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2015-02-24 16:25:12 +01:00

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* Copyright (c) Patrick Hayes
* This code is open-source and licenced under the Modified BSD License.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* PHP Geometry/GPX encoder/decoder
class GPX extends GeoAdapter
private $namespace = FALSE;
private $nss = ''; // Name-space string. eg 'georss:'
* Read GPX string into geometry objects
* @param string $gpx A GPX string
* @return Geometry|GeometryCollection
public function read($gpx) {
return $this->geomFromText($gpx);
* Serialize geometries into a GPX string.
* @param Geometry $geometry
* @return string The GPX string representation of the input geometries
public function write(Geometry $geometry, $namespace = FALSE) {
if ($geometry->isEmpty()) return NULL;
if ($namespace) {
$this->namespace = $namespace;
$this->nss = $namespace.':';
return '<'.$this->nss.'gpx creator="geoPHP" version="1.0">'.$this->geometryToGPX($geometry).'</'.$this->nss.'gpx>';
public function geomFromText($text) {
// Change to lower-case and strip all CDATA
$text = strtolower($text);
$text = preg_replace('/<!\[cdata\[(.*?)\]\]>/s','',$text);
// Load into DOMDocument
$xmlobj = new DOMDocument();
if ($xmlobj === false) {
throw new Exception("Invalid GPX: ". $text);
$this->xmlobj = $xmlobj;
try {
$geom = $this->geomFromXML();
} catch(InvalidText $e) {
throw new Exception("Cannot Read Geometry From GPX: ". $text);
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $geom;
protected function geomFromXML() {
$geometries = array();
$geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this->parseWaypoints());
$geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this->parseTracks());
$geometries = array_merge($geometries, $this->parseRoutes());
if (empty($geometries)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid / Empty GPX");
return geoPHP::geometryReduce($geometries);
protected function childElements($xml, $nodename = '') {
$children = array();
foreach ($xml->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child->nodeName == $nodename) {
$children[] = $child;
return $children;
protected function parseWaypoints() {
$points = array();
$wpt_elements = $this->xmlobj->getElementsByTagName('wpt');
foreach ($wpt_elements as $wpt) {
$lat = $wpt->attributes->getNamedItem("lat")->nodeValue;
$lon = $wpt->attributes->getNamedItem("lon")->nodeValue;
$points[] = new Point($lon, $lat);
return $points;
protected function parseTracks() {
$lines = array();
$trk_elements = $this->xmlobj->getElementsByTagName('trk');
foreach ($trk_elements as $trk) {
$components = array();
foreach ($this->childElements($trk, 'trkseg') as $trkseg) {
foreach ($this->childElements($trkseg, 'trkpt') as $trkpt) {
$lat = $trkpt->attributes->getNamedItem("lat")->nodeValue;
$lon = $trkpt->attributes->getNamedItem("lon")->nodeValue;
$components[] = new Point($lon, $lat);
if ($components) {$lines[] = new LineString($components);}
return $lines;
protected function parseRoutes() {
$lines = array();
$rte_elements = $this->xmlobj->getElementsByTagName('rte');
foreach ($rte_elements as $rte) {
$components = array();
foreach ($this->childElements($rte, 'rtept') as $rtept) {
$lat = $rtept->attributes->getNamedItem("lat")->nodeValue;
$lon = $rtept->attributes->getNamedItem("lon")->nodeValue;
$components[] = new Point($lon, $lat);
$lines[] = new LineString($components);
return $lines;
protected function geometryToGPX($geom) {
$type = strtolower($geom->getGeomType());
switch ($type) {
case 'point':
return $this->pointToGPX($geom);
case 'linestring':
return $this->linestringToGPX($geom);
case 'polygon':
case 'multipoint':
case 'multilinestring':
case 'multipolygon':
case 'geometrycollection':
return $this->collectionToGPX($geom);
private function pointToGPX($geom) {
return '<'.$this->nss.'wpt lat="'.$geom->getY().'" lon="'.$geom->getX().'" />';
private function linestringToGPX($geom) {
$gpx = '<'.$this->nss.'trk><'.$this->nss.'trkseg>';
foreach ($geom->getComponents() as $comp) {
$gpx .= '<'.$this->nss.'trkpt lat="'.$comp->getY().'" lon="'.$comp->getX().'" />';
$gpx .= '</'.$this->nss.'trkseg></'.$this->nss.'trk>';
return $gpx;
public function collectionToGPX($geom) {
$gpx = '';
$components = $geom->getComponents();
foreach ($geom->getComponents() as $comp) {
$gpx .= $this->geometryToGPX($comp);
return $gpx;