using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ShareeBike.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock;
using ShareeBike.Model.Connector.Updater;
using ShareeBike.Model.Device;
using ShareeBike.Model.User.Account;
using ShareeBike.Repository;
using ShareeBike.Repository.Exception;
using ShareeBike.Repository.Request;
using ShareeBike.Repository.Response;
using ShareeBike.Services.CopriApi;
namespace ShareeBike.Model.Connector
public class CommandLoggedIn : BaseLoggedIn, ICommand
/// True if connector has access to copri server, false if cached values are used.
public bool IsConnected => CopriServer.IsConnected;
/// Is raised whenever login state has changed.
public event LoginStateChangedEventHandler LoginStateChanged;
/// Constructs a copri query object.
/// Server which implements communication.
public CommandLoggedIn(ICopriServerBase p_oCopriServer,
string sessionCookie,
string mail,
Func dateTimeProvider) : base(p_oCopriServer, sessionCookie, mail, dateTimeProvider)
/// Logs user in.
/// If log in succeeds either and session might be updated if it was no more valid (logged in by an different device).
/// If log in fails (password modified) session cookie is set to empty.
/// If communication fails an ShareeBike.Repository.Exception is thrown.
/// Account to use for login.
public Task DoLogin(string mail, string password, string deviceId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail))
throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not login user. Mail address must not be null or empty.");
throw new Exception($"Fehler beim Anmelden von unter {mail}. Benutzer {Mail} ist bereits angemeldet.");
/// Logs user out.
public async Task DoLogout()
AuthorizationoutResponse l_oResponse = null;
l_oResponse = (await CopriServer.DoAuthoutAsync()).GetIsResponseOk();
catch (AuthcookieNotDefinedException)
// Cookie is no more defined, i.e. no need to logout user at copri because user is already logged out.
// Just ignore this error.
// User logged out, log in state changed. Notify parent object to update.
LoginStateChanged?.Invoke(this, new LoginStateChangedEventArgs());
catch (Exception)
// User logged out, log in state changed. Notify parent object to update.
LoginStateChanged?.Invoke(this, new LoginStateChangedEventArgs());
/// Request to reserve a bike.
/// Bike to book.
public async Task DoReserve(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.IBikeInfoMutable bike)
if (bike == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not reserve bike. No bike object available.");
BikeInfoReservedOrBooked response;
response = (await CopriServer.DoReserveAsync(bike.Id, bike.OperatorUri)).GetIsReserveResponseOk(bike.Id);
catch (Exception)
// Exception was not expected or too many subsequent exceptions detected.
bike.Load(response, Mail, Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.NotifyPropertyChangedLevel.None);
/// Request to cancel a reservation.
/// Bike to cancel reservation.
public async Task DoCancelReservation(
Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.IBikeInfoMutable bike)
if (bike == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not cancel reservation of bike. No bike object available.");
BookingActionResponse response;
response = (await CopriServer
.DoCancelReservationAsync(bike.Id, bike.OperatorUri))
.GetIsResponseOk(string.Format(MultilingualResources.AppResources.ErrorCancelReservationFailed, bike.Id));
catch (Exception)
// Exception was not expected or too many subsequent exceptions detected.
/// Get authentication keys.
/// Bike to get new keys for.
public async Task CalculateAuthKeys(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock.IBikeInfoMutable bike)
if (bike == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not calculate auth keys. No bike object available.");
switch (bike.State.Value)
case State.InUseStateEnum.Reserved:
case State.InUseStateEnum.Booked:
throw new ArgumentNullException($"Can not calculate auth keys. Unexpected bike state {bike.State.Value} detected.");
BikeInfoReservedOrBooked response;
Guid guid = (bike is BikeInfoMutable btBike) ? btBike.LockInfo.Guid : new Guid();
response = (await CopriServer.CalculateAuthKeysAsync(bike.Id, bike.OperatorUri)).GetIsBookingResponseOk(bike.Id);
catch (Exception)
// Exception was not expected or too many subsequent exceptions detected.
/// Notifies COPRI about start of returning sequence.
/// Operator specific call.
/// Bike to return.
/// Response on notification about start of returning sequence.
public async Task StartReturningBike(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.IBikeInfoMutable bike)
if (bike == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not notify about start returning bike. No bike object available.");
(await CopriServer.StartReturningBike(
bike.OperatorUri)).GetIsResponseOk("Start returning bike");
catch (Exception)
// Exception was not expected or too many subsequent exceptions detected.
/// Updates COPRI lock state for a booked or reserved bike.
/// Bike to update locking state for.
/// Location of the bike.
/// Response on updating locking state.
public async Task UpdateLockingStateAsync(
IBikeInfoMutable bike,
LocationDto location)
if (bike == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not update locking state of bike. No bike object available.");
if (bike.State.Value != State.InUseStateEnum.Booked && bike.State.Value != State.InUseStateEnum.Reserved)
throw new ArgumentNullException($"Can not update locking state of bike. Unexpected booking state {bike.State} detected.");
lock_state? state = RequestBuilderHelper.GetLockState(bike.LockInfo.State);
if (!state.HasValue)
throw new ArgumentNullException($"Can not update locking state of bike. Unexpected locking state {bike.LockInfo.State} detected.");
(await CopriServer.UpdateLockingStateAsync(
catch (Exception)
// Exception was not expected or too many subsequent exceptions detected.
/// Request to book a bike.
/// Bike to book.
/// If not null next locking action which is performed after booking.
public async Task DoBookAsync(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.IBikeInfoMutable bike, LockingAction? nextAction = null)
if (bike == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bike), "Can not book bike. No bike object available.");
BikeInfoReservedOrBooked response;
var btBike = bike as BikeInfoMutable;
Guid guid = btBike != null ? btBike.LockInfo.Guid : new Guid();
double batteryPercentage = btBike != null ? btBike.LockInfo.BatteryPercentage : double.NaN;
response = (await CopriServer.DoBookAsync(
/// Books a bike and opens the lock.
/// Bike to book and open.
public async Task BookAndOpenAync(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.IBikeInfoMutable bike)
=> await Polling.BookAndOpenAync(CopriServer, bike, Mail);
/// Request to return a bike.
/// Bike to return.
/// Position of the bike for bluetooth locks.
/// Provides info about hard and software.
public async Task DoReturn(
Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BC.IBikeInfoMutable bike,
LocationDto location = null,
ISmartDevice smartDevice = null)
if (bike == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Can not return bike. No bike object available.");
DoReturnResponse response
= (await CopriServer.DoReturn(bike.Id, location, bike.OperatorUri)).GetIsReturnBikeResponseOk(bike.Id);
response.bike_returned.station ?? string.Empty);
return response?.Create() ?? new BookingFinishedModel();
/// Request to return bike and close the lock.
/// Bike to return.
/// Provides info about hard and software.
public async Task ReturnAndCloseAsync(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.IBikeInfoMutable bike, ISmartDevice smartDevice = null)
=> await Polling.ReturnAndCloseAync(CopriServer, smartDevice, bike);
/// Submits feedback to copri server.
/// Feedback to submit.
public async Task DoSubmitFeedback(ICommand.IUserFeedback userFeedback, Uri opertorUri)
=> await CopriServer.DoSubmitFeedback(userFeedback.BikeId, userFeedback.Message, userFeedback.IsBikeBroken, opertorUri);
/// Submits feedback for a renting operation.
public async Task DoSubmitFeedback(
IUserFeedback userFeedback,
Uri opertorUri)
=> await CopriServer.DoSubmitFeedback(userFeedback.BikeId, userFeedback.CurrentChargeBars, userFeedback.Message, userFeedback.IsBikeBroken, opertorUri);
/// Submits mini survey to copri server.
/// Collection of answers.
public async Task DoSubmitMiniSurvey(IDictionary answers)
=> await CopriServer.DoSubmitMiniSurvey(answers);
public async Task OpenLockAsync(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.IBikeInfoMutable bike)
=> await CopriServer.OpenAync(bike);
public async Task CloseLockAsync(Bikes.BikeInfoNS.CopriLock.IBikeInfoMutable bike)
=> await CopriServer.CloseAync(bike);