOGOUT_ACTIONTEXT, p_oResponse); } return p_oResponse; } /// Gets if a call to reserve bike succeeded or not by checking a booking response. /// Id of bike which should be booked. /// Session cookie of logged in user. /// Response to check. /// public static BikeInfoReservedOrBooked GetIsReserveResponseOk( this ReservationBookingResponse bookingResponse, string bikeId) { GetIsResponseOk(bookingResponse, string.Format(AppResources.ErrorReservingBike, bikeId)); if (BookingDeclinedException.IsBookingDeclined(bookingResponse.response_state, out BookingDeclinedException exception)) { throw exception; } // Get bike which has to be booked. var bikeInfoRequestedOccupied = bookingResponse?.bikes_occupied?.Values?.FirstOrDefault(x => == bikeId); if (bikeInfoRequestedOccupied == null) { throw new System.Exception(string.Format( AppResources.ErrorReservingBikeUnavailalbe, bikeId, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bookingResponse?.response_text) ? $"\r\n{bookingResponse.response_text}" : string.Empty)); } return bikeInfoRequestedOccupied; } /// Gets if a booking call succeeded or not by checking a booking response. /// Id of bike which should be booked. /// Response to check. /// public static BikeInfoReservedOrBooked GetIsBookingResponseOk( this ReservationBookingResponse bookingResponse, string bikeId) { GetIsResponseOk(bookingResponse, string.Format(AppResources.ErrorRentingBike, bikeId)); // Get bike which has to be booked. var bikeInfoRequestedOccupied = bookingResponse?.bikes_occupied?.Values?.FirstOrDefault(x => == bikeId); if (bikeInfoRequestedOccupied == null) { throw new System.Exception(string.Format( AppResources.ErrorRentingBikeUnavailalbe, bikeId, !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bookingResponse?.response_text) ? $"\r\n{bookingResponse.response_text}" : string.Empty)); } return bikeInfoRequestedOccupied; } /// Gets if request is ok. /// Response to verify. /// Text describing request which is shown if validation fails. /// Verified response. public static BikesReservedOccupiedResponse GetIsResponseOk(this BikesReservedOccupiedResponse response, string textOfAction) { if (response == null || response.response_state == null) { throw new InvalidResponseException(textOfAction, null); } if (AuthcookieNotDefinedException.IsAuthcookieNotDefined(response, textOfAction, out AuthcookieNotDefinedException exception)) { throw exception; } if (response.response_state.Trim().ToUpper().StartsWith(RESPONSE_AUTHCOOKIE_EXPRIED.ToUpper())) { throw new AuthcookieNotDefinedException( $"{textOfAction}\r\n{AppResources.ErrorAccountInvalidAuthorization}", response); } GetIsResponseOk((ResponseBase)response, textOfAction); return response; } /// Gets if request is ok. /// Response to verify. /// Text describing request which is shown if validation fails. /// Verified response. public static T GetIsResponseOk(this T response, string textOfAction) where T : ResponseBase { if (response == null || response.response_state == null) { throw new InvalidResponseException(textOfAction, null); } if (AuthcookieNotDefinedException.IsAuthcookieNotDefined(response, textOfAction, out AuthcookieNotDefinedException exception)) { throw exception; } if (!response.response_state.Trim().ToUpper().StartsWith(RESPONSE_OK)) { throw new InvalidResponseException( $"{textOfAction}\r\nServer Antwort: {response.response_text}", response); } return response; } /// Gets if cancel or booking request is ok. /// Response to verify. /// Text describing request which is shown if validation fails. /// Id of bike. /// Verified response. public static ReservationCancelReturnResponse GetIsCancelReservationResponseOk( this ReservationCancelReturnResponse cancelBookingResponse, string bikeId) { GetIsResponseOk(cancelBookingResponse, BIKES_CANCELREQUEST_ACTIONTEXT); // Get bike which has to be booked. var l_oBikeInfo = cancelBookingResponse?.bikes_occupied?.Values?.FirstOrDefault(x => == bikeId); if (l_oBikeInfo != null) { throw new ReturnBikeException( cancelBookingResponse, $"{BIKES_CANCELREQUEST_ACTIONTEXT} Aufruf wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt, aber Rad ist noch in Liste der reservierten Räder enthalten."); } return cancelBookingResponse; } /// Gets if return bike request is ok. /// Response to verify. /// Text describing request which is shown if validation fails. /// Id of bike. /// Verified response. public static DoReturnResponse GetIsReturnBikeResponseOk( this DoReturnResponse returnBikeResponse, string bikeId) { // Check if bike is at station. if (NotAtStationException.IsNotAtStation(returnBikeResponse.response_state.ToUpper(), out NotAtStationException notAtStationException)) { throw notAtStationException; } // Check if GPS data was send to copri. if (NoGPSDataException.IsNoGPSData(returnBikeResponse.response_state.ToUpper(), out NoGPSDataException noGPSDataException)) { throw noGPSDataException; } GetIsResponseOk(returnBikeResponse, BIKES_RETURNBIKE_ACTIONTEXT); // Get bike which has to be booked. var l_oBikeInfo = returnBikeResponse?.bikes_occupied?.Values?.FirstOrDefault(x => == bikeId); if (l_oBikeInfo != null) { throw new ReturnBikeException( returnBikeResponse, $"{BIKES_RETURNBIKE_ACTIONTEXT} Aufruf wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt, aber Rad ist noch in Liste der gemieteten Räder enthalten."); } return returnBikeResponse; } /// /// Gets the response for bikes occupied request with no bikes reserved. /// /// /// public static BikesReservedOccupiedResponse GetBikesOccupiedNone(string p_strSesstionCookie = null) { var l_oJson = CopriCallsMonkeyStore.BIKESOCCUPIED.Replace(@"""authcookie"": """"", @"""authcookie"": """ + (p_strSesstionCookie ?? string.Empty) + @""""); return CopriCallsStatic.DeserializeResponse(@"{ ""shareejson"" : " + l_oJson + "}", (version) => new BikesReservedOccupiedResponse()); } } }