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synced 2025-02-22 19:06:28 +01:00
Deleted TestReturnBikeActionViewModel.cs (Duplicate of TestEndRentalActionViewModel)
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1 changed files with 0 additions and 553 deletions
@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using NSubstitute;
using NSubstitute.ExceptionExtensions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TINK.Model;
using TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock;
using TINK.Model.Connector;
using TINK.Model.State;
using TINK.Model.User;
using TINK.Repository.Exception;
using TINK.Repository.Request;
using TINK.Repository.Response;
using TINK.Services.BluetoothLock;
using TINK.Services.Geolocation;
using TINK.View;
using TINK.ViewModel;
using TINK.ViewModel.Bikes;
using TINK.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock;
using TINK.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock.RequestHandler;
using static TINK.Model.Bikes.BikeInfoNS.BluetoothLock.Command.GetLockedLocationCommand;
namespace TestShareeLib.ViewModel.Bikes.Bike.BluetoothLock
public class TestReturnBikeActionViewModel
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Booked, lock state unknown.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks> Replaces test TestReturnOutOfReach which was removed for sharee.bike version ~3.0.362. </remarks>
public async Task TestReturnLastGeolocatonNullLockOutOfReach()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var geolocation = Substitute.For<IGeolocationService>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var activeUser = Substitute.For<IUser>();
var returnBikeActionViewModel = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
bike.GetLockedBikeLocationAsync(Arg.Any<IGetLockedLocationCommandListener>()).Throws((x) =>
returnBikeActionViewModel.ReportStateAsync(State.DisconnetedNoLocationError, "").Wait();
returnBikeActionViewModel.ReportStateAsync(State.QueryLocationSucceeded, "").Wait();
throw new Exception();
await returnBikeActionViewModel.EndRentalAsync();
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
"Rental could not be terminated!",
"We could not assign the bike to any station. For this we need your location information while you are standing right next to the bike. Only then your rental can be terminated!\r\n\r\nApproach the bike lock, turn on Bluetooth and Location services and try again.",
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Disconnecting lock...";
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
// Verify state after action
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Booked, lock state unknown.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Replaces test TestReturnLockInReachNoGeolocation which was removed for sharee.bike older ~ 3.0.362.</remarks>
public void TestReturnStartGetGeolocationException()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var geolocation = Substitute.For<IGeolocationService>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var activeUser = Substitute.For<IUser>();
var handler = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
bike.GetLockedBikeLocationAsync(Arg.Any<IGetLockedLocationCommandListener>()).Throws((x) =>
handler.ReportStateAsync(State.QueryLocationFailed, "Ups...").Wait();
throw new Exception();
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Booking state does not change.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Locking state does not change.
var subsequent = handler.EndRentalAsync();
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(async () =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Query location...";
await viewService.DisplayAlert(
"Rental could not be terminated!",
"Grant Location permission, activate Location services and try again.",
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Booked, lock state unknown.
/// </summary>
public async Task TestReturnGetGeolocationException()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var geolocation = Substitute.For<IGeolocationService>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var activeUser = Substitute.For<IUser>();
var handler = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
.Returns((x) =>
handler.ReportStateAsync(State.QueryLocationFailed, "Ups...").Wait();
return Task.FromException<LocationDto>(new Exception("Ups..."));
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Booking state does not change.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Locking state does not change.
await handler.EndRentalAsync();
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Query location...";
"Rental could not be terminated!",
"Grant Location permission, activate Location services and try again.",
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Disposable closed
/// </summary>
public async Task TestReturnLockInReach()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var listener = Substitute.For<IGetLockedLocationCommandListener>();
var returnBikeActionViewModel = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "End rental of bike Nr. 0?", "Yes", "No").Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
bike.GetLockedBikeLocationAsync(Arg.Any<IGetLockedLocationCommandListener>()).Returns((x) =>
returnBikeActionViewModel.ReportStateAsync(State.QueryLocationSucceeded, string.Empty).Wait();
return Task.FromResult(new LocationDto.Builder().Build());
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Disposable); // Request handler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Request handler factory queries lock state to create appropriate request handler object.
await returnBikeActionViewModel.EndRentalAsync();
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
pollingManager.StopAsync(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Query location...";
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Is<LocationDto>(x => x != null));
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Disconnecting lock...";
locks.DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<Guid>());
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "Updating...";
pollingManager.StartAsync(); // polling must be restarted again
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Same as initial state.
/// </summary>
public async Task TestReturnReturnFailsWebConnectFailureException()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var handler = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "End rental of bike Nr. 0?", "Yes", "No").Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
locks[0].GetDeviceState().Returns(DeviceState.Connected); // Simulate bike in reach. If bike is out of reach bluetooth state changes to unknown.
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>()).Returns<BookingFinishedModel>(x => throw new WebConnectFailureException("Context info", new Exception("hoppla")));
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Requesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Requesthandler factory queries lock state to create appropriate request handler object.
await handler.EndRentalAsync();
await locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<Guid>());
await locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<Guid>());
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
pollingManager.StopAsync(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>());
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
"Rental could not be terminated!",
"A stable Internet connection is required. Connect to WIFI or to mobile network and activate mobile data. Try again.",
pollingManager.StartAsync(); // polling must be restarted again
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Same as initial state.
/// </summary>
public async Task TestReturnReturnFailsNotAtStationException()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var handler = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "End rental of bike Nr. 0?", "Yes", "No").Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
locks[0].GetDeviceState().Returns(DeviceState.Connected); // Simulate bike in reach. If bike is out of reach bluetooth state changes to unknown.
NotAtStationException.IsNotAtStation("Failure 2178: bike 1545 out of GEO fencing. 15986 meter distance to next station 42. OK: bike 1545 locked confirmed", out NotAtStationException notAtStationException);
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>()).Returns<BookingFinishedModel>(x =>
throw notAtStationException);
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Requesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Requesthandler factory queries lock state to create appropriate request handler object.
await handler.EndRentalAsync();
await locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<Guid>());
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
pollingManager.StopAsync(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>());
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
viewService.DisplayAlert("Rental could not be terminated!", "End rental outside or at wrong station is not possible. Distance to next suitable station 42 is 15986 m.", "OK");
pollingManager.StartAsync(); // polling must be restarted again
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Same as initial state.
/// </summary>
public async Task TestReturnReturnFailsNoGPSDataException()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var handler = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "End rental of bike Nr. 0?", "Yes", "No").Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
locks[0].GetDeviceState().Returns(DeviceState.Connected); // Simulate bike in reach. If bike is out of reach bluetooth state changes to unknown.
NoGPSDataException.IsNoGPSData("Failure 2245: No GPS data, state change forbidden.", out NoGPSDataException noGPSDataException);
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>()).Returns<BookingFinishedModel>(x =>
throw noGPSDataException);
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Requesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Requesthandler factory queries lock state to create appropriate request handler object.
await handler.EndRentalAsync();
await locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<Guid>());
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
pollingManager.StopAsync(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>());
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
viewService.DisplayAlert("Rental could not be terminated!", "End rental at an unknown location is not possible.\r\nRental can be ended if\r\n- location information is available when closing lock\r\n- bike is in reach and location information is available when pressing button \"End rental\"", "OK");
pollingManager.StartAsync(); // polling must be restarted again
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Same as initial state.
/// </summary>
public async Task TestReturnReturnFailsResponseException()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var handler = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "End rental of bike Nr. 0?", "Yes", "No").Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
locks[0].GetDeviceState().Returns(DeviceState.Connected); // Simulate bike in reach. If bike is out of reach bluetooth state changes to unknown.
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>()).Returns<BookingFinishedModel>(x =>
throw new ReturnBikeException(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DoReturnResponse>(@"{ ""response_text"" : ""Some invalid data received!""}"), "Outer message."));
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Requesthandler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Requesthandler factory queries lock state to create appropriate request handler object.
await handler.EndRentalAsync();
await locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<Guid>());
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
pollingManager.StopAsync(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>());
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
viewService.DisplayAdvancedAlert("Rental could not be terminated!", "Outer message.", "Some invalid data received!", "OK");
pollingManager.StartAsync(); // polling must be restarted again
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
/// <summary>
/// Use case: End rental.
/// Final state: Same as initial state.
/// </summary>
public async Task TestReturnReturnFailsException()
var bike = Substitute.For<IBikeInfoMutable>();
var connector = Substitute.For<IConnector>();
var command = Substitute.For<ICommand>();
var locks = Substitute.For<ILocksService>();
var pollingManager = Substitute.For<IPollingUpdateTaskManager>();
var viewService = Substitute.For<IViewService>();
var bikesViewModel = Substitute.For<IBikesViewModel>();
var returnBikeActionViewModel = new EndRentalActionViewModel<BookedClosed>(
() => true, // isConnectedDelegate
(isConnexted) => connector,
() => pollingManager,
viewService.DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "End rental of bike Nr. 0?", "Yes", "No").Returns(Task.FromResult(true));
locks[0].GetDeviceState().Returns(DeviceState.Connected); // Simulate bike in reach. If bike is out of reach bluetooth state changes to unknown.
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>()).Returns<BookingFinishedModel>(x => throw new Exception("Exception message."));
bike.State.Value.Returns(InUseStateEnum.Booked); // Request handler factory queries state to create appropriate request handler object.
bike.LockInfo.State.Returns(LockingState.Closed); // Request handler factory queries lock state to create appropriate request handler object.
await returnBikeActionViewModel.EndRentalAsync();
await locks.DidNotReceive().DisconnectAsync(Arg.Any<int>(), Arg.Any<Guid>());
// Verify behavior
Received.InOrder(() =>
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = false; // GUI must be locked
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
pollingManager.StopAsync(); // Polling must be stopped before any COPR and lock service action
bikesViewModel.ActionText = "One moment please...";
connector.Command.DoReturn(bike, Arg.Any<LocationDto>());
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
"Rental could not be terminated!",
"Exception message.",
pollingManager.StartAsync(); // polling must be restarted again
bikesViewModel.ActionText = string.Empty;
bikesViewModel.Received(1).IsIdle = true; // GUI must be unlocked
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