using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Serilog; using ShareeBike.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock; using ShareeBike.Model.State; namespace ShareeBike.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock.RequestHandler { public class InvalidState : IRequestHandler { /// View model to be used for progress report and unlocking/ locking view. public InvalidState( IBikesViewModel bikesViewModel, InUseStateEnum copriState, LockingState lockingState, string errorText) { BikesViewModel = bikesViewModel ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Can not construct {GetType().Name}-object. {nameof(bikesViewModel)} must not be null."); ErrorText = errorText; Log.Error($"{errorText}. Copri state is {copriState} and lock state is {lockingState}."); } /// View model to be used for progress report and unlocking/ locking view. public IBikesViewModel BikesViewModel { get; } public bool IsLockitButtonVisible => false; public string LockitButtonText => GetType().Name; public bool IsConnected => false; public bool IsButtonVisible => false; public string ButtonText => GetType().Name; /// Gets if the bike has to be removed after action has been completed. public bool IsRemoveBikeRequired => false; public string ErrorText { get; } public async Task HandleRequestOption2() { Log.ForContext().Error($"Click of unsupported button {nameof(HandleRequestOption2)} detected."); return await Task.FromResult(this); } public async Task HandleRequestOption1() { Log.ForContext().Error($"Click of unsupported button {nameof(HandleRequestOption1)} detected."); return await Task.FromResult(this); } } }